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Chicago Med
#203 : A première vue

Le Dr. Manning et l'étudiant en 4ème année Jeff Clarke sont obligés de comprendre une maladie mystère quand un homme indonésien qui ne parle pas l'anglais arrive à l'hôpital en situation d'urgence. Maggie amène le Dr Halstead à une réunion familiale où il rencontre son frère Denise et découvre des secrets de famille profondément enracinées.
Pendant ce temps, le Dr Rhodes prend une chirurgie cardiaque compliquée sans consulter le Dr Latham. Le Dr Reese et le Dr Charles rencontrent une femme victime d'une grossesse inhabituelle.


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Natural History

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A première vue

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Promo Cmed 2x03


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Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto), Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) parlent ensemble

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto), Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) parlent ensemble

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) s'occupe d'un patient

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) s'occupe d'un patient

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) se remémore le passé

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) se remémore le passé

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee)

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee), Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) en salle de pause

Ethan Choi (Brian Tee), Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) et April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) en salle de pause

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto) et Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) réconforte sa soeur

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) réconforte sa soeur

Dr Latham (Ato Essandoh) dans son bureau

Dr Latham (Ato Essandoh) dans son bureau

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) réalise une échographie

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) réalise une échographie

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) lis un magazine

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) lis un magazine

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) s'occupe d'un patient

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) s'occupe d'un patient

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett) et Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)


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Plus de détails

Scénario :  Stephen Hootstein & Danny Weiss  

Réalisation Michael Waxman

Guest Starring : Jeff Hephner (étudiant Jeff Clarke), Ato Essandoh ( Dr Latham), Denise (guest star Alexandra Gris)

Lockwood Family’s barbecue

Maggie Lockwood: That's my uncle Miles on the grill. Uncle Miles?

Miles: Is that gingerhead with you?

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, is that my baby girl Becca?

Grandma: Can you believe how big she's gotten?

Maggie Lockwood: Hey, Grandma.

Grandma: Hey, sweetie.

Maggie Lockwood: This is Will.

Grandma: Hi, Will.

Will Halstead: Hi. Nice to meet you.

Maggie Lockwood: Why don't you go see your uncle Will?

Will Halstead: Okay, hi.

Maggie Lockwood: Stay with Will.

Will Halstead: Hi.

Grandma: Okay.

Maggie Lockwood: Denise?

Denise: Hey, Mags.

Maggie Lockwood: I didn't think you were gonna come.

Denise: Ah...

Maggie Lockwood: Oh...

Denise: Just decided to fly in at the last minute.

Maggie Lockwood: Well, I'm glad you did. Will Halstead, come over here and meet my sister, Denise.

Will Halstead: Okay, let me hand her over.

Grandma: I'll take her.

Will Halstead: Yeah, nice to meet you.

Grandma: Come on, sweetie.

Will Halstead: Hi, Denise. So are you to blame for the big mouth on this one?

Denise: Please, Maggie's been sassy ever since she could talk.

Maggie Lockwood: It's not my fault; I was born that way. So what should we do? I'm off on Monday and the weather's supposed to be great.

Denise: I'm actually flying back to Dallas in a few hours. I got to be back at the makeup counter tomorrow.

Maggie Lockwood: Well, let's make the most of it, then.

Denise: Okay.

Maggie Lockwood: Come on, let's go say hi to everybody. Hey!


Connor Rhodes: Morning, Ms. Goodwin.

Sharon Goodwin: Good morning.

Connor Rhodes: What brings you in on a Saturday?

Sharon Goodwin: I could ask you the same thing.

Connor Rhodes: I'm filling in as trauma attending. We haven't had an elective heart surgery in a week.

Sharon Goodwin: Yes, I know we've had some cancellations since Dr. Downey died, but we can't expect to rebuild a destination program overnight. We've got a great team. Word will spread.

Ethan Choi: Connor! Incoming.

Connor Rhodes: With you.

Paramedic: Patient name: Glenn Simon. 57-year-old male. GSC 15, vitals stable. Got knocked off his horse at the polo ground. Gross deformity to the right femur.

April Sexton: All right, let's go to T3.

Ethan Choi: Mr. Simon, can you tell us what happened?

Mr. Simon: My buddy Harvey is a cheater. That's what happened. Tried to pull a 90-degree ride-off. Knocked me clear off my pony.

Connor Rhodes: All right, let's get an X-ray and call Ortho.

April Sexton: Got it.

Trauma 3

Ethan Choi: All right, let's move him on my count. Ready? One, two, three.

Connor Rhodes: Mr. Simon, any pain?

Mr. Simon: Not there.

Connor Rhodes: Okay.

