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Chicago Med
#104 : Héros d'un jour

Après des coups de feu dans une salle de cinéma, les médecins de Chicago Med travaillent pour traiter les victimes pendant que l'administratrice de l'hôpital, Sharon Goodwin, essaye de tenir la presse à distance. Pour traiter une adolescente avec un trouble de l'alimentation, le Dr Natalie Manning demande de l'aide au Dr Daniel Charles, mais ses méthodes peu orthodoxes agacent Natalie et la mère de l'adolescente.
Pendant ce temps, l'infirmière April Sexton, le Dr. Will Halstead et le Dr Ethan Choi traitent un patient raciste avec une forme rare de bigoterie, ce qui les surprend tous les trois.


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Héros d'un jour

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Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sara Reese (Rachel DiPillo)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sara Reese (Rachel DiPillo)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et Sara Reese (Rachel DiPillo)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et Sara Reese (Rachel DiPillo)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Sharon Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) et Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt)

Sharon Goodwin (S. Epatha Merkerson) et Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt)





Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sam Zanetti (Julie Berman)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sam Zanetti (Julie Berman)


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France (redif)
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France (inédit)
Mardi 10.01.2017 à 21:00
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Plus de détails

Scénario : Eli Talbert  

Réalisation Donald Petrie

Guest Starring : Kara Killmer (ambulancière Sylvie Brett), Dora Madison (ambilancière Jessica Chilton), Sophia Bush (détective Lindsay), Jesse Lee Soffer (détective Halstead), Julie Berman (Dr. Sam Zanetti)


Bill Simms: Hey, uh... Two adults and one furry little monster.

Max Simms: Rawr! Rawr!

Cashier: Here you go.

Bill Simms: Thank you very much.

Cashier: Enjoy the show.

Bill Simms: Hey, I'll get a seat. Come on, okay? Hey. Max, Max, Max.

Lucy Simms: Honey, honey.

Girl: Gun! He's got a gun! Gun! He's got a gun!

Bill Simms: Lucy! Lucy!

Lucy Simms: Bill!

Bill Simms: Max! Lucy!

Max Simms: Mommy!

Lucy Simms: I got you, Max. Come on! Let's go!

Bill Simms: Lucy!

Man: Get out of the way, lady!

Lucy Simms: Ow!

Bill Simms: Lucy!

Lucy Simms: Bill!

Bill Simms: Lucy!

Max Simms: Mommy!

Bill Simms: Max!


Sarah Reese: Korean Spanish fusion?

Connor Rhodes: Oh, yeah, the short rib and chorizo burrito is delicious.

Sarah Reese: What if you're a vegetarian?

Connor Rhodes: Then I would go with the tofu kimchi quesadilla.

Sarah Reese: Can I have a garden salad, please?

Man: Yeah.

Sarah Reese: What? You said get anything I want.

Man: April, order up!

April Sexton: Yes! Pork and chili taco. Mmm! Gonna post this. Yes. Thank you, Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: You are very welcome, April. Hey, Will, you sure you good?

Will Halstead: Yeah, I brought something from home.

Man: It's $65.50 total.

Connor Rhodes: Hey, thanks a lot, man.

Man: I'll grab you some change.

Connor Rhodes: Nope. No, we're good. Thanks, man.

Man: Thank you.

Natalie Manning: You brought something from home? I've seen your fridge. What'd you bring, expired yogurt and baking soda?

Will Halstead: All right, we get it. He's rich.

April Sexton: He's just new. He's trying to be nice.

Will Halstead: What is that?

Natalie Manning: It's some cabbage kale thing. I promised my mother-in-law I would try it, so... Oh. Ugh.

Will Halstead: You got, uh... Let me get you a napkin.

Natalie Manning: Thank you. Ugh.

April Sexton: I think I'm seeing something.

Natalie Manning: Easy, April, we're just friends. No.

April Sexton: If you say so.

Will Halstead: Here you go.

Natalie Manning: Thank you.

Maggie Lockwood: Shooting in a movie theater. Mass casualties. About to get crazy. EMT four minutes out.

Will Halstead: Check that, they're here.

Maggie Lockwood: Let's go, let's go!


Maggie Lockwood: Let's go, I need two.

Will Halstead: Another maniac going crazy in a theater. This the world we live in?

Sharon Goodwin: Maggie! Trigger disaster plan, get ortho, neuro, walk-ins can wait.

Maggie Lockwood: Got it. What do we got?

Paramedic 1: 23-year-old male, trampled, shoulder dislocation, GCS 15.

Maggie Lockwood: Trauma 7, yellow.

Paramedic 2: Maggie!

Maggie Lockwood: Talk to me.

