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Chicago Med
#214 : Jour de neige

Les médecins et les infirmières de Chicago Med font face à un afflux de patients traumatisés quand un carambolage a lieu juste à côté. Avec le Dr Rhodes et le Dr Latham au triage, des décisions difficiles sont prises. À la suite de cet accident et du traitement des situations d'urgence, les fournitures deviennent limitées et Goodwin, le Dr Manning et le Dr Halstead doivent faire face à une décision impossible. 
Pendant ce temps, le Dr Choi traite un patient gravement brûlé qui a une dernière volonté. Le Dr. Charles traite un patient agité qui fait connaître sa présence dans la salle d'attente.


4.82 - 17 votes

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Cold Front

Titre VF
Jour de neige

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France (inédit)
Mercredi 30.05.2018 à 23:30

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 16.02.2017 à 21:00
6.10m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Michael Waxman

Scénario : Diane Frolov, Andrew Schneider et Danny Weiss

Guests : Ato Essandoh (Isidore Latham), Jeff Hephner (Jeff Clarke), Laura Heisler (Susan Porter), Jurgen Hooper (Jason Wheeler), Scott Morehead (Jack Kellogg), Erica Hubbard (Dina Morris), H.B. Ward (Rod Winter), Jesse Spencer (Matt Casey), Taylor Kinney (Kelly Severide), Eamonn Walker (Wallace Boden), Cyrus Alexander (Blake Porter), Lorena Diaz (Doris), Tonray Ho (Leah), Shay Rose Aljadeff (Leah Bardovi), TRacey Kaplan (Helene Winter), Courtney Rioux (Courtney), Desmond Gray (Desmond), Adam Poss (Adam), Jeri Marshall (Jeri), Naima Hebrail Kidjo (Naima), Charlie Babbo (Benjamin Porter), Charlie Herman (Josh Burgin), C. Anthony Jackson (Earl), Raymond Stumbaugh (Travis)


Jeff Clarke: Hey, we're going in 152... On the right.

Firefighter: Got it.

Jeff Clarke: Okay, Craig, you take over bagging.

Craig: Got it.

Jeff Clarke: Lacerated forehead, possible crushed airway.

Ethan Choi: Jeff, dispatch said mass casualty.

Jeff Clarke: Only been on site a few minutes, but it's at least a dozen vehicles... Maybe more.

Paramedic: We need help over here!

Ethan Choi: Sir...

Paramedic: Come here, come here.

Victim: I've lost my teeth!

Paramedic: Gauze! Here you go.

Ethan Choi: Okay, bite down, bite down. Hold the pressure.

Paramedic: All right, here. Let's move over here. There you go. Lay down.

Wallace Boden: Casey has just radioed in. They're popping the windshield on a minivan... Need medical on site. Red, thirty yards in, eye of the pileup.

Ethan Choi: We're on it.

Wallace Boden: Go.

Ethan Choi: Jeff.

Jeff Clarke: I'm with ya.


Matt Casey: Go back that strip in, got it?

Firefighter: Got it.

Matt Casey: Choi, got a family of four trapped inside. Lot of intrusion on the vehicle. All polytrauma.

Ethan Choi: All right, we're on it. Adam...

Adam: Got it.

Blake Porter: My son... Save him. My son.

Ethan Choi: We're gonna get you all out of here, all right?

Susan Porter: Help the boys. Please. Help them please.

Ethan Choi: Bleeding head lac... Transected his temporal artery. Give me two hemostats. I've gotta clamp it off.

Jeff Clarke: Copy.

Matt Casey: All right, I'm on the boys. Hang in there, guys. Almost there, guys.

Susan Porter: Help my... My boys, please. Help... Help my...

Ethan Choi: Hey, Adam, need a C-collar. You're gonna be okay. Jeff, what do you got?

Jeff Clarke: I got some serious leg damage, possible abdominal injuries.

Ethan Choi: Let's give them some morphine. Can you get a read on body weight?

Jeff Clarke: I don't know... 60, 65 pounds each.

Ethan Choi: Push 4 milligrams IM.

Jeff Clarke: I got it.

Ethan Choi: All right, take it easy. Just take it easy. Just take it easy. It's okay. Bleeding's under control. Let's get him out of here.

Jeff Clarke: Okay, you hang in there, guys. I'm gonna give you something to make you feel better, all right?

Ethan Choi: Place two 16-gauges on the right, and let them know he's red-tagged.


