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Chicago Med
#205 : Mesures extrêmes

Un accident de voiture qui se produit au cours du Marathon de Chicago laisse une victime dans un état critique et teste le courage du Dr Halstead, de l'infirmière April et de son frère, le résident de 4ème année Noah qui doit effectuer une procédure difficile. Une mère arrive à l'hôpital avec sa fille de 8 ans qui vient de perdre l'audition soudainement et le Dr Manning prend en charge le cas mais celui-ci prend une tournure compliquée. Le Dr Choi traite Olga, une femme qui souffre de malnutrition, l'incitant à rapporter le cas au Dr Charles pour l'aider à évaluer son cas.
Pendant ce temps, Goodwin prend des mesures pour remettre sa vie personnelle en ordre.


4.71 - 14 votes

Titre VO
Extreme Measures

Titre VF
Mesures extrêmes

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Première diffusion en France


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Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) en conversation avec le Dr Charles (Oliver Platt)

Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) en conversation avec le Dr Charles (Oliver Platt)

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) appel de l'aide

April Sexton (Yaya DaCosta) appel de l'aide

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et April Sexton (Yaya Da Costa) s'occupent d'une victime

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et April Sexton (Yaya Da Costa) s'occupent d'une victime

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) ausculte un patient

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) ausculte un patient

Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner)

Jeff Clark (Jeff Hephner)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) et Sharon Goodwin (Sharon Epatha Merkerson)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) autour d'un patient

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss), Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III) et Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) autour d'un patient

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss)

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III), April Sexton (Yaya Da Costa) et Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) interviennent en plein milieu d'une course

Noah Sexton (Roland Buck III), April Sexton (Yaya Da Costa) et Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) interviennent en plein milieu d'une course

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Natalie Manning (Torrey DeVitto)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

Maggie Lockwood (Marlyne Barrett)

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) se prépare pour une intervention

Connor Rhodes (Colin Donnell) se prépare pour une intervention

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) au chevet d'un patient

Will Halstead (Nick Gehlfuss) au chevet d'un patient

Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) et Dr Charles (Oliver Platt)

Sarah Reese (Rachel DiPillo) et Dr Charles (Oliver Platt)


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France (inédit)
Mercredi 02.05.2018 à 22:50

Logo de la chaîne NBC

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 20.10.2016 à 21:00
6.70m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario :

Réalisateur : 

Guests :  Jeff Hephner (étudiant Jeff Clarke), Patti Murin, Roland Buck III), (Noah), Betty Buckley (Olga), Kara Killmer (Sylvie Brett), Elias Koteas (Alvin Olinsky)


Announcer: City runners, welcome... Now, remember to stay hydrated out here to beat the heat. Keep it up.

Noah Sexton: See? Taking a header at your first marathon is nothing. Now, taking a header into a pool in your wedding dress?

All: Epic fail.

Noah Sexton: Right?

April Sexton: No, that would be taking 20 minutes to put on a Band-Aid.

Girl: Sorry. Totally my fault.

April Sexton: No, no, not at all. Take as long as you need. You, on the other hand, have a superhero with super intestinal discomfort who requires your immediate attention.


Nina Shore: Almost halfway. You holding up?

Will Halstead: I'm sure that runner's high is gonna kick in any second now. That or heatstroke.

Nina Shore: Yeah. It's not the best day for a heat wave. Yeah, I was thinking maybe later we can do something else.

Will Halstead: What? Like collapse?

Nina Shore: No. Maybe a bedroom activity. Or kitchen table. Shower.

Will Halstead: Let's go, Doc. Pick up the pace.


April Sexton: Now, try to keep it elevated, and remember: ice, not heat.

Noah Sexton: Oh, please don't mention heat. It's hot as balls out here.

Volunteer: We need help. A guy got run over.

April Sexton: Grab an aid kit.

Noah Sexton: Got it.


Driver: Three. Two. One.

Ignacio: Aah!

Driver: My brakes went out. You've got to help him.

April Sexton: We'll do all we can. [speaking Spanish]

Ignacio: Ignacio.

Noah Sexton: Where does it hurt, Ignacio?

Ignacio: [speaking Spanish] Aah.

April Sexton: Maggie, we got a bike versus auto.

Noah Sexton: Diminished breath sounds on the left side. Sounds like it's full of fluid. I think his lung collapsed.

April Sexton: Marathon traffic and power outages from the heat have paramedics backed up. We're on our own for a while.

Noah Sexton: Well, he doesn't have a while. He needs a chest tube now.

April Sexton: Not from you. You've never put one in.

Noah Sexton: Be my guest.

April Sexton: Neither of us is allowed to do it.

Noah Sexton: Then he's gonna die.

April Sexton: Maggie, I need Goodwin.

Noah Sexton: Sir, just hang on. We're gonna do everything we can for you, okay? We're gonna help you, okay? Just hang on.