Paramedic 2: 20-year-old female trampled. Scalp avulsion.

Maggie Lockwood: All right, Treatment 6.

Paramedic 2: Thank you, Maggie.

Maggie Lockwood: What do we got?

Sylvie Brett: Lucy Simms, 34, unresponsive. Flaccid, agonal breathing. Tubed her without drugs.

Maggie Lockwood: Trauma 2.

Connor Rhodes: The boy hurt?

Chili: He was never touched. Mom was literally a human shield. Dad's in the ambo behind us.

Connor Rhodes: Maggie, take him somewhere until Dad arrives.

Maggie Lockwood: I got him.

Trauma 2

Connor Rhodes: On my count. One, two, three.

Nurse: 2 epi. Pulse is weakened. Ready.

April Sexton: I'm having trouble bagging. Lot of resistance. BP 70 over 40. Heart rate 130. Stats are dropping.

Will Halstead: No breath sounds on the left.

Connor Rhodes: She's bradying down. No pulse, she's coding. Milligram of epi.

Waiting Room

Journalist: No official ID on the perpetrator, but witnesses report he looked to be in his late teens to early 20s and was laughing as he sprayed the theater with bullets…

Daniel Charles: As soon as the labs come back call me.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Journalist: But from my vantage point I can see paramedics.

Sharon Goodwin: The police say the shooter's in custody. They're bringing him here now. Multiple gunshot wounds. A civilian shot him. A high school algebra teacher. He's on his way here too, and the press is gathering outside.

Daniel Charles: "The media is the most powerful entity on Earth." It can make the innocent guilty, and the guilty innocent." Gee, who said that?

Sharon Goodwin: Malcolm X.

Daniel Charles: Right on, sister.

Journalist: Mr. Miller, you're being lauded as a hero for taking down that gunman. What were you thinking in that moment?

Rick Miller: Uh... I didn't think. Um... People were in danger. I just acted.


Bill Simms: Excuse me, ma'am, um... Is there someone I...  My wife is just...

Maggie Lockwood: Excuse me, can I help you?

Bill Simms: Yes, uh... I'm Bill Simms. My wife, Lucy, was just brought in here and my little boy, Max...

Maggie Lockwood: Okay, Mr. Simms, I need you to take a breath. Your wife is being treated right now, and your little boy is fine. I'm gonna take you to him, okay?

Bill Simms: Yeah, okay. Thank you.

Maggie Lockwood: Follow me, please.

Bill Simms: Yeah.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay, this way.

Trauma 2

Will Halstead: Slide over so I can needle the left chest. Hold compressions.

Connor Rhodes: Got a pulse. Get a pressure.

April Sexton: 100 over 78, heart rate 120.

Will Halstead: How long was she down?

April Sexton: 23 minutes.

Will Halstead: Last patient I had down that long... It didn't end well.

Connor Rhodes: Let's get a chest tube in her and then get her up to CT. We'll take it from there.


Natalie Manning: Can you take a deep breath for me? How about another one? Were you part of the crush? Did you get the wind knocked out of you? Is that why you passed out?

Ashley Cole: No, I got dizzy before anything happened.

Natalie Manning: What about the vomiting?

Ashley Cole: I don't know why.

Courtney Cole: Did you buy candy? Or that horrible buttered popcorn? You know, that's not even butter.

Ashley Cole: No, I didn't eat anything.

Courtney Cole: Everywhere you go, junk food. When I was a teenager, I thought I could eat whatever I wanted. Of course, I got fat.

Natalie Manning: All right, well your heart's regular, your lungs are clear. How's the nausea now?

Ashley Cole: A little better. Maybe. I don't know, I just always feel kind of blah.

Courtney Cole: What about that meal I packed you? Did you eat that? I make her healthy options, she won't eat them.

Ashley Cole: They're gross. Besides, they make me feel bad too.

Natalie Manning: Okay. Let's run some tests and see what comes back. Food allergies, infections... These could lead to extended periods of nausea. Nurse will be in to draw your blood.


Natalie Manning: Get me some baseline labs. CBC, CMP, prealbumin, Mag, UA, HCG, a urine tox, and I need Dr. Charles. Thanks.


Connor Rhodes: What do we got?

Paramedic 3: 17-year-old male. GCS six, multiple GSWs to the abdomen. Two large bore IVs. Tachy's at 160. Pressure's marginal.

Connor Rhodes: Baghdad turned over?

Ethan Choi: Yeah, it's all yours.

Connor Rhodes: Reese! Stay with us.


Connor Rhodes: All right. On my count. One, two, three. All right, check for breath sounds.

Will Halstead: This the shooter?

Paramedic 3: Don't know yourself out over this one.

