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Chicago Fire
#513 : Calomnie

Lorsque le Camion 81 et les Secours 3 sont appelés sur les lieux d'un accident dangereux, le chef Boden prend en une fraction de seconde une décision qui va à l'encontre de celle du chef Anderson, le commandant de l'équipe qui a été la première à répondre à l'appel. Sentant son autorité affaiblie et sa réputation endommagée, Anderson utilise son pouvoir pour s'en prendre à Boden et cela à des répercussions sur toute la caserne 51.
Pendant ce temps, Severide envisage un changement de vie majeur, Herrmann fait une bonne action et Brett cherche à faire quelques changements personnels.


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 14.02.2017 à 22:00
6.77m / 1.5% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit : Roger Grant

Réalisé : Reza Tabrizi

Guests : Michael Hanrahan (chef Anderson), Charlotte Sullivan (Anna), Melissa Robbins (Donna), Nick Boraine (Dennis Mack), Randy Flagler (Capp), Robyn Coffin (Cindy Herrmann), Maryline Barrett (Maggie Lockwwod), Amanda Calabrese (Annabelle Herrmann), David VonKampen (Lee Henry Herrmann), Lucas VonKampen (Lucas Herrmann), Logan Vosburgh (Max Herrmann), Anthony Ferraris (Tony), Mike Jimerson (Greg), Rochard Pickren (Randolph), Jettzen Shea (Augie), Max NcNally (O'Doyle), Eric Epps (Kolvair), Raven Moran (Olivia), Cron Buinis (Ms. April), Gary Smiley (Kenn Fallwell), Henry McGinniss (Jacques), Brandon Fierro (Calvin)


Herrmann: Hey, sorry, but we're closed.

Greg: Yeah, I know.

Herrmann: Hey, listen, buddy. I don't want any...

Greg: Look... I know you're not gonna believe me, but I have a job interview at First National Bank tomorrow.

Herrmann: Congrats.

Greg: The thing is... I don't have a suit… I was hoping to borrow a couple of hundred bucks to buy a new one.

Herrmann: And what if I don't lend you the money?

Greg: I'm sorry about this. You're right. Have a good night.

Herrmann: Wait. Wait! What's going on?

Greg: I just really need this job so I can get my own place, see my little girl more… Ugly divorce, you know?

Herrmann: Good luck.

51 kitchen

Dawson: You know you're never gonna see that money again, right?

Herrmann: Of course! Give me a little credit.

Otis: So, you don't mind getting scammed?

Herrmann: It's only getting scammed if I believed his story, which I didn't.

Mouch: 'Tis better to give than receive.

Herrmann: Exactly.

Cruz: Said every sucker in the history of the world.

Otis: Mm.

Dawson: Hey, as long as it's coming out of your cut.

Herrmann: Hey. Trust me. I did a good thing, okay? Whatever he's using that money for, he needed a helping hand. I helped him.

Otis: Drugs. Using it for drugs.

Locker room

Kidd: Hey. Look, I got your text last night, but I didn't see it till this morning.

Severide: Oh, it's nothing.

Kidd: Look, I know it wasn't a booty call, so what did you want to talk about?

Severide: I got a job offer.

Kidd: In the CFD?

Severide: Battalion chief in the city of Springfield.

Kidd: Huh.

Dawson: Stella?

Kidd: Yeah?

Dawson: Um, I need you.

Kidd: We're not done.


Dawson: Hey.

Kidd: Hey, what's up?

Dawson: Hey, Brett? Honey, what's going on?

Brett: Maybe I could stand to be in better shape. Maybe you two could encourage me instead of gawking at me like a couple of bitches.

Radio: Truck 81, ambulance 61. Vehicle accident at Irving Park, Cicero and Milwaukee.


Firefighters: Okay, I'll call you back… All right, now get it over the truck.

Boden: Chief, what do we got?

Anderson: Just hang back in case I need you.

Boden: You heard him. Hang back.

Anderson: Get the Hurst in there. Let's do this nice and easy… I see her! 128, get ready. Nice and easy.

Boden: Chief! Tell your men to hold off.

Anderson: Clock's ticking.

Boden: No. Stop lifting. Stop lifting now!

Anderson: We got her.

Boden: No! Stop lifting! That top pipe is not secure. 81, grab some webbing. Secure that pipe.