Mr. Simon: Ugh! Oh, ho, ho.

Connor Rhodes: Looks like we found it.

Ethan Choi: Yep.

Connor Rhodes: Let's get him off the board. All right, on my count: one, two, three. Gently. There we go.

Mr. Simon: Nice.

Connor Rhodes: Get an IV started. Hang a bolus of saline. Five milligrams of morphine for the pain.

Ethan Choi: We're gonna get you fixed up, Mr. Simon.

Mr. Simon: I never like to admit that my wife was right, but I'd be in a lot less pain if I stuck to golf like... She asked me to...

Connor Rhodes: Mr. Simon? Mr. Simon, can you hear me? He's stroking… All right, give 20 milligrams of labetalol. Let's get him to CT and echo now.

Lockwood Family’s barbecue

Maggie Lockwood: Maybe I'll come and visit in Dallas. I can use some primping.

Denise: You know, I actually might be out of town a bit over the next two months. But after that, yeah. Bye.

Maggie Lockwood: Bye.

Will Halstead: So, uh, how long's she been living in Dallas?

Maggie Lockwood: I don't know. She moved maybe nine, ten years ago.

Will Halstead: Let me guess... Because of a guy?

Maggie Lockwood: Something like that.

Car crash

Maggie Lockwood: Denise!

Will Halstead: Whoa, easy, Denise.

Maggie Lockwood: Denise? Okay.

Will Halstead: You're okay.

Maggie Lockwood: I'm right here. I'm right here. Are you okay?

Denise: I can't see.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, breathe. Breathe.

Denise: I can't see.

Maggie Lockwood: Breathe.


April Sexton: What's gotten into you?

Natalie Manning: What? Nothing.

April Sexton: Okay, something's different. You look happy.

Natalie Manning: I'm just glad to have a weekend shift. Looking forward to a quiet day.

Ethan Choi: Hey, Nat.

Natalie Manning: Yeah?

Ethan Choi: Will has the day off. Thought Jeff could follow you.

Natalie Manning: Sure. Okay.

Announcer: All attending to...


Connor Rhodes: What've we got?

Sylvie Brett: Mid-20s male. Found him down by the train station. GCS 14. Fever's 103. BP's 160 over 90. Heart rate 110.

Natalie Manning: Sir, can you tell us what happened?

Sylvie Brett: I don't think you'll get very far. He doesn't speak a word of English. No ID... This is everything we found on him.

Patient: Speaking.

April Sexton: It's a foreign currency.

Jeff Clarke: Let me see that. Yeah, it's Thai.

Natalie Manning: If he just arrived to the U.S., he could have brought whatever this is with him. Let's track down a translator online.

April Sexton: Right. Let's get him to T2.


Connor Rhodes: Mr. Simon, we're taking you up to the surgical ICU. You understand?

Mrs. Simon: Glenn, honey. I'm here. Glenn? Glenn!

Connor Rhodes: Mrs. Simon?

Mrs. Simon: Why isn't my husband saying anything?

Connor Rhodes: Mrs. Simon, I'm Dr. Rhodes. I'm taking care of your husband. Why don't we find somewhere where we can talk?


Connor Rhodes: So your husband has what is called a bifurcated vena cava. It allowed the emboli from his leg fracture to bypass his lungs and go straight into his brain. With your consent, I would like to operate.

Mrs. Simon: I'd like to get a second opinion… Glenn has a partner who's on the board at the Mayo Clinic, and I'm sure he could refer us to a cardiologist there.

Connor Rhodes: I understand. As long as he has the fracture, he's at risk of having another stroke. And we can't fix his leg until I fix his heart. Waiting could put him in even greater danger.

Mrs. Simon: Fool still thinks he's 25 years old. I came here to give him a piece of my mind, and now this.

Connor Rhodes: Mrs. Simon. We have a great team here at Gaffney. I believe when your husband comes out of surgery, he's gonna be good and ready to receive a piece of your mind.

Mrs. Simon: Okay.


Maggie Lockwood: Will, uh...  Dr. Halstead... Gave her a dose of IV steroids. Now her vision is starting to return.

Sharon Goodwin: Any idea what may have caused this?

Maggie Lockwood: Not yet.

April Sexton: Can we get you anything?

Maggie Lockwood: No, you both got enough on your plate. And I'm fine... Really.


Will Halstead: Denise, I would really encourage you to stay.

Denise: I'm okay. I'm okay

Maggie Lockwood: Where you going?

Denise: If I leave now, I can still catch my flight.

Maggie Lockwood: But a second ago, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.

Denise: Yeah, and now I can. Thanks for the great care.

