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Chicago Med
#213 : Etre et rester soi-même

Le Dr Rhodes convainc le Dr Latham de venir avec lui pour un voyage médical hors de la ville ce qui est un véritable test pour la personnalité de Latham. Le Dr Manning traite un patient de 8 ans avec le cancer qui veut abandonner son combat avant qu'elle ne fasse une découverte  surprenante. En même temps, une femme en mauvaise santé avec des problèmes de coeur est amenée et ne veut pas écouter les médecins, à la grande consternation du Dr Halstead. Pendant ce temps, le Dr Choi, le Dr Charles et le Dr Reese travaillent sur un cas compliqué implicant une femme avec des troubles de la personnalité. Will et Nina rencontrent leur premier problème de couple.


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Theseus' Ship

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Etre et rester soi-même

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Mercredi 30.05.2018 à 22:50

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Jeudi 09.02.2017 à 21:00
6.07m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Kenny Johnson

Scénario : Jeff Drayer

Guests: Ato Essandoh (Isidore Latham), Mekia Cox (Robin Chalres), Deron J. Powell (Tate Jenkins), Julie Ariola (Lydia Holloway), Patti Murin (Nina Shore), Leah Karpel (Grace Snow), Connor McNamara (Mark Scott), Cameron Knight (Adam Moore), Zack Thomas (Gabe Moore), Lorena Diaz (Doris), Alex Weisman (Chout), Courtney Rioux (Ambulancière Courtney), Tommy Lee Johnston (Jim Hendrix), Dous McKechnie (Mike Evans), Andy Lutz (Barman)

Chicago MED

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes. Light day today.

Connor Rhodes: That's good, 'cause we just got a call from Mercy Hospital over in Rock Island. They have a young woman with a Type A aortic dissection who needs a valve-sparing root replacement.

Isidore Latham: Rare, difficult procedure.

Connor Rhodes: Mm-hmm, and none of the surgeons there have any experience with it.

Isidore Latham: Have the air ambulance bring her in, and I'll clear an OR.

Connor Rhodes: I'm afraid we can't. She's multi-trauma from a car accident, and she's too unstable to travel.

Isidore Latham: Then they'll have to perform a standard repair.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham, I...

Isidore Latham: I do not like to travel.

Connor Rhodes: I can understand that given your situation...

Isidore Latham: You can say it. My Asperger's.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham, these cases are indeed rare. And while I have assisted you on one before, I would like to be able to say I have done one running lead. Now, it's only a 20-minute chopper flight, and we don't even have to spend the night.

Isidore Latham: This is important to you.

Connor Rhodes: It is.

Isidore Latham: Perhaps I shouldn't be so rigid. A broadening experience might do me good… All right, Dr. Rhodes. You'll get your procedure. We'll even spend the night. A hotel... Gonna be interesting.

Connor Rhodes: I'll let them know.


Nina Shore: More like five under.

Will Halstead: It was ten under.

Nina Shore: I just like to be careful, okay? I have a history.

Natalie Manning: Hey, guys.

Will Halstead: Morning. Hey. That a new stethoscope?

Natalie Manning: Oh, yeah. Owen got a hold of the last one, so...

Will Halstead: Hey, those stuffed animals are not gonna diagnose themselves… Ah, all right, Blondie. Coffee later?

Nina Shore: You got it, Red.

Will Halstead: Have a good day.


Tate Jenkins: Hey, babe. You forgot your lunch.

April Sexton: Tate, I could've gotten something here.

Tate Jenkins: Potato chips, pickles, and a Zagnut bar? Pregnant ladies get to pretty much eat anything they want, huh?

April Sexton: We could fill you with a gallon of hormones, then analyze your diet.

Tate Jenkins: Enjoy your lunch.

April Sexton: Thank you.

Tate Jenkins: You're welcome.


Maggie Lockwood: Incoming, Dr. Manning. Treatment 2.

Natalie Manning: Got it.

Chout: Gabe Moore, eight years old, with advanced non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, found seizing at home, temp 104. One milligram of versed in the field.

Natalie Manning: All right, hang in there, okay?

Treatment 2

Natalie Manning: All right, on my count. One, two, three. All right, get this out of here please. Compression bags. Equal and reactive to light. Does he see oncology here?

Mr. Moore: Yeah, Dr. Hurwitz.

Natalie Manning: Get his current med list and give a dose of vanco and ceftriaxone.

Nurse: Vanco and ceftriaxone, got it.

Natalie Manning: Does he have a mother we should call?

