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Chicago Fire
#915 : Une peur bleue

Severide et Casey essayent de trouver la meilleure position pour Kidd. Ritter, Gallo et Violet aident à la préparation d'une fête pour Mouch.


4.5 - 10 votes

Titre VO
A White-Knuckle Panic

Titre VF
Une peur bleue

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Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) et KELLY Severide (Taylor Kinney)

Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) et KELLY Severide (Taylor Kinney)

Violet Lin (Hanako Greensmith) devant la caserne

Violet Lin (Hanako Greensmith) devant la caserne

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) fait un discours

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) fait un discours

Tout le monde assiste à la cérémonie

Tout le monde assiste à la cérémonie

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker)

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker)

 Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte) reçoit une médaille

Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte) reçoit une médaille

Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) et  Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte)

Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) et Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte)

Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) embrasse Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo)

Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) embrasse Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo)

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) fait un discours

Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) fait un discours

 Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte) reçoit sa récompense

Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte) reçoit sa récompense

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso)

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso)

Darren Ritter (Daniel Kyri)

Darren Ritter (Daniel Kyri)

Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer)

Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer)

Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) et  Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte)

Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo) et Randy 'Mouch' McHolland (Christian Stolte)

Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer)

Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer)

L'ambulance 61 arrive

L'ambulance 61 arrive

Les pompiers évacuent les victimes

Les pompiers évacuent les victimes

Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) sous la pluie

Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) sous la pluie

Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo)

Stella Kidd (Miranda Rae Mayo)

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso)

Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso)


Logo de la chaîne 13ème rue

France (inédit)
Lundi 25.10.2021 à 21:00

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 19.05.2021 à 21:00
6.84m / 0.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails


Casey: Hey, there's another lieutenant living in our apartment.

Severide: So there is. Morning, Lieutenant Kidd.

Kidd: Ooh. I like the sound of that, but I don't have a position yet. I know, I know, it could take a while, so I am just gonna focus on the fact that I passed and be grateful.

Severide: Smart.

Kidd: Yeah, and... Speaking of, on that note, I am heading out to meet up with Suarez, because he passed, too. So we're gonna grab a little celebration coffee, might even order a latte because I hear that's how officers do it.

Casey: Cheers.

Severide: I'll see you at the firehouse.

Kidd: I'll see you.


Severide: I've been rethinking things.

Casey: How do you mean?

Severide: This marriage idea, maybe it's not the best move.

Casey: That's just the nerves talking.

Severide: No, I'm... Talking about something she said when we first got together. She wanted to lay it all out there, so she brought up her marriage and said, "I'll never do it again because I don't ever want to be in a situation where I can't just leave."

Casey: That was a long time ago... But I'm not gonna fight you. I get where you're coming from.


Apartment: bedroom

Realtor: The en suite bedroom is over here, and the other bedroom is at the end of the hall. Have a look around, and I will wait for you in the kitchen.

Chloe: Thank you.

Cruz: Thanks.


Apartment: living room

Chloe: Wow. What do you think?

Cruz: It's nice.

Chloe: Yeah.

Cruz: Really nice.

Chloe: Mm-hmm... It's practically in the West Loop, and the elementary school's one of the best in the city.

Cruz: And it'd be ours. No more fighting with Stefano over hot water.

Chloe: It's a little more than we were expecting.

Cruz: We'll figure it out.

Chloe: You think?

Cruz: I do... We can't pass up on this place, right?

Chloe: No.

Cruz: Okay, you go ahead, sign the paperwork. I gotta get to shift.

Chloe: Bye, Daddy.


Firehouse: briefing room

Boden: Okay, and last item: a week from Saturday, Deputy Commissioner Hill will bestow the Firefighter's Award of Valor upon one Randall McHolland... However, due to limitations on the size of gatherings, there will not be the usual ballroom event. I'm really sorry, Mouch.

Mouch: That is a-okay. I don't want a whole big thing.

Boden: HQ has put it on us to secure a venue of a smaller, more socially distanced version... Ritter, Gallo, maybe the two of you could handle that.

Ritter: We'd love to.

Gallo: Sure thing.

Boden: Good... Dismissed.


Ritter: Hey, Mouch.