Connor Rhodes: Yeah, we got it from here, thanks.

Nurse: Breath sounds bilaterally.

Will Halstead: Can't even go to the movies anymore.

Nurse: Doctor.

Connor Rhodes: No pulse. Reese?

Sarah Reese: On it.

Connor Rhodes: He's bleeding into his belly. We need to clamp the aorta to keep whatever blood he has left going into his heart and brain.

Will Halstead: You're gonna crack the chest here?

Connor Rhodes: Yeah.

Will Halstead: It's futile. What, are you just practicing your thoracotomy?

Connor Rhodes: Actually, trying to save his life… Aw, the heart's empty. Pump the blood with the level one now.

Will Halstead: Give me the tubing, I'll run it through the groin here.

Connor Rhodes: All right. Aorta's cross-clamped. Clock starts now. We have 30 minutes to find out where he is bleeding from. Call the OR, tell them that we're on our way up with an open chest and a gunshot to the belly.

Will Halstead: Good luck.

Connor Rhodes: I'll let you write it up in JAMA when he pulls through. Let's go.

April Sexton: Yeah, headed up with an open chest, gunshot wound. Thanks.


Sam Abrams: She's not responding to pain… Pupils still non-responsive. No corneal reflex, no gag reflex. Not over-breathing the vent, failed the first apnea test.

Will Halstead: We get a miracle?

Sam Abrams: Not today. Catastrophic intracranial hemorrhage. Too many kicks.

Will Halstead: God, this shouldn't have happened.

Sam Abrams: What, you want a why? People suck. That's why.


Sharon Goodwin: Maggie?

Maggie Lockwood: Yup?

Sharon Goodwin: Lucy Simms was a registered organ donor. Her husband has given permission for her to be taken off the ventilator and her organs harvested. The Gift of Hope transport vehicles will be here soon.

Maggie Lockwood: I'll alert the OR.

Sharon Goodwin: Thank you.


Patient 1: Hey, it's you, Rick Miller. You're the guy that took out the gunman. Thanks, man.

Patient 2: Thank you so much. I will never forget you. I'll never forget you. Thank you.

Woman: Thank you, Mr. Miller.

Will Halstead: We need more guys like that.

Maggie Lockwood: Right… Mr. Miller? If you would follow me, please.

Man: Thank you! You're a lifesaver.


Sam Zanetti: Quick thinking, cracking open his chest. I would've used the REBOA, though.

Connor Rhodes: And for a second, I thought Dr. Zanetti was about to give me a compliment.

Sam Zanetti: The kid's alive, that's your compliment. Okay, let's pack him up, see where he's bleeding from.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Sam Zanetti: Open belly, open chest. Kid's gonna have a hell of a set of scars.

Nurse: Huh. Serves him right.

Connor Rhodes: Keep the commentary to yourself, okay?

Nurse: Sorry.

Sam Zanetti: Didn't peg you for a bleeding heart.

Connor Rhodes: Didn't know you were trying to peg me. Bleeding's coming from the portal vessel high up in the liver.

Sam Zanetti: A year at Chiraq and I've already lost count of how many Pringle Maneuvers I've done.

Connor Rhodes: Chicago and guns. Winning combination.

Sam Zanetti: And making us all very good surgeons.

Connor Rhodes: Damn it. The bullet decimated the portal vein and common hepatic artery. We take the clamp off, he bleeds to death. We keep it on, we sacrifice his liver.

Sam Zanetti: Well, then we can't let him bleed to death.


Daniel Charles: Nurse will be with you in five minutes.

Natalie Manning: Dr. Charles.

Daniel Charles: Poor fellow in here. Agoraphobic, picked today of all days to go to the movies.

Natalie Manning: I know you're busy, I just need a quick consult. I've got a 16-year-old patient emaciated, persistent nausea, but her blood work's normal. No food allergies, she's not pregnant, and her mom's all over her about food. She has all the indicators of anorexia.

Daniel Charles: Eating disorders is so tricky to diagnose.

Natalie Manning: I've seen it before. My best friend in college, she was anorexic. Starved herself to death. Her mom? Just like this one.

Daniel Charles: Terrible disease. You pretty sure that's what we're dealing with here?

Natalie Manning: Mm-hm.

Daniel Charles: Let's take a look.

Natalie Manning: Great, this way.


Natalie Manning: Ashley, Mrs. Cole, this is Dr. Charles. I've asked him to consult.

Daniel Charles: I am so sorry about the awful day you've both been having, but... Ashley, I understand you're not feeling well and haven't been for a while? Some tummy issues?

Ashley Cole: Yeah.

Daniel Charles: So you and food not on the best of terms right now?