Herrmann: Copy that.

Boden: Come on. Let's go! You got it?

Mouch: We're good.

Casey: Not sure how long it'll hold it.

Boden: Chief Anderson, we're clear.

Anderson: You heard him, 128. Let's get her out. Quickly.

Firefighters: Seatbelt. Turn around.

Brett: Hey, wait. Easy. Got her? Set her down.

Dawson: Okay, we got her.

Boden: Everybody back up.

Anderson: Come on. Okay, guys. Clear. Clear.

Boden: All right, back out of there.

Anderson: Back out. Back out.

Boden: Okay.

Herrmann: Everybody clear?

Boden: You can let it go… Pack it up and clean it up, 81. Good work.

51 garage

Cruz: Hey. Hey, Herrmann. You Chalmers and Kolvair from headquarters, right?

Herrmann: No, I don't believe I have. Hey.

Cruz: How are you? Hey, bud. All right, so, uh, this is really weird...

Herrmann: Yeah?

Cruz: But they just got an email from a Nigerian prince, and they were wondering if they can get your banking routing number so that they can make a deposit.

Herrmann: He put you up to this? Nice friend.

Boden: Hey, Chalmers, Kolvair, you got my O2 tanks?

Chalmers: It's right inside, Chief.

Boden: Thanks.

Otis: Hey, you missed a crazy call. Boden saved Anderson's ass.

Kolvair: Wait. Deputy District Chief Anderson?

Boden: Well, it wasn't nothing, really. I'm just glad I caught it when I did.

Otis: Still, would've been blood on the pavement.

Boden: Ah, enough of that. Let's get inside, get some lunch going.

Cruz: Thanks, boys.

Severide’s office

Kidd: Springfield, huh?

Severide: Yeah.

Kidd: Isn't that where Anna lives?

Severide: That's not what this is about.

Kidd: Oh, right, right, you just got tired of the hustle and bustle of Chicago and figured you'd move to the countryside and raise some chickens.

Severide: Springfield is the sixth largest city in Illinois.

Kidd: You're actually considering this.

Severide: Yeah. I'm gonna go visit. I think the smart thing to do would be to see what they're offering.

Kidd: So, why are you asking my opinion?

Severide: Because you're my friend. I care what you think.

Kidd: I think... Ten minutes in Springfield, you'll be hightailing it back to Chicago as fast as you can. Or I just don't know you at all.

Boden’s office

Mouch: You wanted to see us?

Boden: Yeah. I have three questions. Are you going to Kenny Fallwell's cocktail party? If so, are your wives going? And what are they wearing?

Mouch: You wrote those down?

Boden: I just hung up with Donna. She wanted me to ask.

Herrmann: Well, yes, yes, and we will have Cindy and Trudy text her.

Boden: Mission accomplished.

Mouch: Yeah.

Boden: I do have one more thing. Let's keep a lid on what happened at the sewer pipe call. Chief Anderson just got that promotion and he's a little... Sensitive about his image.

Herrmann: You got it, Chief.

Boden: Thanks.

Chicago Med

Brett: I saw some makeup tutorials online. I'm thinking about making some changes. Maybe some smoky eyes or something.

Dawson: Okay.

Brett: I saw on the side of Facebook there are these professional makeup classes you can take if...

Dawson: I think those are if you want to work in the movies or something.

Maggie Lockwood: Hey, you guys okay?

Dawson: Yeah, why?

Maggie Lockwood: Heard about this new big-shot chief nearly got you all killed.

Dawson: Who said that?

Maggie Lockwood: It's going around. CFD gossips more than nurses, which I didn't think was possible.

Radio: Main to 61, are you available?

Brett: Yeah, we're back in. What have you got?

Radio: Injured victim at 200 South LaSalle.

Brett: On our way.


Waitress: It's an office party for their CEO. For the record, no one told us.

Brett: She's tacky. About 140.

Guest: Just so you know, this is a one-time deal. We don't condone this type of party at all.

Dawson: And yet here we are. Let's roll her over gently.

Brett: Yeah. Can you hear me, sweetie? What's her name?

Guest: I believe she was going by Lucky.

Brett: Can you hear me, Lucky?

Dawson: She's responding to pain.

Brett: Pupils are dilated. Did she do any coke? Snort something? Let's push Narcan.