Ethan Choi: Jeff, stay with the kids.


Kelly Severide: I got you!

Firefighter: Clear! Clear!

Kelly Severide: Back up!

Ethan Choi: All right. He needs oxygen!

Kelly Severide: Need a backboard! All right, sir, we're gonna get you out of here.

Ethan Choi: Sir, can you hear me? Try to stay calm, okay?

Kelly Severide: Two, three... Pick him up.


Jeff Clarke: Oh, God. Hey! I need a little help over here! Pregnant woman! Hey, you there? Huh? Hey! A little help over here! Hey!

Chicago Med: ER

Maggie Lockwood: Okay, everyone, listen up. Glad you made it in.

April Sexton: It wasn't easy.

Sharon Goodwin: We've got a predawn pileup... Multiple traumas en route. White-out conditions... Staff snowed in at home... No supplies coming in. We need to make do with who and what we've got on hand.

Maggie Lockwood: All right, Dr. Manning and Halstead, let's decompress the ED. Anybody who's stable kicks back into the waiting area.

Will Halstead: Copy.

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Wheeler, be ready to glove up.

Jason Wheeler: Got it.

Maggie Lockwood: April, we need every room we've got. Let's clear the hallways, supply room... Anywhere we can fit a bed. Let's go, people.

April Sexton: On it.

Sharon Goodwin: Doris, put out a hospital-wide alert, and page the triage team.

Doris: Okay.


Jack Kellogg: Back to the waiting room? I've already waited an hour.

Will Halstead: Uh, I apologize, Mr. Kellogg, but we'll get to you as soon as we can, all right?


Connor Rhodes: What is the only indication for AVR in an asymptomatic patient with severe stenosis?

Leah Bardovi: Left ventricular systolic dysfunction.

Connor Rhodes: Correct, Dr. Bardovi.

Isidore Latham: This patient is stable. Close his incision.

Connor Rhodes: Why?

Isidore Latham: We are expecting an influx of trauma patients. Per emergency protocol, you and I will be in charge of triage. We need to ensure that operating rooms are available to the most critical patients. This man is not one of them.

Connor Rhodes: Close him up.

Intern: Yes, Doctor.


Maggie Lockwood: All right, look alive. Here we go. Incoming.

Adam: 38-year-old male pulled from his minivan. Mom and two kids are on the way.

Maggie Lockwood: Here's the triage team.

Adam: GCS 12, hypotensive. Clamped his temporal artery... Belly's distended.

Connor Rhodes: All right, he's surgical. Stabilize him, and get him up to the O.R.

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: Got it.


Maggie Lockwood: All right. Dr. Choi...

Ethan Choi: 40-year-old male... GCS 15... Satting 90% on a face mask.

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Halstead?

Will Halstead: Got it.

Ethan Choi: No, I got this one.

Isidore Latham: Severe burn... Make him warm, comfortable, and move on. There's nothing more you can do.


Maggie Lockwood: Naima?

Naima: 63-year-old female... Went through the windshield. Triple zeros... Down for nearly 20 minutes.

Connor Rhodes: Stand down.

Isidore Latham: Thrown from a vehicle with a high deceleration injury. Most likely a torn aorta.

Connor Rhodes: We can't be sure.

Isidore Latham: Regardless, asystole for 20 minutes. This is not a survivable injury. Hold compressions.

Connor Rhodes: Wait, let's warm her up first.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes, understand that today we need to focus our efforts on patients with the best chance of survival.


Rod Winter: Please. I need Helene, my wife.

Ethan Choi: Mr. Winter, we'll find her. Just try to relax… He needs an IO. Mr. Winter, I'm gonna have trouble finding a vein. I need to put an IV in your leg. It'll only take a second.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Choi, what are you doing?

Ethan Choi: Putting in an IO.

Isidore Latham: Can I speak with you?

Ethan Choi: Hang on, one second. Almost...

Isidore Latham: Now.

Ethan Choi: I'm in. He's 95% TBSA. Calculate his fluid based on Parkland, and run everything through the warmer.

April Sexton: Copy.


Isidore Latham: I thought I told you to make him comfortable and move on.

Ethan Choi: Dr. Latham, standing by while a patient dies is not in my job description.

Isidore Latham: He has full thickness burns over 90% of his body. There's no chance of recovery.

Ethan Choi: He's awake, talking, lucid, not in any pain.

