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Chicago Police Department
#401 : Continuer à vivre

L'équipe des renseignements enquête sur une affaire macabre. Après des investigations , il apparaît que la victime portait un mouchard du CPD au moment de sa mort. Pendant ce temps,Burgess rencontre son nouveau partenaire, Julie Tay, qui arrive de l'une des pires assignations de la ville. Ensemble, elles répondent à leur premier appel et Tay partage des détails de son passé. De son côté, le commandant en chef Crowley confronte Lindsay sur l'endroit où elle était avec Voight pendant que l'équipe pourchassait l'assassin de Justin.


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The Silos

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Continuer à vivre

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Chicago PD season 4 premiere

Chicago PD season 4 premiere


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Sneak Peek #1 4x01 VOSTFR


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Sneak Peek #4 4x01 VOSTFR

Sneak Peek #4 4x01 VOSTFR


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Extrait #2


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Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) et Adam Ruzek (Patrick J. Flueger)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) et Adam Ruzek (Patrick J. Flueger)

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati)

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati)

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati)

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati)

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) et Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas) et Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda)

Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda)

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) et Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer)

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) et Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer)

Mouse (Samuel Caleb Hunt) et Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer)

Mouse (Samuel Caleb Hunt) et Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer)

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas)

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) et le petit garçon

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) et le petit garçon

Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) et Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) et Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati) de dos et sa coéquipière

Kim Burguess (Marina Squerciati) de dos et sa coéquipière

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) parle à Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) parle à Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer)

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) devant son ordinateur

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) devant son ordinateur

Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) et Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush)

Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) et Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe)

L'équipe observe

L'équipe observe


Logo de la chaîne TF1

France (inédit)
Mercredi 14.03.2018 à 00:15

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 21.09.2016 à 22:00
6.87m / 1.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénariste : Matt Olmstead

Réalisateur : Mark Tinker

Guest stars : Li Jun Li (Officier Julie Tay), Barbara Eve Harris (Commandant Crowley), Samuel Hunt (Mouse), Jesse Spencer (Lieutenant de pompier Casey), Philip Winchester, Marlyne Barrett (Maggie Lockwood), James Andrew O'Connor (Ted Berner), Stepahnie Kurtzuba (Detective Ricci), Caroline Neff (Olive Morgan Voight), Ian Bedford (Commandant Fogel), Marilyn Bass (Ally Culler), Christine Bunuan (Kate Chen), Ryan Imhoff (Connor Wix), Josh Odor (Oscar Flynn)


4x01 : The Silos

L’épisode commence avec Voight devant la tombe de se fils, se remémorant ses derniers instants joyeux avec lui, lors de l’anniversaire de Daniel.

On se retrouve chez Jay. Lindsay se réveille en sursaut après un cauchemar, elle est avec Jay. Elle quitte précipitamment le lit.

Elle retrouve le Commandant Crowley aux Silos, où Erin et Hank étaient lors de la poursuite du tueur de Justin. Le commandant lui demande ce qu’il s’est passé et Lindsay couvre Voight en disant qu’il a l’habitude de venir ici quand ça ne va pas pour se vider la tête. Il en avait besoin après avoir été mis à l’écart de l’enquête mais surtout après avoir perdu son fils. Elle n’est pas convaincue par ses paroles et elle lui demande combien de temps encore elle va couvrir Voight et mettre en danger sa carrière et la réputation de l’équipe.

On retrouve l’équipe sur une scène où une voiture a brulé avec une personne à bord. Le lieutenant Casey vient présenter ses condoléances au sergent, malgré leurs différents dans le passé. Lindsay les rejoint et salue de loin Voight.

Un homme arrive sur la scène en disant que c’est sa voiture et qu’elle a été empreintée par son fils, il donne des détails sur sa tenue et Voight identifie le cadavre comme étant le fils de l’homme. On ressent beaucoup de tristesse pour toute l’équipe à ce moment-là.

De retour au district, Antonio et Jay interroge le père de la victime en demandant si son fils devait de l’argent à quelqu’un, mais il répond que non que son fils était quelqu’un de bien. Jay lui demande également la raison pour laquelle il portait un dispositif d’écoute de la police sur lui.

On retrouve Erin dans le bureau de Voight, elle lui demande si il n’est pas revenu trop tôt, il lui répond qu’il a besoin de ça. Elle prend des nouvelles de son petit fils et il lui répond qu’il va bien et que c’est son seul bonheur actuellement. La discussion est froide. Voight sent qu’il y a autre chose et il lui demande ce qu’elle a dans la tête, mais elle esquive le sujet et retourne à son bureau.

On retrouve Burgess qui essaye d’intercepter Platt pour lui demander des informations sur sa nouvelle partenaire mais elle arrive à ce moment-là. Il s’agit de Julie Tay.

Ruzek et Olinsky fouille la chambre de la victime et le père et la sœur de celle-ci arrive. Ruzek en profite pour poser des questions à la sœur, notamment sur le dispositif de police retrouvé sur lui. Elle se braquer et trouve que la police de CPD devrait être au courant.