Mouch: Trudy has some ideas she wants to share. She'll be coming by later.

Ritter: Awesome.

Gallo: Yeah.

Herrmann: Good luck with that.


Firehouse: hallway

Brett: Want to hear something weird?

Casey: Always.

Brett: I've kind of been missing Veronicat.

Casey: No.

Brett: Yes. She was terrifying, but she was also very entertaining.

Casey: I think you need to find a less dangerous form of entertainment... Cockfighting maybe.

Capp: Captain, Gabby Dawson's on the house phone. She wants to talk to you.

Brett: Wow, that's, um... Say hi for me. It's been a while.

Casey: Yeah, I will.

Dispatch: Squad 3, Ambulance 61, person trapped, 2059 West Canal.



Mark Newcombe: Help, help! Help me!

Severide: Capp! Call ComEd. Get those power lines shut down.



Mark Newcombe: Help, help!

Severide: Hey, just sit tight, okay? We're gonna get you out! Okay, this thing's hanging on by a thread. We need to make sure it's secure before we can try and pull him out. Tony, you help me tie it off. Cruz, just get in position. Keep him calm.

Cruz: You got it, Lieutenant.

Mark Newcombe: Hurry up! Help! Help me, please!

Capp: Ready to go, Cruz.

Cruz: Copy that! Ready.

Mark Newcombe: Oh, hurry, hurry! Please hurry. Please, God.

Cruz: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Mark Newcombe: Get me out of here! Get me out of here. Please hurry.

Cruz: Don't move... My lieutenant's gotta tie a couple knots still. All right? You hurt?

Mark Newcombe: No, no, no, I don't think so. Just terrified.

Cruz: How'd you end up in a mess like this?

Mark Newcombe: A cable snapped. I lost control of the pitch. I was trying to bring it down in that parking lot over there, but I couldn't clear the building. Get me out of here, man.

Cruz: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. This is gonna make a great story at cocktail parties, all right? That one time you walked away from a plane crash without a scratch, huh? There you go. There you go. You doing all right. That's right. There you go. I got you. That's right. There you go. Just breathe. Just breathe. Just breathe. I got you... Hey, bring down yellow! Right here, right here. There you go. We got you, we got you.

Severide: Okay. Lower them both!

Cruz: There you go. There you go, walk in the park. There you go.

Severide: Nice work, Cruz. Nice and easy. Keep it going!

Cruz: You're good, buddy. We're almost there, almost there... You're almost there, almost there.



Cruz: There you go, buddy.

Mark Newcombe: Oh, my God.

Cruz: He's okay. He's just a little shook up.

Brett: Yeah, I would be, too.

Mark Newcombe: How do you do that?

Cruz: Do what?

Mark Newcombe: Just hang off the ledge like it's a day at the beach. Aren't you scared?

Cruz: Man, I got a baby on the way. Nothing scares me more than that.

Brett: Hey, let's get a look at you.

Mark Newcombe: All right... Hey, who... Who is that guy?

Brett: That's Joe Cruz.

Mark Newcombe:Yeah. Well... Joe Cruz is a rock star.

Brett: Yeah, yeah, he is.


Firehouse: Boden's office

Boden: Ah, there he is. Have a seat.

Severide: What's up?

Boden: Want to talk to the two of you about Kidd's future. There are no spots at 51, not even on other shifts, and so, unfortunately, she will have to go elsewhere... I want us to do what we can to make sure she places at a good house.

Casey: Of course. How can we help?

Boden: You could do some research, find out where the next opening is likely to be, and then lobby for her at the best house available.

Severide: I'm happy to help with research, but I'll recuse myself when it comes to the lobbying.

Casey: No problem. As her commanding officer, I'd be glad to cover that part.

Boden: Great... And don't mention this to Kidd just yet. I don't want to get her hopes up. Who knows how this'll play out?

Casey: Got it.

Severide: Appreciate everything you've done for Stella, Chief. So does she.

Boden: Yeah.


Firehouse: entrance

Casey: Hey! Gabby said to send her love... She heard about Mouch's medal, and was calling to congratulate him. She asked me to record the ceremony for her. She really misses everyone here.