Isidore Latham: As you well know, he's not in pain because his cutaneous nerves have been destroyed by the burn. Very soon, his organs will began to shut down. He is going to die. And treating him will only take resources away from patients who have a chance of survival.


Jeff Clarke: Maggie!

Maggie Lockwood: Jeffrey.

Jeff Clarke: 26-year-old female found passed out in the snow. 35 weeks pregnant... Vitals stable.

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Wheeler, you're going to Treatment 2.

Jason Wheeler: Got it.

Isidore Latham: Stop. Green is not the proper designation. An expectant mother always takes priority.

Dina Morris: Is my baby gonna be okay?

Jeff Clarke: Don't worry. We're gonna make sure both of you are taken care of.

Treatment 2

Nurse: I'll get some blankets.

Jason Wheeler: On my count, one, two, three. They said you lost consciousness. Do you know what happened?

Dina Morris: I don't remember. It all happened so fast. I saw a cut on my arm, and I went for help. Next thing I know, they're bringing me here.

Jason Wheeler: Well, your vitals look good.

Dina Morris: What about my baby?

Jason Wheeler: I'm checking now. Baby's heartbeat is strong.

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Wheeler... Traumas are coming in hot. You done here?

Jason Wheeler: Uh, let's get her undressed, and put her on a fetal monitor. Everything looks good. I'll be back soon.


Paramedic: Pulled from the minivan... This is mom... Susan, 38 years old, GCS 15. Right arm fracture... Complaining of back pain. Son and nephew are coming in behind us.

Susan Porter: My husband, Blake... How is he?

Connor Rhodes: We've sent him up to the O.R. already. Belly's clear.

Isidore Latham: Get her CT for head and TLS spine. Make sure there are no vertebral fractures.

Susan Porter: Take care of the boys.

Connor Rhodes: We will.


Courtney: 9-year-old nephew, Josh... GCS 15... Vitals stable. Got pinned in the backseat. Bilateral femoral fractures... One open. His parents are travelling abroad. He's been staying with his aunt and uncle.

Maggie Lockwood: All right, Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: Yep. Hi, I'm Dr. Manning. I'm gonna take good care of you, okay?

Connor Rhodes: I'm gonna give her a hand.

Maggie Lockwood: All right, you're going to Treatment 5.

Connor Rhodes: Yep.


Maggie Lockwood: Talk to me.

Desmond: Benjamin... 10-year-old son... GCS 15. Abdominal pain... Mildly hypotensive from possible blood loss. Systolic 100 over palp.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Halstead, red tag.

Will Halstead: April.

Maggie Lockwood: You're going to Treatment 4.

Benjamin Porter: My hips! My hips!

Will Halstead: Hang in there, champ. We're gonna get you fixed up.

April Sexton: 4, here.

Desmond: Okay.

Treatment 4

Will Halstead: Okay, on my count, one, two, three. Thank you, gentlemen.

Desmond: Yep.

Will Halstead: Breath sounds clear and present bilaterally. Hang another liter of saline on the level one.

April Sexton: Yep.

Will Halstead: How'd you get to be so strong? You're doing great. Chest and belly clear.

April Sexton: Okay, honey. BP 86 over 47. Heart rate 135.

Will Halstead: I know, I know, I know. Okay, okay, that's it, just breathe. Unstable pelvis and hypotensive.

April Sexton: Close it down to stop the bleeding?

Will Halstead: Yeah, grab a sheet. I need some help in here!

Maggie Lockwood: What do you need?

Will Halstead: This might hurt. Give him 25 mics of Fentanyl.

Maggie Lockwood: Copy.

April Sexton: Okay, honey. Okay. All right, all right.

Will Halstead: Okay, make sure it's tight.

April Sexton: Heart rate's coming down.

Will Halstead: Bleeding's temporized for now. Let's get X-rays... Chest and pelvis. Let me know the second there's an opening in interventional radiology. We need to embolize the bleeding.

April Sexton: Got it.

Treatment 5

Natalie Manning: Chest and abdomen are clear.

Connor Rhodes: Cold foot... I can't get a pulse on this leg.

Natalie Manning: Fractures probably kinking the femoral artery.

Connor Rhodes: We've gotta reduce this now.

Natalie Manning: Let's push two milligrams of versed and 25 mics of Fentanyl. Okay, Josh, we're gonna have to do something right now, and I need you to be so brave for me. Can you do that?

Josh Burgin: Okay.