Dawson: Yeah… Hey. Hey, can you hear me?

Lucky: My chest hurts.

Dawson: Whoa. Hold her.

Brett: Yup… Easy. Easy.

Dawson: Narcan wakes her, and then she goes into cardiac arrhythmia?

Brett: All right, I need to know right now if she took something… Spit it out!

Waitress: I saw a dude in the bathroom giving her a speedball.

Brett: We need to cardiovert her.

Dawson: Charging at 100. Clear… Sinus rhythm.

Lucky: I want to go home.

Brett: You're gonna be okay, honey. We got you.


Guest: Here. For your troubles.

Brett: Men suck.

51 kitchen

Severide: What are you doing?

Casey: In Mouch's haste to get to his stash of peanut butter M&Ms, he broke the cabinet door. Ah-ha.

Severide: Hey, I know you got the Alderman thing, and that pretty much keeps your hands full, but you ever wanna be a chief?

Casey: Not gunning for it, but down the road, sure. You?

Severide: I don't know. Lot of responsibility.

Casey: Yeah, we're learning from one of the greats. Anytime I see Boden step in with a split-second decision  like he did today, reacting like that. Will you hold this up for me? Why are you asking?

Severide: Just thinking about the future.

Casey: That's how you get in trouble.

Severide: Tell me about it.


Dawson: The hell are you doing?

Brett: Nothing. I thought I would learn a new language, just 'cause it might be useful.

Dawson: German is useful... In Chicago?

Brett: Well...

Dawson: Brett, what's going on?

Brett: Okay, look. I am batting about a zero with men lately. Good men, bad men, all men. I'm either pushing them away, or they're pushing me, and then I look at you, and I think, "Wow, what she has is perfect."

Dawson: You know how many guys I had to date before I met Casey? There was Jake, who cheated on me with his high school girlfriend, and Logan, whose parents could not approve of a Latino. And finally Dr. Mike. He was about as romantic as a German teacher. Look, the point is there were a lot of really bad breakups before Casey… Your Casey is out there, but you don't have to change who you are to find him.

Brett: Okay… How is Antonio?

Dawson: Not so great, from what I can tell.

Brett: Stay close, make sure he's all right?

Dawson: Of course.

Outside the firehouse

Hermmann: Whatever.

Otis: Hey, do you guys want to come over for a movie marathon? We're gonna watch "The Sting," uh, "Spanish Prisoner"...

Cruz: Ooh, Thomas Crown.

Otis: "Thomas Crown Affair."

Herrmann: I know you're making fun of me, I just don't know how.

Mouch: They're all con movies.

Herrmann: Ah. You know, instead, maybe... You should read "The Giving Tree." It's a very sweet story about a tree that gives away all of its branches.

Cruz: What happens to the tree?

Herrmann: Uh, it gets cut down to just a stump.

Cruz: That's horrible.

Herrmann: It's a lesson!

Mouch: Don't be a sucker?

Herrmann: You, too, now? You know what? Forget it. You know, me and my giving heart will see you later.

Boden’s office

Anderson: Hey. Boden?

Boden: Yeah? Chief, what can I do for you?

Anderson: You've been talking about me behind my back.

Boden: Come again?

Anderson: There's scuttlebutt going all over the CFD that you had to jump in and save my ass on that last call.

Boden: I have discussed the call with others, yes, but I certainly didn't say anything disparaging about you.

Anderson: It's true what they say about you, isn't it? You're a real wild card. No respect for the chain of command.

Boden: Looks who's trading in scuttlebutt.

Anderson: You see something on a scene, you bring it to the attention of the incident commander.

Boden: There wasn't time.

Anderson: There wasn't time? Or you just decided you could handle it better than me? Maybe you thought you should've got the bump for Deputy District Chief.

Boden: Chief, you have every right to be upset, but I didn't intend to undercut your authority. I had a different vantage point. I saw something. I acted. Simple as that.

Anderson: You don't want to make an enemy out of me, Chief.

Boden: We are in agreement.

Outside the firehouse

Casey: Think there's gonna be any fallout from Anderson?

Boden: I'm hoping he got it all out of his system, but then again, he can be tricky. Got a very fragile ego.

Severide: For good reason. Did you remind him that he almost got some firefighters killed?

Boden: You know that's not how I operate. Sometimes when you're a chief, you just got to suck it up and nod yes.

