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Chicago Med
#208 : Libre arbitre

Le Dr Halstead et le Dr Manning traitent deux frères ennemis qui se retrouvent ensemble quand l'un deux se retrouve dans une situation désespérée et a besoin d'un rein rapidement. Danny, un ancien patient du Dr Reese, se retrouve à un carrefour de sa vie. Le Dr Rhodes et le Dr Latham traitent une jeune fille de 16 ans avec une maladie génétique qui a besoin d'une chirurgie, mais la mère surprotectrice est en désaccord avec le plan d'action. Le Dr Charles se mêle de la vie personnelle de sa fille Robyn à son grand désarroi. Pendant ce temps, le Dr Halstead et Avril font une découverte qui complique son traitement pour la tuberculose.


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Free Will

Titre VF
Libre arbitre

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Robin Charles (Mekia Cox) dans le bureau de son père

Robin Charles (Mekia Cox) dans le bureau de son père

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) attend

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) attend

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta)

Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) dans son bureau

Daniel Charles (Oliver Platt) dans son bureau

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee) et Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee) et Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et Will Halstead (Nick Gelhfuss)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et Will Halstead (Nick Gelhfuss)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) dans une chambre

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) dans une chambre

Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) et Tate Jenkins

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) et Tate Jenkins

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 09.05.2018 à 23:35

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 10.11.2016 à 21:00
6.71m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :

Réalisateur :

Guests : Nick Marini (Danny), Ato Assandoh (Dr Latham), Mekia Cox (RobynCharles), Sophia Bush (détective Lindsay), Jesse Lee Soffer (détective Halstead), Patti Murin, Jeff Hephner (Jeff Clarke)



Sarah Reese: Have you seen this person? His name is Danny.

Homeless: Uh-uh.

Ethan Choi: He maybe found a shelter.

Sarah Reese: Maybe.

Ethan Choi: Or he could be riding the train all night to stay warm.

Sarah Reese: Ethan, if you're trying to make me feel better, it's not gonna work.

Ethan Choi: I'm not. I'm just saying, we can't look everywhere, and it's time to go to work.

Sarah Reese: Well, you go ahead. I'm gonna keep looking… Um, excuse me… Excuse me?

Ethan Choi: Sarah, Sarah, Sarah… Lower Wacker is much more popular this time of year. We'll check it out tonight after our shift.

Sarah Reese: Okay.


Nina Shore: Paté, sweet breads.

Will Halstead: You ordered a paté platter and sweet breads?

Nina Shore: Yeah. Pathologists love organ meats.

Will Halstead: You recognize that's weird, right?

Nina Shore: Ah, I think it's a vitamin D thing. We don't get much sunshine.

Will Halstead: Have a good day.

Break room

Natalie Manning: Hey, what's up?

Will Halstead: Morning.

Natalie Manning: Big moving in party tonight, huh?

Will Halstead: Evite wouldn't lie.

Natalie Manning: Yeah, well, we'll be there. So how's it been so far, living together?

Will Halstead: Only a couple days, but so far so good.

Natalie Manning: I bet. Oh, I heard there's a giant Whole Foods across the street. That's awesome.

Will Halstead: Yeah, it is.


Natalie Manning: Good. Well, I'm really happy for you guys.

Maggie Lockwood: Doctor Manning.

Natalie Manning: Mm-hmm?

Maggie Lockwood: Treatment 6.

Natalie Manning: Got it.

Maggie Lockwood: You and Dr. Shore better be the real deal. I am bringing a Château Pichon 2005.

Will Halstead: Great, wine spritzers.

Maggie Lockwood: Don't you dare. Treatment 1.

Noah Sexton: Hey, uh, did you get those lab results yet?

Maggie Lockwood: They just came in… Want me to come with you?

Noah Sexton: Um, I think I better do this myself.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay, just tell her if she needs anything I'm here.


April Sexton: Don't come too close… My TB's become active.

Noah Sexton: The spot on your lung's a half a centimeter larger. I'm sorry.

April Sexton: I took my meds. I didn't overexert. I-I just don't get it.

Noah Sexton: Thing is, um, that's not all.

April Sexton: What do you mean?

Noah Sexton: This... Here, just... just read it.

April Sexton: Come on, Noah. Just...

Noah Sexton: Just read it.

April Sexton: Wait... I'm pregnant? I'm pregnant.