Chicago Med : entrance

Sharon Goodwin: Sit tight, April. Dr. Halstead's on the way. No, no, no. You let him make that call. All right. You keep me posted.

Daniel Charles: How goes the battle?

Sharon Goodwin: Ugh, it's supposed to hit 105 today, so we've got a generator on standby just in case our grid goes dark.

Daniel Charles: Sharon, listen. Bert called me.

Sharon Goodwin: Really?

Daniel Charles: Yeah. He wants to get together for drinks, and I just... I wanted to check in with you before I responded to him.

Sharon Goodwin: Daniel, you do whatever you like… I'm good.


Sharon Goodwin: Hey, Peter... Your husband is a divorce attorney, isn't he?

Peter Kalmick: Best in the city.

Sharon Goodwin: Text me his number.


Noah Sexton: I can do this.

April Sexton: With what? We don't even have a chest tube.

Noah Sexton: I got a suction tube.

April Sexton: No. You are not gonna Jerry-rig your way into this guy's chest.

Noah Sexton: He's got no chance unless I do.

April Sexton: Goodwin said to wait for Will.

Noah Sexton: How long is that gonna take?

April Sexton: Got a neck pulse, but it's thready.

Noah Sexton: He's out. I've got to relieve the pressure on his lung.

April Sexton: BP 82 over palp. Sat at 82%.

Noah Sexton: I'm doing this.

April Sexton: Noah. Noah! Pulse is coming up. You did it.

Noah Sexton: Yeah, but the tube's not slowing down. Damn. It's a bad bleed.

April Sexton: Okay. Come on. He needs surgery. We need to intubate and give him blood.

Where the hell is Will?


Maggie Lockwood: Hey, Nat. Eight-year-old girl with sudden onset deafness in treatment 2. Oh. They said the heat wave's supposed to be worse than '95.

Treatment 2

Natalie Manning: Hi. I'm Dr. Manning. I understand Phoebe's experiencing some hearing loss?

Michelle Kastpen: Yeah... We were headed to cheer on the runners. She was skipping ahead. A semi started backing up. I was screaming, and she couldn't hear me. A few seconds later...

Phoebe: What?

Michelle Kastpen: I don't want to think about it.

Natalie Manning: It's okay, sweetie. Can you hear that, Phoebe?

Phoebe: Not really.

Natalie Manning: Hmm. How about now?

Phoebe: Sort of. A little.

Natalie Manning: Okay, her hearing is diminished on the right side and nearly absent on the left. Does she have any prior history of head trauma or hearing loss?

Michelle Kastpen: No. Not that I can think of. I mean, there have been a few times where I've had to call her more than once within these last few months, but nothing like this.

Natalie Manning: Okay, well, I'd like to order a head CT just so we can figure out what's going on, okay?

Michelle Kastpen: Okay.

Natalie Manning: Thank you.

Phoebe: Wait.

Natalie Manning: Hmm?

Phoebe: Are you going to fix my ears?

Natalie Manning: I'm sure gonna try. Be back shortly.


Noah Sexton: I-I can't get it in.

April Sexton: You have to capture the tongue. Elevate the jaw.

Will Halstead: What the hell are you doing?

Noah Sexton: I'm trying to intubate. He had a massive hemothorax, and I had to put in a chest tube.

Will Halstead: No, what you had to do was wait.

April Sexton: Dr. Halstead, this man would have died.

Will Halstead: Yeah, judging by all the blood, if we don't get him into surgery in the next few minutes, he will anyway… I'm in. Bag him.

Nina Shore: Any ETA on transport?

April Sexton: Still saying it'll be a while.

Nina Shore: We could open his chest. Try to address the bleed. It might buy him enough time for the ambulance to show up.

Will Halstead: Yeah, it might... There's no guarantee I could even find it.

Nina Shore: The only guarantee is he'll die if we don't try.

Will Halstead: No, I've been down this road before trying extreme measures. It doesn't end well.

April Sexton: His pressure is down. Trachea feels deviated to the right.

Will Halstead: I need a scalpel.


Maggie Lockwood: We're going to treatment 5.

Jeff Clarke: You got it, Maggie.

Paramedic: Olga Barlow. 74, lives alone. Complex cardiac history. Called EMS for dyspnea. BP 82 over 44. Chronic A-fib at rate 105. Tachypneic at 30. Those are her meds.

Maggie Lockwood: I'll page Dr. Choi.

Treatment 5

Jeff Clarke: Okay. Mrs. Barlow, what happened today?

Olga Barlow: It's so hot out, I'm having a hard time catching my breath.

Jeff Clarke: Do you have an air conditioner in the home?

Olga Barlow: Don't I wish?

Jeff Clarke: Well, let's move her. One, two, three.

Olga Barlow: Oh.

Paramedic: There you go.

Doris: Pulse ox 89. Temperature 101.

