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Chicago Police Department
#223 : Père, ami et patron

À la retraite, le commandant Perry demande de l'aide à Voight et son équipe pour l'aider à faire sortir son neveu flic d'une unité de policiers corrompus qui pillent les trafiquants de drogue. Pendant ce temps , Lindsay lutte contre ses démons et une femme du passé d'Olinsky revient à lui.


4.38 - 8 votes

Titre VO
Born into Bad News

Titre VF
Père, ami et patron

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Video promo NBC 223


Mouse (VF)

Mouse (VF)


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Hank (Jason Beghe) tente de résonner Erin (Sophia Bush) sous le regard de Bunny (Markie Post)

Hank (Jason Beghe) tente de résonner Erin (Sophia Bush) sous le regard de Bunny (Markie Post)

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) passe un sale quart d'heure

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) passe un sale quart d'heure

Alvin (Elias Koteas) appuyé contre la voiture est accompagné par Antonio, Jay et Hank

Alvin (Elias Koteas) appuyé contre la voiture est accompagné par Antonio, Jay et Hank

Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) est bien entourée

Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) est bien entourée

Erin se fait braquer

Erin se fait braquer

Hank et ses mauvaises habitudes...

Hank et ses mauvaises habitudes...

Jay, Sean et Antonio discutent

Jay, Sean et Antonio discutent

Jay Halstead joué par Jesse Lee Soffer

Jay Halstead joué par Jesse Lee Soffer

Kevin Atwater, joué par LaRoyce Hawkins

Kevin Atwater, joué par LaRoyce Hawkins

Moment cool pour Antonio (Jon Seda), et Sean (Brian Gearghty)

Moment cool pour Antonio (Jon Seda), et Sean (Brian Gearghty)

Adam (Patrick J. Flueger) et Kim se retrouvent au milieu d'une fête

Adam (Patrick J. Flueger) et Kim se retrouvent au milieu d'une fête


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 16.03.2016 à 01:10
0.72m / 30.0% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.05.2015 à 22:00
7.21m / 1.4% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Craig Gore, Tim Walsh
Réalisation : Mark Tinker

Guest Starring : Caleb Hunt (Craig "Mouse" Gurwitch), Robert Ray Wisdom (Ron Perry), Markie Post (Bunny),  Joseph Anderson (Carter Perry), Jeremy Davidson (Sergent Dave Roland), Robert Belushi (Landon Vanick), Jamie Anne Allman (Linda Sovana), Madison McLaughlin (Michelle Sovana)

Le commandant de police retraité, Perry, présente à Voight son neveu, Carter, un flic de banlieue avec un gros problème : il sait que son unité vole des trafiquants de drogue et forge des garanties, des détails qui le rendent nerveux. En d'autres termes, il veut en sortir et Perry croit que Voight a les moyens d'aider. Voight accepte d'aider et demande à une Lindsay avec la gueule de bois (et en retard au travail) d’être impliqué dans l’affaire. Malgré sa nuit pourrie par la drogue avec son vieil ami, Landon, Lindsay va affronter Roland, le sergent de l'unité de Carter, et lui propose en deal entre son équipe et celle de Voight. Roland accepte de faire équipe avec l’intelligence pour frapper une nouvelle cible.

Voight met en scène l’objectif en coordination avec des stupéfiants, un coup monté destiné à attraper l'unité pourrie en plein acte de saisie illégale. Sa tourne mal quant à l'intérieur ils trouvent moins d'argent que prévu, et que Roland met son fusil sur la tête d'une jeune fille. Son geste incite Lindsay à lui tirer une balle dans le gilet ce qui alerter l’intelligence qui procède aux arrestations. Ils jettent Roland et son unité en prison et l'affaire semble boucler ... jusqu'à l'audience interne. Les avocats et la police conviennent que sans le témoignage sous serment de Lindsay et Carter, il n’y a pas assez de preuves pour garder Roland et son unité en prison. Peu de temps après leur libération, Perry et Carter contactent Voight, préoccupé des répercussions que Carter pourrait subir en témoignant. Des coups de feu interrompent la discussion: Carter réussit à sortir juste à temps, mais Perry n’est pas si chanceux. Voight se précipite vers la scène du crime pour trouver Perry déjà mort et Carter sur le chemin de l'hôpital. Il monte dans l'ambulance pour interroger Carter et ce dernier admet finalement avoir pris dans la trésorerie des Latin Kings, un gang majeur de Chicago, il y a quelques semaines. Et l'un des tireurs qui à assassiner son oncle ressemblait à l'un d'eux.