Casey: Doesn't sound much different than when you're a lieutenant.

Boden: Maybe not.

Casey: See you, Kelly.

Severide: See you.

Springfield: firehouse

Dennis Mack: That is the Scott X3 snap-change SCBA with the sight mask. Every firefighter gets a new one every year.

Severide: They're nice.

Dennis Mack: So is the pay and the furlough time. I know you can see the rigs are all top-of-the-line. Now all I need is a new battalion chief to take us to the next level.

Severide: Ah, the hard sell.

Dennis Mack: We want to make Springfield the best fire department in the world.  And I got 300 firefighters who believe it… Hey, come on. Let me introduce you to some of the guys.

Casey and Dawson’s apartment

Casey: Yes?

Dawson: What was that alderman's name from the breakfast thing we did last month?

Casey: Uh, there were 30 aldermen.

Dawson: The tall one with the cute hair.

Casey: Cute hair?

Dawson: Kyle something? Uh, he said he was single, and I thought maybe we could set him up with Brett.

Casey: Well, probably not the best idea to mix my government work with someone from the firehouse.

Dawson: Yeah. No, no. You're right. You're right… What about that waiter from the restaurant Tuscany? The young one they just hired.

Casey: What are you doing?

Dawson: She was with my brother, and she's not really taking this well, and I want to help.

Casey: Okay, I'm gonna get up, go to the fridge, get a beer, come back, and watch hockey. At no point in this am I gonna talk any more about Brett's love life.

Dawson: Got it.

Springfield: firehouse

Severide: They seem great.

Dennis Mack: Yeah. They're smoke eaters, every one of them.

Severide: Yeah, I can tell.

Dennis Mack: So, you'd have about 40 to 45 firefighters under your direct command. How you command is up to you. You want to run into burning buildings, you still do that. You want to hang back and call your shots from the street, that's your decision. And then I want to throw this on top of the cake… That's your official offer, including compensation.

Severide: Wow.

Dennis Mack: Look, think about it, okay? I'm gonna run to my office, check on a few things, give you some time.

Severide: Yeah, I'm just gonna get out and check out the city.

Dennis Mack: Talk to you later.

Severide: Yeah.

Springfield: hospital

Anna: I'll tell you what, Augie. I will bet you $1 million that I will beat you this time.

Augie: You don't have a million dollars.

Anna: You don't know that unless you play with me, so bring it on, kid.

Augie: Who's that?

Anna: Ah, that is... Mr. Cool.


Anna: What the hell are you doing in Springfield?

Severide: You said someday. Today is someday somewhere.

Anna: I've thought about you every day. I've thought about calling you.

Severide: I would've loved that.

Anna: Kelly... I mean, I will be forever grateful for what you did for me. I mean, this is my life, here.

Severide: I have a job offer to run my own battalion here in Springfield.

Anna: You're kidding.

Severide: No.

Anna: Please don't do this for me. I mean, I would love the chance to get to know you better, but if I thought that you were giving up Chicago for me... Oh, stop doing that, please… Well, I mean, not, like... Not yet, you know.

Severide: If I do this, it'll be for the right reasons.

Anna: What are those?

Severide: That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Kenny Fallwell's cocktail party

Boden: So, we grabbed all the gear we could, and we hiked it up the stairs ourselves.

Herrmann: Yeah, eh, here we go.

Boden: Now Christopher's the first one up.

Mouch: I was bringing up the rear.

Herrmann: Yeah, as usual.

Donna: Wait, I have heard this story. You said the candidate had to carry all the gear.

Mouch: Oh, wouldn't that be nice.

Boden: Yeah, well, actually what I said was...

Anderson: Don't... Don't believe a word this guy says.

Boden: Hey, Jim. Good to see you, too.

Anderson: That's not what you were saying earlier today when I was chewing you a new one.

Boden: No, not at the time. No. Uh, I thought we were all good, Jim.

Anderson: You damaged my reputation. I went through a hell of a lot to get that promotion, crawled a lot of hallways.

Boden: I know that, Chief.

Anderson: So, no, we're not all good when someone lower in command tries to tell me how to run a rescue.

Boden: Okay.