On retrouve Burgess et sa nouvelle partenaire dans la voiture de patrouille, Burgess la questionne sur son arrivée au district 21 mais elles sont interrompues par un appel. Elles sont appelées pour une femme criant et demandant de l’aide. Elles foncent vers un SVU noir où un homme et une femme sont en train de se battre, l’homme à un révolver et prend la fuite, Tay s’accroche à la voiture mais fini par tomber, laissant partir la voiture avec les personnes à l’intérieur. Elles poursuivent la voiture et retrouvent une femme battue au milieu de la route. Elle avait commandé un Uber mais un homme a débarqué et la poussé dans la voiture. Elles décident d’emmener la victime au Chicago Med, où elle est prise en charge par Maggie. Burgess indique qu’elle a été agressée sexuellement et qu’elle a perdu 2 fois conscience.

Nouvelle confrontation entre Lindsay et Voight dans les vestiaires, ce dernier lui dit qu’elle peut lui parler de tout.

L’équipe se retrouve pour faire le point sur l’enquête, Al indique qu’il veut creuser sur la sœur de la victime. Il trouve un lien entre elle et un flic des stups. Voight est prêt à s’absenter mais Mouse lui indique que le commandant Crowley souhaite lui parler. Il lui dit de prendre un message, malgré que ce soit la 3ème fois qu’elle appelle.

Ruzek et Al retourne interroger la sœur de la victime, Ali. Elle est toujours très méfiante vis-à-vis de la police et elle leur dit d’aller interroger leur collègue des stupéfiants Ricci. Olinsky répond qu’il pense qu’il aura une version plus proche de la vérité par elle. Ruzek lui demande de l’aider pour trouver qui a fait ça à son frère mais elle ne sait pas. Ricci a arreté Ali avec de la drogue et lui a fait croire qu’elle risquait 10 ans de prison, sauf si elle l’aidait à arrêter un dealer. Ali en a donc parlé a son frère car ils étaient proches. Son frère a donc voulu le faire à sa place et c’est la qu’elle a appris qu’il était mort.

Lindsay et Halstead rendent visite à l’officier Ricci. Elle pensait qu’il avait pris peur et qu’il avait changé d’avis, raison pour laquelle elle n’avait plus de nouvelles de lui. Erin l’accuse de mentir et le ton monte. Ricci finit par donner les informations sur le dealer qu’elle essayait d’arrêter.

Voight rentre chez lui et découvre Olive et Daniel sur le départ. Il lui demande où ils vont et elle lui répond qu’elle déménage chez sa sœur à Scottsdale car il y a trop de mauvais souvenirs ici. Hank la supplie de rester ici mais elle ne peut pas.

Erin et Jay sont dans la salle de pause et Jay se fait du souci pour Erin mais il a l’impression d’avoir les mains liées car il ne sait pas le problème. Lindsay lui dit que Crowley est derrière elle pour savoir ce qu’elle sait le sur Voight et le tueur de Justin et ce qu’il s’est passé au Silos. Jay lui demande de ne pas suivre Voight sur la mauvaise voie. Il lui fait ensuite une déclaration en lui disant que tout vient et part mais qu’il ne veut pas que ça soit pareil pour elle, il lui propose d’emménager avec lui et il l’embrasse.

Dawson et Atwater surveillent Wix, le dealer.

Le père de la victime est au district et il veut des réponses, il veut savoir qui a fait ça. Voight lui promet de trouver les coupables. Leur conversation est très intense.

De retour à l’hôpital, Burgess et Tay attendent des nouvelles de la victime et elles discutent un peu, Kim lui raconte que la dernière fois qu’elle a utilisé son arme, elle a fini en prison et qu’elle a donc hésité à tirer ce soir. Julie lui dit que c’est normal et que tout s’est passé très vite. Le duo commence sur de bonnes bases. Tay fini par lui avouer qu’elle ne sait pas combien de temps elle restera sa partenaire car elle a des différents avec le Commandant Fogel. Elle a refusé ses avances sans le signaler et le lendemain elle était mutée au district 26. C’est grave à Platt qu’elle est au district 21, elle lui a proposé de l’aide après l’avoir rencontré à une Association de femmes policières.

L’enquête continue et ils découvrent un lien entre Wix et une certaine Nikki. Atwater découvre qu’ils ont un fils ensemble.

L’officier Ricci arrive au district et donne toutes les informations à Lindsay et Halstead et elle leur annone avoir informé sa direction des ses erreurs et qu’elle fera face à ses responsabilités.

Grâce à leur travail d’équipe, Burgess et Tay arrêtent l’agresseur.

Nikki est en salle d’interrogatoire avec Dawson et Voight. Elle va finalement servir à piéger Wix en portant un micro. L’équipe la prépare et lui indique qu’ils ne seront pas loin.

Dans la rue, Nikki rencontre Wix mais ce dernier se doute de quelque chose et prend la fuite, l’équipe le poursuit et Jay lui fonce dedans pour l’arrêter.