Au District 21, Lindsay esquive un test obligatoire de drogues (protocole après qu'un agent est utilisé son arme), certaine qu'elle aurait échouée à cause de sa récente frénésie. Mais quand Voight la confronte à ce sujet, elle tente de réassigner la responsabilité sur Landon: un geste malhonnête qui ressemble plutôt à la mère de Lindsay. Voight le reconnaît et met Lindsay en congé temporaire jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait fait le test de drogue.

Pendant ce temps, Olinsky reçoit un appel d'une mystérieuse femme nommée Linda et va à sa rencontre au Millennium Park. Il s’avère qu'elle et Olinsky ont eu une liaison il y a des années, alors qu'il travaillait sous couverture et Linda vient de découvrir sur son rôle avec l’intelligence. Déjà marier à cette époque, Linda lui rappelle qu’elle l’a sauvé et qui a une dette. Cette dette est sollicitée plus tard quand Olinsky reçoit un appel du centre de détention juvénile. La femme sur l'autre ligne, Michelle, demande son aide ... et prétend qu'il est son père.

Une information envoie l’intelligence se rend dans un club pour un arraché des informations au Latin Kings. L'équipe créée une diversion pour occuper la sécurité du club, et trouvent leurs suspects à l'intérieur. Voight les bouscule pour avoir les informations, et il apprend que Roland a organisé la fusillade et a promis de prendre soin de la "femme flic" tout seul. Voight comprend ce que ce passe au moment où les hommes de l'unité de Roland sont dans l’appartement de Lindsay qui arrive avec son ami Landon. Comme les flics ripoux ont l’intention de les tuer tous les deux, Voight alerte Roman et Atwater de la situation et ils arrivent juste à temps. Voight fait parler les flics pour qu’ils donnent l'emplacement de Roland.

Voight se précipite chez Roland et découvre le découvre avec un million de dollars en espèces. Roland avoue admirer Voight et lui fait une offre pour sauver sa peau : pourquoi ne pas partager l'argent 50/50? Il rappelle à Voight sa réputation, son passé, et fait un appel convaincant ... sauf que Voight choisit de rejeter l'offre arrête Roland.

Atwater est innocenté dans le cas du suicide et son intervention dans l’appartement de Lindsay impressionne Voight qui le reprend dans l’équipe. Bien que cela implique que Burgess retourne en patrouille, elle est heureuse pour lui et se voit proposer une offre de changement de vie différente à celle de sa carrière : Ruzek lui demande de l'épouser. Elle fait une pause sous le choc avant d'accepter sa proposition, et les deux tourtereaux s’embrassent, excité pour leur avenir.

Antonio reçoit aussi de bonnes nouvelles après sa recherche pour amasser des fonds pour le rachat d’un gymnase de boxe qui échoue par manque d’argents. Mais Voight lui donne l’argent, qui provient de l'unité pourrie, qui couvrira tous les frais restants et permettra Antonio de poursuivre un autre rêve : posséder et exploiter une salle de boxe.

Mais tous les rêves ne se réalisent pas : Voight cherche Lindsay et la localise dans un lieu tristement familier : le bar de Bunny. Déprimé, Lindsay croit que tous ses amis et sa famille finissent mal, alors pourquoi continuer ? Avec le soutien de Bunny, Lindsay fait l'impensable: elle rend à Voight son badge et son pistolet. Voight fait de son mieux pour la convaincre du contraire, mais Lindsay refuse d'écouter. Elle quitte l’intelligence, regarde au loin quand Voight sort ... et prend une autre gorgée de sa bière.


Commander Perry: How you doin', buddy?

Voight: Commander Perry.

Commander Perry: Thanks for taking the time.

Voight: Of course.

Commander Perry: This is my nephew, Carter.

Voight: Son.

Carter: I don't feel right about being out here, but our uncle swears that if anyone can handle this, it's you.

Voight: All right. What ya got?

Carter: My cut. I had to take it. If I didn't, they'd think I was a snitch. Last week, we came into Chicago, hit a mid-level supplier in Englewood using a fake warrant.

Commander Perry: Startin' to spill into your backyard, Hank.

Carter: These guys are crazy, all right? The last dealer we hit, they beat him so bad, I thought they'd kill him.

Voight: Well, what about your chief? You go to him about this?

Carter: Like I told my uncle I don't know who I can trust. For all I know, they could be payin' him off.

Commander Perry: You gotta get Carter from under them, Hank. It's just a matter of time before they bust this whole unit and take him down the tubes with him.

Lindsay’s apartment

Landon: Why don't you just shut it off?