Daniel Charles: Is it just me, or these Santas seem to come out earlier every year?

Shrink: Right? The psych nurse station still has their Halloween decorations up? Any Thanksgiving plans?

Daniel Charles: Taking Robin out for some sushi.

Shrink: Good, so the two of you are spending some time together?

Daniel Charles: Yeah. Here and there. Yeah. Doing great, you know? I mean, such a great kid. But you know how it is. You don't really worry about them. You worry about the people they surround themselves with.

Shrink: Sounds like someone in particular.

Daniel Charles: No, not really… Oh, I guess there's this one guy. You know, a great... Great fella. I mean, we work together. Terrific surgeon… But he's got these family issues, man. Big family issues, and obviously with Robin's family history, it just can all turn into a bit of a powder keg.

Shrink: Have you spoken to her about this?

Daniel Charles: No.

Shrink: Oh. So you're just keeping it all to yourself?

Daniel Charles: Didn't I just tell my shrink?

Shrink: Daniel.

Daniel Charles: I don't know. I might have said something to they guy… Nothing intrusive. Just, I don't know. Some friendly advice.

Shrink: Advice?

Daniel Charles: Yeah.

Shrink: Daniel. Don't make the holidays any more hard than they have to be.

April’s room

Will Halstead: Hey, I know this isn't ideal, but a couple of weeks, we should have your TB back under control.

Noah Sexton: Yeah, you'll be back in the ED throwing me shade again in no time.

April Sexton: But how did this happen? I take birth control.

Will Halstead: Uh, my opinion, your TB meds made your birth control less effective, and then becoming pregnant weakened your immune system to let the TB become active.

April Sexton: Oh, God.

Will Halstead: No one could have predicted this, April.

April Sexton: In a few months I'll be walking down the aisle with a baby bump.

Noah Sexton: Yeah, but it's all good. Right?

April Sexton: Yeah. No, it is, but... What about Tate?

Noah Sexton: You know Tate. He'll love it. He's head over heels for you.

April Sexton: Yeah, right now, but what if I get sick? What if I can't take care of this baby?

Noah Sexton: April...

April Sexton: He didn't sign up for this… It's okay. Go.

Will Halstead: I'll check on you soon, okay?


Natalie Manning: Jim Vance, 38, end stage kidney failure, suffered a syncopal episode following dialysis.

Will Halstead: Transplant candidate?

Natalie Manning: Too far down the list.

Treatment 6

Natalie Manning: Hi, Mr. Vance. This is Dr. Halstead.

Will Halstead: Heard you had some trouble today.

Jim Vance: Today, Tuesday, last Friday. Almost every time I get dialysis now.

Will Halstead: What happens?

Jim Vance: My chest, um, it starts to... To flutter...

Will Halstead: Uh-huh.

Jim Vance: I feel really weak. Um, ventricular...

Natalie Manning: Ectopy.

Jim Vance: Yeah. Ectopy.

Will Halstead: May be IDH.

Natalie Manning: Intradialytic hypotension. In some people, dialysis can cause an extreme drop in blood pressure, which prevents enough oxygen from reaching the heart, and over time, that can cause dysrhythmias or even a heart attack.

Jim Vance: So tell the transplant people. Maybe they can move me up the list.

Will Halstead: Well, we can try, but I'm sorry to say, heart disease usually moves people down the list, not up.

Jim Vance: But I'm not even 40 yet.

Will Halstead: I hear you, and I promise we're gonna do everything we can to help.

Natalie Manning: Yeah.

Will Halstead: Let's get him on 15 p.o. of kayexalate and start him on esmolol to stabilize his rhythm.

Natalie Manning: Or we could do low-volume dialysis.

Will Halstead: We could.

Natalie Manning: Otherwise we're just treating the symptoms and not the actual problem.

Will Halstead: Yeah.

Natalie Manning: Great.

Will Halstead: Okay.

Natalie Manning: I'll be back in a few.

Jim Vance: Mm.

Will Halstead: We'll see you.


Will Halstead: Natalie. We don't usually disagree in front of a patient.

Natalie Manning: I had to say something.

Will Halstead: You really think low-volume dialysis will make a difference? I mean, it seems like six of one, half a dozen the other, no?

Natalie Manning: I don't know. Maybe. Let's find out.

Will Halstead: Mm.


Maggie Lockwood: Hey, you bringing Clarke tonight?

Natalie Manning: Mm-hmm.