Mr. Moore: She passed when he was a baby.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

Gabe Moore: Dad?

Mr. Moore: I'm right here. These doctors are gonna take good care of you.

Natalie Manning: He's seizing! Give one of Ativan, push 500 milligrams Dilantin.

Mr. Moore: Oh, my God.

Natalie Manning: Let's get some labs, CBC, CMP, CT head, blood cultures, and an EEG. The seizure may be caused by his fever. However, it is possible that the cancer's spread to his brain. When was his last scan?

Mr. Moore: Couple of months ago.

Natalie Manning: Let's get an infused MRI. I just want to see if the cancer's spread, okay?

Mr. Moore: Okay.

April Sexton: Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: Yeah. Excuse me, please.


April Sexton: I just called the pharmacy. Dad hasn't filled Gabe's chemo in three months. He's withholding his medication.

Natalie Manning: Maybe he filled it someplace else?

April Sexton: His oncologist ordered straight through the hospital. No other way to get it.

Natalie Manning: He's just waiting for his son to die?


Natalie Manning: Mr. Moore. We are aware that your son was prescribed a new oral chemo, and that you have been withholding it.

Mr. Moore: I'm not "withholding" them.

Natalie Manning: I understand that you're a single father and that this must be incredibly hard for you...

Mr. Moore: It's not about me.

Natalie Manning: But if you are willingly keeping your son off of his meds, then we...

Mr. Moore: It's his decision.

Natalie Manning: Excuse me?

Mr. Moore: Gabe's. He's been through four courses of chemo. The nausea, the pain, the drugs to treat the nausea and the pain... It was awful.

Natalie Manning: That doesn't mean you can just stop trying.

Mr. Moore: He begged me all through the last course. But I wouldn't stop it. And it didn't help at all. None of them helped. So this time, I let him decide.

Natalie Manning: He can't decide. He's eight years old, okay? His brain is literally not developed enough to process this. Life and death and forever are concepts that he cannot fully understand yet.

Mr. Moore: Gabe does understand.

Natalie Manning: I'm sorry, but we need to start your son on his new chemo.

Mr. Moore: No. I won't authorize that.

Natalie Manning: I will be back soon to check on your son.


April Sexton: DCFS can have a court order to start the chemo in two hours.

Natalie Manning: Let's get the MRI result first... See if the cancer's spread so much that it's no longer even treatable.

Treatment 5

Will Halstead: Ms. Holloway, I'm Dr. Halstead. I hear you had some trouble today.

Ms. Holloway: I fell down. Big deal.

Will Halstead: Well, says here your troponin level is .08. That means you fell down because you were having a small heart attack. Ever had any heart trouble before?

Ms. Holloway: I don't know. I don't go to doctors.

Nurse Doris: Dr. Halstead?

Will Halstead: Your blood glucose is 458. You're diabetic?

Ms. Holloway: That's what they say.

Will Halstead: Let's get a VBG. Give her 10 units of IV regular insulin and bolus her a liter of NS. I'll call endocrine for a consult and let cardiology know we're admitting her.

Ms. Holloway: Admitting me?

Will Halstead: Yeah, that's right. Diabetes can cause numerous problems, including coronary artery disease. I want to admit you to run a few tests on your heart and more importantly, get your diabetes under control.

Ms. Holloway: Nope. Not gonna happen.

Will Halstead: Why is that?

Ms. Holloway: Are you gonna feed Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore?

Will Halstead: I'm sorry?

Ms. Holloway: My cats. Named after the first 12 presidents.

Will Halstead: Let's start getting your sugar down, and we'll talk in a little bit.


Nurse Doris: Got us a crazy cat lady.

Will Halstead: Mm-hmm.

Mercy Hospital

Bob: Drs. Rhodes and Latham, Mayor Hendrix.

Jim Hendrix: Call me Jim. My family and I can't thank you enough for coming.

Connor Rhodes: I assure you we will do everything we can for your daughter.

Jim Hendrix: If there's anything that you need, please let Bob or me know.

Isidore Latham: We will. Thank you. Must be hard staying upbeat under such trying circumstances. Guess if you're a politician, it's expected.

Chicago Med: ER

Will Halstead: Tough case?

Natalie Manning: Kids get sick. I understand that. But seeing what their parents do to them... That drives me nuts.

Will Halstead: Yeah.

Nina Shore: Coffee time?

Will Halstead: That's right. Uh, I'm sorry. I'm swamped.

Nina Shore: Oh, no problem. Lunch maybe.

Will Halstead: Absolutely.

Nina Shore: Okay. Hey, Will?