Brett: That's really sweet of her to check in. Hope you told her we miss her, too.


Firehouse: common room

Brett: I need some sugar. Sugar makes me happy.

Violet: I've been meaning to ask, how are things with Grainger? Haven't seen him at Molly's in a while.

Brett: Uh, yeah. We broke up.

Violet: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Brett: Greg is a great guy. It had nothing to do with him. I'm the problem, looking for something I can never have.

Violet: What makes you so sure you can't? I mean, from what I've seen, you already do. I picked up on it the day I got to 51. You and Casey, the way you are with each other, it's kind of undeniable.


Gallo: Where do you even host a medal ceremony? Like, do you think the union hall would be a good place for something like this?

Ritter: I guess we could reserve a private room at a restaurant.

Gallo: Okay.

Ritter: Although, maybe it should be outdoors.

Gallo: What if we do it on the patio at Molly's? It's outdoors. There's a bar right there.

Violet: You want Mouch to host his own medal ceremony at his own bar?

Gallo: Okay.

Violet: There must be a thousand venues in Chicago that would make it feel like a really special day, like, just off the top of my head, one of the dozen or so classy old private clubs.

Gallo: That actually sounds pretty nice. What's a private club?

Violet: Okay, clearly you two are both out of your depth. Would you like some help with this little assignment?

Gallo: That'd be great.

Ritter: Yes.

Violet: Okay.

Brett: Violet, have you ever met Mouch's wife, Trudy?

Violet: I don't think so. Why?

Brett: Mm, just curious. Anyway...


Outside the firehouse

Mark Newcombe: Oh, there he is, the rock star. Ah, Mark Newcomb. Nice to meet you down here at a more reasonable altitude.

Cruz: Oh.

Mark Newcombe: You like whiskey? Best bourbon you'll ever taste.

Cruz: Oh, that's not necessary.

Mark Newcombe: Are you kidding me? I was in a white knuckle panic up there, Joe. Then you came along, and what you did, it was incredible.

Cruz: All in a day's work.

Mark Newcombe: And I Googled you, man. I came across this video of you demonstrating your invention, the Slamigan?

Cruz: Oh, yeah?

Mark Newcombe: What a beast. I read on your website you're branching out into other projects?

Cruz: Yeah, yeah, Lady Bunker Gear, coming soon... Well, not as soon as I'd like. I'm still saving up for the prototype.

Mark Newcombe: Well, Joe... Your worries are over. Venture capital is what I do. I look for upstart companies in all sectors... Biotech, fashion, whatever, and I... Well, I try to identify the ones that I think are being held back by a lack of capital.

Cruz: Okay, cool. I'm not much of a finance guy.

Mark Newcombe: Well, here's all you need to know. I want to give you an infusion of cash... Whatever you need to take Slamigan to the next level.

Cruz: You want to invest in my company?

Mark Newcombe: No, I don't invest in companies. I invest in people... And, Joe Cruz... I'm gonna change your life.


Firehouse: lounge room

Cruz: He says the Slamigan is too good to be a side hustle. He wants to grow it into a major brand that sells firehouse equipment for all of North America and beyond. And he wants me to be the CEO.

Brett: Well, I'm not surprised. It's an amazing invention.

Cruz: Brett, you have always believed in it. That's why I wanted to tell you first. I mean, it's gonna be a lot of work, and I don't really know what a CEO does, but I can learn.

Brett: You totally could.

Cruz: And I got that baby boy on the way... I gotta provide for that kid.

Brett: I guess this means quitting the CFD?

Cruz: Oh, no, no way.

Brett: Oh, you can do both jobs at once?

Cruz: Sure, I think so... We haven't really talked about it, but you know, I'll know more tomorrow. Newcomb and I are gonna sit down, and we're gonna hammer out the details.

Brett: I'm really happy for you, Joe.

Cruz: Me, too.


Firehouse: briefing room

Violet: It's called the Union League Club. Do you know it? It was founded in 1897, very classy, located in the South Loop.

Ritter: And the best part is, they've got a patio with a bar, outdoor fireplace... It's a really great setup.