Maggie Lockwood: Good. Pathology party. Not much to look at. So how's it going with him?

Natalie Manning: Good. You know, we're just trying to let it happen. Not trying to force anything.

Maggie Lockwood: Force anything?

Natalie Manning: Like moving in together for financial reasons or convenience.

Maggie Lockwood: Mm...

Natalie Manning: No, I wish Will all the best. I just think it's weird.

Paramedic: 36-year-old male, penetrating stab wound to the abdomen.

Maggie Lockwood: You're going to Trauma 1.

Ethan Choi: Got it. What happened?

Mr. Wallace: I got jumped in the yard. Three guys. Why would they do that? All I do is make friends.

Trauma 1

Ethan Choi: I need to transfer him.

Guard Novak: Yeah, hold up… Okay, he's ready.

Ethan Choi: On my count. One, two, three.

Mr. Wallace: Guys, I got a hole in my gut. I ain't going anywhere.

Ethan Choi: Left lower quadrant looks clean. No major vessels, no bowel.

Mr. Wallace: I can't take it. You need to put me under, you do what you gotta do.

Ethan Choi: No, I think you got lucky on this one, Mr. Wallace… CT abdomen, then bring him back. We can take care of this one here.

Nurse Doris: Okay.

Ethan Choi: Okay, Doc.

Mr. Wallace: I trust you, but I gotta ask. After you're done, am I gonna be able to play the piano? Hey, come on. Don't leave me hanging here.

Ethan Choi: Let me guess, you never could play it before?

Mr. Wallace: I like you, Doc… You can stick your fingers in me any time you want.


Sharon Goodwin: How's he doing?

Ethan Choi: Ah, he'll be fine, though with a nice-looking scar. Pretty fortunate, considering it was three against one.

Sharon Goodwin: That's actually not the case, Dr. Choi. Seems he stabbed himself hoping to score a holiday from prison.

Ethan Choi: What?

Sharon Goodwin: I guess when you're up against 30 to life for a double homicide, you look for little diversions.


Jeff Clarke: Her name is Karina Goff. She's 16 years old with a history notable for Williams Syndrome. Her mom found her passed out on the couch.

Connor Rhodes: Williams Syndrome. You ever seen it?

Jeff Clarke: No, never. It's a genetic disorder, right?

Connor Rhodes: Uh-huh. It's commonly associated with cardiovascular disease, but even more striking is their personality. They produce enormous amounts of oxytocin, which is the hormone commonly associated with feelings of trust and the desire to be social. They're very interesting people.


Karina Goff: Hi, Dr. Clarke!

Jeff Clarke: Hi, Karina. Wendy, this is Dr. Latham and Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: Karina. Oh, I like your earrings.

Karina Goff: It's a moon and the stars.

Connor Rhodes: I see that. So, how we feeling today?

Karina Goff: Tired.

Wendy Goff: Still awake enough to donate her entire allowance to UNICEF this morning. Which is what? The third time this month?

Connor Rhodes: Is this the first time she's fainted?

Wendy Goff: Yes.

Isidore Latham: May I listen to your heart? Mid-systolic ejection murmur over the right second intercostal space.

Connor Rhodes: Aortic stenosis?

Isidore Latham: Probably. Let's get an echo.

Connor Rhodes: Okay.

Karina Goff: Can you make me better?

Isidore Latham: I am gonna try my best.

Wendy Goff: Okay, dear. Let the doctor breathe.

Isidore Latham: Doctor?

Connor Rhodes: Uh... Let us... Let us run a few tests. We'll be back with our recommendations.

Wendy Goff: Great.


Joey Thomas: I thought maybe Sunday we can go to the Field Museum.

Sarah Reese: That sounds good.

Joey Thomas: DNA Center has an exhibit on the reproductive habits of sharks that's supposed to be great.

Sarah Reese: I'm sorry. What were you saying?

Joey Thomas: Danny still hasn't checked in on Facebook, has he?

Sarah Reese: No.

Joey Thomas: He'll turn up.

Sarah Reese: You don't know that. He's helpless and alone out there.

Joey Thomas: And you've been out there every day looking for him. There's nothing else you can do.

Sarah Reese: I could have let him stay with me when he asked.

Joey Thomas: No, Reese, you couldn't have. That's not your responsibility.

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm.

Joey Thomas: He found you when he needed you in the past… He'll turn up.