Maggie Lockwood: Don't be stubborn, Denise.

Denise: You know I've always had migraines. This is just another passing episode.

Will Halstead: Transient blindness can actually be caused by a number of things. We should run some more tests.

Maggie Lockwood: Exactly. What happens next time that you have one of your passing episodes, and you're driving on the expressway?

Denise: Fine. Fine. Can we make this quick?


Mrs. Dobbs: Ah... This is what I get for trying to take on a 12-pound pot roast.

Ethan Choi: Good news is, it's just a second-degree burn. Might blister and swell a bit, but you'll live to cook another day.

April Sexton: Okay, BP's 160 over 90.

Ethan Choi: Let's page OB...  Have them take a look… You're, uh, seven months along?

Mrs. Dobbs: Yeah, why?

Mr. Dobbs: Honey, are you okay?

Mrs. Dobbs: Everything's okay.

Ethan Choi: Your wife's blood pressure is slightly elevated. I'd like to get some labs and an ultrasound just as a precaution.

Mrs. Dobbs: Is that necessary? I've been seeing my doula regularly, and she says everything's good. I'm right on track for home birth.

Mr. Dobbs: I know you must think we're some granola-fed hipsters, but that's not it.

Mrs. Dobbs: My sister miscarried after an amnio, and I promised myself I would do everything as natural as possible. That includes protecting my baby from the harmful sound waves.

Ethan Choi: I understand completely. But in some cases, high blood pressure can affect fetal growth. I just want to rule out any possible complications.

Mr. Dobbs: Well, I guess it's good to be on the safe side. Right, honey?

Trauma 2

Patient: Speaking

Translator: The patient's not speaking Thai. If I had to guess based on his inflection, it's an Indonesian dialect. If you want, I'll contact the network administrator... See who they have in Jakarta.

Natalie Manning: Please. Thank you.

Translator: Thank you.

Natalie Manning: Okay, so, Mr. Clarke... Fever, chills, vomit, diarrhea.

Jeff Clarke: Chikungunya, Dengue. Yellow fever?

Natalie Manning: Maybe... That or one of 100 other diseases. Welcome to the future. Migration, climate change... The whole world is on our doorstep. So what do you do when you have an infectious disease of an unknown origin?

Jeff Clarke: I'd start with CBC, CMP, blood, sputum, urine cultures... Uh, rapid mono and strep.

Natalie Manning: Good. You start the H&P, and I'll put in the order and hang some IV metronidazole.

Jeff Clarke: Will do.


Daniel Charles: Actually, totally my fault. Overdid it on the PT... Had to do that last leg lift, and this is my reward… Am I boring you, Doctor?

Sarah Reese: Oh, no, sorry. I stayed up all night attacking the library... Got all the way to Bowlby.

Daniel Charles: Bowlby? Great stuff.

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm.

Daniel Charles: Made Charles Darwin the fascination of an entire generation of shrinks.

Sarah Reese: Bowlby said that Darwin had a panic disorder.

Daniel Charles: Oh, yes, ma'am. Charlie had a dark side. Wait till you get to Barloon and Noyes.

Ethan Choi: Dr. Charles, Dr. Reese, thanks for coming down.

Daniel Charles: What's up, Ethan? What do you got?

Ethan Choi: Amanda Kendrick-Dobbs. Seven months pregnant, gravid belly, history of fetal movement and Braxton Hicks contractions... All signs of a normal pregnancy.

Daniel Charles: So what's the issue?

Ethan Choi: There's no baby.

Washing room

Leah Bardovi: Dr. Rhodes? I'm Leah Bardovi. I'm starting my surgical residency here.

Connor Rhodes: Welcome to Chicago Med.

Leah Bardovi: So clinically speaking, the patient will be dead?

Connor Rhodes: Just long enough for me to do the repair on his aorta. And then we will warm him up and restart the heart.

Leah Bardovi: Hm. Did a lot of these under Dr. Downey?

Connor Rhodes: A few.

Leah Bardovi: You know, he's the reason I applied here. When I got my match, I told my dad that I'm going to be training under the greatest surgeon in the world… And now... I'm just honoured to be learning from his protégé.


Connor Rhodes: Cooling jackets prepped?

Allen Vorspan: Standing by.

Connor Rhodes: Then let's do this. Scalpel.


Mr. Dobbs: Appreciate the visit, but we just want to make sure the baby's okay. Why are you here again?

Daniel Charles: Oh, we try and look in on all our expectant mothers as part of a routine wellness assessment. It was actually Dr. Reese who flagged your high blood pressure.

Sarah Reese: Have you been under any stress lately? Maybe something at work?