Jeff Clarke: She's tachy up to 130. I think we're looking at heat exhaustion. Let's pack her axilla and groin in ice and send a CBC, CMP, LFTs, and urine. And give her an amp of D50.

Ethan Choi: What's the story?

Jeff Clarke: Non-exertional heat illness. We're going to lower her core temp and keep her hydrated.

Ethan Choi: You check her meds?

Jeff Clarke: Looks like she has pulmonary hypertension.

Ethan Choi: That's right. Jugular venous distention. That means she's in volume overload. This fluid you ordered could've sent her into heart failure.

Olga Barlow: Am I gonna be okay?

Ethan Choi: We're gonna take good care of you. Let's get a chest film. AP and lateral. ECG and stat formal echo.

Doris: Yes, Doctor.

Ethan Choi: Start epoprostenol at two. Dobutamine at three. Is your arthritis causing you pain?

Olga Barlow: Yes, it's pretty bad.

Ethan Choi: I bet. That's a pretty good dose of oxycodone. Let's give her one... No, two milligrams of hydromorphone. She won't even notice one milligram.

Doris: Okay.

Ethan Choi: You're gonna be feeling better soon. Next time do a complete history and physical before making a diagnosis.


Sharon Goodwin: Great. There you go.

Connor Rhodes: Ms. Goodwin, a word?

Sharon Goodwin: Problem, Dr. Rhodes?

Connor Rhodes: I filled in for trauma last night. Seven surgeries. I was double-booked going back and forth between ORs.

Sharon Goodwin: Well, a month ago you were complaining about not having enough to do.

Connor Rhodes: Well, last night cured me of that. The hospital is over-scheduling, Ms. Goodwin.

Sharon Goodwin: Well, maybe someone thought we needed the revenue. I'll look into it.

Connor Rhodes: Thank you.

Sharon Goodwin: Look, we're all having our problems today, Dr. Rhodes. Go home. Get some sleep.

Connor Rhodes: I can't, I've got a consult on a cold leg in IR that needs an aortalfemoral bypass.


Will Halstead: Retract his ribs… Suction… All right.

Nina Shore: Anything?

Will Halstead: Nothing but clots… I don't see it. I got to get behind the lungs.

April Sexton: Still has a carotid pulse.

Will Halstead: Oh, man. Rib perforated the aorta.

Noah Sexton: Can you clamp it?

Will Halstead: With what? My hand?

Nina Shore: It'll buy us... Him 20 minutes?

Will Halstead: Any longer there's a good chance he'll be paralyzed.

Nina Shore: If you don't, he'll bleed out.

Will Halstead: All right.

Nina Shore: Hemostatic?

Will Halstead: Yeah, it stopped. Now he needs more blood... And a miracle. Which could happen if we get him on portable bypass. They've been doing it in France. We have a unit in clinical trial at Med. April, call Maggie.

April Sexton: On it.

Will Halstead: We've got about 19 minutes to get Ignacio hooked up before he's paralyzed or worse.

Chicago Med

Joey Thomas: Hey, I meant to ask you. Are flowers too much for your mom tonight?

Sarah Reese: Roses tend to wilt in her presence, but hey. Don't worry about it. She actually cancelled her trip. She's too busy. This is her idea of an apology.

Joey Thomas: 1,000 bucks?

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm.

Joey Thomas: I wish my mom apologized like that. She just bakes cookies.

Sarah Reese: It takes time to bake cookies. This just took a call to her accountant.

Announcer: Code blue. Code blue.

Treatment 5

Ethan Choi: Her tongue has relaxed, closing off her airway.

Jeff Clarke: I'll do an oral airway.

Ethan Choi: I got it.

Doris: Intubation kit?

Ethan Choi: No, two milligrams of naloxone IV. I think this is an overdose.

Doris: Of what?

Ethan Choi: Hydromorphone. I don't understand. She shouldn't have had this kind of reaction.

Doris: Respiration's at 8 per minute.

Ethan Choi: Take over?

Doris: Okay.

Jeff Clarke: Dr. Choi.


Jeff Clarke: Dr. Choi?

Ethan Choi: Yeah.

Jeff Clarke: I know I was off on my original diagnosis, but that won't happen again. You can trust me.

Ethan Choi: Clark, you're here to learn. You're gonna make mistakes, okay?

Maggie Lockwood: Jeff? I need you to run this portable bypass, Satinsky clamps, and ten units of packed cells out to Dr. Halstead at the marathon aid station, okay?

Jeff Clarke: Run?

Maggie Lockwood: You doing anything else? Ugh. This is gonna be great. Let's go.

Treatment 2

Natalie Manning: Sorry it's taking so...

Phoebe: I want to call Daddy.

Michelle Kastpen: I told you.

Natalie Manning: Is everything okay?

Phoebe: When can I call him?

Michelle Kastpen: He's travelling, Phoebes. You know that.

Phoebe: I want to go home.