Lindsay: I can't. It's work. What'd you talk me into last night?

Landon: Oh. Everything. Remember when we went to Rocklahoma?

Lindsay: I remember using a fake ID to get in, and Limp Bizkit opening. After that, it's kind of a blur.

Landon: I got tickets for this year. What do you say? Old road dogs reliving the good times? We could forget all this Nadia business.

Lindsay: I said don't mention her name. Lock it when you leave.

Intelligence office

Voight: All right, here's the deal. Commander's nephew's caught up with some bad police out in Jackson Park. This is Sergeant Dave Roland and his Narcotics Unit. Over the past year, they've been ripping off drug dealers in their jurisdiction. Until last week when they crossed into our backyard robbed a stash house for 200k.

Dawson: I got a buddy from high school Used to work out that way as a sheriff's deputy. He said the motto on the side of the Jackson Park patrol car should read, "To Steal and Neglect."

Lindsay: Sorry. Traffic. Sir.

Voight: Sergeant Roland used to be CPD. Some of you may recognize his name. His father was Deputy Chief. He had his son placed in Narcotics straight outta the academy. Everybody knew he was bad news back then. Got jammed up, excessive force charges. Look, before he could get stripped, his old man had him shipped out to Jackson Park to save his career.

Commander Perry: Carter. He's been a patrol officer out there the past two years. Nothin' but high marks. About six months ago, he got assigned to Roland's Narcotics unit. Thought it'd be a career changer for him.

Voight: Listen, it's just a matter of time before Roland and his unit realize Carter isn't one of 'em.

Halstead: So how are we gonna play this?

Voight: My office.

Voight’s office

Lindsay: Listen, before you say…

Voight: Sit down. Aaron Perry came to us with this case because he needs our help, okay? It could get tricky. I got a plan, but I also got a problem I don't know if I can rely on you.

Lindsay: Hank.

Voight: I can't count how many times you've been late. You look like you've been up all night. The question is… Can I count on you? Yes or no?

Lindsay: Yes.


Sergeant Roland: Well, you wouldn't believe it unless you were there. Me and Jackson took a Halligan hook to this giant's head. The guy was no less than 6'5", 300 pounds, waving around his little derringer. Can we help you with something?

Lindsay: Yeah I'd like to know how a bunch of cops from suburbia got the balls to cross over into the city, rip off a dealer, and are eatin' burgers like they don't have a care in the world.

Sergeant Roland: Who the hell are you?

Lindsay: Chicago PD.

Sergeant Roland: What is CPD doing this far West?

Lindsay: Hank Voight sent me. We need to have a talk.


Sergeant Roland: So you and Voight are tight then? Huh?

Lindsay: I gotta be honest I don't wanna be here. This place bores me, but we have a serious problem. The dealer that you and your unit robbed was under Voight's protection.

Sergeant Roland: Whoa, you keep saying that Robbed. You got any proof?

Lindsay: Don't waste my time. You jacked our revenue stream, so now you owe us. We have a target we want you to hit.

Sergeant Roland: I wanna talk to Voight first.

Lindsay: You're talking to me.

Sergeant Roland: No offense, but I'm not doing business with his messenger girl.

Lindsay: Great. His cut just went up 15%.

Platt’s office

Platt: Oh. What's up with chuckles, here?

Atwater: Nah, I just got off the phone with my FOP rep. The suspect who committed suicide in custody, I'm officially cleared for his death, so.

Roman: I told him he shouldn't be nervous.

Platt: Well, I guess you won't be workin' mall security after all. But don't get your hopes up for gettin' back upstairs anytime soon. I heard "golden girl" is shining real bright up there.

Atwater: Yeah, well, you know, I started on the streets. Now I'm back on the streets. It's all good.

Roman: Yeah, see, that's a winning attitude.

Platt: Yeah, he doesn't mean a word of it… Hey, Olinsky, do you ever check your messages?

Olinsky: Yeah, uh, how do I how do I do that?

Platt: How do A Linda Sovana keeps calling, twice today already.

Olinsky: You say Sovana?

Platt: Yeah, do me a favour call the woman back if for no other reason than to tell her to stop calling me.

Voight: Ready?

Olinsky: Yeah.

Voight: Oh, hey, Kev.

Atwater: Hey.

Voight: I got a call from the ivory tower. Congratulations.

Atwater: I appreciate that, Sarge.

Voight: Hey we might need a little extra backup on this thing we're working, so stand by.

Atwater: Anything you need.

Olinsky’s car

Voight: If I'm not out in, like ten minutes, you come in.

Olinsky: Okay.