Mrs. Dobbs: Oh, I'm not working. Uh, I haven't been since we moved here last year.

Mr. Dobbs: Yeah, when my firm transferred me from Denver, we thought it'd be a good time for Amanda to stay at home and focus on the baby… Where did you say Dr. Choi was again?

Daniel Charles: Pretty sure he's just waiting for the rest of your blood work. We will go check in with him right now. Thanks both for your time. Good luck to you.

Sarah Reese: Thank you.


Daniel Charles: Notice how she didn't ask about any test results or anything?

Sarah Reese: Oh. Yeah.

Daniel Charles: Yeah. That's 'cause on some level, she knows the truth.

Ethan Choi: So what are we looking at?

Daniel Charles: I don't know, Reese, what are we looking at?

Sarah Reese: Uh, well, no grandiose delusions or other signs of underlying psychiatric illness, so I think we can rule out psychosis.

Ethan Choi: Then how is this even possible?

Daniel Charles: Well, in a lot of cases, the anxiety produces a hormonal reaction... Causes all of the physical signs of pregnancy without a growing fetus.

Sarah Reese: We need to figure out why having a baby's so important to her.

Daniel Charles: Or more specifically, why being pregnant is so important to her.

Sarah Reese: Right.

Ethan Choi: So what do we do now?

Daniel Charles: I see no value in withholding this from them any longer. So what do you say, Doctor?

Sarah Reese: You want m... Me to break the news?


Maggie Lockwood: No, don't worry, Grandma. No, I'll let you know as soon as the tests come back. Me too. Bye.

Natalie Manning: Hey.

Maggie Lockwood: Hi.

Natalie Manning: How's your sister?

Maggie Lockwood: Stubborn as ever.

Natalie Manning: I am here for you if you need anything. Okay?

Maggie Lockwood: Thank you.

Jeff Clarke: Dr. Manning? Hey, Mags. Uh, the translator in Jakarta struck out. Apparently there are over 700 languages in Indonesia.

Natalie Manning: What about his fever?

Jeff Clarke: He's up to 104.

Natalie Manning: Let's get him into a negative pressure room. Hang some IV Tylenol, and let's see if there's any way we could put a rush on those labs.

Jeff Clarke: Okay.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

Maggie Lockwood: What was that?

Natalie Manning: What was what?

Maggie Lockwood: You, Jeff, the body language, the touching on the shoulder. Something is definitely up.

Natalie Manning: Hm?

Maggie Lockwood: You mean I'm right?

Natalie Manning: Do you think it's weird?

Maggie Lockwood: What, you hooking up with your late husband's best friend?

Natalie Manning: Not "hooking up."

Maggie Lockwood: Whatever you want to call it. You're asking me if it's weird.

Natalie Manning: Yeah.

Maggie Lockwood: Eh, a little. Don't stress out about it. I learned a long time ago that you have to do what makes you happy, even if some people think it's strange.

Nurse: Dr. Manning.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

Trauma 2

Natalie Manning: What's happening?

Jeff Clarke: He's in bronchospasm.

Natalie Manning: Let's bag him and get some racemic epi and 125 milligrams of solumedrol IV.

Jeff Clarke: Sats are still dropping.

Natalie Manning: I need a better airway. Let's tube him. 20 of etomidate, 100 of sux.

Jeff Clarke: You're gonna intubate?

Natalie Manning: Here you go.

Jeff Clarke: He won't be able to speak to a translator if we do that.

Natalie Manning: We don't have to worry about a translator if he stops breathing.

Nurse: Dr. Manning.

Natalie Manning: I'm in. Start a Neb treatment.

Jeff Clarke: I got it.

April Sexton: Sats are coming up.

Natalie Manning: There's got to be someone somewhere in this city who can communicate with this guy.

April Sexton: All right, I'm on it.

Natalie Manning: Placement's good.

Jeff Clarke: Sorry. It felt like I second-guessed you there.

Natalie Manning: Let's get him moved, okay?

Nurse: Yes, Doctor. Call upstairs.


Connor Rhodes: All right, go on bypass. Cool to 20, but do not crash cool… Find me when he gets to 32 degrees, and we'll arrest the heart.

Leah Bardovi: Yes, Dr. Rhodes.

Waiting room

Connor Rhodes: So far, so good. He's taken well to the anesthetic. We should be able to start the repair in an hour or so.

Mrs. Simon: Thank you, Dr. Rhodes.

Sharon Goodwin: Mrs. Simon was just telling me how impressed she was with your confidence. Could you excuse us, please? I need a quick word with Dr. Rhodes here.