Natalie Manning: Hey. Hey, Phoebe, I promise the CT is not gonna hurt, okay? It's just like getting your picture taken, but in the meantime, will you do me a favour? Can you colour a picture for the doctors' lounge? Yeah? Because of the marathon, the hospital's way busier than usual, but it shouldn't be too much longer.

Michelle Kastpen: Okay.

Natalie Manning: And do you mind if we speak for a moment?

Michelle Kastpen: Sure.

Natalie Manning: Great.

Michelle Kastpen: Hey. I'll be right outside, okay, sweetie?


Natalie Manning: So you indicated in Phoebe's chart that her father was deceased. I'm wondering why she would want to call him?

Michelle Kastpen: David had a massive coronary and died a few months ago. I haven't had the heart to tell her.

Natalie Manning: I am so sorry.

Michelle Kastpen: He was away on business. I feel awful for lying, but I just know that she'll be crushed, and I don't know how to break it to her.

Natalie Manning: Yeah, well, you know, we have a really great doctor that may be able to help with that. But in the meantime, just hang in there. We'll get Phoebe up to CT soon, okay?

Michelle Kastpen: Okay, thank you.

Natalie Manning: Yeah.


Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Rhodes? Dr. Halstead has a patient in the field with a torn aorta. He's putting him on a portable bypass.

Connor Rhodes: Seriously? A portable bypass? You can't regulate blood flow to the brain.

Sharon Goodwin: Well, you can debate the medicine with Dr. Halstead when he gets here.

Connor Rhodes: Believe me, I will.


April Sexton: There's blood in the tube. Saturation's 75%.

Will Halstead: Must be a pulmonary laceration. We got to pack his lung and get the blood out of that tube before he drowns.

Noah Sexton: You want to pack the chest, and I'll suction the tube?

Will Halstead: With what free hand?

April Sexton: I'll suction the tube.

Nina Shore: I'll pack the chest. Give me the suction. Noah, grab both sides, and try to keep 'em open.

Will Halstead: My wrist is cramped up. If you let go on the ribs, I'm done. Come on, man, pull.

Noah Sexton: I'm trying.

Nina Shore: Hang in there.

Will Halstead: It's closing on my wrist. I can't hold this.

Noah Sexton: Don't let go.

April Sexton: Come on, Noah, pull!

Noah Sexton: Don't let go!

April Sexton: All right. I got most of the blood. Sat's at 95%.

Will Halstead: Ribs, ribs, grab the ribs.

April Sexton: Got it. Guys, guys, he's here.

Jeff Clarke: Sorry it took so long. Oh, man.

Will Halstead: I need two clamps. How long's it been?

April Sexton: 17 minutes.

Will Halstead: Three to go. Hurry up.

Treatment 5

Ethan Choi: Mrs. Barlow? You gave us a scare. How are you feeling?

Olga Barlow: Oh, I'm... I'm much better, Doctor, thank you.

Ethan Choi: Your reaction to the pain medication surprised us, because that dose shouldn't have been an issue for you. Have you been taking everything as prescribed?

Olga Barlow: I didn't mention it before, because it's... It's so embarrassing, but I accidentally spilled some pills into the toilet, so I haven't taken everything I was supposed to.

Ethan Choi: Mrs. Barlow, skipping doses is very dangerous. You should have called your doctor.

Olga Barlow: Well, I certainly know better now. I won't let it happen again.

Ethan Choi: There's one other thing. I was reviewing your labs, and some of the numbers indicate that you haven't been eating as well as you should.

Olga Barlow: No one, except my late husband, has ever accused me of being a good cook.

Ethan Choi: Well, wait till you taste the hospital food. Excuse me.


Ethan Choi: Dr. Charles, I have a patient I'd like you to evaluate. She's 74, lives alone, and for some reason hasn't been taking her meds. Her blood work indicates she's undernourished. It might be dementia or depression. I'm just not sure.

Daniel Charles: I'll have a little chat. Shoot me her chart?

Ethan Choi: Yeah, Olga Barlow. Treatment 5.


April Sexton: Oh, great. Thank you. Paramedics are close.

Will Halstead: All right, we're good to go.

Jeff Clarke: Circuit's primed.

Will Halstead: Let's get some more blood in him.

Jeff Clarke: It's infusing.

Nina Shore: Come on, Ignacio.

April Sexton: And... It's up.

Will Halstead: Time. How long has he been clamped?

April Sexton: 24 minutes.

Will Halstead: Damn.

Treatment 5

Daniel Charles: Mrs. Barlow? I'm Dr. Charles. How are we doing today?

Olga Barlow: Pleased to meet you, Dr. Charles.

Daniel Charles: Dr. Choi mentioned that you were having some trouble with your medication, and he asked me to look in on you.

Olga Barlow: Of course, but this is all just a big mistake.

Daniel Charles: Tell me, how did you end up here today?