Lindsay: Sergeant Voight, this is Sergeant Roland.

Sergeant Roland: I don't know if you remember, but we met once.

Voight: Well, you're right. I don't remember.

Sergeant Roland: How about a drink?

Voight: It's not a social call.

Sergeant Roland: Well, I just gotta say, I have nothing but respect for you. A cop who ran the streets his way. You got sent to Statesville, gamed the system to be released. I mean, when I was coming up in CPD, I always wanted to get in your unit. Now here we are, finally workin' together.

Voight: Not yet.

Sergeant Roland: You're right. First thing's first.

Officer: Your phones.

Voight: Can never be too sure.

Sergeant Roland: Nowadays, they got everything wired. Here's for the phones.

Lindsay: I'm clean.

Voight: I don't think you fully understand this situation. You come into my city, steal from me. The only reason you're still breathing is 'cause I don't let debts go unpaid.

Sergeant Roland: We're cool.

Lindsay: Target is a cartel stash house. No real security. They pay a front man to shovel the snow and pick up the mail. He's sittin' on at least ten kilos and 200 grand in cash. In and out in five minutes.

Voight: You hit it, we'll split it, 35 your head, 65 for us.

Sergeant Roland: Sounds like me and my guys are doing most of the work, so, I'd say that's 65 my way.

Voight: You can have the whole thing. But then you gotta get out of Chicago alive.

Sergeant Roland: 35 good thid time. But 50/50 next time.

Voight: Let's just worry about this job. Goes good, we'll talk.

21 back entrance

Burgess: Hey.

Ruzek: Hey.

Burgess: You left without me this morning.

Ruzek: Yeah, no, I had some paperwork I had to catch up on, so I thought I'd get an early start.

Burgess: You had paperwork.

Ruzek: Yeah.

Burgess: Look, I'm upstairs now. You have to get used to it.

Ruzek: Don't read into it. Wha I had paperwork.

Burgess: Okay.


Dawson: Hey, how much cash you got?

Halstead: On me?

Dawson: No, in the bank. I'm lookin' for a few partners to go in on an investment.

Halstead: What do you know about investing?

Dawson: Zip. But I know boxing. It's Matador's Gym, you've been there.

Halstead: Yeah.

Dawson: The owner and I, Sergeant Hopkins, we go way back. He's on underwater with the place, needs to sell.

Halstead: How much you need?

Dawson: 1000. I already talked to Roland, so I figure if we all put in at least 25 for a down payment.

Halstead: Do I look like a Rockefeller to you?

Dawson: Well, whatever you can come up with.


Voight: Narcotics have been sitting on a cartel stash house for several weeks. Sergeant McCants has been kind enough to let us use it as our bait house. So we take down a few bad cops and get some dope off the streets. Now we gotta make this look good. So as soon as we move in, we cuff Carter and Lindsay and take 'em to lock up, too. Got it?

Ruzek: Got it.


Lindsay: This is it.

Sergeant Roland: Why are you all dolled up?

Lindsay: Because Voight says I go in. Just to make sure you get the count right.

Sergeant Roland: If it goes off, you better be ready.


Voight: Everyone in position.

Patrol car

Roman: Ready and waiting.

Olinsky’s car

Ruzek: We got eyes.


Sergeant Roland: Don't you move! Don't you move! Hands up!

Woman: Papi!

Man: No! Baby! What do you want?

Sergeant Roland: Don't play dumb. You give up the stash or you both die.

Man: Please, Just don't hurt her.

Sergeant Roland: Come on! Where!

Man: The oven.

Sergeant Roland: The cash! Where's the cash?

Man: I don't know. I don't know!

Sergeant Roland: Come on, Chico, Come on!

Man: Okay. The fridge.

Sergeant Roland: What, do you got it on ice?

Officer: Got it.

Sergeant Roland: Count it.

Officer: Uh, there's 100k, give or take.

Sergeant Roland: Where's the rest?

Man: I don't know!

Girl: Daddy!

Man: Baby!

Lindsay: Whoa! Whoa! Relax! Everybody relax!

Officer: Get down. Get down!

Sergeant Roland: They always hide it in the kids room. All right, tear it apart.

Man: Please! Come here, baby. Hold her, please. Hold her!

Officer: On your knees. On your knees!

Lindsay: Guys! Maybe our Intel was off.

Officer: Boss, there's no cash here.

Man: No! No!

Officer: Don't move!

Sergeant Roland: We know there's more. You either tell me, or she dies.

Man: There's no more!

Sergeant Roland: No, there's more.

Officer: Damn!

Man: There is no more!

Lindsay: Let her go.