Sharon Goodwin: Where's Dr. Latham?

Connor Rhodes: I was just about to page him.

Sharon Goodwin: You signed up for a high-risk surgery without consulting an attending?

Connor Rhodes: All I did was open him up and cannulate. It is the Sabbath. I didn't want to bother Dr. Latham until I had to.

Sharon Goodwin: Glenn Simon is a man with lots of connections. You were worried before about the state of the department. You'll have even more to worry about if you don't pull this off… Page Dr. Latham now.

Vending machine

Will Halstead: These machines are the worst.

Nina Shore: You obviously haven't seen the ones down in pathology.

Will Halstead: I'd kill for a bag of Vitner's.

Nina Shore: Don't overthink it. Go for the next best thing.

Natalie Manning: Hey, Will, you got a second for a curbside?

Will Halstead: Yeah. Thanks.

Breaking room

Natalie Manning: Rapid strep and mono were negative, LP normal. I'm afraid it's something exotic, but we won't have the cultures back for another couple of days. And now with the bronchospasm...

Will Halstead: Yeah, it could be almost anything.

Natalie Manning: Exactly. I gotta confess, I am at a complete loss.

Will Halstead: Oh. Well, whenever I find myself in the weeds, I go back to something one of my clinical attendings used to say... The answer is always in the history.

Natalie Manning: That's your pearl of wisdom? We can't get a history. We're lost in a maze.

Will Halstead: Then retrace your steps. Every decision you made, each path you took or didn't take. Examine it all.

Maggie Lockwood: Sorry, Nat. Will, what do the presence of retinal autoantibodies indicate?

Will Halstead: What?

Maggie Lockwood: This mean what I think it means? Right?


Denise: I have cancer?

Will Halstead: Possibly.

Denise: Possibly?

Will Halstead: We don't know for sure.

Maggie Lockwood: There's a chance that your loss of vision was caused by your body fighting some kind of tumour.

Will Halstead: Is there any history of cancer in your family?

Denise: I don't know.

Maggie Lockwood: Uncle Paul. He's fighting bladder cancer right now.

Denise: Really?

Will Halstead: Any other medical history I should know? Any injuries or any illnesses or surgeries?

Denise: No.

Maggie Lockwood: Denise?

Denise: No.

Will Halstead: I'm gonna send you over for a CT scan. In the meantime, let's take a quick look.

Dr. Latham’s office

Dr. Latham: Enter… If you require lights, you'll have to turn them on yourself. Sabbath rules.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham, I understand I should have consulted you before recommending surgery, but I'd developed a rapport with Mrs. Simon, and I thought since you observe the Sabbath...

Dr. Latham: Pikuach nefesh. A man's life always takes precedence. So you plan on opening up the heart, tying off the bifurcated branch, and closing everything back up in 30 minutes?

Connor Rhodes: Mm-hmm.

Dr. Latham: Any longer and there could be significant cognitive deficits.

Connor Rhodes: I understand.

Dr. Latham: If you don't over-sew the connection, he could develop a deadly pseudoaneurysm… That might take an even experienced surgeon an hour.

Leah Bardovi: Pardon me, Dr. Rhodes. The patient's temp is down to 32 degrees.

Connor Rhodes: Thank you, Leah.

Dr. Latham: You realize that by waiting as long as you did to call me, you've given us no other surgical option.

Connor Rhodes: I thought this was our best course.

Dr. Latham: 30 minutes.

Connor Rhodes: I can make it in time. I've done surgeries equally as challenging before.

Dr. Latham: While assisting Dr. Downey.

Connor Rhodes: Yes.

Dr. Latham: In the cockpit, a copilot's seat is right next to the captain's, but the view out of the window is surprisingly different.


Sarah Reese: Our... Our bodies are complicated. Sometimes signals get crossed, and our... Our brains say one thing and our bodies hear something else.

Mrs. Dobbs: I don't understand. Is there something wrong with the baby?

Sarah Reese: Yes. Well... Not exactly. It's complicated.

Mr. Dobbs: What exactly are you saying?

Sarah Reese: Um...

Mr. Dobbs: Well, is there someone here who can actually explain to us what's going on, please?

Daniel Charles: If you give Dr. Reese a minute, I think that you'll find that she has an excellent grasp of...

Mr. Dobbs: So go ahead. Explain, Dr. Reese.

Sarah Reese: I am sorry, but there is no baby.

Mr. Dobbs: We lost the baby?

Sarah Reese: No. You never had one.

Mrs. Dobbs: You don't know what you're talking about.

Sarah Reese: No, see, the... The evidence is actually right here. You have a condition called pseudocyesis. You may have heard it referred to as a hysterical pregnancy.