Le commandant Crowley arrive sur la scène et ordonne à Voight de monter dans sa voiture, elle lui demande son arme. Elle l’emmène sur le scène des Silos, où Voight et Kevin Bingham ont été vu pour la dernière fois. Une équipe de technicien est sur les lieux pour creuser dans le sol. Elle propose à Voight de passer un deal plutôt que de creuser mais il refuse. Elle ordonne aux techniciens de creuser.

Burgess et Tay d’un côté et Olinsky et Ruzek de l’autre vont annoncer les bonnes nouvelles à la victime et à la famille.

A l’hôpital, Tay tombe sur le commandant Fogel.

Après avoir creusé, le commandant Crowley ne trouve rien et rend donc l’arme à Voight.

On retrouve Erin chez elle, en train de regarder des appartements sur internet quand on frappe à sa porte. Elle retrouve Hank sur le pas de la porte et il lui dit merci. Un long silence suit mais Erin dit finalement qu’elle n’oubliera jamais qu’il lui a sauvé la vie quand elle avait 15 ans et qu’elle sera la pour lui.
Hank finit par craquer et dire qu’elle est tout ce qui lui reste et tombe en pleure dans ses bras.

Nom de la victime : Evan Berner
Nom du tueur : Wix


All: Happy birthday, dear Daniel. Happy birthday to you.

Voight: So you were in town last month.

Justin Voight: Yeah, I was seeing a friend.

Voight: So who's this friend?

Linsday: Hank...

Voight: Justin! You did good. I'm gonna find who did this to my son… I'm Justin's dad. Start digging.

Linsday: Please, Justin wouldn't want you to do this.

Voight: Erin, get out of here... Now.

Kevin Bingham: I'm gonna tell you what I told him right before I put a bullet in his head.

Halstead’s apartment

Halstead: What happened?

Linsday: Nothing.

Halstead: You okay?

Linsday: Yeah. I got to go.

The Silos

Emma Crowley: Detective… On the night the intelligence unit was pursuing Justin Voight's killer, I was monitoring the team's radio transmissions and geographical locations. I had your cell phone and Sergeant Voight's triangulated the second radio traffic stopped. The two of you were both right here at the Silos while the rest of the team was pinged clear across the city.

Linsday: That's right. We were here. This is a place that Sergeant Voight comes to gather his thoughts. And he was reeling after you pulled him off the case, so when I couldn't get him on his cell or the radio, I came here.

Emma Crowley: And did what?

Linsday: Talked... About his unimaginable grief over losing Justin. It was a cop's son that was killed that night, Commander. I don't know if anyone briefed you on that.

Emma Crowley: So you agree with what he did?

Linsday: I don't know what you're referring to. You pulled us off the case. We complied. As far as we know, Justin's killer's still out there somewhere.

Emma Crowley: How much longer are you gonna cover for Voight, at the expense of your own career and this entire department's reputation? Does that matter to you? Or have you been fully absorbed into his world? I know you're indebted to him. He pulled you off the streets when you were 15. But it's time for you to think for yourself.

Crime scene

Matt Casey: Arson? No doubt. Strong smell of gasoline, but no ruptured fuel lines or tanks.

This was definitely a pour. Victim was probably dead beforehand, otherwise he would've tried like hell to crawl out of there.

Halstead: Man, what a way to go.

Matt Casey: Yeah.

Officer: We have guys checking the security cameras over by the containers.

Voight: Keep me posted.

Officer: Copy that.

Matt Casey: Hank. I heard about your son. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am.

Voight: That means a lot, Matt.

Atwater: Yo, Sarge. Plates came back to a Ted Berner. 55, no priors.

Voight: All right, thanks.


Halstead: Hey, how'd it go?

Linsday: Not great.

Ruzek: Hey, check this out.

Voight: What?

Ruzek: Right here. What's that on his chest?

Halstead: Is that a police wire?

Voight: Well, let's find out.

Ted Berner: Hey, is that my car?

Officer: Whoa! Who are you?

Ted Berner: Is that my car? Uh... Ted Berner.

Dawson: Was it stolen?

Ted Berner: No, my son Evan borrowed it. I hadn't heard from him, so I located his phone on the app. Is... Is Evan here?

Olinski: Mr. Berner, there's an adult in the front seat, but we haven't identified him.

Ted Berner: Evan wears my father's, um, watch on his right wrist... An old Omega. Is it him? No. No, please... Please. Please... Please.

Intelligence kitchen

Dawson: Did he owe anyone money?

Ted Berner: No, he moved back home to save cash. He was gonna do a semester in England next year.

Halstead: Mr. Berner, your son may have been wearing a wire... Like a police recording device. Does that make any sense to you?

Ted Berner: What? No. None.

Halstead: Okay.

Dawson: All right, we'll get you home now, Mr. Berner.

Ted Berner: You read about all these murders on the South Side, but living in Edgebrook, you think you're safe… I can't believe this is happening… He was...

Voight’s office

Linsday: Are you sure you're all right... Coming back to work so soon?

Voight: Yeah. I need this.

Linsday: How's your grandson?

Voight: Yeah, well... Thank God for him… That's the only blessing in this whole thing. He's too young to figure it out, because... I can't imagine telling an eight-year-old.