Olga Barlow: I spilled some pills and didn't take all my medication. It's so boring.

Daniel Charles: Huh.

Olga Barlow: Charles. That's an English name isn't it?

Daniel Charles: Yes, it is.

Olga Barlow: Mm. My late husband Robert was English. He had a Charles on his mother's side. Have you been?

Daniel Charles: Not for a while.

Olga Barlow: Mm. Well, when I was quite a bit younger, Robert and I took the final voyage on the RMS "Queen Elizabeth" across the pond from New York.

Daniel Charles: Wow.

Olga Barlow: Yeah.

Daniel Charles: That sounds like quite a trip.

Olga Barlow: Oh, it was. 1968. There was a sense of design back then that you just don't see today. Now it's... It's all screens, and technology, and people have forgotten the importance of style, haven't they?

Daniel Charles: Boy, you can say that again.

Olga Barlow: I'm sorry for running on like that. Was there something else you wanted to ask me?

Daniel Charles: You know, I think that I'm all set. Thank you. It was so nice to meet you.

Olga Barlow: It was really nice to meet you, Dr. Charles.


Daniel Charles: So in my opinion, Mrs. Barlow is competent and definitely a bit of a charmer.

Ethan Choi: One who's not taking her meds or eating properly.

Daniel Charles: Not suicidal. Not depressed as far as I can tell. I mean, what she is, is she's nostalgic for a more refined culture... Which is a far cry from eating cat food.

Ethan Choi: She told you she was eating cat food?

Daniel Charles: Look at her blood work. Raised taurine level. That's the telltale sign.

Ethan Choi: I thought she was lying about eating regularly, but cat food?

Daniel Charles: Mm-hmm, this happens when money's tight. You know, elderly woman. Fixed income. She'd be way too embarrassed to say anything.

Ethan Choi: What about dropping her pills in the toilet? You think that's a lie too?

Daniel Charles: Oxycodone, sildenafil, benzos all have a very high street value, buddy.

Ethan Choi: You think this sweet old lady's selling them to get money?

Daniel Charles: Sweet old lady in need, man. I've seen it before. You know, and the sad part is, is, even selling her meds, she doesn't seem to be making ends meet.


Will Halstead: 25-year-old male. High-velocity impact. Found with aortic and lung lacerations from a rib. Aortic cross clamp in place. Bleeding controlled. We've got eight units of packed cells in the field via a portable bypass in progress at three liters.

Connor Rhodes: Portable bypass? That your call?

Will Halstead: It was our only option.

Connor Rhodes: I got it from here.

Sharon Goodwin’s office

Peter Kalmick: Sharon Goodwin, this is Lawrence.

Lawrence: Wonderful to meet you. Sorry it's under such difficult circumstances.

Peter Kalmick: I'm gonna leave you two alone.

Sharon Goodwin: I don't have much time. It's a busy day for us.

Lawrence: I understand. Now, would you prefer that I call you Ms. Goodwin or Sharon?

Sharon Goodwin: Oh, Sharon is fine.

Lawrence: Sharon, before we go any further, are you sure that you don't want to try to reconcile? While legal separation is not a divorce, it is a big step down that road.

Sharon Goodwin: We're past trying to reconcile.

Lawrence: I know we talked a little bit about this on the phone, but pending court approval, you and your spouse are agreeing to live independent of each other, both financially and physically.

Sharon Goodwin: Which we have been for months.

Lawrence: Illinois law allows a spouse who is without fault to receive reasonable support and maintenance while parties are living apart. We would need to ask the court to determine that amount.

Sharon Goodwin: I don't want anything from him.

Lawrence: In that case, when you're ready, I just need you to sign at the bottom of both copies.


Daniel Charles: Ms. Kastpen?

Michelle Kastpen: Yes?

Daniel Charles: I'm Dr. Charles, and this is Dr. Reese.

Michelle Kastpen: Nice to meet you.

Daniel Charles: Dr. Manning mentioned that you were struggling with how to break the news of your husband's death to your daughter.

Michelle Kastpen: Oh, yes.

Daniel Charles: We were thinking that if we all sat down, we might be able to help you come up with a plan to... How to best discuss this with Phoebe.

Michelle Kastpen: You know, I really appreciate you're trying to help, but the timing is just all wrong. Phoebe is scared enough just being here. I can't add stress to her right now. If you'll excuse me.

Sarah Reese: I think she's lying to us. The pause before answering, throat clearing, and hand-to-face activity all point to her not being truthful.

Daniel Charles: Just so you know, all that behavioural cue stuff about how to spot liars: bunch of hooey. Having said that... I think you're absolutely right. She's hiding something.

Washing room

Will Halstead: What do you think?

Connor Rhodes: I think an ED doc opened him up in the field.

Will Halstead: Can you repair it?

Connor Rhodes: Well, it's not every day that you see a rib in the aorta, but I'm gonna try to repair it by graft… Whether there is impaired brain activity or paralysis... Well, that remains to be seen… You must be one hell of a poker player.