Natalie Manning: Yeah? Yeah? Are you ready? All right, one, two, three. It's all done. That's it. It's over. Great job.

Connor Rhodes: All right, get a post-mold splint on him. Page ortho. He's gonna need surgery to wash out and ex-fix that fracture as soon as we can get an O.R.

Natalie Manning: Are you all right? Okay, can you keep being brave like that?

Nurse: Dr. Rhodes...

Natalie Manning: You are so brave... So brave.

Treatment 2

Connor Rhodes: What happened?

Jason Wheeler: I... I... I don't know. She was alert and talking a few minutes ago.

Jeff Clarke: No pulse.

Connor Rhodes: All right, Clarke, intubator. April, a milligram of epi.

April Sexton: On it.

Connor Rhodes: Wheeler, get on her chest now… She's hemorrhaging.

Jeff Clarke: Abruption from the trauma?

Connor Rhodes: That might explain just a vaginal bleed, but not this. She's bleeding around her IV.

April Sexton: Dr. Rhodes...

Connor Rhodes: All right, likely an amniotic fluid embolism. Impact from the accident forced amniotic fluid into her bloodstream... Disrupted her clotting factors. Trigger the MTP. We need to get this baby out now.

April Sexton: Page OB?

Connor Rhodes: No, there's no time. We've got about four minutes to deliver, or we're gonna lose her and the baby.

Jeff Clarke: Tubes in. Take over bagging.

Connor Rhodes: Okay, splash prep her abdomen. Give me the knife… Clarke, pull… There we go. It's a girl. April, cut the cord. Clarke, start packing her abdomen.

Jeff Clarke: On it.

Connor Rhodes: There we go. Okay. The baby looks good. April, let's get her up to the NICU.

April Sexton: On my way.

Connor Rhodes: Okay. All right, Wheeler, hold compressions.

Jason Wheeler: She's in v-fib.

Connor Rhodes: Paddles. Charge to 200.

Jeff Clarke: Charge. No.

Connor Rhodes: Charge again.

Jeff Clarke: Charge.

Connor Rhodes: Clear.

Jeff Clarke: Sinus tach. BP 70 over 33, heart rate 130, oxygen rate 95%.

Connor Rhodes: All right, set up a Neo drip at a 100 mics.

Nurse: 100 mics.

Connor Rhodes: She looks like she's lost about three liters. How much have we given her?

Jeff Clarke: Two packed red blood cells, one FFP, two cryo.

Jason Wheeler: Second patch is on its way with more blood and cryo.

Connor Rhodes: All right. She's still bleeding. Tell the blood bank to keep sending us O-Neg. We'll finish packing her here, and then we'll send her up to OB, so they can close her.

Jeff Clarke: Right.


Ethan Choi: Hey, Mr. Winter. How are you feeling?

Rod Winter: Cold.

Ethan Choi: That's to be expected. The damage to your skin caused you to lose heat. We have another warmer coming in for you… Mr. Winter... You're in burn shock. Your organs are gonna shut down soon.

Rod Winter: I'm... I'm dying?

Ethan Choi: Yes.

Rod Winter: Keep me alive till my wife gets here. I wanna say goodbye.

Ethan Choi: We'll do everything we can. Mr. Winter, your airways are starting to swell. We need to intubate you, and put you on a ventilator.

Rod Winter: But I won't be able... To talk.

Ethan Choi: When your wife gets here, I'll remove the tube, and you'll be ab...... And you'll be able to say goodbye… 20 of etomidate and 15 rocuronium.


Maggie Lockwood: All right, now for waiting room drama. His name is Jack Kellogg. Came in for a Xanax refill.

Waiting room

Jack Kellogg: How long you have to wait around here?

Maggie Lockwood: Got bumped from his treatment room. Doesn't seem like an emergency to me. Might just be hunting for drugs. He's fine, he's fine... But if you think differently, I'll send him upstairs.

Daniel Charles: Did he threaten to hurt anybody or himself?

Maggie Lockwood: No. He's just a pain in the ass.

Daniel Charles: I'll talk to him.

Maggie Lockwood: All right.


Daniel Charles: Mr. Kellogg? I'm Dr. Charles.

Jack Kellogg: I've been waiting for over two hours. Nobody cares. I'm just a number.

Daniel Charles: I'm very sorry. We have a major pileup on the highway, and we're in a triage situation...

Jack Kellogg: It's not my problem.

Daniel Charles: Okay, well, what seems to be the trouble?