Linsday: Yeah. You need anything else...

Voight: Anything else you want to talk about? There seems to be something on your mind.

Linsday: No.

Voight: Okay, then.

Platt’s office

Burgess: Sergeant, hey.

Platt: Hey, Burgess, didn't see you there.

Burgess: So I'm getting a new partner today?

Platt: Yes, indeedy.

Burgess: 'Cause the thing is, I heard she came from the foot beat at 26th and Cal.

Platt: Correct.

Burgess: Which is the worst job in the city.

Platt: Where is this going, Officer?

Burgess: I just want to know what she did to get stuck there. She a dog-ass cop or what? Because with everything that's going on around here, I need somebody that I can trust.

Platt: Okay, look, this is the deal. But you got to keep it under your hat, okay?

Burgess: Oh, of course.

Platt: And there she is. Julie Tay?

Burgess: Hi.

Platt: Meet your new partner, Kim Burgess.

Julie Tay: Hi, nice to meet you, Kim.

Burgess: Oh, yeah.

Julie Tay: I've heard a lot of good things about you.

Burgess: You too. I'm just, uh, wow. I'm really looking forward to working with you.

Julie Tay: Me too.

Platt: Hey. Stay alive out there. Okay?

Evan Berner’s room

Olinsky: Hmm. "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." He's got this underlined: "The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we're alone."

Ted Berner: This is my daughter, Ally.

Ruzek: We're very sorry about your brother. Ally, is there anything that you could tell us that might help? Anything that he may have been into?

Ally Berner: Nope.

Ruzek: Do you know if he was working with the police or any other law enforcement?

Ally Berner: Why do you say that?

Ruzek: Well, we think that he may have been wearing a wire that the police use.

Ally Berner: CPD is so crooked, it's unbelievable.

Ted Berner: Ally.

Ally Berner: I mean, why are you asking us this stuff? Shouldn't you know?

Ted Berner: She, um...

Olinsky: No need to explain. Totally understandable, and she makes a good point. Now if we have to come back and ask any more questions, we'll make sure we have all our ducks in a row first.

Patrol car

Julie Tay: So I hear 21st is getting body cams soon.

Burgess: Yeah?

Julie Tay: Yeah, yeah. They're starting to roll them out through the districts. I personally think it's a good idea, 'cause, you know, it protects us as much as the public.

Burgess: So where you coming from?

Julie Tay: Foot beat. 26th and Cal.

Burgess: The courthouse?

Julie Tay: Yeah.

Burgess: Isn't that the worst job in the city? Writing parking tickets to cops that are just there to testify?

Julie Tay: Yeah, yeah. It sucked... Completely.

Burgess: Yeah, so how did you end up there?

Julie Tay: Basically...

Radio: Units in 21 and units on the citywide. We have a person calling for help at 115 West Pershing.

Julie Tay: Dispatch, hold us down on that call. We're two blocks out.


Witness: Down there! I don't know where!

Julie Tay: What's down there?

Witness: Screaming! I heard a woman screaming!

Burgess: All right, you stay right there… Tay, black SUV!


Burgess: Chicago PD... Open up!

Julie Tay: Gun!

Burgess: Get out of the car! Put your weapon down!

Julie Tay: Stop the car! Stop the car! Ah!

Burgess: Hey! Tay! Tay, are you okay? Hey, hey, hey, are you okay?

Julie Tay: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let's go.

Patrol car

Julie Tay: 2113 Squad. We're mobile. Vehicle just spotted westbound 300 west block of Root. We're in pursuit, turning south. Black SUV, no plates. Suspect is armed. Right there! There she is! Right there.


Burgess: Ma'am, don't move. Don't move. We're here to help you. Hey, hey, hey. Who was that man who was hurting you?

Kate Chen: I don't know. I called an Uber, and he pulled up and said the car that I called got put on another job.

Burgess: Hey, hey. What's your name? Tell me your name.

Kate Chen: Kate.

Burgess: Kate.

Kate Chen: He threw me out of the car.

Burgess: It's gonna be okay.

Kate Chen: Thank you for saving me.

Burgess: It's okay.

Chicago Med

Maggie Lockwood: Got incoming. It's all right, sweetie, we got you. We got you. It's okay.

Julie Tay: We're staying right here with you, okay?

Maggie Lockwood: We're going to Trauma 2. All right, Burgess, what happened?

Burgess: Kate Chen, hit repeatedly, choked out, lost consciousness twice... That she remembers... And sexually assaulted.

Maggie Lockwood: All right, we got this.

Burgess: Her Uber driver wasn't pulled off to another job. Offender probably saw her waiting for a ride and just bluffed her into his car.

Julie Tay: You know, the temporary tags on the SUV... They weren't Illinois tags. Those were yellow placards, and they usually go on the rear bumper, which means the car was purchased out of state or at an auction.

Burgess: Right.

Julie Tay: Maybe something to go on.

Burgess: Yeah. Tay. You sure you're okay?

Julie Tay: Yeah, thanks. 2113 Squad...