Anderson: When your house is the one with all the problems… I pulled your file, Wallace. I see how you manage your house. Just this year, you got a candidate filing a complaint against you, one of your men was arrested for hit-and-run, and then you go and get suspended for conduct unbecoming. Now, you add gross insubordination to that list, that could be the end of your career.

Boden: Excuse me?

Kenny Fallwell: This is supposed to be a party, guys.

Donna: We should probably go.

Anderson: Yeah? Why's that?

Boden: Hey, Jim.

Herrmann: Chief...

Boden: How are you gonna like it when I describe in detail and on record how firefighters nearly died due to your negligence?

Donna: Wallace...

Boden: No, it's all good.

Herrmann’s house

Cindy: And Annabelle has her teeth cleaning. She can't be late.

Herrmann: What? They're baby teeth. They're gonna fall out anyway.

Henry Lee: Uh, dad, pass the butter?

Herrmann: Please?

Henry Lee: Please.

Herrmann: Who's picking up Max from hockey practice today? Hm?

Max: I can. Oh... Oh, wait, no I can't, because I don't have a car.

Herrmann: Get some straight As, then come talk to me.

Cindy: Christopher.

Henry Lee: Don't forget my class.

Herrmann: What class?

Cindy: You're Dad of the Week, remember? He signed you up.

Herrmann: Ohh, yeah, hey, buddy, I didn't know that, you know, we landed on a date and I got to work. You know, you've heard most of my fire stories.

Henry Lee: The other kids haven't.

Herrmann: Hmm. Boy, I'm just letting people down left and right these days.

Cindy: Hey...

51 locker room

Kidd: Hey.

Severide: Hey.

Kidd: How'd it go?

Severide: Did you know they have an actual drive-in movie theatre in Springfield, along Route 66?

Kidd: And the fire department?

Severide: They're trying to build something good there. It's a decent offer.

Kidd: Okay, look, Kelly, you barely know this woman.

Severide: I told you it's not all about her.

Kidd: Okay, then what is it about?

Severide: Oh, lately I've been staring in the mirror a lot, and every day, the person looking back looks more and more like Benny, and I don't want that future. Maybe this is the chance I've been looking for.

Kidd: Okay… But if you go, I'll miss you. 'Cause like you said, we're friends, and, um... We're good together.

51 kitchen

Otis: Hey, did I hear that Chief and Anderson went toe-to-toe at Kenny Fallwell's place?

Herrmann: That's kind of a dramatic way to put it.

Cruz: Everything I hear, Anderson is somebody you don't want to mess with.

Herrmann: Neither is our chief. Uh, can we talk about something else?

Otis: What are you so sensitive about? What, did you loan Anderson a couple hundred bucks, too? I'm sorry.

Cruz: Oh, no, it was funny.


Brett: [speaking German] "Don't beat yourself up." It's my new motto.

Herrmann: You're obviously not Catholic… Hey, Lieutenant, um, is it okay if we go for a ride? It's kind of important.


Teacher: We've had a change of schedule, so we can spend more time on fractions.

Herrmann: Ah, not so fast.

Henry Lee: Dad!

Herrmann: What? You didn't think I was gonna make it to Super-Duper Dad Day? Come on. May I go?

Teacher: Yes.

Herrmann: All right. Come on. Okay. Hey, you guys want to learn about firefighting?

Children: Yeah!

Herrmann: Okay. Who knows what this is? Ah, besides my handsome, young son there. Yes, bright young lady?

Girl: It's a gas detector, for, like, toxic smoke you can't see.

Herrmann: Darn close! You know, we definitely have a device that can detect gas, and the thing goes off all the time on hot chili night. This actually is a thermal imaging camera. Anybody knows what this does? Yes?

Boy: Detects heat?

Herrmann: Exactly right. Check this out. All right, look. There's your teacher! Doesn't it look crazy? See it? See that?

Girl: What's it mean when there's a four-alarm fire?

Herrmann: You know, that's a great question, and the Lieutenant here can answer that one.

Casey: Yeah, it means the more alarms, the more vehicles and firefighters responding.

Boy: One time, a kid pulled the fire alarm and the whole fire department came.

Children: Ooh.

Herrmann: You know what? This is the thing about false alarms: as firefighters, we don't know whether or not it is false, so we need to assume that it's real, and we have to go help the people even though those people may be just playing some big, dumb joke. See, we always help people, whether they deserve it or not.