Treatment 6

Jim Vance: I said get out of here.

Ian Vance: I just wanna talk to the doctor.

Jim Vance: You better get out of my face, man; I'm not playing.

Ian Vance: I just wanted to know if you're okay.

Jim Vance: Do I look like I'm okay, man?

Natalie Manning: Excuse me? Sir, is everything okay in here?

Ian Vance: Uh, yeah… I'm Ian… Jim's brother.

Jim Vance: Some brother… Go ahead. Tell 'em.

Ian Vance: Jim...

Jim Vance: Go ahead and tell 'em, man! Tell 'em.

Ian Vance: I'm a perfect match to donate my kidney.

Jim Vance: Right, and he'd rather watch me die than give it to me.

Treatment 3

Ian Vance: I love my brother. I'd love to give him my kidney.

Natalie Manning: What's stopping you?

Ian Vance: I'm HIV-positive.

Natalie Manning: But giving him a kidney would be giving him HIV as well.

Will Halstead: I'm guessing by his reaction that he doesn't know?

Ian Vance: Not a clue.

Natalie Manning: May I ask why don't you tell him?

Ian Vance: Because Jim is... Incredibly homophobic. He thinks homosexuality is disgusting, deviant behaviour.

Will Halstead: Yeah, well, but right now, he thinks you're willing to let him die.

Ian Vance: Well, right now...  Right now he hates me for what I'm doing, but if I tell him this, he'll hate me for who I am.

Natalie Manning: I understand. But just so you know, if you don't tell him soon, it may be too late.

April’s room

Tate Jenkins: Hey, uh, hello.

April Sexton: Hey. You better put that mask on.

Tate Jenkins: I-I brought you some stuff from home, okay?

April Sexton: Thank you.

Tate Jenkins: All right. All right, so, how you feeling?

April Sexton: Sit down.

Tate Jenkins: Why? What is it?

April Sexton: I'm pregnant.

Tate Jenkins: Pregnant? Are you sure? You... You're on the pill.

April Sexton: My TB meds screwed things up. I'm sorry. I know we didn't plan for this. I know this changes everything.

Tate Jenkins: Yeah.. We're gonna have a baby… Oh, you can't see. Um...

April Sexton: Okay. Now put that back on.

Tate Jenkins: Babe, we slept in the same bed last night.

April Sexton: Put it back on.

Tate Jenkins: It's a beautiful thing, honey. It really is.


Connor Rhodes: Ms. Charles, what brings you to the ED today? Yellow fever? Plague?

Robin Charles: Eh, just a plain old cough. Things have not been the same since the swine flu died down.

Connor Rhodes: Well, don't worry. They'll be another epidemic one day.

Robin Charles: Eh, that's what I keep telling myself. You know, gotta stay positive.

Connor Rhodes: I never figured you for an optimist.

Robin Charles: Are you kidding me? I still root for the White Sox.

Connor Rhodes: Wow.

Robin Charles: I do.

Connor Rhodes: How do you do it?

Robin Charles: I would love to tell you. I don't know. Maybe over drinks tonight?

Connor Rhodes: That sounds great. Really. Uh... I'm just not sure your father would approve.

Robin Charles: Wha... Did he say something to you?

Connor Rhodes: No, not... Not really. He just mentioned something in passing.

Robin Charles: Huh. I see.


Connor Rhodes: Ms. Goff, hi. So we got Karina's test results. The large vessel leaving her heart has become severely congested. It's making her heart work harder and harder and... And decreasing the amount of oxygen that it can deliver. That's why she's become so tired and listless.

Wendy Goff: Oh, God. What do we do?

Connor Rhodes: Well, we recommend an operation to either fix the aortic valve or replace it.

Wendy Goff: Heart surgery?

Connor Rhodes: Yes.


Karina Goff: Hi, Dr. Rhodes! What're you guys talking about?

Wendy Goff: Dr. Rhodes was just explaining your test results.

Connor Rhodes: Hey, Karina, why don't we get you back to bed? There you are… So, based on what I am seeing, I believe you need surgery.

Karina Goff: Will that make me better?

Connor Rhodes: Well, there are never any guarantees, but, if things go well, then, yes, it will.

Karina Goff: Good! Then I wanna do it.

Wendy Goff: It's not that simple, sweetheart. We need to think about this… Give the doctor and I a minute.

Karina Goff: Okay.