Will Halstead: Why is that?

Connor Rhodes: It was a hell of a gamble.


Nina Shore: What's the word? We had to try.

Will Halstead: Did we?

Treatment 5

Ethan Choi: Mrs. Barlow, there are some things about your case that are puzzling. I was hoping I could ask you a few questions.

Olga Barlow: Of course.

Ethan Choi: As I mentioned, your labs show you're a little undernourished. I just want to make sure you're getting enough to eat.

Olga Barlow: I am.

Ethan Choi: Good. I'm glad to hear that, because sometimes people skip meals when they're finding it hard to get by.

Olga Barlow: Get by?

Ethan Choi: Well, when money's an issue. We've seen some patients who felt they had no choice but to sell their medications.

Olga Barlow: Are you insinuating...

Ethan Choi: No, ma'am. I'm just trying to understand these results.

Olga Barlow: I have no need to sell anything, and I resent the implication.

Ethan Choi: Of course… Mrs. Barlow, I just want you to know that there are resources available for you, if you need anything.

Olga Barlow: I already told you. I just... I dropped my pills down the toilet. That's all there is to it.

Ethan Choi: Yes, ma'am… Forgive me.

Ruth: Olga Barlow, you gave me such a fright.

Olga Barlow: Ruth, my hair. I look terrible.

Ruth: You look fine. I've just brought you your purse and wanted to see if there was anything you needed. I'm sorry, Doctor. I'm her neighbour.

Ethan Choi: Hi.

Ruth: And you mustn't worry about Princess. I fed her.

Ethan Choi: I'll give you two some privacy, Mrs. Barlow. Excuse me.

Ruth: Now, what's going on?


Ethan Choi: She won't admit to it.

Daniel Charles: Well, I'm not surprised. People think sex is a touchy subject. Believe me, money is a lot touchier.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles? I've been doing a little digging into Phoebe's mother, Michelle Kastpen. I can't find anyone in or around Chicago with that name.

Natalie Manning: Hey. Phoebe's CT results are back. Mom has clearly not given us a full history.

Meeting room

Daniel Charles: Ms. Kastpen, is there any other information, anything at all, about Phoebe's medical history that you'd like to share with us?

Michelle Kastpen: Not that I can think of.

Daniel Charles: The reason we ask is that Phoebe's CAT scans revealed several healed skull fractures.

Natalie Manning: These explain Phoebe's hearing loss. They're also possible indicators of child abuse.

Michelle Kastpen: Wait, you think it was me? I would never do anything to hurt Phoebe.

Daniel Charles: The way this works, Ms. Kastpen, is that unless you can shine some light on your daughter's injuries, we don't really have any choice but to contact the authorities.

Michelle Kastpen: I would never, never...

Natalie Manning: You have to understand how we're seeing it, from our perspective.

Michelle Kastpen: It wasn't me… I lied. I'm divorced. It was my ex. Phoebe would get hurt when she was with him a lot. A sprained ankle. A broken arm. Too many things to be random.

Daniel Charles: Did you ever confront him?

Michelle Kastpen: I tried, but he has money. He out-lawyered me.

Daniel Charles: Oh, so it sounds to me like your ex-husband's still alive.

Michelle Kastpen: I felt powerless, so I took her.

Sarah Reese: You kidnapped your daughter?

Michelle Kastpen: I had to. You can't call the police. Please. They'll just send Phoebe back, and I don't know what he's gonna do to her. You have to protect my daughter. Please. Please.

Sharon Goodwin’s office

Sharon Goodwin: This woman has given us a false name and admitted to kidnapping her daughter.

Sarah Reese: But I think she's finally being honest. She is legitimately concerned for her daughter's safety.

Daniel Charles: Just because she thinks she's telling the truth, Doctor, doesn't necessarily mean that she is.

Natalie Manning: Yeah, but if she is, I'd hate to tear this child away from her mother.

Sharon Goodwin: It's not our job to figure out what the truth is. If we suspect abuse, it's our duty to report it and let the proper authorities sort it out.


April Sexton: Hey. Any news?

Will Halstead: I'm headed back up to check.

April Sexton: We found Ignacio's family.

Noah Sexton: They're in St. Louis. Be here in four hours.

Will Halstead: Let's hope it's a happy reunion.

Noah Sexton: Si, Si. In Chicago Med. [speaking Spanish]

Waiting room

Ethan Choi: Allow me.

Ruth: Oh, thank you. Oh. Thank you, Doctor.

Ethan Choi: Ruth, wasn't it?

Ruth: Yes.

Ethan Choi: Those are beautiful earrings. Emerald?

Ruth: Oh, yes. Thank you.

Ethan Choi: And nice bag. I noticed the one you brought Mrs. Barlow was a real beauty too.