Ashley Cole: I love food. I just can't eat it.

Daniel Charles: Why is that?

Ashley Cole: It makes me throw up.

Daniel Charles: Any food in particular, or...

Ashley Cole: Everything.

Daniel Charles: Well that's no fun.

Ashley Cole: Makes me nervous just thinking about eating.

Daniel Charles: I don't blame you.

Courtney Cole: Are you a gastroenterologist?

Daniel Charles: No, I'm a psychiatrist.

Courtney Cole: But... No, no... This isn't that. It's her body that's in trouble.

Daniel Charles: What if I were to give Ashley something to make her not feel sick? Do you think you might be able to eat then?

Ashley Cole: I guess so.

Daniel Charles: Yeah, FDA's just approved a new anti-nausea drug. Remarkable results in clinical trials. You should be able to eat anything you want.

Ashley Cole: Anything? A hamburger with fries?

Courtney Cole: She can't take all that grease.

Daniel Charles: The cafeteria grills a pretty mean burger. We could give one a try.

Ashley Cole: Sure.

Courtney Cole: Ashley.

Daniel Charles: Mrs. Cole, could I get you to go with me on this one?

Courtney Cole: Okay, I suppose.

Daniel Charles: Great. I have some samples up in my office, I'll have them sent down, and then we'll order you that burger. Nice to meet you both.

Natalie Manning: Just hang tight.


Natalie Manning: Hey, what's the name of that medication?

Daniel Charles: I've got a board member in my office in five seconds. Page me at burger time.


Sharon Goodwin: Well, there she goes.

Maggie Lockwood: Something doesn't make sense.

Sharon Goodwin: What's that? Shooting in a movie theater, and we've only had one GSW, and that was the shooter. Where are the rest of the gunshot victims?


Gertrude Kovach: You look very island-y. Are you sure you're not Jamaican?

April Sexton: Yes, I am sure.

Gertrude Kovach: Well, you look just like the girl who cleans my house.

Will Halstead: Mrs. Kovach, I'm Dr. Halstead. Says you were in the movie theater.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh, no, I just said that so I wouldn't have to wait. You see all those people out there?

Will Halstead: So, just the headaches, then?

Gertrude Kovach: Oh, I get tired sometimes, and I cough a lot, and I don't always remember where I put my things. Bring me a cup of chamomile tea, will you, dear?

April Sexton: Oh, I will let your server know, ma'am. 150 over 90.

Will Halstead: Let's get a CBC, CMP, EKG, and a CXR.

April Sexton: You bet.

Will Halstead: Your symptoms are pretty varied, Mrs. Kovach. Once we get you lab results back...

Gertrude Kovach: Who is that?

Will Halstead: Dr. Choi?

Gertrude Kovach: Perfect. I want him.

Will Halstead: Excuse me?

Gertrude Kovach: Oh, no offense, dear. The Orientals make the best doctors. It's their math skills.


Sarah Reese: So, did you ever lose consciousness?

Rick Miller: Briefly. I think, um... I have a little headache now, but it's probably just from the adrenalin.

Sarah Reese: All right, I'll talk to my attending about ordering a CT, just to be safe.

Rick Miller: Oh. My phone's been blowing up with texts and emails ever since my name got in the news. That's a tweet… This morning, I had 120 followers. Now I have 96,000.

April Sexton: I'm one of them. That video of you getting into the ambulance, saying you didn't think, you just acted? It's trending.

Sharon Goodwin: Mr. Miller. There are a couple of detectives here that need to ask you some questions. Is he all right to come with me?

Sarah Reese: Yeah, just finished. Just waiting to get him to CT.

Sharon Goodwin: All right, Mr. Miller.

Rick Miller: Thanks.

April Sexton: Mm-hm.

Sharon Godowin’s office

Rick Miller: Uh... I already spoke with the officers at the scene.

Jay Halstead: We're just here to clarify a few things.

Erin Lindsay: You said you saw the gunman enter the theater, is that right?

Rick Miller: Yes, from the emergency exit by the screen.

Erin Lindsay: And what was he carrying?

Rick Miller: Um, an assault rifle.

Erin Lindsay: You saw the weapon?

Rick Miller: Yes, he was, uh, waving it around.

Jay Halstead: Can you describe the weapon?

Rick Miller: Uh... I couldn't tell if it was a Kalashnikov. I couldn't see the banana clip, you know? I think it was an M16A1.

Jay Halstead: Did you hear him fire the weapon?

Rick Miller: Yes, that's why I pulled my gun.

Jay Halstead: Is it possible that the shots you heard were actually coming from the movie?

Rick Miller: No. What... What's, uh... What's going on here?