Trudy Platt: That's your idea, a fancy-pants private club.

Gallo: Well, we thought it seemed like the perfect place for a medal ceremony.

Trudy Platt: For you, maybe, if you ever earn a medal, but this is Randall McHolland we're talking about here.

Ritter: We didn't mean any disrespect.

Violet: No, not at all. Can you give us an idea of what...

Trudy Platt: Soldier Field.

Ritter: Soldier Field?

Trudy Platt: On the 50-yard line. That's the idea to beat.

Violet: Absolutely.

Trudy Platt: Okay then... Make it happen.

Violet: Wow, she's just...

Gallo: I know.

Violet: Amazing.


Firehouse: Casey's quarters

Casey: Got it. Thanks for your help, Deb. Onorato says the only opening she's heard of is at Morningside.

Severide: Slow, and it's full of duckers. It's no place for a go-getter like Stella.

Casey: No.

Severide: I left messages for guys I know at a bunch of these other houses. Can you see if you have any connections? So how'd it go, talking to Dawson?

Casey: A little weird since it's been a while. We're gonna talk again after the medal ceremony when there's more time to catch up. Have a feeling that conversation will tell me a lot.

Severide: What's up, Rios? Yeah? No, that's real good to know. Thank you. I appreciate it. Yeah, will do... Rios says the engine lieutenant at 66, McKenna, might be retiring this year.

Casey: 66?

Severide: Yeah.

Casey: Busy, well-run.

Severide: And battalion chief over there, Cadell, seems like a good guy.

Casey: This is good news. I'll go talk to him right after shift.

Severide: Great.


Firehouse: locker room

Cruz: I know, Chloe, we should have come in above asking, but there's still a chance, right? When are they reviewing offers?

Gallo: I've left three messages at the front desk, and no one's gotten back to me.

Violet: We need a better approach.

Ritter: We could try DMing the official Bears Twitter account.

Cruz: Okay, good. So we still have until Friday to improve on our offer. Yeah, I know, I know, but I got something in the works that could change everything. I'll tell you all about it when I get home from work. Love you.

Gallo: Hey, Joe. Would you happen to know anyone who works at Soldier Field?

Cruz: Sure, yeah, Coach Nagy and I play golf together in the off-season.

Gallo: Wait, really?


Firehouse: hallway

Violet: Okay, one of us needs to go down to the stadium and plead our case in person.

Ritter: Okay, but who?

Gallo: Well, I mean, if anyone can charm their way in there...

Violet: Okay, well, this might actually require people skills.

Gallo: Are you kidding? People love me.

Ritter: Sounds like we have our bases covered if we all go, so let's do it.


Mark Newcombe's house

Mark Newcombe: We're looking at an initial investment to get a production line up and running and to cover everything from payroll to R&D for the first couple quarters.

Cruz: Oh.

Mark Newcombe: I thought 5 million ought to do it.

Cruz: Um, yeah, yeah, that sounds reasonable.

Mark Newcombe: And then, from that point on, we'll base our funding on how you meet the sales projections, which is... Chart's on page nine there.

Cruz: Oh... Whoa, that's, um...

Mark Newcombe: Aggressive, I know. But I have faith in you.

Cruz: What happens if I don't meet these numbers?

Mark Newcombe: Hey, we won't abandon you. We'll bring in an experienced manager to help. I have the perfect guy. You'll love him.

Cruz: Oh, so then he would be the CEO.

Mark Newcombe: You'll still be the face of the company... Get ready for life on the road, man. We're talking trade shows, PR appearances...

Cruz: But I would still get to work shifts at 51?

Mark Newcombe: No, Joe, Joe, this is not a part-time job we're talking about... Do you want to be a firefighter, or do you want to be rich?

Cruz: Maybe I should sleep on it.

Mark Newcombe: Joe... I watched you dangle from a rope 100 feet off the ground like it was nothing. Don't you tell me that you're afraid of success.

Cruz: I'm just not sure that this is right for me.

Mark Newcombe: What the hell, man? I thought you were serious about growing your company. I already sold my partners on this.

Cruz: I'm sorry for wasting your time.