Connor Rhodes: We'll be right back.


Wendy Goff: I know you think surgery has the best odds, but I also know that Williams patients have a much higher chance of not surviving general anesthesia.

Connor Rhodes: I completely understand, but the fact is, her condition is quite advanced and she did express that she wants the surgery.

Wendy Goff: She doesn't understand. She says that just to please you.

Connor Rhodes: Well, she may not be able to make a completely informed decision, but she does know how she feels.

Wendy Goff: She's under 18. It's my decision to make.

Connor Rhodes: Shouldn't we at least let her be a part of the conversation?

Wendy Goff: Dr. Rhodes, Karina is not like your other patients… I want options.

Connor Rhodes: Okay. Uh, let me talk to Dr. Latham. See if he has any ideas.

Daniel Charles’s office

Robin Charles: What did you tell Connor?

Daniel Charles: Come again?

Robin Charles: Did you tell him to stay away from me?

Daniel Charles: No.

Robin Charles: You said something.

Daniel Charles: I might have ind...

Robin Charles: Who I date is not your concern.

Daniel Charles: You are absolutely right. 100%.

Robin Charles: You are unbelievable.

Daniel Charles: I'm sorry. I was wrong. If I worry about you, I can't help it.

Robin Charles: Okay, well, that's gonna need to stop.

Daniel Charles: Can't do it. I'm your dad. I know I haven't won any awards in that department...

Robin Charles: This is not a referendum on you.

Daniel Charles: I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm sorry I wasn't a father.

Robin Charles: Okay, see? That... That right there. Why does it always go back to that? Does it ever occur to you that I have moved on?

Daniel Charles: I... didn't.

Robin Charles: Not only am I past it, but I really... I do not care. So you can feel as guilty as you want, but you being overinvolved in my life now is not gonna cut it.

Treatment 4

Mr. Wallace: Hey, Doc. We gotta stop meeting like this, right? Ah, you giving me the silent treatment, huh? Hey, you think I could get a TV in here? You and I could watch a little, uh... "Family Feud."

Ethan Choi: Not enough time. I'm stitching you up and then you're leaving, which means you won't be needing those.

Mr. Wallace: Ah, come on. Why you gotta be like that?

Ethan Choi: Because you're not here on vacation.

Mr. Wallace: Hey, give me a break here. I'm injured.

Ethan Choi: By your own hand, I hear.

Mr. Wallace: You wanna play that game? I am extremely depressed, and you know what? That makes me wanna hurt myself.

Ethan Choi: Excuse me?

Mr. Wallace: You heard me. You heard me too. I am gonna hurt myself! And we all know what that means.

Nurse Doris: We have no choice.

Ethan Choi: I'll call Dr. Charles for a psych consult.

Mr. Wallace: That's right you will.

Treatment 6

Will Halstead: He's in v-tach. Stop the dialysis.

Natalie Manning: Pulse is thready. Shortness of breath.

Will Halstead: Lost his pulse. We gotta defibrillate now. Bag him.

Natalie Manning: Get me the paddles.

Ian Vance: What's going on?

Natalie Manning: Charge to 200.

Will Halstead: He's in cardiac arrest.

Natalie Manning: Clear.

Will Halstead: Still in v-tach.

Natalie Manning: Come on. Charge to 300.

Will Halstead: Sinus rhythm.

Natalie Manning: Jim, can you hear me? He's stable for now.

Ian Vance: Jim? I need to talk to you. I gotta tell you something.


Maggie Lockwood: There she is.

Erin Lindsay: Thank you.

Maggie Lockwood: Yeah, of course.

Erin Lindsay: Hey, uh, is there somewhere we can go talk for a minute?

Sarah Reese: Did you find Danny?

Erin Lindsay: Um...

Sarah Reese: He's... He's dead, isn't he?

Erin Lindsay: Yes… I'm so sorry… Hey… Hey, you did everything you could.


Erin Lindsay: This is Sarah Reese.

Morgue Technician: Hi, are you family? A friend?

Sarah Reese: No, I'm his doctor. I was his doctor… Was he beaten to death?

Erin Lindsay: It looks that way. We won't know for sure until we have the results of the autopsy.

April’s room

April Sexton: Hey.

Will Halstead: Your sputum cultures just came back. It turns out you don't have regular TB. Uh, it's multi-drug resistant.

April Sexton: Okay, so... I'm gonna have to be on three or four meds instead of one?