Erin Lindsay: Peter, the kid that you shot is a prankster. He thinks it's funny to scare people. He posts videos on the Internet.

Rick Miller: I don't understand.

Erin Lindsay: He didn't have an assault rifle. He didn't have a rifle at all. He had a leaf-blower.


Maggie Lockwood: So, they're gonna charge Mr. Miller?

Sharon Goodwin: No. The gun was legal, he had a license to concealed carry. He thought his life was in danger. The prankster, Peter Wallace, is another story. He could face some serious time.

Maggie Lockwood: If he lives.


Will Halstead: So, her name's Gertrude Kovach. 72 years old, presented with general discomfort, fatigue, headaches, forgetfulness.

Ethan Choi: Dementia.

Will Halstead: No. She knows exactly what she's saying. You sure you don't mind?

Ethan Choi: No worries. Always glad when someone gets it right.


Gertrude Kovach: Oh, good. Finally.

Ethan Choi: My assistant, Dr. Halstead, showed me your blood work. Your ACE and calcium levels are high, and your chest X-rays revealed the lymph nodes along your lungs are enlarged. It could be symptomatic of something serious, but before we go there, let's do a biopsy and see what comes back.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh, thank you, Doctor. I knew you'd be the one to help me.

Ethan Choi: You're too kind, but humility is the solid foundation of all virtues.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh.


Will Halstead: Really? Confucius? You're Korean.

Ethan Choi: All the same to her. Hey, call me after you do the biopsy and make a diagnosis, so I can take the credit.

Will Halstead: Ha-ha.


Sarah Reese: Hey. You hear? The kid at the theater, the one who got shot, he didn't have a gun, he had a leaf blower.

Will Halstead: What?

Sarah Reese: Yeah. It was some kind of prank.


Connor Rhodes: We have clamped the entire blood supply to his liver. It's keeping him alive for now, but it's a temporary solution. He needs a liver transplant to survive.

David Wallace: Which he won't get. Peter'll stay at the bottom of the list, won't he? How long does he have?

Connor Rhodes: A day, maybe two.

Brenda Wallace: He did a bad thing, but he's not a bad person. He's just a boy. Please... Save my son.


Sam Zanetti: Rumour’s floating around, you're gonna want to hear it.


April Sexton: The kid, Peter Wallace, he has a website for his pranks. Look. Look at this. Look. Like he's an escaped convict.


Girl: Oh, nice little baby!

Peter Wallace: They got Peter Wallace-d!


Maggie Lockwood: Knuckle-head. Amazing no one's popped him before now.


Peter Wallace: Check out my blow cam.


April Sexton: The leaf blower. 40,000 views.

Maggie Lockwood: Wait a second. Mr. Miller? Excuse me, can I help you?

Rick Miller: Um...  How's he doing? Peter, the kid.

Maggie Lockwood: I'm sorry, Mr. Miller, we can't give out patient information.

Rick Miller: Is he alive?

Maggie Lockwood: Yes.

Rick Miller: An hour ago, everybody was clapping for me, and now, um... It looked so real.

April Sexton: There's one patient ahead of you for the CT. It shouldn't be long. I'll come get you.

Rick Miller: Thanks. I could swear he had a gun.


Ashley Cole: This is so good! Mmm.

Courtney Cole: Honey, please. Don't eat so fast.

Ashley Cole: Mom, I'm fine, really.

Courtney Cole: She's gonna be sick.

Natalie Manning: Here.

Courtney Cole: I knew all that grease would make her sick. So much for your magic pill.

Natalie Manning: You okay? Has it passed?

Daniel Charles: I'm sorry Ashley's having such a tough time, but uh... Her response has actually tell us a great deal.

Courtney Cole: I should hope so.

Natalie Manning: Dr. Charles.

Daniel Charles: Dr. Manning will be right back.

Courtney Cole: Okay, honey. You're gonna be okay.


Natalie Manning: What did you give her?

Daniel Charles: A Tic Tac.

Natalie Manning: A Tic Tac?

Daniel Charles: Yes.

Natalie Manning: You gave my patient a placebo?

Daniel Charles: Yup.

Natalie Manning: That's not ethical.

Daniel Charles: Oh, balls. Look...  Nausea, no nausea. I now have a much clearer picture of what's going on. I needed to get around mother and see that girl eat.

Natalie Manning: I could report you. I should report you.

Daniel Charles: Dr. Manning, have you ever heard of "bias confirmation"?

Natalie Manning: What?

Daniel Charles: Bias confirmation. Interpreting information so that it conforms to one's preconceptions. Look, you walked in and saw a thin 16-year-old girl with an overbearing mother, who reminded you of your college roommate. Who, very tragically, died of anorexia, so voila, the patient has anorexia.