Mark Newcombe: Joe, I'm trying to change your life here.

Cruz: I like my life the way it is.


Brett's apartment: kitchen

Cruz: I know it sounds crazy because $5 million is a lot of money, but I just... I had this itch in my chest where I couldn't scratch it.

Brett: I know.

Cruz: It just felt like everything was slipping away, you know? I had to get out of there.

Brett: Sounds awful, Joe.

Cruz: Oh, no thanks. I have zero appetite.

Brett: Wow, now I know it's serious.

Cruz: Sylvie, I am so stressed out, I can feel every part of my face. Did I just make a huge mistake? I mean, what are the chances that I'm ever gonna see another opportunity like this one?

Brett: Hey, you have to trust your gut, and your gut sent you a very clear message.

Cruz: Chloe's gonna be home soon. How am I gonna look her in the face? She's gonna think she married a dud.

Brett: Not a chance. She's gonna respect you even more that she already does.

Cruz: You really think?

Brett: Thousand percent. You're your own man, Joe. That means something in this world.

Cruz: Thank you, Sylvie.


Firehouse 66: Caddell's office

Caddell: McKenna's been threatening to retire for years. Not so sure he'll actually pull the trigger.

Casey: Well, if and when he does, I want to tell you about a great possible replacement.

Caddell: You came all the way over here to sell me on a potential lieutenant?

Casey: She's a special one, Stella Kidd. Just passed the exam and is ready to go. Wish we had a spot open at 51... Kidd's been on my rig for five years, and I can't say enough about her. She's tough, loyal, and works as hard as anyone you'll meet. She's also a hell of a lot of fun to be around... One of those people that, when things get tough, she makes everyone around her feel like it's gonna be okay. It's just her personality, hopeful and bright, if you know what I mean.

Caddell: I can't make any guarantees, but I'll put her at the top of my list.

Casey: That's terrific, Chief, all I can ask. Thanks for hearing me out.

Caddell: You bet.


Jeff Maldonado's office

Jeff Maldonado: Hey, come on in. I'm Jeff Maldonado, director of stadium operations.

Gallo: Well, hi, Director Maldonado. I'm Blake Gallo. This is Darren Ritter and...

Violet: Violet Mikami. Thank you for seeing us.

Jeff Maldonado: Anything for our heroes in the CFD.

Ritter: That's good to hear, because we have kind of a big ask.

Jeff Maldonado: Right, something about a medal ceremony next Saturday?

Violet: Yes, for our friend Randall McHolland. He is receiving a very important award.

Ritter: And he's an amazing firefighter and just an all-around great human being.

Jeff Maldonado: Guys, your friend sounds terrific, he really does, and of course we support our first responders, but we're hosting a big peewee football fundraiser that day. It's been on the books for months... Wish I could help.

Violet: Couldn't we just borrow a little piece of the field for like 20 minutes?

Ritter: If you met Randall, you'd understand how much he deserves this. He's devoted his life to helping others.

Gallo: His best years, in fact, and he really doesn't have that many left.

Violet: Yeah, he's basic... Um... He's dying.

Gallo: And, uh... He's blind in both eyes.

Jeff Maldonado: A blind firefighter?


Firehouse: common room

Cruz: And she almost snapped.

Kidd: Papa Cruz.

Brett: Wow, that is a lot of baby swag.

Cruz: It's the mother lode. Who is this from?

Kidd: I have no idea.

Brett: Oh, look at this... No, I can't even!

Kidd: Oh, look at this! That is the cutest thing.

Brett: "We're gonna make a lot of money together." I thought you told him no.

Cruz: I definitely did. This is weird, right?


Gallo: Ritter, Ritter! Incoming.

Ritter: Trudy, hi.

Trudy Platt: Hey, so lay it on me, guys. Did you reach out to Soldier Field?

Gallo: Yeah, we went there, and we talked to the director of operations. What's his name?

Ritter: Maldonado... He told us... Oh, here's Violet. Perfect timing.

Trudy Platt: So what happened?

Violet: Well... we tried... We did talk to...