Jack Kellogg: Cut the crap, all right? Blah, blah, blah. I'm out of my meds.

Daniel Charles: Did you call your doctor?

Jack Kellogg: He's out. Why else would I be here? How hard is it for you to write me a prescription?

Daniel Charles: Well, we wanna make sure you get the right medication, the proper dosage.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles...

Daniel Charles: Could you hold on a second?

Sarah Reese: I'm sorry, but there's an emergency in the psych ward. A patient attacked a nurse. They need you.

Daniel Charles: Mr. Kellogg, I'm very sorry. We are gonna take excellent care of you, but you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer.

Jack Kellogg: Oh, for God's sake.

Daniel Charles: I will be right back, and I'm gonna make you one of our first priorities.

Jack Kellogg: First priority. Yeah, sure. Look at me! I'm a human being. I'm a human being! A human being!


Sarah Reese: Should we put him on a psych hold?

Daniel Charles: No, he's not dangerous, just pissed off.

Sharon Goodwin: Daniel? We're slammed and short personnel. I need to pull Dr. Reese off your service, and put her to work here.

Daniel Charles: Go to it.

Natalie Manning: Reese, with me.

Sarah Reese: Okay.

Treatment 5

Sarah Reese: Heart rate's 150. BP 70 over 40. What are his injuries?

Natalie Manning: Femoral fractures in both legs... Lots of soft tissue injuries. Looks like bilateral thigh hematomas.

Sarah Reese: So blood's accumulating in his legs. We need to transfuse him.

Natalie Manning: Yes, but first let's get a liter of lactated ringers... Dopamine at 10... Titrate to systolic BP of 90… Maggie, need some help in here!

Maggie Lockwood: Coming!

Sarah Reese: Blood pressure's coming up... 80 over 50. 90 over 60.

Natalie Manning: He's stable for now. Call up to the blood bank, and tell him we need two units of O-Negative for this boy.

Will Halstead: I need the same for his cousin in the next room.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay, hold on. You're both gonna have to talk to Ms. Goodwin about this.

Doctor Lounge

Sharon Goodwin: Because of emergency surgeries, and a pregnant mother's serious bleeding disorder, we have used almost all of our O-Negative. We can either treat Benjamin or Josh, but not both.

Will Halstead: Benjamin needs an angio embolization more urgently than Josh needs surgery.

Natalie Manning: How can you say that? Josh isn't compensating for his blood loss as well. He's in worst shape.

Will Halstead: I understand you're trying to protect your patient, but you're being emotional.

Natalie Manning: "Emotional"? And what are you being?

Sharon Goodwin: Our recommendation needs to be based solely on clinical criteria. So I'm handing it over to the triage team.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes, your opinion?

Connor Rhodes: I have to agree with Dr. Halstead that Benjamin needs angio embolization more urgently than Josh needs surgery.

Isidore Latham: Not the issue. We're here to decide who has the best chance of survival, so...

Connor Rhodes: Unfortunately, even if Benjamin gets the embolization, there's only a 15% chance that the bleeding in his pelvis will stop.

Isidore Latham: Exactly. Whereas with Dr. Manning's patient, as the pressure in his thighs builds, the bleeding will eventually slow. Worst case, Josh loses a leg, but there is no question he has the best chance of survival.


Susan Porter: I don't understand.

Will Halstead: We're very sorry, but it's up to you to decide which of the boys gets the blood.

Susan Porter: Decide who gets the blood?

Sharon Goodwin: The doctors have their opinion, but it is a decision you and your husband should make, and he's still in surgery.

Susan Porter: But, without blood, is one of them gonna die?

Natalie Manning: It is a possibility, but we are gonna do whatever we can to prevent that.

Susan Porter: And you want me to decide between my son and my sister's? But how?

Connor Rhodes: Our recommendation is to give the blood to your nephew, Josh.

Susan Porter: Josh? Why?

Isidore Latham: Because he has the greater chance of survival.

Susan Porter: That means Ben...

Natalie Manning: We are gonna do our best to keep him alive until we have more blood.

Susan Porter: How can you make me do this? I can't. I can't.

Sharon Goodwin: If you'd prefer, we can make the decision on your behalf.

Isidore Latham: Mrs. Porter, I assure you, we will do what's medically and ethically correct.


Nurse: You'll be all right. No, no, just stay still...

Jason Wheeler: Dr. Rhodes, I hear we're running out of O-Neg.