Sergeant Roland: What are you doin'?

Lindsay: Let her go.

Sergeant Roland: What, are you gonna shoot me?

Lindsay: We don't do it this way.

Sergeant Roland: This is not your show. You take a step back. Where's the money? Where's the money?


Officer: Sarge!


Voight: Shots fired! Everybody move in.


Officer: Drop your weapon! Put your gun down! Stand down!

Lindsay: I will drop you.


Halstead: Don't move!

Officer: Stand down.

Officer: Antonio, you don't need to do this.

Voight: Drop your weapon.

Halstead: Get up!

Sergeant Roland: You rat piece of…

Lindsay: Shut-up! You're under arrest.

Voight: Get him out of here!

Sergeant Roland: You're breakin' my heart.


Dawson: You'll be shipped down to 26 and Cal and put in protective custody until the hearing, tomorrow.

Sergeant Roland: If Carter's the ace up your sleeve, It won't be much of a hearing. Hey, ask him about 219 Westlake Terrace. Aah! Unh!

Intelligence office

Voight: I already got a call from internal affairs about you doin' a urine drop.

Lindsay: Yeah, I'll do it after the hearing.

Voight: Well, it's mandatory you get tested within 12 hours of firing your weapon. I wanna make sure every T's crossed in this case, so. Make sure you head down there first thing.

Lindsay: Okay.

Voight’s office

Voight: Hey.

Commander Perry: Hey.

Voight: Hey, you should probably lay low for a bit, until this whole thing blows over.

Commander Perry: All right, he's gonna stay with me out in St. Charles.

Voight: Hey, what happened to 219 Westlake Terrace?

Carter: What do you mean?

Voight: You tellin' me everything I need to know?

Carter: I got nothing to hide here. I came to you, Sergeant.

Voight: Tell me the truth, hm? You stick your hand in the cookie jar?

Carter: Absolutely not.

Voight: So why'd Roland mention that address?

Commander Perry: To get your head spinnin'. Obviously it's workin'.

Voight: Mm-hmm.

Matador's Gym

Dawson: Sergeant Hopkins sank his last 10k into this place. Still needs to get out from under it.

Roman: How long you been coming here for?

Dawson: I was 14 when I first walked in on my way home from work. Well, work was runnin' dime bags for an SGD named Hard Boy, he lived upstairs. He used to slap me around. But after a few lessons, I showed him. I was at that point, you know?

Halstead: Fork in the road.

Dawson: Than this place introduced me to the police, youth boxing league. Saved my life. And it can do the same for a lot of other kids.

Halstead: Listen, man. All I can do is 10 grand.

Roman: I can buy in for 5.

Dawson: That's not gonna be enough.


Linda Sovana: It's funny. I almost just called you Frank.

Olinsky: Well, when did you find out I was a cop?

Linda Sovana: It's been 16 years. No "Good to see you"?

Olinsky: Well, I'm not totally sure this is a good thing.

Linda Sovana: I saw my cousin Jimmy a few days ago.

Olinsky: Mm-hmm.

Linda Sovana: You remember Jimmy? He's out now and, uh he told me that he found out you were an undercover.

Olinsky: Well, that case was only supposed to last a couple of weeks, but instead it went a year.

Linda Sovana: Were you married then when we were together?

Olinsky: I was. Why why'd you call, Linda? Hm?

Linda Sovana: You remember when I vouched for you that one time? When Cheero's crew was asking about you?

Olinsky: Mm-hmm.

Linda Sovana: I saved your ass. Would you agree?

Olinsky: Yeah, I would.

Linda Sovana: Good. Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget that.


Commander: Why did you sidestep the proper channels when conducting this investigation?

Voight: Sir, you know how my team works. We dive in head first. I had specific Intel that Sergeant Roland and his unit was rippin' off drug dealers for their money and narcotics.

Sergeant Roland: I would like to make it clear that me and my guys would not have been at that house, or anywhere near Chicago for that matter, if it hadn't been for Detective Linds…

Lawyer: Where is Detective Lindsay, who shot my client?

Commander: Sergeant?

Voight: Detective Lindsay got pulled into another case.

Lawyer: Until she goes on record and we get a sworn statement from Carter Perry, you have no case.

Commander: Sergeant Roland and his team are being released without charges at this time.

Sergeant Roland: Perfect.

Officer: Yes.

Commander: Congratulations, Boys.

Sergeant Roland: Sir, thank you.

Drugs control

Woman: Bathroom is right over there.

Lindsay: Thanks.

Intelligence office

Dawson: How'd it go?