Boden: Ah, Trudy. Glad you're here. We had a change of plans. DC Hill travels next week. She just asked to do the medal ceremony today right here at the firehouse. I'm sorry, Trudy. I know this is not what you had in mind.

Trudy Platt: That's okay, Chief. We all serve at the pleasure of the muckety-mucks. What time are we talking?

Boden: 2:00.

Trudy Platt: Which means you only have a few hours to gin up some kind of pageantry so that this doesn't look like an afterthought. Go.


Firehouse: lounge room

Casey: Caddell's not sure when McKenna is leaving, but he says he'll put Kidd at the top of his list.

Severide: Nice work.


Firehouse: hallway

Casey: Yeah, it was a good talk. Funny though... Middle of telling him about Kidd, it hit me how hard it's gonna be to let her go.

Severide: You're telling me. If she gets McKenna's spot at 66, I'll get to see her what, a day or two a week?

Dispatch: Ambulance 61, person injured, Whitaker South High School, 1121 West Polk Street.



Principal: Oh, thank God you guys are here. This girl trespassed and attacked one of our students.

Jordan: I ain't trespass nothing. She rolled up and got handled.

Brett: What did she stab you with?

Makayla: She didn't stab me. I grabbed her braids.

Brett: What?

Violet: Oh, what the hell? Stay still.

Jordan: She pushed me! She wanted me to grab her hair!

Makayla: Stop lying. You came at me first. She's got a few cuts on her hands. She'll live. Look at my face. She hit me with that.

Principal: Well, you can tell it to the police. They'll be here soon enough.

Violet: Hey, wait! Slow down.

Principal: Get over here right now.

Brett: What started all of this?

Jordan: She think I want Brandon back, which I don't!

Violet: Who's Brandon?

Jordan: Her boyfriend, my ex. Brandon and I got tagged in a photo together, so she cracked. We've been broken up for two years! I don't know what the hell she was thinking.

Brett: Maybe she was thinking, just because you're broken up, it doesn't mean there aren't still feelings between you.

Makayla: Exactly.

Jordan: And what the hell you know about it? Why you gotta say that?

Violet: She was just trying to help.

Brett: No, you're right. I'm sorry. I don't know anything about that. I do know that these cuts are deep, and you're gonna need stitches. Let's get her to med.


Outside the firehouse

Ritter: 25 chairs, right?

Gallo: Yeah. So, like, five rows of five.

Violet: Mm, I'd round up to 30. Do six rows of five in case extra people show up.

Gallo: No, I disagree. Empty chairs is bad optics. If extras come, they can stand.

Ritter: I'm out.

Gallo: Fine, we'll see how it looks... You know, that was kind of funny at Soldier Field.

Violet: It was kind of ridiculous, more like.

Gallo: That's for sure... You know, it's been nice hanging out just as friends. I mean, last year was fun, no doubt, but this is good, too. No more sexual tension between us to mess everything up.



Boden: And by stopping the company from going back inside, Randall McHolland not only saved the life of that little girl, he saved the lives of his brothers and sisters at 51 as well... Now, nothing of the action that Randall took that day surprised any of us. He's a brave and humble man who would not apply the word hero to himself, but make no mistake, that is exactly what he is... He is also a good friend, and it is my honour to call up my friend Randall McHolland to accept his medal. Deputy Commissioner Hill has kindly joined us here today to make the presentation.

DC Hill: It is a privilege to be here with you all to present the Firefighter's Award of Valor... Randall McHolland, your actions exemplify the kind of courage and selfless service to others that make the men and women of the CFD so special... I commend you for your dedication, your service, and your valor... Congratulations.

Mouch: I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. I just want to say... 51 is the best place in the world... I love you guys.

Trudy Platt: I am so proud of you.

DC Hill: Can I talk to you for a moment, Chief?

Boden: Yes, course. My office.

Cruz: You look great.

Herrmann: You wear that medal well.

Mouch:Thanks, pal.

Trudy Platt: And he's so handsome.

Mark Newcombe: Mrs. Cruz.

Brett: Hey, Joe... He's here.

Herrmann: Departments in the United States.

Cindy Herrmann: No, oh, I didn't know...