51 garage

Boden: What is this?

Anderson: Routine inspection. Those floor drains been cleaned out lately?

Man: I'll have a look.

Boden: Is this how you're playing it now, Jim? Your ego is so bruised, you're gonna dig around till you find something else?

Anderson: Where are you coming from, Lieutenant? I didn't hear any calls for 81.

Casey: Carmichael Elementary, doing a demonstration.

Anderson: You file paperwork for that?

Casey: On my way to do it now.

51 kitchen

Severide: Help you, Chief?

Anderson: As you were. Pretend we're not here.

Boden: Jim, will you step into my office?

Anderson: I'll get there in due time.

Radio: Squad 3, ambulance 61. Man down from unknown causes. 341 West...

Boden: When I get back, we are gonna talk.

Anderson: We'll come with you.


Boden: What's going on?

Our friend Calvin was trying to jump up and pull down a fire escape ladder. He grabbed it, but it, like, shot down on him.

Boden: Okay. People, move out.

Dawson: Back up. Back up.

Boden: Out of the way.

Dawson: Back up!

Boden: Back it up! Get out the way!

Brett: No, no, no, don't touch it.

Dawson: Hang on. We're gonna take good care of you.

Brett: We have full and clear bilateral breath sounds. No tracheal deviation.

Anderson: What is this? Six Flags? Get them out of here.

Boden: You heard the chief, Cruz.

Cruz: All right, everybody. Come on, back to the street. Let us do our work. Let's go!

Dawson: Looks like the ladder went straight through. I know. I know. I know. Hang in there. We should get him on the monitor.

Severide: Hey, Capp, you're gonna want to cut right here.

Brett: Running a line.

Dawson: We need more pressure.1.. The ladder may have nicked an artery. His BP's dropping fast.

Severide: All right, Cruz, Tony, stabilize the ladder. Capp, when you're ready, go for it.

Anderson: Whizzer saw would be faster.

Severide: This is fine, thanks. Capp, when you're ready.

Anderson: I'm telling you get the whizzer.

Capp: Lieutenant?

Severide: Give me that.

Anderson: Do your men not recognize an order when they hear one?

Boden: Chief, are you taking over as incident commander?

Anderson: I told you: I'm observing.

Boden: Then back off and let my men do their job.

Anderson: Excuse me?

Boden: Look, you want to take me on? Good… I will take this as far as you want to go, but right now, back off my scene.

Severide: All right.


Severide: He got in his buggy and drove off. Not another word.

Casey: Good for you, Chief.

Boden: Is it?

Casey: He had no cause to come at you. Just took a while to drum that through his thick skull.

Boden: Yeah, but I answer to Anderson, and he and I need to find a way to work together, for the good of the department… I'll catch up with you.

Severide: Hey, you seen Stella?

Casey: She and Dawson were taking Brett out tonight.A "forget your troubles" thing.

Severide: Ah.


Dawson: I wanted her to blow off some steam. I just didn't know she'd have so much of it.

Kidd: Oh, come on. She's fine. Cheers.

Brett: Hey, guys! Guess what!

Kidd: Hi!

Dawson: What?

Brett: I'm getting married! You see... See Jacques? The one with the face? He's from Canada. And he needs his green card so he can stay here. And so...

Dawson: We're out of here.

Brett: We could go to City Hall.

Dawson: No, no, we'll go.

Brett: See the Justice of the Peace.


Mouch: Even if it's uncomfortable after, like, just because they're, like, you know...

Otis: Yeah.

Mouch: They'll expect one thing. It means you should take stock.

Otis: Definitely.

Greg: Hi. I'm looking for the owner.

Otis: Found him.

Greg: No, a different guy?

Otis: Oh.

Greg: Told you I was gonna pay you back.

Herrmann: Ah.

Greg: It's Greg, by the way. Ah, Greg. Christopher.

Herrmann: Yeah.

Greg: Nice to meet you. I got the job.

Herrmann: That's great!

Greg: Yeah, I'm so excited… All right, well, uh, thanks. You have no idea how much your gesture meant to me.

Herrmann: Listen. Not so fast. Uh, you're drinking free tonight. Come on, what do you want? Yeah! Greg got a job!

All: All right, Greg!

Herrmann: All right, what are you drinking?

51 hallway

Mouch: Wow. someone's riding high this morning.