Will Halstead: Uh, it's not quite that simple. Uh, it's only susceptible to one drug, but it's completely susceptible, so it'll definitely work, but... This medication can cause neural tube defects in a growing fetus.

Noah Sexton: But not always. There's just a chance.

April Sexton: Well, there... There must be something else. I... They couldn't have tested everything.

Will Halstead: They have.

April Sexton: Well, tell them to test it again. I mean, try something.

Will Halstead: There's nothing else to try. I just placed the order. The first dose should be up in a little while… I'm sorry, April.


Daniel Charles: Spoke to your patient, Mr. Wallace.

Ethan Choi: Let me guess, not a suicide risk.

Daniel Charles: Garden variety sociopath. He's an opportunist. Knows all the buzz words. Not a sincere bone in his body.

Ethan Choi: Good enough for me. Let's start discharge paperwork on Treatment 4. Chalk one up for the good guys.

Jim Vance’s room

Natalie Manning: Hi, Mr. Vance. Your rhythm looks good.  How are you feeling?

Jim Vance: Disgusted.

Natalie Manning: Given your latest reaction, I'd like to try something different. A medication called midodrine to raise your blood pressure, followed by a special course of low-calcium dialysate.

Jim Vance: Will it work?

Will Halstead: To be honest, it's a long shot. But it's our best option.

Jim Vance: Just tell me. How long have I got?

Will Halstead: You're experiencing cardiac events with every dialysis, and you need dialysis three days a week, so realistically, it can happen at any time.

Natalie Manning: We are trying everything we have… Okay.

Jim Vance: Wait. You wouldn't give me your kidney 'cause of the virus, right? But what if I don't care? Would you give it to me then?

Ian Vance: But you'll get infected.

Jim Vance: HIV, it's better than dying. Would you do it?

Ian Vance: Yeah. Of course.

Jim Vance: Then let's do that. I want his kidney.

Will Halstead: Mr. Vance, you are severely immunocompromised. If you received an HIV-positive organ, if you contracted HIV in any way, it could immediately progress to AIDS, and that would most likely kill you.

Jim Vance: Do it. Let's just do it.

Will Halstead: As your doctor, I strongly...

Natalie Manning: Excuse... Uh, will you excuse us for a moment? Thank you.


Natalie Manning: We should look into this.

Will Halstead: Look into what? Purposely giving someone HIV?

Natalie Manning: He knows the risks. What does he have? Days? A couple of weeks?

Will Halstead: That's the thing. We don't know. Uh, he could surprise us, and make it long enough to get a healthy kidney. We could put him on carnitine, try sodium modelling.

Natalie Manning: That's grasping at straws. Yes, a transplant is dangerous, but if it works, it could give him years.

Will Halstead: It's unethical and illegal. Even if you found a surgeon willing to do it, the minute anyone found out, our licenses would be revoked.

Natalie Manning: So we get a special dispensation. That man is dying in there. The least we could do is give him a chance.

Will Halstead: Natalie...  I'm sorry. As the attending physician, I cannot sign off on this.

Natalie Manning: Fine. Then I'll figure it out myself.


Connor Rhodes: I'm gonna call the OR, see if they can bump anybody till tomorrow.

Wendy Goff: Dr. Rhodes, any news?

Connor Rhodes: We were actually just about to see you. Uh, the final reading of the echo showed even more significant disease than we thought.

Isidore Latham: We need to consider scheduling surgery immediately.

Wendy Goff: Where's Karina? That patient in there, where did she go? I told her to stay in her room. Where is she?

Maggie Lockwood: We'll find out. Check the ambulance bay.

Wendy Goff: You don't know where she is?

Maggie Lockwood: Ma'am, just...

Wendy Goff: Karina? Karina?

Isidore Latham: She's in here.

Treatment 4

Maggie Lockwood: Sweetie, I need you to step away from that man.

Wendy Goff: Get away from him! Out of there.

Karina Goff: Mom, it's okay.

Wendy Goff: No, it's not okay. That man is dangerous.


Karina Goff: But I was just saying hi.

Wendy Goff: Okay, okay, I know, sweetie. Can't take my eyes off you for one minute.


Sarah Reese: It's my fault.

Daniel Charles: No, that's not true.

Sarah Reese: Of course it is… I told him we could remove the chip. I encouraged him to run away.