21 District, hallway

Lindsay: Hey.

Voight: How's everything going?

Lindsay: Good.

Voight: You can talk to me about anything. You know that, right?

Lindsay: Yeah, I do. Thanks.

Intelligence office

Voight: Okay... Where we at with the wire this DOA was wearing?

Mouse: Tech lab confirmed that it is CPD-issued.

Voight: And no one's stepped forward to say they're working with this kid?

Halstead: No, no one yet.

Olinsky: I want a full work-up on the DOA's sister, Ally. Something was up with her at the house.

Ruzek: I agree.

Atwater: Okay, I'm on it… Okay, Ally Berner. Uh, looks like an Officer Ricci out of Narcotics brought her in two weeks ago, but there's no record of any arrest. Must've been a catch-and-release.

Olinsky: All right, let's get Ricci on the phone.

Ruzek: I'm on it.

Voight: I'm stepping out for a bit. Keep me posted.

Mouse: Hang on. Sarge. Commander Crowley's on the 7447 line for you, sir.

Voight: Take a message.

Ruzek: Okay, thanks. Thank you. All right, Ricci's out on a buy with her team, so she's not gonna come up for air until this afternoon.

Olinsky: All right, let's take a ride.

Mouse: You know, that's the third time that she's called for him today.

Dawson: Everybody just do your jobs, all right?

Berners’s house

Olinsky: Hey, I'm sorry to have to come back like this.

Ally Berner: No, you're not.

Ruzek: Ally, we're sensing a little hostility between you and the Chicago Police Department.

Ally Berner: What do you guys want?

Ruzek: Well, we're wondering if maybe that has something to do with you and Officer Ricci from Narcotics.

Olinsky: 'Cause the only thing we know for sure is that your brother was wearing a CPD wire, and you were brought in two weeks ago by Ricci.

Ally Berner: Then why aren't you talking to her?

Olinsky: We will. But I have a feeling that we'll get the most... Truthful version from you.

Ruzek: Ally, help us find who killed your brother.

Olinsky: It's all right. It's okay.

Ally Berner: I don't know. But, um, Officer Ricci... She arrested me for possession. I had some molly. I went to a concert, and I got it from a friend. She told me that because I was within 1,000 feet of a school, it was a Class X felony, and I was gonna get ten years. She said that the only way that I could avoid doing jail time was if I did a buy from a dealer she was trying to bust. I freaked. I didn't know what to do… So I told Evan, because we're close. He said that he would do it for me so I could stay out of it. He talked to Officer Ricci, and she said... She said that she didn't care who did it, but if it didn't get done, I was going to jail. And the next thing I heard, he was found burned to death in that car.

Olinsky: Man.

Ally Berner: That's why I didn't come forward sooner. I don't know who I can trust.


Halstead: Officer Ricci?

Ricci: Yeah?

Halstead: Detectives Halstead and Lindsay. Intelligence.

Lindsay: Evan Berner.

Ricci: What about him?

Lindsay: You tell us.

Ricci: Uh, he was working a case for me. He got cold feet; he took off.

Lindsay: He was found torched in his car yesterday.

Ricci: Are you messing with me right now?

Halstead: No.

Ricci: You have anybody in custody?

Halstead: No, we don't.

Ricci: Oh, my God… Uh, we went on a buy. Evan went mobile with the target, which he wasn't supposed to do, but I just figured he boogied. Happens all the time. You guys know that. Tried calling him couple times. No dice, so I was just waiting for him to come forward.

Lindsay: I think you're lying to cover your ass.

Ricci: What? Huh. Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?

Lindsay: You let his sister think she was looking at ten years and a felony charge on a dime bag. And you let Evan step into her shoes. I'm gonna talk to you however the hell I want to talk to you.

Ricci: You flip the minnows to get to the sharks. Do you even know how Narcotics works?

Lindsay: Actually, I do.

Ricci: Yeah?

Lindsay: So where's your pre-raid plan? I'd like to see it. And I'd like to know who was on your team.

Ricci: Uh, my team got called into court at the last minute. That's why it was just me and Mike Kendricks, my partner.

Lindsay: Interesting. What about the 1505 buy money? Where is it? Who signed it out? And who wired Evan up? They did a crap job.

Halstead: All right. All right.

Ricci: Okay, okay. Let's, uh... Start over, okay? We're all on the same team here, right? Maybe I cut a couple corners, okay? Look, I'm just trying to get my arrest and my activity rate up, okay?

Halstead: Who was the target? Let's start there.

Ricci: Connor Wix. He's a big MDMA dealer. Ex-Marine. Owns a gym in Bucktown. He's a piece of work, this guy.

Halstead: And this is who got into Evan's car before you lost him?

Ricci: Yeah, that's right.

Halstead: Okay.

Lindsay: You know, I'll bet you knew Evan got killed yesterday, and you were just hoping no one connected the dots back to you.

Ricci: You work for Hank Voight in Intelligence, and you're lecturing me? Save it.

Voight’s house

Voight: Olive? Hey. You going somewhere?

Olive: To Scottsdale, where my sister is.