Connor Rhodes: No, we have run out of O-Neg.

Jason Wheeler: Wait... Is this because of the woman with the amniotic fluid embolism?

Connor Rhodes: Partly, yes.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes!

Jason Wheeler: She didn't present with any of the symptoms... No hypotension, shortness of breath, chills...

Connor Rhodes: Wheeler, nobody's blaming you.

Isidore Latham: I understand. We're going to do all we can.

Waiting room

Daniel Charles: Leah, there was a fella out here before... A Mr. Kellogg?

Leah: That guy...

Daniel Charles: Yeah, did you see what happened to him?

Leah: Stormed out... Said he was tired of waiting. You should've heard the language. I don't appreciate being talked to like that.

Daniel Charles: Yeah.

Treatment 5

Natalie Manning: His colour’s already improving.

Sarah Reese: Heart rate's down to 119. BP's up, 118 over 84.


Jeff Clarke: Albumin and platelets aren't gonna cut it. That kid needs blood.

Will Halstead: I know.


Maggie Lockwood: Hey. We've contacted Mr. Winter's wife. She's doing her best to get here.

Ethan Choi: Mr. Winter, did you hear that?

April Sexton: BP's down to 80 over 40.

Ethan Choi: Hey. Hey. Hang in there.


Connor Rhodes: Hey.

Ethan Choi: Hey.

Connor Rhodes: How's Mr. Winter? I'm sorry.

Ethan Choi: Yeah.

Connor Rhodes: And I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we're out of ventilators.

Ethan Choi: No.

Connor Rhodes: We've got emergency cases, who are coming out of surgery, who need 'em. The... The only choice we've got is to take 'em from our terminal patients.

Ethan Choi: I can't.

Connor Rhodes: That ventilator's not gonna save his life, Ethan. You know that.

Ethan Choi: All he wants is to stay alive long enough to say goodbye to his wife. She's trying to get here.

Connor Rhodes: Man, I understand...

Ethan Choi: Look, in the field, so many times, a wounded soldier will call out for a loved one... A mother, a wife. There's nothing I can do. Come on, man. Let's give this man his dying wish.

Connor Rhodes: I'm sorry, man. I can do it for you. I can take him off the ventilator myself.

Ethan Choi: No... He's my patient. I will.


Ethan Choi: Mr. Winter... As you know, your condition is going to continue to deteriorate. I'm sorry, but the hospital is in an emergency situation, and I've just been informed that I need to disconnect you from this ventilator. It's needed for other patients who have a better chance of surviving… I know… Here's what I can do… I can help you breathe manually, until your wife gets here, all right? April?

April Sexton: Yep!

Ethan Choi: Pull the ventilator… I'll bag him myself.


Isidore Latham: Thank you, Doris.

Connor Rhodes: I just told Dr. Choi to take his patient off the ventilator.

Isidore Latham: Hm, right.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham, don't you feel anything?

Isidore Latham: Do you mean, am I empathetic? Do I feel what others feel? Dr. Rhodes, one can lack empathy, but still feel compassion.


Jason Wheeler: Sarah... You liking psychiatry?

Sarah Reese: Uh, parts of it.

Jason Wheeler: Yeah, I'm thinking about psychiatry. I'm not sure the E.D. is the best fit. Uh, let me ask you something. Day's got me a little stressed. Could you write me a prescription for Klonopin?

Sarah Reese: Um... Don't you have your own doctor?

Jason Wheeler: Actually, no. I... I never felt the need. I only want a few pills... You know, take the edge off.

Sarah Reese: Jason, I'm sorry, but I'd have to ask Dr. Charles.

Jason Wheeler: Really? Hey, you know what, never mind. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. It's no big deal.

Sarah Reese: You sure?

Jason Wheeler: Yeah, I'll be fine. Forget I asked.


Maggie Lockwood: Uh-huh. Uh-huh, wait, do you wanna talk to his resident? Wait, he's right here. Dr. Charles, the brother of that patient that you saw in the waiting room... The one who left.

Daniel Charles: Oh, Jack Kellogg, great.

Maggie Lockwood: Mm-hmm.

Daniel Charles: This is Dr. Charles. Please tell your brother that I'm... What? I'm... I'm so, uh, very s... Uh, I-is there anything that we can... Hello? Jack Kellogg shot himself. He's dead.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles?


Blake Porter: I changed lanes. Next thing I know, we were hit. Truck came out of nowhere.