Natalie Manning: She has the indicators.

Daniel Charles: She also has the contra-indicators. If the mother were that overbearing, she never would have allowed Ashley to choose that particular meal, and if Ashley were anorexic, she never would have eaten it, let alone with such gusto. The mother is right. It's Ashley's body that's in trouble, and that is your department. Thank you.


Connor Rhodes: Is it true? Lucy Simm's liver is on its way back to the hospital?

Sharon Goodwin: The intended recipient died in pre-op.

Connor Rhodes: Peter is an HLA match, it can go to him.

Sharon Goodwin: Yeah, there are names ahead of him on the list.

Connor Rhodes: None of them are in this hospital. It has already been three hours, livers are viable for less than 12. By the time the list gets sorted out, the patient prepped, organ shipped, it may be too late. Lucy's husband can direct donate to whomever he chooses. Ask him to give it to Peter.

Sharon Goodwin: You're talking about the man responsible for his wife's death.

Connor Rhodes: And he has done a horribly stupid thing, I know, but he's a kid. Peter deserves a chance to turn his life around.


Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Charles. We have a patient that I think you might want to have a chat with.

Daniel Charles: Oh. Thank you.

Waiting room

Rick Miller: I got...  I got mugged a few years ago, so I started carrying a gun for protection, and I took the classes. I passed the background checks. I'm not a vigilante. I don't go out looking for trouble.

Daniel Charles: It was dark in that theater, you know. People were running around yelling, "Gun." I completely understand why you thought he would have had one.

Rick Miller: That's right. I did what anyone would have done. But tell them. "My buddy pranked me with a whoopee cushion, so I shot him." "Another genius gun nut, shoots first, and asks questions later." "Save the rest of us, shoot yourself, hero." Those are the nice ones.

Daniel Charles: Oh, the Internet, right? I mean, people use it to vent anonymously. None of them were in that theater.

Rick Miller: Yeah, well, uh... People believe what they want to, and because I'm the only one that had a real gun, I'm the bad guy? That... That... That kid did this. I shouldn't be the pariah.

Sarah Reese: Sorry to interrupt. Mr. Miller, your CT results are negative. You're fine. The stitches will need to stay in for a week, but you're free to go.

Daniel Charles: Thank you. Could have waited. We got a few more minutes...

Rick Miller: No. No. Look, I got to go.

Daniel Charles: You sure? Um, why don't you let me call you in a mild sedative, you know? Something to maybe help you sleep, just so you have it.

Rick Miller: I'll be okay.

Daniel Charles: Well, here. Let me at least give you my card. My cell's on it. Give me a call if you feel like it.

Rick Miller: Really, I'm fine. It's the world that's messed up, but, um... If you want me to, okay.

Daniel Charles: I'm here.

Rick Miller: Okay.


Journalist: Oh, there he is, there he is, there he is. Mr. Miller! Mr. Miller! Mr. Miller, do you have anything to say to Peter Wallace's parents?

Rick Miller: No, no.

Journalist: Detectives have confirmed you were the only person armed.

Rick Miller: I did what I thought was right! And I don't regret anything, and I'd do it again! Get out of my way!

Journalist: And there you have it, Mr. Miller...

Sharon Goodwin’s office

Bill Simms: Are you kidding me?

Sharon Goodwin: Mr. Simms, I am not condoning what he did, but Peter Wallace will die without a transplant. If the liver doesn't come from your wife, he won't get one.

Bill Simms: Lucy and I met at a Cub's game. I heard this... This crazy laughter coming from, like, five rows behind me and... It just... It just reached out and grabbed me. I'd look at her, and it would just make me happy, and then, this afternoon, just watching the life get stomped out of her... You know, his site has gotten more hits in the last hour than it's every had before, I mean... It's disgusting, it's all disgusting. So, no. No, my wife's murderer does not get her liver.

Sharon Goodwin: I understand.


Connor Rhodes: Can I at least talk to him?

Sharon Goodwin: No, you cannot.

Connor Rhodes: There has got to be something we can do.

Sharon Goodwin: And we've done it. Let it go, Dr. Rhodes… He signed them.


Journalist: At this time, I don't know what the nature of those injuries are, but rescuers must be working with blunt-force traumas, fractures...

Ashley Cole: We were right there.

Courtney Cole: Honey, put that away.

Journalist: Mr. Miller, you're being lauded as a hero for...

Your abdominal X-rays are normal.

Natalie Manning: Ultrasound looks good too. I'll call GI, they'll want to schedule an endoscopy and probably a colonoscopy.

Ashley Cole: Really?