Voight: For how long?

Olive: I'm moving there, Hank.

Voight: Olive...

Olive: There's too many bad memories around here. Everywhere I look, I either see Justin, or I see what killed him.

Voight: Olive, please don't do this... Not right now. Just, please...

Olive: I can't stay here. I'm sorry… That's my ride… Shh, shh, shh.

Intelligence kitchen

Halstead: Hey, I tried you last night.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Halstead: I feel a little, um... Handcuffed here, because I want to be there for you. But I don't know what you're going through.

Lindsay: Crowley thinks I know about Voight and that guy who killed Justin.

Halstead: Do you?

Lindsay: I know enough. Now every step I take, I feel like it could be a trapdoor.

Halstead: Those are meant for Voight. Do not go down with him, please.

Lindsay: It's already in motion. I just got to let it play out.

Halstead: Hey, there's one thing you can do… Move in with me. Cases come and go. Bosses come and go. Jobs come and go. I don't want you to come and go.


Dawson: Is this Wix?

Atwater: Yeah, that's him.

Dawson: Cigarette super set I guess, huh?

Atwater: Mm-hmm.

Dawson: Triggerfish him. I want that number.

Atwater: Okay.

Dawson: Come on, call somebody, you nitwit.

Atwater: Hey, Antonio, headquarters called me, asked me to come in and talk about the night Justin Voight got killed.

Dawson: Have your FOP lawyer handle it.

Atwater: Handle it? I mean, there's nothing to handle. I don't... I don't know anything.

Dawson: Well, good. Either way, you don't talk to them unless your lawyer's present.

Atwater: Okay. But if I bring in a lawyer, doesn't that look like I'm guilty of something?

Dawson: You asking me for my advice or just to let me know headquarters reached out to you?

Atwater: Advice.

Dawson: Then let your FOP lawyer handle it, and let's not talk about it again.

Atwater: I can do that.

Dawson: All right, here we go.

Atwater: All right. We got it.

Dawson: Call that number in to Lindsay. We need warrant for all the the muds and tolls off that phone.

Atwater: Yup.

Platt’s office

Platt: Hey, Hank.

Voight: Yeah?

Platt: Father of the DOA, Ted Berner. He just got here. He's got some questions. You know, you could've taken longer to come back.

Voight: A lot of things I could've done different, Trudy.

21 entrance

Voight: Mr. Berner?

Ted Berner: So... I'm hearing from my daughter that a cop may have pushed Evan into this?

Voight: We're looking into that.

Ted Berner: Yes or no?

Voight: Yes.

Ted Berner: I tried calling her... Ricci? That's her name? She won't call me back.

Voight: Now's not the right time.

Ted Berner: She got my son killed!

Voight: I understand what you're feeling right now.

Ted Berner: You don't understand a damn thing I'm feeling right now!

Voight: Mr. Berner, do you want an investigation as to what went wrong, or do you want to find the man who killed your son?

Ted Berner: I want to find the man that killed my son.

Voight: I'm gonna do that. Right now, everyone involved in this case needs to keep a real low profile. You got to trust me on this.

Ted Berner: They took 60 years of living away from him. Falling in love, getting married, holding his child in his arms...

Chicago Med

Burgess: Any updates?

Julie Tay: No, but they've got an all-call message going every half hour over the zone. The offender's still out there. Car's not been recovered.

Burgess: Last time I fired my service weapon, I got dragged into court. Almost lost my job… I maybe hesitated a little back on the street. I may have had the shot on that guy. That won't happen again.

Julie Tay: Everything was happening so fast. And there was a civilian there, so you made the right call not to fire.

Burgess: I'm glad you're my partner.

Julie Tay: Me too.

Burgess: Pfff.

Julie Tay: We'll just see how long it lasts.

Burgess: How do you mean?

Julie Tay: Two years ago, I was working at the 24th.

Burgess: Okay.

Julie Tay: And there was... Is... A Commander Fogel. I ran into him at a bar after hours. He seemed very nice. Walked me to my car. And then he tried to kiss me. I pushed him off. Didn't report him. I should've, because the next day, he put a brick on me, and that's how I ended up writing tickets at 26th and Cal.

Burgess: He assigned you there?

Julie Tay: Yeah. And then I met Sergeant Platt at a Women's Police Association lunch, and she offered to help me out.

Burgess: What?

Julie Tay: There was a decal on the back window of the SUV... A White Sox parking sticker, for residents living near the ballpark. I think that can help us narrow down where the SUV came from.

Intelligence office

Ruzek: All right, according to the phone records, Wix had these four women working for him... Probably his couriers. Three of them are strippers, for whatever that's worth, but one of 'em stood out... Nikki Culler. Looks like she did some smurfing for Wix. Hit multiple currency exchanges, but kept everything under 3K so as not to elicit a Suspicious Activity Report. The thing is, she did it so many times, she got reported anyway.

Voight: Where's Lindsay?

Halstead: She's working the case.

Atwater: Ah, here we go. Wix and Nikki have a three-year-old son together. Child Services has been to their apartment three times over the past two years.