Mark Newcombe: Yep, and we're gonna sell the Slamigan to every single one, and that's just the start... Oh, hey.

Chloe: Hey, honey.

Mark Newcombe: There he is.

Chloe: Mark here just told me about your discussion.

Cruz: Cool, cool. Hey, Mark, can I talk to you for a second?

Mark Newcombe: Yeah, sure, sure. Nice to meet you.

Chloe: You, too.

Cruz: It's all good. I'll see you in a second, okay?



Cruz: What are you doing?

Mark Newcombe: I just stopped by to see you, and I recognized your lovely bride from your Facebook page. You get my gift basket?

Cruz: Yes, we did, and look, maybe I need to clarify my position.

Mark Newcombe: Let me clarify mine. See, I don't like to let opportunities slip through my grasp.

Cruz: Well, I'm sorry, but...

Mark Newcombe: You're new to this business world, Joe, so let me clue you in as to how things work. See, you and me, we have what is known as an oral contract, and those, my friend, are legally binding.

Cruz: Hold on. I didn't agree to anything.

Mark Newcombe: You sure about that? I want Slamigan, and I mean to have it. But hey, there's no reason for this to get ugly. I'm offering you the deal of a lifetime, so don't be a rube... Take the money.

Dispatch: Engine 51, Truck 51, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, structure fire, 2700 Ogden.



Manager: I'm missing one of my guys. I think he's still inside... Dominic, my fry cook.

Boden: Everybody else get out?

Manager: I think so. I'm not sure.

Boden: Okay, we have at least one victim unaccounted for... Male employee. Truck, Squad, primary search. Engine, let's get a line in there.

Casey: Kidd, mask up.

Kidd: Copy that.

Severide: Hey, Capp, you're with me.

Cruz: Copy that.

Herrmann: Ritter, let's drop a line.

Ritter: Copy.

Severide: We'll follow Engine!

Capp: Copy.



Herrmann: Ritter, let's hit the left flank.

Ritter: Copy that.

Casey: We'll search the kitchen! You guys check out that hallway!

Severide: Copy that. Capp, hey, let's go! Fire department, call out! Dominic! Fire department, call out!

Dominic: Help, in here!

Severide: Yeah, I got him! Bringing him out now! Come on. Let's get you out of here... Capp!

Capp: Come on.

Severide: Hey, Capp, you bring him outside! I'll go clear the rest.

Capp: Copy!

Casey: Kitchen's clear! Where's Severide?

Capp: Searching one last room in the back!

Kidd: I'll go give him a hand!

Casey: Okay.

Kidd: Yeah.

Casey: Come on, bud, let's go.


Kidd: Kelly! Kelly!

Severide: All right, we're all clear. Let's go!



Boden: What was that? Severide, Kidd, report.



Severide: Hey, Chief, we're good, but we gotta find another way out! Gonna try the bathroom window! Go!



Boden: Squad, go meet your lieutenant at the bathroom window.

Cruz: Copy that, Chief... Hey, Severide, I'm looking at a security gate here. Give us two minutes.



Severide: Hey, screw that. I think I saw another window in the back. Come on!

Kidd: All right!

Severide: Help me with this.

Kidd: Yep.

Severide: You didn't have to come find me! You should have gone out with your company!

Kidd: No way! I am never gonna leave you! Don't you get that by now?

Severide: I don't ever want you to leave me... Stella Kidd, will you marry me?

Kidd: Hell, yeah... I will, Kelly Severide, I will.


Outside the restaurant

Tony: Hey, Joe. Easy! Easy!

Capp: Hey, Cruz, Cruz! They're okay! They came out of the back!

Cruz: Good! Ahh!

Tony: Cruz, man. You okay?


Outside the firehouse

Boden: Special shift... I could tell that ceremony meant a lot to Mouch.

Casey: Yeah, it did, and he deserved it... Saw you and DC Hill talking.

Boden: Yeah... Look, I'm not supposed to discuss the details of our conversation, but... Some changes might be coming to 51.

Casey: Good change?

Boden: Don't know yet. Time will tell.