Susan Porter: I'm just glad you're okay.

Blake Porter: What about the boys?

Will Halstead: They're both at the hospital and receiving treatment.

Blake Porter: Thank God.

Will Halstead: Josh broke his legs, and Benjamin suffered a pelvic fracture.

Blake Porter: Pelvis? You can fix that, right?

Natalie Manning: I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that, Mr. Porter. Both boys lost a lot of blood, and both needed transfusions. However, the accident, uh, combined with the storm created a shortage. We only had enough for one.

Blake Porter: For one?

Susan Porter: Honey, please, it was an impossible choice.

Blake Porter: I don't understand. What are you saying? You gave the blood to Josh?

Natalie Manning: She didn't. We did. We decided that Josh had the best chance of survival.

Blake Porter: Survival? What... What about Benny?

Will Halstead: We are doing everything that we can, but he needs blood.

Blake Porter: Okay, I'll donate.

Natalie Manning: I'm sorry, sir, but neither you nor your wife are a match.

Blake Porter: You must've approved this.

Susan Porter: I...

Blake Porter: I can't believe it. You should've made them give the blood to Ben.

Susan Porter: Josh, he's my sister's son. How could I just...

Blake Porter: So you're okay with letting our own son die? What kind of mother are you?

Will Halstead: I cannot imagine the difficulty this must be for the two of you, but again, we are doing everything that we can.

Natalie Manning: Excuse me. I'm sorry.


Isidore Latham: Sixteen critical, 24 stable, seven treated and released. All remaining have been accounted for and assigned their proper designation.

Sharon Goodwin: Thank you, Dr. Latham.

Natalie Manning: Ms. Goodwin, if Benjamin doesn't get blood soon, he's not gonna make it.

Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Manning, we discussed this.

Natalie Manning: I know, but I have an idea.


Daniel Charles: So let's adjust her Ativan to Q2-hours, and with Q4-hour vitals. See if that doesn't calm her down.

Nurse: Yes Doctor.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles... Um, about what happened with that patient...

Daniel Charles: Yeah, that was unfortunate.

Sarah Reese: No, what I mean, um, is there was no way you could've known.

Daniel Charles: It's emergency medicine, Dr. Reese. We make these evaluations very quickly, and these kind of things happen.

Sarah Reese: Of course. I... I was just concerned, because of your history.

Daniel Charles: Oh. Look, I have lost patients to suicide before, and I undoubtedly will again. I, uh... I appreciate your concern, but it's just the...  It's the cost of doing business.

Sarah Reese: Oh. Okay.


Maggie Lockwood: Okay. Good. Okay. Hey.

Will Halstead: Hey. Came as soon as I could.

Maggie Lockwood: Yeah. Replenishing the bank, and hoping to find a match for your patient. Dr. Halstead jumps to the front of the line.

Nurse: Done.

Maggie Lockwood: Thank you.

Will Halstead: Thank you, Maggie.

Maggie Lockwood: Don't thank me. Thank her. It was her idea.


April Sexton: Paramedics just brought in a hemothorax. Dr. Rhodes needs you to put in a chest tube.

Ethan Choi: What about his wife? Have we heard anything?

April Sexton: She's stuck in the storm... Still trying to get here.

Ethan Choi: Then ask Dr. Rhodes to have one of the other residents do it.

April Sexton: Dr. Choi...

Ethan Choi: He just needs a little more time… I'm so sorry… Time of death, 15:37.

Treatment 4

April Sexton: BP's down. Heart rate's up to 152.

Natalie Manning: We can add another pressor.

Will Halstead: He's peri-arrest. His heart's working to compensate. We've tried every stopgap we have. Without oxygen-rich-red-blood-cells... I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do for him.

Natalie Manning: Ms. Goodwin, we typed a few universal donors in the doctors' lounge. What is taking so long?

Sharon Goodwin: Everything has to go through the lab. If we transfuse blood that hasn't been screened for HIV and hepatitis, we are in direct violation of FDA guidelines. We'll just have to wait.

Ethan Choi: Now hold on, I'm O-Negative. I'm screened routinely by the Navy.

Sharon Goodwin: I don't know if military testing meets our standards.

Susan Porter: Please. If this could save my boy...

April Sexton: Heart rate's up to 160.

Ethan Choi: Connect me to a bag now. We can push whole blood directly through the rapid transfuser.

Will Halstead: Ms. Goodwin...

Sharon Goodwin: Okay, do it.