Mr. Dobbs: Are you saying my wife is crazy?

Daniel Charles: No, she's not. She's not saying that at all. She's saying that sometimes the mind has the ability to play tricks on the body.

Mrs. Dobbs: I can feel my baby. I don't care what this ultrasound shows. It... Your machine must be broken.

Ethan Choi: I can assure you it's not. Your blood test confirms it.

Mrs. Dobbs: Well, then your lab's broken, too. I'm pregnant. I am!

Mr. Dobbs: Honey. Hey, hey, hey.

Mrs. Dobbs: No! No.

Mr. Dobbs: Back off.

Mrs. Dobbs: No! No!

Mr. Dobbs: Honey, honey. No! Get away from her!

Mrs. Dobbs: Get me out of here!

Ethan Choi: We need some help in here!

Mr. Dobbs: Shh. It's okay. It's okay.

Mrs. Dobbs: No!

Mr. Dobbs: Hey, hey, hey!

Mrs. Dobbs: No!


Connor Rhodes: Where are we?

Leah Bardovi: Body temperature's at 20 degrees Celsius.

Connor Rhodes: Flow down. Clamp.

Leah Bardovi: Clamp.

Connor Rhodes: Clamp is on. Give cardioplegia.

Doctor: Plegia's on.

Dr. Latham: Heart's arrested. Start the clock. Stage is yours, Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: Metz and DeBakey.

Nurse: Here you go, Doctor.


Will Halstead: Okay. Upper abdomen looks clear… Wait a minute. What's this? I think this thing is acting up again. Maggie, do me a favour and reboot it.

Maggie Lockwood: I had it serviced last week. It should be fine.

Will Halstead: Yeah, but right here.

Denise: It's my prostate gland… My doctor recommended not removing the prostate 'cause the surgery would be too complicated.

Will Halstead: Well, it's definitely enlarged. Before I send you over to the scan, I'm gonna need to order another panel. Maggie, run down to phlebotomy and have them draw up a CMP and check her PSA levels?

Maggie Lockwood: Tina can do that for you. I'm a civilian today.

Will Halstead: But you have much more sway with the lab.

Maggie Lockwood: I'll be right back, okay?


Maggie Lockwood: If you want me out of the room, just say so.

Will Halstead: Well, excuse me. Why didn't you tell me your sister used to be a man?

Maggie Lockwood: It's not my place. It's up to the patient.

Will Halstead: Then you should've gotten her to tell me. This is crucial medical history. How long ago did she transition?

Maggie Lockwood: About nine years ago.

Will Halstead: Was it hard for you?

Maggie Lockwood: Harder for her.

Will Halstead: Hmm. If it were my family... She would have been disowned.

Maggie Lockwood: Well, it's taken time. We had a lot to learn.


Ethan Choi: Mr. Dobbs, please calm down. We just want to help you.

Mr. Dobbs: You've done enough. The second she wakes up, we're outta here.

Daniel Charles: I think that would be a mistake, but I'm not gonna stand in your way.

Mr. Dobbs: We're done.

Sarah Reese: So?

Ethan Choi: He's taking her home as soon as the sedative wears off.

Sarah Reese: We're gonna let them leave?

Daniel Charles: Yep.

Sarah Reese: We can't put her on a psych hold?

Daniel Charles: Doesn't meet the criteria. I mean, is she a danger to herself or others? Is she unable to take care of her basic needs?

Sarah Reese: I've been doing some reading. There was this one case where they put a woman under anesthesia and her belly deflated and... And she thought she had a miscarriage.

Daniel Charles: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are... Are you actually suggesting that we do that?

Ethan Choi: I'll go get her discharge started.

Sarah Reese: So we're giving up?

Daniel Charles: When's the last time you had some sleep?

Sarah Reese: Are you sending me home?

Daniel Charles: No, I just think it might be a good idea to get some rest. You know? You've been up all night. Come back tomorrow, start fresh.

Sarah Reese: Yeah, you're... You're... You're right. I should get out of here.

Break room

Natalie Manning: Do you know how many cases we're looking at yet?

Jeff Clarke: Natalie.

Natalie Manning: One second. Okay. Yes, I will test him right now and send over the results as soon as we get them. Thank you.

Jeff Clarke: Who was that?

Natalie Manning: Health department. Looks like our John Doe might have the measles.

Jeff Clarke: Measles? But he doesn't have any Koplik's spots.

Natalie Manning: Doesn't always present that way.

Jeff Clarke: Well, then how did you figure...

Natalie Manning: Ah.

Jeff Clarke: It's a belt buckle.