Ruth: Oh, well, we both have a weakness for nice things.

Ethan Choi: Ah. The thing... Never mind. Excuse me.

Ruth: No, no. What were you going to say?

Ethan Choi: Um... It just doesn't fit. How Mrs. Barlow can afford to spend so much on a purse.

Ruth: Why?

Ethan Choi: Please… I could be wrong, but I think she's economizing on food. Not eating.

Ruth: You think Olga has financial issues?

Ethan Choi: Well, what do you think?

Ruth: I don't know, but now that you mention it...

Ethan Choi: Yes?

Ruth: I was over there for coffee last week, and when I went to get the sugar all she had were those little packets that you get in restaurants.

Ethan Choi: Is it possible Mrs. Barlow might feel pressure to keep up appearances with you?

Ruth: Oh, dear. I... I-I may have given Olga the wrong impression.

Ethan Choi: How's that?

Ruth: Actually, I don't have that much. It's my son. My son sends me nice things.

Ethan Choi: Mm. And you never told Mrs. Barlow that?

Ruth: No.

Ethan Choi: I see you care about her, and you want to help her.

Ruth: I do.

Ethan Choi: Then please let her know the truth… Excuse me.

Treatment 5

Natalie Manning: Hi. Can we speak for a moment?

Michelle Kastpen: Mm-hmm. You made the call.

Natalie Manning: Yes, it is our duty in these types of cases to alert the authorities. Now may be a good time to have a conversation with Phoebe to prepare her… Oh, I'll get that… Well, that's a pretty drawing.

Phoebe: I used to colour better.

Natalie Manning: Yeah? What changed?

Phoebe: I don't know.

Natalie Manning: Hey, Phoebe, you mind if I take a look at your hands? Mm-hmm… All right. All right, now, can you squeeze my fingers as hard as you can?

Michelle Kastpen: What are you doing?

Natalie Manning: Just making sure we haven't missed anything… How about with this hand?


Will Halstead: He hasn't woken up yet. It could be a sign of impaired brain function.

Connor Rhodes: It's too soon to make that call. You do a Babinski?

Will Halstead: It's your patient. I didn't want to overstep… What did I do to this guy?

Connor Rhodes: Listen, Will, he's still got a good amount of paralytic in him. He's also acidotic and cold. You can't expect a good reaction just yet.

Treatment 5

Natalie Manning: Hi. So after I observed the weakness in Phoebe's hand, I ran some tests on the blood work we took, and the results showed an explanation for her hearing loss. She has a genetic condition called osteopetrosis.

Michelle Kastpen: What?

Natalie Manning: It's a bone disease that can cause progressive hearing loss. It also explains the carpal tunnel that's causing weakness in her wrists.

Michelle Kastpen: But I don't have it, and neither does her father.

Natalie Manning: It just means that you and her father are both genetic carriers.

Michelle Kastpen: Is she gonna be deaf?

Natalie Manning: Not necessarily. We've had some success in treating the condition with bone marrow transplants.

Michelle Kastpen: Okay. What aren't you telling me?

Natalie Manning: Osteopetrosis makes bones abnormally dense and prone to breakage, which explains her skull fractures. What I'm trying to say is, I don't think she was ever abused.

Michelle Kastpen: Oh, my God. He didn't hurt her? What have I done? What have I done?

Alvin Olinsky: Ms. Kastpen? I'm Detective Olinsky.

Michelle Kastpen: What have I done?


Will Halstead: Still hasn't come to.

Noah Sexton: Dr. Halstead, we saved his life.

Will Halstead: For what? To lie like this on a ventilator for God knows how long?

Connor Rhodes: We don't know that's the case.

Will Halstead: He's been off sedation for an hour and a half. He should be coming around.

Connor Rhodes: Okay, so let's give him a little nudge. Flumazenil 0.2 milligrams IV push.

Will Halstead: Wait. We don't know his history. If he's an alcoholic or on a benzo, he could seize.

Connor Rhodes: That's not gonna happen. Please.

Nurse: Yes, Doctor.

Connor Rhodes: We need to know his mental status.

Noah Sexton: Hold on.

Connor Rhodes: Mr. Garza, I'm Dr. Rhodes. You're at Chicago Med. You were in an accident. You were hit by a car.

Noah Sexton: Do you need me to translate?

Connor Rhodes: Oh, no. Thank you. [Speaking Spanish]. Good. [Speaking Spanish]. Nice. You got a good grip there.

Will Halstead: Mr. Garza, I want you to push your foot down, like you're stepping on the gas pedal of a car.

Connor Rhodes: [Speaking Spanish].

Noah Sexton: [Speaking Spanish].

Connor Rhodes: Okay. How about this? Mr. Garza, can you move your toes? [Speaking Spanish].

Noah Sexton: Yes.

Connor Rhodes: You're a rock star, Mr. Garza. You did great. Now we're gonna let you get some rest.