Voight: Well, they hired Joe the Shark as their lawyer. That should give you some idea.

Ruzek: So they're gonna walk?

Voight: For now. We need to get Carter and Lindsay on record, or we don't have a case. Can I help you with something, Bunny?

Bunny: Ah, I just dropped by to see Erin.

Voight: She's not here.

Bunny: Oh. Okay, well, I wanna leave here something. I had this framed for her. They look like sisters, don't they?

Voight: You're sick?

Bunny: I'm sick? Okay, Hank. Tell me, tell me what I did wrong this time.

Voight: Erin is grieving. She's in a vulnerable space. But that's exactly where you want her, isn't it? Easier for you to get your hooks into her? Listen to me. Don't ever come back here.

Dawson: Come on. I'll show you out.

Bunny: You know who's sick? You are sick.

Voight: Yeah?

Bunny: They are best friends, and you're making this about me?

Voight: Get her outta here.

Dawson: Come on.

Ruzek: One sec. Hey, boss?

Voight: Yeah?

Ruzek: Commander Perry's on the line.

Voight’s office

Voight: Commander?

Commander Perry's car

Commander Perry: Hank Look, I'm with Carter. Uh after what went down today, he'd having second thoughts about going on record. He wants out completely.

Voight’s office

Voight: Listen. Without his testimony these guys go free.

Commander Perry's car

Commander Perry: Look, Man, they're free already.

Voight: Look, I'll talk to him. Where are you?

Commander Perry: On Wacker. What about Miller's Pub?

Voight: I'll be there at 10:00.


Voight: Perry? Perry!


Atwater: All right, let's back it up, people. Let's back it up. Let's back it up. Right there behind the yellow.

Olinsky: Oh, man.

Dawson: This is a tough one.

Officer: There were two shooters, approached on foot.

Dawson: Spoke to several witnesses who said they were they were wearin' red and black. Hoodies pulled up, so nobody got a good look at their faces.

Halstead: Red and black. Vice Lord colours.

Voight: Carter?

Dawson: He's over there. I haven't spoken to him yet.

Voight: Hey, how is he?

Paramedic: Well, we gotta take him to Chicago Med for surgery, but I'd say he's pretty damn lucky.

Voight: Give me a minute.

Paramedic: No, no, no. Hey, hey. Sir, no, we gotta get him outta here.


Carter: I tried to get a shot off. It happened so fast…

Voight: Just listen to me. The shooters were they Vice Lords?

Carter: No, no. One of 'em I recognized. They call him "Drug Store." He rolls with the Latin Kings. The colours they were flashin' it was just camouflage.

Voight: Why would he come after you?

Carter: I don't know.

Voight: You got something to tell me, you better tell me right now.

Carter: Westlake Terrace. It's the Latin Kings stash house out in Jackson park. The one time I set it up, Drug Store and his boys were dealin' out of it. A couple weeks ago, we hit it. Roland and them, they grabbed a few kilos. It's the only time I took money.

Voight: You used your uncle to cover your own ass. Now, he's dead because he want to bat for you.

Carter: You of all people have to understand, right?

Voight: Wrong.

21 back entrance

Lindsay: We get a location on the shooter yet?

Halstead: Still workin' on it. Everything okay?

Lindsay: I came as soon as I got your message.

Halstead: Which one? I left three… Erin? Erin… I'm not your boss. I don't care where you were. But know that I am looking out for you. Whatever you got goin' on upstairs you gotta face it head-on.

Lindsay: Thanks.

Intelligence office

Platt: I just got off the phone with Commander Perry's wife, Jeanette… Man retires after 30 years, and a few months later, he's gunned down in the street. Anyway I'll get you all details on the services when I get 'em.

Voight: Thanks, Trudy.

Platt: Yeah.

Voight: My office.

Voight’s office

Lindsay: I still can't believe this is about Perry.

Voight: I got a call from IAD. Detective Karen O'Toole says you never took the drug test. It's not optional, Erin.

Lindsay: I take that test, I'm gonna fail. I had a few drinks the other night and this guy…

Voight: I asked if I could depend on you, you said yes. We got Perry's killers out there somewhere, and I gotta worry about you.

Lindsay: Hank, just hear me out.

Voight: Every cop I know eventually goes through a bad patch. Some recover and get through it. The ones who don't… They walk around wondering what happened to their careers. You're at the point where you gotta figure it out.

Lindsay: It was before Perry came in, all right? All I did was party a little too hard.

Voight: So you're back to your old habits.