Natalie Manning: Tests are unpleasant, but they're necessary. I'm sorry.

Courtney Cole: Ashley, come on, sit up straight. Slouching. She's always slouching.

Ashley Cole: Can't help it, I'm almost a foot taller than all my friends.

Natalie Manning: Ashley, after you eat, does your stomach hurt less when you sit with your knees to your chest?

Ashley Cole: A little.

Natalie Manning: What about if you lay on your side and put your arms over your head? Will you do that for me?

Ashley Cole: Actually... This feels better too.

Natalie Manning: You know what, before I call GI, I'd like to run one more test... A CT, and don't worry, it is nothing like a colonoscopy.


Gertrude Kovach: The boy who shot up the movie theater, was he black?

April Sexton: He didn't shoot up anything, and no, he's white.

Gertrude Kovach: Hm. How about that.


Will Halstead: Biopsy's back on Gertrude.

Ethan Choi: Lymphoma?

Will Halstead: Not cancer. Non-caseating granulomas.

Ethan Choi: That's good news. You want me to tell her?

Will Halstead: No. I'm waiting for one more test to come back, and if the results are what I think they are, I'd like to deliver the news.

Ethan Choi: Okay.


Natalie Manning: Hey. I need a CT for 6.

Maggie Lockwood: Noon?

Natalie Manning: Yeah, that's fine.

Will Halstead: Hey, Nat.

Natalie Manning: Yeah?

Will Halstead: I'm thinking, I only live a mile from you. When you go into labour, call me. I'll drive you here.

Natalie Manning: Thanks, but... You know it could be three in the morning.

Will Halstead: Sleep's overrated.

Natalie Manning: We're just friends.

Maggie Lockwood: Mm-hmm. "I want to take you to the hospital."


Sam Zanetti: Liver's in. We're up. Abdominal wall's really swollen. What do you think, VAC pack closure?

Connor Rhodes: Or a Wittmann Patch.

Sam Zanetti: Always creative, aren't you, Rhodes? We'll do it my way. Transplant surgeon's got the easy end of this one. I say that loud enough?

Connor Rhodes: I think they heard you.

Sam Zanetti: Good.


Natalie Manning: Ashley's problem is right there. Superior mesenteric artery. The fat pad that supports it has shrunk, and it's now constricting the duodenum, so food passing through her stomach gets stuck in this pressure point.

Daniel Charles: Huh.

Natalie Manning: You were right. It is physical. You still could've told me you were gonna give her a placebo.

Daniel Charles: Long time since my last GI rotation. What are her options, anyway?


Natalie Manning: Well, Ashley can wear a nasal feeding tube for the next few months. Not the most attractive thing. There's also a surgical option which comes with some risks. Knowing how the mother feels about appearances, I'm pretty sure I know what the choice will be.

Daniel Charles: Oh.

Natalie Manning: Yeah.


Maggie Lockwood: Ladies, on me.

Ethan Choi: Reese, what do we go?

Paramedic: Blunt trauma. Open pelvic fracture. Got a King airway and a 16-gauge IV in the right AC. Still got a radial pulse.

Maggie Lockwood: Wait a second. Oh, no.

Paramedic: You know him?

Maggie Lockwood: It's Mr. Miller, the guy who shot the prankster.

Ethan Choi: Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.


Ethan Choi: On my count. One, two, three.

Sarah Reese: If he had a pulse, I can't find it now. Damn it.

Daniel Charles: What happened?

Paramedic: He stepped right in front of a car.

Ethan Choi: Charge. Clear.

Nurse: Clear.

Ethan Choi: Epi. Charge. Clear.

Nurse: Clear.

Ethan Choi: Another round of epi.

Nurse: Yes, Dr. Choi.

Natalie Manning: We've done three.

Ethan Choi: Charge. Clear… Any objections?

Daniel Charles: Call it, Dr. Choi.

Ethan Choi: Time of death, 22:47.


Connor Rhodes: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace? This is Bill Simms. It was his wife...

Bill Simms: Lucy. Her name was Lucy.

Connor Rhodes: It was Lucy's liver that was transplanted into Peter.

Brenda Wallace: Thank you for saving our son.

David Wallace: What you've done for our family...

Bill Simms: I didn't do it for your family. I did it for mine. Death isn't justice. Can he hear me?

Connor Rhodes: Yes, he can.

Bill Simms: My wife... My wife died because of you… And now she keeps you alive... And that's gonna haunt you for the rest of your life.

Connor Rhodes: Mr. Simms, please.

Bill Simms: No, no, no, I can't... Look, you wanted a following, right? Kids today, everyone wants a following. I'm gonna give you a following every day on every social media site for the rest of your life. I'm gonna be there to remind the world of what you did! You will never be able to go anywhere or do anything without people knowing who you are! You will never be able to hide!