Nikki Culler: Where's Ryder?

Woman: With a police officer in...

Nikki Culler: What?


Nikki Culler: Ryder? Come here, sweetie.

Ryder: Mommy.

Nikki Culler: Hey. Hey.

Voight: He's a cute kid. You ever want to see him again?

21 entrance

Ricci: So these are copies of what I submitted to the Ivory Tower. My NPR and a To-From to my commander and a closing report. It lays out what I did... And what I didn't do… And it's not just to cover my ass… I just feel responsible for what happened to Evan Berner. I can't make it right, but I can face up to it.

Halstead: Good luck, Officer.

Ricci: Sometimes you get caught up in the job, and you forget the real reasons why you started doing it to begin with.

Platt’s office

Julie Tay: Okay, so we're looking for a nexus between out-of-state temp tags and White Sox residential parking stickers.

Burgess: Yeah, also check for any registered sex offenders in that district and the surrounding districts.

Julie Tay: Okay.

Burgess: Hey, turns out writing all those parking tickets at the courthouse finally paid off.

Julie Tay: Yeah, let's hope.

Platt: Look for body shops in the neighbourhood. If the offender's from there, he's gonna be looking to get the windows fixed.

Burgess: Oh. Girl's still got it.

Platt: Wow.


Oscar Flynn: Officers.

Burgess: How's it going? Your name?

Oscar Flynn: Oscar Flynn.

Burgess: You the owner?

Oscar Flynn: That's right.

Burgess: Okay, we're looking for a black SUV... Out-of-state temp tags. Would've come in in the last day or so to get his window fixed.

Oscar Flynn: I've seen him.

Burgess: When?

Oscar Flynn: Came in earlier today. I told him I couldn't get it done till tomorrow. He offered me double, and I told him he could offer me quadruple, but I wasn't gonna get the parts here till tomorrow. Sent him to Pinky's over on Roosevelt. He took off.

Burgess: You got security cameras out here?

Oscar Flynn: Only out back.

Julie Tay: Kim. Put your hands on the hood.

Burgess: Whose car is that? You say nothing, it's yours, and then you go down for kidnapping and rape. You like that? Give me a name.


Burgess: Police! Freeze! I will not hesitate!

Interview room

Nikki Culler: I just feel like I'm being worked here.

Dawson: You're shacking up with a drug dealer who killed someone. You're totally aware what he does for a living, right? And you've helped him launder money.

Nikki Culler: I don't know everything. I didn't know that he killed that kid.

Dawson: Exactly, and that's the only thing that's gonna keep you out of jail and with your son. But you got to help us bring Wix down... Period.

21 back entrance

Atwater: Okay, so located on your purse strap is a tiny, undetectable camera. We can see everything.

Nikki Culler: Okay.

Atwater: Right in here is the transponder. You don't need to do anything. Just keep that in your purse.

Nikki Culler: I don't need to activate it or anything?

Atwater: One more time: you don't need to do anything.

Dawson: Detective Olinsky's your ghost. He'll be nearby with an eye on you at all times ready to move in if needed. Do not make eye contact with him.

Well, how close?

Olinsky: I'll be close enough. Don't worry.

Ruzek: Look, if you're afraid for any reason, take off your ponytail holder. That's your visual distress signal, okay? Your verbal cue is "crazy." That's all you got to say... Like, "Hey, this is crazy," all right? One of those cues or both, we're coming in.

Nikki Culler: I... I wouldn't say, "This is crazy." I would say, "This is bananas."

Ruzek: Okay, "bananas." That's all right. Everybody hear that? New safe word. It's bananas.

Nikki Culler: I'm freaking out a little bit here, okay?

Dawson: Hey, hey, hey. This is what we do. And we do it better than anybody. If anything looks like it's going sideways, we'll move in. There's nothing in this world worth you getting hurt over. We have your back.

Nikki Culler: He doesn't.

Voight: Your boyfriend shot a kid in the head and then lit him on fire. Sorry if I'm not in a hand-holding mood right now.

Nikki Culler: I had nothing to do with that!

Dawson: You're gonna be fine, Nikki. Just stick to the plan.

Voight: Let's roll out.


Connor Wix: Why you calling me on my personal phone?

Nikki Culler: I saw the news, Connor.

Connor Wix: Good for you.

Nikki Culler: I never agreed to this.

Connor Wix: To what?

Nikki Culler: Burned alive?

Connor Wix: If it makes any difference, Nikki, he was dead before the car was torched.

Nikki Culler: What happened to you? You're sick.

Connor Wix: He was a snitch working with the cops. He was trying to put us in jail, Nikki. Does that matter to you?

Nikki Culler: That's what he said?

Connor Wix: No.

Nikki Culler: "I'm working with the cops." That's what he said?

Connor Wix: It was a hunch I got, and I pressed him on it, and he didn't have the right answers. He made his choice. I made mine. Okay?

Nikki Culler: So you killed him?

Connor Wix: Why are you asking so many questions? Bitch!

Voight: Move in.


Halstead: Got him. Down. Don't move!