Daniel Charles: You empowered him to make decisions. That's what good doctors do.

Sarah Reese: But they were the wrong decisions.

Daniel Charles: It was the wrong outcome.

Sarah Reese: And now he's dead… I mean, who knows… If I'd have told him to wait, maybe the police would have come and broken up the ring and he'd be free… I was careless with his life.

Daniel Charles: Dr. Reese... You're anything but careless. Sometimes the best advice, you know, it's just not enough… Dangerous thing about psychiatry, it can sometimes give those of us who practice it the illusion of control. But the human brain, it's... It is the most complex, mysterious object in the universe. That means that what we do, it... It just doesn't come with any guarantees.

Sarah Reese: I don't think that makes me feel any better.

Daniel Charles: I know. It never does.


Connor Rhodes: It must be hard.

Wendy Goff: It is. She is such a bright light… A breath of fresh air. You should see how people spark up when they see her, and how happy it makes Karina… It's like she feeds off of it… If you don't operate... I'll be taking that from her… Do the surgery.

Connor Rhodes: We'll get her upstairs shortly.


Noah Sexton: Dr. Halstead?

Will Halstead: Yeah?

Noah Sexton: Um, April is refusing to take her new medication. She won't listen to me. I... I just don't know what to do.

April’s room

Will Halstead: You know I'm here to convince you to change your mind.

April Sexton: I'm a nurse. I stopped listening to doctors a long time ago… I know it doesn't make sense, but there's another life inside of me now. How can I take a medicine that could endanger it?

Will Halstead: Hopefully it won't.

April Sexton: Hopefully. I see a lot of hopeful people come in here and we tell them we're doing everything we can… If I take that medication and something happens to this baby, then I didn't do everything I could. I can't live with that.

Will Halstead: April, you've been put into an impossible situation, and I can't tell you what to do, but if you don't take this medication, there is a very high chance both you and your baby will die.


Natalie Manning: It's unbelievable.

Maggie Lockwood: Health and Human Services won't okay that HIV kidney transplant?

Natalie Manning: Won't even consider it.

Maggie Lockwood: Our local contact at the FDA. Deals with compassionate use and experimental drugs.

Natalie Manning: Might as well try everything. Thank you.

Maggie Lockwood: Yeah.

Treatment 4

Ethan Choi: Looks like our time together's up.

Mr. Wallace: Mm, yeah, you got me, Doc. Can't put anything over on you.

Ethan Choi: I sent his prescription ahead to the prison pharmacy.

Guard Novak: Great.

Mr. Wallace: Yeah, you're a real tough guy, huh? Took my best shots. Bang, bang, bang. You just deflected 'em like Captain freaking America.

Ethan Choi: I'm sorry your stay was not satisfactory.

Mr. Wallace: Satisfactory?

Ethan Choi: What the hell? Get me a portable chest X-ray, stat.

Nurse Doris: On it.

Mr. Wallace: Doctor's too smart for a stupid con like me.

Ethan Choi: Lungs are clear.

Technician: Doctor.

Ethan Choi: Come on. Did he swallow anything?

Guard Novak: Not that I saw.

Ethan Choi: Wait, what are those?

Nurse Doris: They look like little stars.

Ethan Choi: They must have lacerated his esophagus. Get him up to surgery now.


Isidore Latham: Wires are in. Chest is dry.

Connor Rhodes: Let's close the sternum.

Nurse: Dr. Vorspan, was the patient wearing any earrings?

Dr. Vorspan: No, why?

Nurse: They think she gave 'em to that convict downstairs, and he swallowed them.

Connor Rhodes: You think you've seen everything.

Isidore Latham: We'll need wire cutters soon.

Dr. Vorspan: Yes, doctor.

Isidore Latham: You know they did a study once on oxytocin. College students exposed to high levels of it just started giving their money away. Did you see how freely she interacted with that man? Just a total stranger? I've never been good at that.

Connor Rhodes: It's just a symptom of her genetic condition.

Isidore Latham: True. But maybe that's not entirely a bad thing.

Break room

Will Halstead: Any luck getting someone to approve the transplant?

Natalie Manning: Nope. Got stonewalled by everybody.

Will Halstead: I'm sorry.

Natalie Manning: Yeah… Time to go tell Jim the bad news.

Will Halstead: I'll come with.

Natalie Manning: No. No, I'll do it. I'm the one who got his hopes up, so...