Nina Shore: I'm so sorry.

Will Halstead: No, it's okay. He's okay.

Nina Shore: Then why...?

Will Halstead: I'm just so relieved.

Nina Shore: Oh.


Connor Rhodes: Hey. Good job getting the bypass out there.

Treatment 5

Michelle Kastpen: It's okay, baby.

Pheobe: Don't go.

Michelle Kastpen: It's okay, baby.

Pheobe: Stay. No, don't go, Mommy! Don't go!

Michelle Kastpen: Baby, it's okay, it's okay.

Pheobe: Come back, Mom! No! Come back, Mommy! Mom!


Sarah Reese: She thought she was doing the right thing. She risked everything and lost everything to get her daughter out of harm's way, and we're sending her to jail.

Natalie Manning: I understand why she did it, but couldn't she have had a doctor evaluate Phoebe before going on the run? She messed up so many lives.

Sarah Reese: Yeah, but... It still feels wrong.

Natalie Manning: I know.


Ethan Choi: So this was all just about keeping up with the Joneses.

Daniel Charles: It was a good catch, Dr. Choi.

Ethan Choi: A new one for me. Pride. It can literally kill you.

Daniel Charles: I guess sometimes that's all we have left, right?


April Sexton: Someone's happy.

Noah Sexton: Ignacio is going to make it.

April Sexton: Yes!

Noah Sexton: We did that.

April Sexton: Man, you really stepped up today. You impressed me out there.

Noah Sexton: Hold up. Is... is that a compliment? 'Cause as I remember it, you were like, "Don't you even think about putting in that chest tube."

April Sexton: Yeah, you know what? I was proud of you, and now you're just being a dick. Bye-bye.

Break room

Sarah Reese: Nothing, Mom. I just wanted to say thanks for the check… No, I-I appreciate it, Mom. I appreciate everything… All right, bye.

Joey Thomas: Seriously? I thought you were pissed off at her.

Sarah Reese: Yeah, I was. I mean, you know, she wasn't... She's wasn't a great mom, but she tried her best. I realize that.

Joey Thomas: Okay.

Sarah Reese: Anyway, I've got all this money, so where do you want to eat? I hear there's this great place uptown with a lobster mac to die for.

Joey Thomas: All right.


Jeff Clarke: Rough day?

You could say that.

Jeff Clarke: Yeah.

Natalie Manning: Wait. I thought you had a win today?

Jeff Clarke: Only thing I did right today was double-time some heavy stuff across the city. Same thing any grunt could do in basic.

Natalie Manning: Jeff... Whatever you did it, it saved a life. That's something.

Sharon Goodwin’s office

Sharon Goodwin: Come in.

Connor Rhodes: Hey, I just thought you might like to know that Dr. Halstead's bypass patient, he's doing well.

Sharon Goodwin: Oh, good. So now you can finish your marathon shift. Go home, Dr. Rhodes. Put your feet up.

Connor Rhodes: Oh, actually I had something a little different in mind. What about you?

Sharon Goodwin: Just gonna go home.

Connor Rhodes: Okay… You know, this place I'm going, it's... It's pretty fun. Maybe you want to join me?


Will Halstead: A few more feet, you can officially check marathon off your bucket list.

Nina Shore: "Officially" is a bit of a stretch.

Will Halstead: Hold that thought… Doesn't get more official than this… With a time of ten hours and six minutes, Dr. Nina Shore has just set a new marathon record.


Connor Rhodes: There it is.

Sharon Goodwin: Ah. Now, this is different.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Downey loved this place. He said it was as close as you could get to the real thing.

Keoni: Aloha.

Sharon Goodwin: Oh. Oh, thank you. It's real.

Keoni: Any friend of Connor's.

Connor Rhodes: Mrs. Goodwin, this is Keoni. He owns this place.

Sharon Goodwin: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Keoni: Pleasure's all mine, and it's good to see you, brah.

Connor Rhodes: It's good to see you too.

Keoni: Enjoy.

Sharon Goodwin: Thank you.

Connor Rhodes: Do you know what "aloha" means?

Sharon Goodwin: Isn't that what they say when you get off the plane? I thought it meant "welcome." No?

Connor Rhodes: Not exactly.

Sharon Goodwin: Okay.

Connor Rhodes: "Aloha" actually means "to consciously manifest life joyously in the present."

Sharon Goodwin: Hmm. Well, in that case... Aloha.

Connor Rhodes: Aloha… Oh, there it is.

Sharon Goodwin: Excellent.

Connor Rhodes: Yeah, right?

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (12.05.2018 à 23:45)
Ça c'est de la médecine d'urgence ! Halstead a le bras entier dans le corps du patient lol


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Chicago Med, S09E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00

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Mercredi 3 avril à 21:00
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Chicago Med, S09E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
6.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
6.26m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 20:00
6.03m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 21:00
6.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 20:00
6.32m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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