Herrmann: Eh, just the goodness of my fellow man makes me smile.


Anderson: Boden? I want to thank you for helping me realize I've been going about things all wrong. You'll have to forgive me. I'm new to the job. I understand now I can't just snap my fingers and get rid of you, but there are actions I can take that I don't have to justify to anybody.

Briefing room

Anderson: Firehouse 51, after a careful review of second shift, the department has found room for some improvements. Officers will remain in place for the time being, but as for the rest of you, here are your new assignments: next shift, Stella Kidd, you will report to Firehouse 27. Joe Cruz, you'll report to the 911 call center. Christopher Herrmann and Randall McHolland, you will report to Firehouse 90. Brian Zvonacek, Morningside. Sylvie Brett, you will now be at Firehouse 27. Make sure to report promptly for all shifts. I expect everyone to be on time and with a smile on your faces. You have a problem with this, take it up with the fire commissioner.

Kikavu ?

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05.04.2022 vers 13h

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schumi  (07.12.2018 à 10:56)

J'avoue que moi aussi j'en ai un peu marre des autres chefs qui en ont tous après Boden! Et pourtant je l'aime bien moi mais ça fait quoi... 3 saisons qu'on nous ressert cette intrigue? J'arrive plus trop à m'inquiéter même si là toute l'équipe est dissoute à la fin.. ce qui est nouveau!

Par contre j'ai adoré hermann et sa BA... comme quoi son bon coeur a eu raison!

Supersympa  (15.04.2018 à 21:48)

Un peu chatouilleux hein ?

Aelis  (15.09.2017 à 11:44)

Alors je trouvais que la série prenait un autre chemin habituel, (Severide qui décide prendre sa vie en mains, Sylvie qui déprime un peu et qui fait n'importe quoi pour oublier...) et bien non ça recommence avec le Chef Boden qui va se retrouver au milieu d'un "scandale" avec un Chef, qui comme par hasard est nul (vous avez remarqué que tous les autres chefs sont nuls comparés à lui ???!!!) et qui comme par hasard veut sa peau, et qui comme par hasard va tout faire pour mettre le binz dans la caserne !!!!! yell

J'en peux plus des mêmes histoires ! (bon et faut dire que j'aime pas trop le Chef Boden avec ses discours interminaaaaaables c'est peut-être pour ça aussi que je fais une petite oversode) Et aussi parce que je viens de me faire 3 saisons en 3 mois ? innocent lol


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

Ne manque pas...

Le nouveau quartier consacré à la série TV Fire Country est ouvert sur Hypnoweb !
Nouveau quartier ! | Fire Country

Activité récente
Dernières audiences
Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Fire, S12E13 (inédit)
Mercredi 22 mai à 21:00
5.79m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Med, S09E13 (inédit)
Mercredi 22 mai à 20:00
5.49m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Fire, S12E12 (inédit)
Mercredi 15 mai à 21:00
5.86m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Med, S09E12 (inédit)
Mercredi 15 mai à 20:00
5.49m / 0.4% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00
6.08m / 0.5% (18-49)

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00
5.65m / 0.4% (18-49)

Toutes les audiences

Nouveau design !

Nouveau design !
Changement de couleur sur le quartier !  Ce nouveau design a été réalisé par serieserie avec les...

OneChicago | Début des nouvelles saisons ce soir sur NBC !

OneChicago | Début des nouvelles saisons ce soir sur NBC !
Après des mois d'attentes et une rentrée des séries décallée en janvier liée à la grève des...

Chicago Fire | Un nouveau départ dans la prochaine saison !

Chicago Fire | Un nouveau départ dans la prochaine saison !
Un nouvel acteur a annoncé quitté la série dés le première épisode de la douzième saison.  Alberto...

Chicago Fire | Un départ pour la prochaine saison !

Chicago Fire | Un départ pour la prochaine saison !
Alors que la grève est terminée, les nouvelles concernant les séries arrivent peu à peu. Comme...

Chicago Fire - Severide de retour pour la saison 12

Chicago Fire - Severide de retour pour la saison 12
Taylor Kinney, qui a quitté Chicago Fire au milieu de la saison 11 pour raison personnelle, sera de...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

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langedu74, Avant-hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Hier à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Hier à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Hier à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Hier à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

Viens chatter !