Natalie Manning: Ah Flip it over.

Jeff Clarke: "I survived the Stampede"?

Natalie Manning: It's a roller coaster. That amusement park down in Champaign, they just confirmed that they had an outbreak of the measles. Five cases, kids who were never vaccinated. This whole time we were assuming that he brought this exotic disease into the country with him. And now, it actually looks like he caught it here. The labs will confirm it… What?

Jeff Clarke: No, I've known you all these years and I never realized how genius you are. I'm serious. How did you even think to look at the belt buckle?

Natalie Manning: When you're in the weeds, always go back to the history.

Outside the Chicago Med

Sarah Reese: No, no, wait! Wait for me!

Mrs. Dobbs: Perfect. My husband just went to go get the car, so...

Sarah Reese: I'm really sorry. I wish I had done a better job explaining things.

Mrs. Dobbs: Explain what? That I'm hysterical? That I'm not carrying a baby?

Sarah Reese: I'm sure my boss is regretting ever offering me this position, and I really wanted to be good at it, and now, well, again, I'm... I'm really sorry.

Mrs. Dobbs: You're lucky.

Sarah Reese: What? I'm lucky?

Mrs. Dobbs: You care about what you do… You know what I did before I moved here? I was a skier, an extreme skier.

Sarah Reese: Wow, sounds like quite an adrenaline rush.

Mrs. Dobbs: Yeah, but it was more than that. It wasn't just something that I did.

Sarah Reese: But it was who you were.

Mrs. Dobbs: Yeah. What you said about my baby, is it true?

Sarah Reese: Yeah.


Will Halstead: Maggie?

Maggie Lockwood: What happened?

Will Halstead: She wouldn't let me examine her. She's leaving.

Maggie Lockwood: What?

Will Halstead: Did you know it was offensive to use the word "transgender" as a noun? I-I'm sorry. I didn't know.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay. Yeah.


Maggie Lockwood: What happened?

Denise: Exactly what I should have expected from a dude from Canaryville.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, come on, Denise, he's a little awkward and all, but he's good people. And a great doctor.

Denise: You know what? I'll have my prostate checked when I get back.

Maggie Lockwood: No! You're not leaving, not without a definitive diagnosis. You need to have all this checked out annually, Denise.

Denise: You want to know why I don't come back that much? I don't always need everybody judging my choices, okay?

Maggie Lockwood: Please, the family? They embrace you.

Denise: I'm not talking about the family. I'm talking about you. The second I see you at the family reunion, you're... You're throwing shade about how you were born this way.

Maggie Lockwood: I was mocking myself.

Denise: Just admit it. You hate what I've done to myself.

Maggie Lockwood: I miss my brother. Is that such a bad thing?

Denise: Well, he's gone, damn it!

Maggie Lockwood: Not to me! Not totally! Look, I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I'm not gonna lose you. So if I have to drag you kicking and screaming into that CT scanner, that's what I'm gonna do.

Denise: I'm scared.

Maggie Lockwood: We'll get through this.


Dr. Latham: Time?

Allen Vorspan: Six minutes.

Dr. Latham: Precisely.

Allen Vorspan: 6 minutes, 11 seconds.

Dr. Latham: You still have another layer to go.

Connor Rhodes: Damn it. More suction.

Allen Vorspan: You have a clear line to the vessel. Suction is not your problem. You're not gonna make it.

Connor Rhodes: I have plenty of time.

Dr. Latham: Not at the pace you're going. You've done 57% of the work in 81% of your allotted time. You are not gonna get there.

Connor Rhodes: Your nonstop number crunching isn't helping.

Dr. Latham: 30 minutes. That's what we agreed. That's what you promised. I'm taking over. Step aside, Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: I can do this.

Dr. Latham: Step aside! Dr. Downey may have been quick to put his faith in you, but my faith takes longer to earn.


Denise: I've spent nearly my entire life feeling at war with my gender. It figures, the one piece I didn't get rid of is what's gonna kill me.

Will Halstead: Your biopsy came back. Pretty much what we suspected. You have prostate cancer. With treatment, I am hopeful it can be cured. But you'll need to see a urologist as soon as you get home.

Denise: Thank you.

Will Halstead: You're welcome. There is a second option. You could stay in Chicago and let us take care of you.

Maggie Lockwood: I'd like that.

Denise: Okay. Okay.

Will Halstead: Okay.


Natalie Manning: Hey, you tracked down a translator?

April Sexton: No. That's his cousin, Farah. Turns out his name is Pitopang. He speaks Mamuju. Came here from West Sulawesi a month ago to work in his uncle's restaurant. Always wanted to ride a roller coaster.