Connor Rhodes: Not quite the happy ending I was hoping for.

Sharon Goodwin: Take the win, Dr. Rhodes. Take the win.


Will Halstead: Mrs. Kovach. Hi, Mrs. Kovach. We have some news for you.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh. Oh, where's Dr. Choi?

April Sexton: He's with another patient right now.

Will Halstead: Yes, your diagnosis.

Gertrude Kovach: Yeah?

Will Halstead: Sarcoidosis.

Gertrude Kovach: What's that?

Will Halstead: It's an inflammatory condition that causes your immune system to attack healthy tissue. It's very treatable.

Gertrude Kovach: Does Dr. Choi agree?

Will Halstead: Oh, absolutely.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh, then... That's it, huh?

Will Halstead: Not quite.

Gertrude Kovach: Oh.

Will Halstead: Your diagnosis was intriguing. See, sarcoids predominantly affect a specific demographic. You didn't seem to fit the profile, so I ran one more test.

Gertrude Kovach: What am I looking at?

Will Halstead: A graph of your genetic makeup. You're part African-American.

Gertrude Kovach: What?

April Sexton: Come on, sister, put it here.

Gertrude Kovach: Uh...

April Sexton: Give it here. We got to stick together.


Ethan Choi: How'd she take the news?

Will Halstead: A little surprised.

Ethan Choi: You're really getting off on this, aren't you?

Will Halstead: Oh, come on. Didn't it bother you? The bigotry?

Ethan Choi: What do you think? But, you know, glass houses, cast the first stone, maybe it's not such a great idea to get worked up about other people's faults if you happen to have a couple of your own.


Courtney Cole: Is this because of her diet?

Natalie Manning: No, her growth. No matter what you eat, right now your weight cannot keep up with your height.

Courtney Cole: So she either walks around with that tube in her nose or she has surgery?

Natalie Manning: Mm-hmm. There are less risks involved with the feeding tube.

Courtney Cole: Honey, come on. Can you see it? Going to the Homecoming dance with a tube sticking out of your nose? You know how kids are. One day, standing out will be an asset, but not in high school. Trust me.

Ashley Cole: I'll take the tube.

Courtney Cole: Honey.

Ashley Cole: I want the tube.

Natalie Manning: Is that all right?

Courtney Cole: It's her life.

Natalie Manning: Okay, great. I'll send a GI resident down to put one in.


Connor Rhodes: See you later.

Will Halstead: Hey, your transplant patient. How's he doing?

Connor Rhodes: He's gonna make it. I suppose you think he didn't deserve to get that liver.

Will Halstead: Who am I to judge?

Connor Rhodes’s house

Journalist: Bill Simms exiting Chicago Med after deciding to donate his wife, Lucy's, liver to help save the life of movie theater prankster Peter Wallace. What an amazing act of forgiveness. I don't know if I would've made the same choice. Bill Simms, thank you for your example. Coming up, we're gonna meet a figure skater from Hyde Park who may be the USA's next great hope...

Sam Zanetti: Turn that off.

Journalist: Then we'll go behind the scenes at the Shedd Aquarium and meet the newest additions to the...


Journalist: Witnesses saw Mr. Miller place his cell phone on the curb, then step into oncoming traffic. On his phone, a final message: It was an honest mistake." A tragic to a tragic day.

Sharon Goodwin: Think he killed himself 'cause he felt guilty? Or because he was humiliated?

Daniel Charles: I don't know. I mean, does it really matter?

Sharon Goodwin: The time we live in, it's crazy.

Daniel Charles: No. Look, The Crusades, the Mongol Conquest, World War I, World War II, that was crazy. We're actually living in the most peaceful time in human history, but not that you'd know it. You know, every dumb, mean, stupid, vicious thing gets a light shown on it. The world would be a much better place... A much safer place if people'd just shut up. I'm serious. I hate these things. Here, take it. I'm done with it.

Sharon Goodwin: Serious?

Daniel Charles: I don't want it.

Sharon Goodwin: I could use an upgrade. Ah.

Daniel Charles: Give me that. Hi, honey. You're up late. Aww. You had a bad dream? That sucks. I'm so sorry. Yeah. Uh-huh.

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (16.07.2018 à 15:32)

Ou comment un héros se transforme en monstre sanguinaire en un clin d'oeil... cela montre bien les travers de notre société actuelle. la mère de la jeune fille était insupportable!!!


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Chicago Med, S09E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
6.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
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Chicago Med, S09E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 20:00
6.03m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 21:00
6.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 20:00
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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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