Earl: I put him in room PCHEN.

Sarah Reese: Earl, I got your text. What's the emergency?

Earl: I found this guy holed up in a patient room... Not even registered. Had his feet up, watching TV like he owns the place. Said he was Dr. Charles' patient, so I brought him here.


Sarah Reese: But your brother called and said...

Jack Kellogg: It wasn't my brother. It was me.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles thought you were dead.

Jack Kellogg: Well, maybe I finally got through to him. Think he'll see me now?

Daniel Charles: Mr. Kellogg... I am so grateful that you're still alive, and that I get to treat you.

Jack Kellogg: I just want my meds.

Daniel Charles: Yeah. It doesn't really work that way. You see, your behaviour indicates a pretty profound personality disorder. Off the cuff, among other things, I'd say you're probably a malignant narcissist with overt sadistic impulses.

Jack Kellogg: You've got no right to talk to me...

Daniel Charles: Shut your mouth.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles...

Jack Kellogg: Maybe I should just go.

Daniel Charles: No, no, no, no. I'm so sorry, but I gotta put you on a 72-hour psychiatric hold... For your own good.

Jack Kellogg: What? Seventy-two hours?

Daniel Charles: You wanted my attention, and now you have it.

Treatment 4

Will Halstead: BP's coming up. Heart rate's going down. Thank you, Ethan.

Ethan Choi: Of course.

Will Halstead: Good news, we should be able to get him up to interventional radiology soon.


Natalie Manning: Susan?

Susan Porter: His father was right. I was willing to let him die.

Natalie Manning: No. No, we made the decision to give Josh the blood, but that doesn't mean we ever gave up on your son.

Susan Porter: I'm his mother. I should've fought for him. What will he think when he finds out?


Helene Winter: Hi, uh, I'm looking for my husband. They said he was burned in the accident. His name is Rod Winter.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, his doctor is not available right now, but if you can wait in the waiting room...

Connor Rhodes: Mrs. Winter, uh, hi, I'm Dr. Rhodes. Uh, I can speak with you about your husband… Please.

Doctor Lounge

Will Halstead: Blood finally arrived.

Natalie Manning: Good.

Will Halstead: Hey, I'm sorry for calling you "emotional" earlier.

Natalie Manning: You know, you spend a lot of time apologizing to me.

Will Halstead: Well... There are very few people I care more about.

Natalie Manning: Good night, Will.

Will Halstead: Night, Natalie.

Ambo entrance

Ethan Choi: Snow's letting up. Supplies coming in finally. Rough day.

Sarah Reese: I was glad to be back in the E.D… You can fix peoples' bodies, but their minds... Whoo.

ER entrance

Connor Rhodes: I envied you today... Making those decisions clinically, not letting your emotions interfere.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes, are you saying you envy my autism?

Connor Rhodes: A little bit, yeah.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 98 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

16.04.2023 vers 12h

08.03.2023 vers 22h

08.09.2022 vers 23h

30.04.2022 vers 12h

30.11.2021 vers 15h

21.09.2021 vers 16h

Derniers commentaires

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schumi  (09.09.2019 à 20:14)

LE pauvre Ethan! Quel cas compliqué! ne rien pouvoir faire pour son patient et devoir lui retirer l'intubation??? C'est légal ça? Comment expliquer ça à la famille et au patient? car il comprenait encore tout lui! Le personnage d'Ethan est sous exploité je trouve, j'aimerais qu'on le développe un peu plus.

Le dilemme pour la mère de famille! Suaver son fils ou son neveu... quel courage! son mari est bien injuste je trouve mais d'un autre côté je le comprends aussi... Heureusement tout est bien qui finit bien ce qui évitera certainement un procès à l'hôpital.

arween  (23.02.2017 à 23:59)

Épisode très intense ! Il commence fort déjà avec ce carambolage...

Ethan... il m'a beaucoup touché dans cet épisode, voulant à tout prix que son patient est une chance de dire au-revoir à sa femme, allant jusqu'à le ventiler lui-même. C'était hyper émouvant.

Charles se retrouve au prise avec un sadique manipulateur, mais je crois que le patient a trouvé plus fort que lui !

Les cas de Will & Nathalie était vraiment difficiles. Je ne sais pas comment j'aurais fait. Mais Ethan est là et du coup, c'est un soulagement quand même.


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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langedu74, Avant-hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Hier à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Hier à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Hier à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Hier à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

Viens chatter !