Will Halstead: What're you gonna tell him?

Natalie Manning: The truth. That the one thing he needs most in the world is right in front of him and he can't have it, and he doesn't even have a choice.

Will Halstead: Natalie… There's still one thing we can do to make this legal.

Natalie Manning: What're you talking about?

Will Halstead: He's already said he's willing to deal with HIV infection. Let's give him the option.

Natalie Manning: Wait, are you serious?

Will Halstead: It's his decision. We'd just be giving him a choice.

Natalie Manning: You realize the implications of this?

Will Halstead: I do, but if we wanna save his life, is there any other way?

Jim Vance’s room

Natalie Manning: Mr. Vance, I'm afraid that as things stand, there is no possible way you can receive your brother's kidney.

Ian Vance: Wait, so there's nothing at all that we can do?

Will Halstead: No, not as things currently stand.

Jim Vance: Even though I know the risk? Even though I wanna do it?

Will Halstead: That's correct. It is illegal to give an infected organ to a non-infected recipient.

Natalie Manning: That's the terrible irony because if you already had HIV, the procedure would be legal.

Will Halstead: Now, obviously, we can't give you HIV.

Natalie Manning: No, but... But he can… And you do have a choice.


Sharon Goodwin: How's he doing?

Ethan Choi: Gonna be off solid food for a while. Could be a lot of scarring. We should know more in a few days.

Sharon Goodwin: I guess he got his vacation after all.

Ethan Choi: Yeah. I just can't believe I let him win.

Sharon Goodwin: Really? Does this look like a win to you?

Ethan Choi: He got what he wanted.

Sharon Goodwin: So he's a patient that came here to be treated. That should have been your focus.

Ethan Choi: Are you saying I should have let him have his way?

Sharon Goodwin: You know, my grandfather used to say, "Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it."


Connor Rhodes: She's gonna be fine. Back to herself.

Isidore Latham: "Audentes Fortuna iuvat." "Fortune favours the bold." Congratulations, Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: Good night, Dr. Latham.


Connor Rhodes: Hey, Sox fan.

Robin Charles: Hey.

Connor Rhodes: Is it too late for those drinks?

Robin Charles: What about not upsetting my father?

Connor Rhodes: Why stop now?

Robin Charles: Okay.

Nina and Will’s apartment

Jeff Clarke: You need anything?

Natalie Manning: Uh, no, I'm good. Thank you.

Jeff Clarke: All right.

Will Halstead: Hey.

Natalie Manning: Hey. This is a really great place. I love the breakfast nook.

Will Halstead: Yeah, thanks.

Natalie Manning: Mm-hmm.

Will Halstead: Are you feeling good about today?

Natalie Manning: Yeah. Yeah, I am.

Will Halstead: Good.

Nina Shore: Hey, everybody. Um, thank you so much for coming. Uh, celebrating with the people who know Will and me best, it means a lot, but there is something that most of you may not know about Will. Uh, he's still got a lot of med school debt... But he paid part of his way through it by singing at Irish weddings.

Will Halstead: What? No, no.

Nina Shore: Come on, come on.

Jay Halstead: Yeah, you paying half the rent now, buddy.

Will Halstead: No, seriously. These people are trying to have a good time.

Nina Shore: Everybody wants you to.

Sharon Goodwin: Just one song.

Will Halstead: Okay, Ms. Goodwin. One song. She's the boss.

Sharon Goodwin: That's right.

Will Halstead: Can you hold this?

Jay Halstead: Yes.

Will Halstead: You guys think you're funny, don't you?

Jay Halstead: I know we're funny.

Will Halstead: All right...

Kikavu ?

Au total, 107 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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Derniers commentaires

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SeySey  (16.09.2021 à 09:37)

Pauvre Danny....je me doutais de son sort mais quand même :-(

schumi  (13.05.2018 à 20:53)
Super épisode. Le choix entre mourir tout de suite ou s'inoculer le virus du sida... cornélien ! Bien vu car je n'avais jamais vu ça aborde dans une série médicale... Je savais bien que le patient de Sarah était mal parti mais quelle fin horrible... Et ke de Charles se découvre finalement papa poule... il était temps mais sûrement trop tard.
Linstead77  (25.07.2017 à 21:05)

Un très bon épisode! 


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Mercredi 1 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
6.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
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Chicago Med, S09E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 20:00
6.03m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 21:00
6.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 20:00
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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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