Lindsay: No. The guy I was with had some pharmaceuticals, and the nights fuzzy, so, I'm thinkin' maybe, at some point, I went to the bathroom, and he slipped something in my drink, but I don't know. I had a lot to drink, and…

Voight: You know who you sound like, right now? Your mother. Look, I'll reach out to a doc I know, he'll he'll say you've been dealin' with depression and back date a prescription for whatever pills you took. But I can't get into it now. Until this is solved, you're off the clock.


Dawson: Reached out to a CI of mine. Got a location on this Latin King nicknamed Drugstore.

Voight: All right. Round everyone up.

Dawson: He's not at his spot in Jackson Park. He's in the city. Turns out he's hold up in The Cave.

Voight: That club over on the Westside?

Dawson: Yeah, it's being protected by his uncle. High up in the Chicago Kings. This won't be our typical snatch and grab.

Voight: All right.

The Cave

Olinsky: We've got two guys on the roof.

Dawson: I see 'em. Get ready.



Voight: Everybody clear out of here.

Halstead: CPD! Get out! Move, now!

Voight: Get out! Get out! You two, come on. Come on, let's go.

Halstead: Gun! Get down! Come on, move it!

Olinsky: Hey, hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?

Ruzek: Get out.

Halstead: On your stomach.

Olinsky: Turn around, get down!

Ruzek: Hands behind your back.

Voight: You killed a friend of mine. I wanna know why. I wanna know why!

Guy: Think you're gonna make it outta here, hey?

Voight: Give me the torch.

Guy 2: You think a little burn gonna make me talk?

Voight: You know what, bitch? You don't have to talk 'cause your boyfriend's gonna do it for ya.

Olinsky: Come here.

Voight: You go after Carter because he robbed you, or 'cause Roland gave you orders… You think I'm playin'? Yeah.

Guy: Okay, it was Roland! He made us a deal!

Voight: What kinda deal?

Guy: Roland said he'd put a drug case on us. Bury us in Statesville for 20 years. All we had to do was take out that snitch, Carter. He said they'd take care of the other bitch themselves.

Voight: What bitch? What bitch?

Guy: Some lady cop he said set 'em up.

Olinsky: All right, get down.

Lindsay’s apartment

Landon: Yo, Erin.

Lindsay: Hey, Landon. Look, thanks for the fun time the other night, but…

Landon: Do you see me on one knee? I just thought we could do some shots.

Lindsay: It has not been a good day.

Landon: One beer. Come on, you can tell me all about it.

Lindsay: All right.

Landon: I gotta say a woman with a gun really turns me on.

Lindsay: Uhhh yeah.

Landon: Still got that ticket to Rocklahoma for ya. You should come.

Lindsay: Yeah, maybe next year.

Landon: Unh!

Lindsay: Okay.

Officer: You should have never set foot in Jackson Park.

On the road

Voight: Atwater. You anywhere near Erin's?

Atwater: Yeah, we're on 14th and Wabash, like five minutes away.

Voight: Get over there, right now. You see any of those Jackson Park cops anywhere near there, you take them out.

Lindsay’s apartment

Officer: Get up! Get over there.

Landon: No! No! No!

Lindsay: You really think you're gonna kill a Chicago cop and get away with it?

Officer: Keep your mouth shut.

On the road

Roman: There's an unmarked squad it's not ours.

Lindsay’s apartment

Officer: This'll look like a bad domestic… Drink it.

Landon: Aw, come on, man.

Officer: Drink it!


Roman: Chicago PD! Let me see your hands.

Officer: Hey, we're all on the same team here, Officer.

Roman: If I don't see your hands, this is gonna get messy.

Lindsay’s apartment

Officer: Roland didn't say nothin' about droppin' two bodies.

Officer 2: Don't be a punk, all right? Let's do this think and get outta here.

Officer: Yo, Sarge. Yeah, we got a problem. She's not alone…

Atwater: Chicago PD!


Lindsay: You move, you die. You hear me? Hmm? Do you understand me?

Atwater: You straight, Erin?

Lindsay: Thanks, Kev.


Dawson: Get on your knees! Hands behind your back!

Roman: Atwater's inside.

Lindsay’s apartment

Lindsay: It's okay.

Voight: Erin!

Lindsay: We're okay! Hold this, hold this. Here.

Halstead: You had us worried there for a sec.

Voight: Where's Roland?

Officer: You call me an ambulance yet?

Voight: I said… Where's Roland?

Roland’s house

Sergeant Roland: I sent my girl out with a friend. They like to play the slots at The River Boat. So, it's just you and me.

Voight: Hmm. Looks like you had a pretty good run.