Mark Newcombe: This is a nice surprise. Good to see you, Joe. Come on in. Hey... Ow!

Cruz: I need you to understand something. You think you got me figured out? That I'm some rube firefighter, doesn't know his way around a balance sheet?

Mark Newcombe: Get off...

Cruz: Buddy... You have no idea who I am, and you can't even imagine what I'm capable of... But if you come anywhere near my firehouse or my family again, you will find out.

Mark Newcombe: Whatever, dude... You want to walk away from a fortune, I can't stop you.

Cruz: That's right. You can't do a damn thing about it.



Brett: Baking soda.

Herrmann: Hey, look at Mr. Humble over here. Are you ever gonna take that medal off?

Mouch: Not tonight... Maybe not ever.

Ritter: I think it looks cool.

Mouch: Well, thank you. I heard from Trudy that you guys are planning some kind of party.

Gallo: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Bathroom break... I'll be right back.

Herrmann: Wow, a party, too. When is this Mouch celebration gonna end?

Casey: Not tonight. Next drinks are on me.

Mouch: All right, then!

Herrmann: Oh, holy smokes!

Ritter: Okay.

Herrmann: Here we go, finally.


Gallo: Hi.

Violet: Hey, um... You were right, it has been fun hanging out as friends, but don't forget about this.



Casey: Sylvie.

Brett: Sorry, I'm wiped from the day. I'm just gonna go home and crash.

Casey: Okay, but I need you to know, after the ceremony, Gabby and I had a great conversation.

Brett: I'm happy for you, Matt. I really am.

Casey: No, no, no, no. No, that's not what I meant... The conversation was great because it just made clear what I already knew. Gabby and I will always care about each other... There's too much history not to... But I'm not in love with her... I haven't been in a long time... Gabby is my past, and you... I'm in love with you, Sylvie... Nobody else... And even if that doesn't change anything for you, I needed you to know it.


Loft: bedroom

Kidd: Today was so perfect... I don't want it to end... Can we make it never end?

Severide: I promise it's only going to get better... And there will be a ring soon to make it official.

Kidd: You know I don't get caught up in that stuff... All I need is you... Actually, um, I j... I take it back... I'll take the ring.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 48 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

05.01.2024 vers 00h

03.09.2023 vers 23h

05.07.2023 vers 22h

05.12.2022 vers 10h

21.09.2022 vers 01h

22.07.2022 vers 23h

Derniers commentaires

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Sevnol  (22.07.2022 à 23:13)

J'aimerais bien que Stella reste au 51... Je ne la vois vraiment pas quitter l'équipe, même si elle excellerai dans son poste de lieutenant, ça fera un petit pincement de la voir ailleurs... En tout cas, très joli demande en mariage, enfin ils vont officialiser les choses, et je suis contente ^^ Mais faut pas qu'on leur remette des bâtons dans les roues encore, stop maintenant ^^

Génial la cérémonie pour Mouch ^^ Ahah j'adore les petites gueguerres entre  Trudy et les pompiers pour le lieu de la cérémonie. Finalement, heureusement que Boden était, ils allaient passer un sale quart d'heure sinon.

Matt qui révèle ses sentiments à Sylvie, en vrai j'ai cru qu'elle allait retenir à la fin mais non. Je ne sais pas trop où ça va mener, si c'est vouer à l'échec dès le départ ou non. Bref, à voir.

Je crains un peu pour Cruz, j'ai l'impression qu'il s'est mis dans de beaux draps avec ce sale type... Pourvu qu'il n'arrive rien à sa famille.


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Chicago Med, S10E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 22 janvier à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S13E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 22 janvier à 21:00

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S13E12 (inédit)
Mercredi 29 janvier à 20:00

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Chicago Med, S10E12 (inédit)
Mercredi 29 janvier à 21:00

Dernières audiences
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Chicago Fire, S13E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 janvier à 21:00
5.77m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S10E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 janvier à 20:00
6.17m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S13E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 novembre à 21:00
5.72m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S10E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 novembre à 20:00
5.86m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S13E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 13 novembre à 21:00
5.72m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S10E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 13 novembre à 20:00
5.98m / 0.4% (18-49)

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