Olinsky: Good job Jay.


Voight: Commander.

Emma Crowley: Would you come with us, Sergeant? Your gun, please.

The silos

Emma Crowley: At this point, we have a pretty good idea what happened the night your son was killed.

Voight: Is that right?

Emma Crowley: Your brought the suspect, Kevin Bingham, here... And he never left… We pinged your car to this location. Look familiar? Hank, you know how this works. Save us the trouble of having to dig up his body, and we cut you a deal.

Voight: You got a kid, Commander? No? Well, if you did, and you held him in your arms with blood coming out of his head from a gunshot wound, we wouldn't be standing here right now.

Emma Crowley: Dig it up.

Berners’s house

Olinsky: You have to make so many death notifications on this job. I remember every one. Now to be able to walk up to someone's door, someone who's lost so much, and bring good news... It's a blessing.

Ruzek: I hear you.

Chicago Med

Burgess: Kate? Are any of these men the person that did this to you?

Kate Chen: That's him. Are you going to arrest him now?

Burgess: We already got his ass.

Berners’s house

Ted Berner: Thank you.

Ruzek: Of course.

Ted Berner: Thank you.

Chicago Med

Julie Tay: Commander.

Burgess: Commander.

Commander Fogel: Heard you were detailed at the 21st.

Julie Tay: That's correct.

Commander Fogel: Good luck.

Burgess: Tay?

The silos

Emma Crowley: Congratulations.

Voight: Can I get back to work now?

Emma Crowley: He's cleared.

Lindsay’s apartment

Voight: Thank you.

Lindsay: You saved my life. I would've been dead at 15 if you hadn't taken me in. There's... No doubt in my mind about that. And I've always looked forward to saving yours.

Voight: You're all I have left now.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 138 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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cobrate  (17.03.2018 à 20:57)
Message édité : 17.03.2018 à 20:58

Les apparences sont donc peut-être trompeuses ! Quoique ... où serait le corps 'vivant' dans ce cas ? La demande de Jay : ah ! enfin^^... [Forum Saison 4 ]

man0n49  (23.09.2016 à 22:52)

Peut être mon épisode préféré de tous les épisodes de Chicago PD... On a quand même un épisode consacré à Voight et Erin, nos personnages principaux c'était juste intense !! et la dernière scène, la dernière phrase de Voight !!

Minamous  (22.09.2016 à 22:51)

EPISODE PARFAIT !!!!! Il fait parti de mon top 3 c'est sur! trop d'émotions et les jeux des acteurs étaient parfaitement magnifiques ! Grandiose :D

serieserie  (22.09.2016 à 09:55)

La scène d'ouverture OMG mon Linstead d'amour mais pauvre Lindsay elle fait des cauchemars!
Beaucoup de regards entre eux deux, on voit bien qu'ils sont ensemble et que c'est Jay qui aide Erin a garder la tête hors de l'eau après la mort de Justin. Et la solution de Jay: 'Move in With me' et LE BISOU EN SALLE DE PAUSE Cur noir épaisCur noir épaisCur noir épaisEt Erin regarde les appartements c'est mignon! 


Rencontre Lindsay / Crowley ça se passe mal mais fallait s'en douter... C'est le choix d'Erin maintenant mais il n'y a pas quelle d'impliqué et c'est Voight... Et Voight fait son Voight avec Crowley et comme c'est bizarre... rien du tout !!!! C'était sûr et certains ça!

Erin vs Voight ça pique ça pique ça pique.
Voight essaye de faire parler Erin mais impossible et qu'est ce que c'est pesant pour tout le monde enfaite.
Ce moment à la porte... OMG c'était pesant! J'ai cru qu'ils n'allait rien dire! Mais c'est mignon au final, Voight craque enfin!

Petit passage CF, petit passage CMed obligé, ONE Chicago is back et ça fait plaisir!

La nouvelle, Tay, je l'aime bien enfaite! Et c'est quoi cette nouvelle voiture de fonction? Elle est vraiment trop classe!! Et c'est le nouveau Girls Power!

L'enquête en dit est pas mal un fils comme Justin. La sur est rebelle contre le CPD mais ça se comprend totalement.

Bébé Daniel et Olive! Ils quittent la maison de Voight... le pauvre il va pas s'en sortir sans eux. 

The Safe Word is.... bananas ! Bien sûr c'est tellement facile à placer dans une phrase.


Bref super épisode je viens de le finir j'ai déjà envie de le revoir: mes scènes préférées je dirais que c'est toutes celles où il y a Erin parce qu'on ne va pas dire que l'épisode n'était pas un peu centré sur elle!
Les scènes Linstead on les aimes <3


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Chicago Police Department, S11E13 (inédit)
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Mercredi 15 mai à 22:00
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Chicago P.D., S11E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 22:00
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Chicago P.D., S11E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 22:00
5.01m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
4.75m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 22:00
5.17m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 22:00
5.06m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Avalanche de news sur la citadelle en ce moment, merci aux différents rédacteurs ! N'hésitez pas à commenter toutes ces actus. Bonne soirée !

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