Sergeant Roland: Over a million. I was gonna wack it up with my guys, but it looks like they won't be needin' it anymore. So how about it, Voight? 50/50. Let me walk, and half a million dollars is yours.

Voight: You call a hit on two cops. You come after one of my own. You really think you can buy your way outta that?

Sergeant Roland: I'm just takin' a page from the Hank Voight playbook.

Voight: You have no idea who I am.

Sergeant Roland: Sure I do. Back when I was a rookie, I heard all about how you were the only cop who had the balls to make Sonny Gags and his crew pay street tax. Everyone knew, you don't pay up to Voight, you end up in the river. You were a legend.

Voight: If I was the cop you think I am, you'd already be dead. There'd be no million on the table.

Sergeant Roland: Come on… You and me are the only ones in this room… Take the money.

Voight: You're gonna dial 911 and you're gonna turn yourself in. I'm gonna watch you surrender your badge.

Sergeant Roland: You really think this is gonna redeem you?

Voight: I'm givin' you a chance… You move your hand any lower, you're gonna be breathin' outta your forehead… Make the call.


Officer: Watch your head.

21 entrance

Voight: Atwater. That was a hell of a save last night. You and Roman both.

Atwater: That means a lot. It really does, Sarge. I'll let Sean know.

Voight: I'll tell him myself when I see him. Right now, I need you change outta that uniform. Get your ass back upstairs.

Atwater: Damn, thanks. I mean, Sarge, what I did last night I woulda done regardless. It was Lindsay.

Voight: I know.

Platt: Oh, I'm not piling on. You're a hero, et cetera. Change out like the Sergeant said and let's get back to work, all right?

Atwater: Copy that.

Intelligence office

Voight: Hey.

Dawson: Don't think she came in.

Voight: So, how are things with Matadors.

Dawson: Ah. Between me, Halstead, and Roman, we only have half of what we need. Um, I put in a call to the credit union See about taking some money out of my 401k.

Voight: Courtesy of Jackson Park. Hey. Police Youth League Saved a lot of kids. Keep it goin'.

Locker room

Burgess: Hey. Congratulations, Kev. Voight just told me.

Atwater: Thanks.

Burgess: Yeah.

Atwater: You cool?

Burgess: Look, I don't wanna lie to you, Man. You know this is where I wanna be.

Atwater: It's too bad you're not good police. You'll never get another shot.

Burgess: Oh, shut up.

Atwater: You'll be back upstairs.

Burgess: All right.

Atwater: Come here.

Burgess: Thanks, man.

Atwater: Yeah.


Ruzek: He's baaack

Atwater: What's up? Yes, buddy.

Ruzek: Good to have you back.

Atwater: Thank you.


Burgess: Hey.

Ruzek: Hi.

Burgess: Well, you should be happy. I'm back on patrol.

Ruzek: I wanted to keep this informal, so I thought, you know What's more informal than the locker room… Right?

Burgess: Okay.

Ruzek: Yeah. So, listen, I know I've been a little weird lately. It's got nothin' to do with you and I workin' together. I just, uhhh been tryin' to figure out… Out how to tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and, uh you and… I are freakin' awesome together. I know this is quick, but I don't care because I love you…

Burgess: Yes.

Ruzek: Yeah?

Intelligence office

Olinsky: Olinsky here.

Michelle: Is this Alvin Olinsky?

Olinsky: Yeah, who's this?

Michelle: My name's Michelle. My mom said you could help.

Olinsky: Your mom?

Michelle: Linda Sovana.

Olinsky: I didn't know Linda had a daughter.

Michelle: Yeah, well, she gave me your number, so…

Olinsky: Look, I don't know what Linda told you or how she thinks I can help.

Michelle: Because I guess you're my dad.


Voight: Little early, isn't it?

Lindsay: I had a rough night.

Voight: Yeah, I think we all did. Let's grab a coffee on the way back to the district.

Lindsay: Uh, Hank, actually, I've been thinking. I'm nothin' but bad news, you know? I was born into bad news and I can't seem to get away from it… But it's the ones around me, the people that I care about the most who end up getting hurt. So, um…

Voight: You gotta stop being so hard on yourself.

Lindsay: I had a talk with my mom.

Voight: Where'd that get you?

Bunny: Well, we decided that it might be a good thing for you to give Erin some space, you know? So she can figure things out for herself.

Voight: Let's go… I've talked to you as a friend, as a father. Now I'm talkin' to you as your boss… Get off the stool. Let's go to work.

Lindsay: Actually, I quit.

Bunny: We're good, Hank. Any issues that Erin is dealing with, it's a family matter.

Kikavu ?

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