Natalie Manning: Wow. Nice, April. Okay.

Pitopang’s room

Natalie Manning: Hi, I'm Doctor Manning. Your cousin has the measles, but he should make a full recovery.

Farah: [speaking Mamuju]

Patient: [speaking Mamuju]

Farah: My cousin said thank you, and he thinks you two make a great couple.


Will Halstead: And yes, ladies, he is fluent in Spanish.

April Sexton: [speaking Spanish]

Ethan Choi: You think he hired a publicist?

Will Halstead: Doesn't need to. He's a Rhodes.

April Sexton: Plus, he looks like that.

Ethan Choi: Hey!

Will Halstead: There's our rising star.

April Sexton: Yes!

Connor Rhodes: What are you talking about? "40 Rising Stars Under 40"?

Ethan Choi: Yeah, you're number 11.

Will Halstead: Hey, don't feel bad. There's always next year.

April Sexton: Or maybe the cover of "People."

Connor Rhodes: I swear, I knew nothing about this.

Ethan Choi: If you say so.

Will Halstead: Sure.

Ethan Choi: By the way, how'd the surgery go?

Connor Rhodes: Yeah, it was...  It was good.


Daniel Charles: Thought you were going home.

Sarah Reese: I was just going back over Darwin. According to Hayman, Darwin's issues might have been entirely physiological. Perhaps some kind of mitochondrial disorder.

Daniel Charles: Huh.

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm.

Daniel Charles: You don't say. Mm-hmm.

Sarah Reese: Yeah, I ran into Amanda on my way out, and I found out that she used to be an extreme skier.

Daniel Charles: Really?

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm. I don't know, maybe being pregnant was her way of replacing what she had left behind.

Daniel Charles: Nature abhors a vacuum, I guess… Speaking of which... You mind?

Sharon Goodwin’s office

Connor Rhodes: Ms. Goodwin?

Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Rhodes.

Connor Rhodes: I don't know if you've seen this, but there's a new issue out. Yeah. I had no idea that I was gonna be a part of this article. No one called or contacted me, and... And if they had, I never would have...

Sharon Goodwin: I approved it.

Connor Rhodes: You did?

Sharon Goodwin: It's good publicity.

Connor Rhodes: Yes, but did you actually read this? I mean, "Dashing young surgeon" is poised to lead Chicago Med into the future."

Sharon Goodwin: No, I have no problem with that.

Connor Rhodes: Ms. Goodwin, look, the surgery today... Dr. Latham was right, I wasn't gonna make it. I thought I was more ready than I am. So if you're looking to promote the department, you should look to him. I mean, he is a great surgeon.

Sharon Goodwin: Latham is a great surgeon, but they wanted someone under 40. Stay humble, Dr. Rhodes. Your time will come.


Maggie Lockwood: Huh?

Will Halstead: What do you think? Too big?

Maggie Lockwood: No, you'll grow into it. You are now an honorary member of the Lockwood tribe.

Will Halstead: Thank you. I will wear it with pride.

Maggie Lockwood: Who are you looking at?

Will Halstead: No one.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh. That cute pathologist, Dr. Shore.

Will Halstead: Nina.

Maggie Lockwood: Nina?

Will Halstead: Yeah.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh. Well, don't feel like you have to stay here and entertain me. I've seen enough of you for one day.

Will Halstead: Okay. How do I look?

Maggie Lockwood: Mm… You know, when I think about Malcolm, it's times like these that I miss the most.

Will Halstead: Malcolm? Oh.

Maggie Lockwood: Go on.


Will Halstead: Hey.

Nina Shore: Hey. You ever figure out what you wanted?

Will Halstead: Yeah. Yeah, I think I did.

Chicago Med

Dr. Latham: At Johns Hopkins they have a Shabbat elevator. It stops on every floor. No need to press a button. What can you do?

Connor Rhodes: Down? Good Shabbos, Dr. Latham.

Dr. Latham: Shabbat shalom, Dr. Rhodes.

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (06.05.2018 à 10:31)

Woaw ça va être compliqué pour le docteur rhodes cette année..; il a pas l'air sympa sympa le nouveau chef en cardio...

Contente d'en savoir un peu plus sur Maggie, le personnage est super sympa et n'était pas très développé jusqu'à présent!

Il fait vraiment de la peine ce patient inconnu... heureusement qu'ils ont trouvé un moyen de communiquer! et comme souvent la solution était sous leurs yeux!


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Chicago Med, S09E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 21:00
6.07m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
6.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
6.26m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 20:00
6.03m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 21:00
6.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 20:00
6.32m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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