Will Halstead: Yeah?

Nina Shore: Did you and Natalie ever have a thing?

Will Halstead: What? Natalie and me? No. I mean, we're good friends, and, you know, she's a great doctor, but we never dated or anything.

Nina Shore: Okay.

Will Halstead: Besides, who cares? The only person in the world I have a thing for right now is you.

Nina Shore: You're such a charmer.


Will Halstead: You saw Ms. Holloway?

Robin Charles: Yep, thanks for the heads-up.

Will Halstead: Mm-hmm.

Robin Charles: Diabetes studies keep the lights on upstairs.

Will Halstead: Glad I could help. Huh, that's odd. She was an architect.

Robin Charles: Why is that odd?

Will Halstead: Well, her hemoglobin A1c and lipid panel indicate she takes extremely poor care of herself. You know, it seems out of character for someone I assume pays great attention to detail.

Daniel Charles: Slow day for head-shrinkers around here. You want me to have a chat?

Will Halstead: Sure, knock yourself out.

Daniel Charles: Shoot me her chart.

Robin Charles: Sure.

Treatment 5

Daniel Charles: Hello there, Mrs. Holloway.

Ms. Holloway: Well, hello there.

Treatment 2

Mr. Moore: He's breathing so hard.

Natalie Manning: He's septic. We need to give the antibiotics time.

Mr. Moore: He'd scream out in his sleep when it first started... And get these pains. But he kept on fighting. I quit my job to take care of him.

Natalie Manning: Then help him keep fighting. Tell him that there's a chance this new chemo could work.

Mr. Moore: Look at him. He's not fighting anymore. He's done. And I will not flog him against his wishes. My boy deserves better than that.


Maggie Lockwood: Incoming trauma. Dr. Choi. We're going to 2.

Courtney: Grace Snow, 26. Driver in a two-car MVC. Found hypotensive and tachypneic, but responded to a liter bolus on the ride.

Ethan Choi: I'm Dr. Choi. You're at Chicago Med. Let's transfer.

Trauma 2

Ethan Choi: On my count. Ready? One, two, three. Grace, does any of this hurt? Let's get trauma labs, blood gas, and a pan scan.

Grace Snow: Becca...

Ethan Choi: What?

Grace Snow: Becca... Driving crazy.

Ethan Choi: Courtney, I thought this woman was the driver.

Courtney: They said she was.

Mark Scott: I'm her husband. What happened?

Ethan Choi: She was in a car accident.

Mark Scott: Oh, my God, Grace, are you okay?

Grace Snow: Crashed the car...

Ethan Choi: Possibly some small fluid in Morrison's pouch. Since vitals are stable, let's get a pan scan. She keeps mentioning Becca. Was there someone else in the car?

Mark Scott: Ah, I don't know.

Ethan Choi: Does she know someone named Becca? If there's another victim still out there, we need to find her. Maggie, call P.D. Might be another injury in the field.

Mark Scott: Wait, wait. There's no other victim. Uh, Becca is Grace's tulpa.

Ethan Choi: Her what?

Mark Scott: A... Sentient being that lives inside her body. Becca is Grace's tulpa.


Grace Snow: I created her.

Sarah Reese: You created Becca?

Grace Snow: It's how tulpas work. First you start with an image in your mind of a person or a character you might like. Then you spend some time with her each day. Eventually, she takes on a personality of her own. She becomes three-dimensional.

Daniel Charles: Huh. That's interesting.

Sarah Reese: So how do you know what Becca thinks?

Grace Snow: I talk to her. It's tricky at first. She likes to stay in the background. But likely she's been fronting more and more.

Ethan Choi: Fronting?

Grace Snow: Taking over my body... My muscles, my eyes. Wasn't always easy, giving over total control like that. But you get used to it.

Mark Scott: There's a website that teaches you how.

Sarah Reese: So is... Is that what happened today in the car?

Grace Snow: Yeah.

Sarah Reese: Okay.

Grace Snow: I let her drive. I shouldn't have. She's not very good at it. We got into an argument, and she got upset and lost control.

Mark Scott: Which is why we decided that you, Grace, wouldn't see her anymore. Right?

Grace Snow: Right.

Nurse: They're ready for Mrs. Scott in CT.

Daniel Charles: Okay, well, very nice to meet you, Grace. Um, we hope that both you and Becca are feeling better soon.


Ethan Choi: As long as the scans are negative, I'll observe for a few hours. Then you can admit her to psych.

Sarah Reese: Differential's long. Could be dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia...

Daniel Charles: Or it could just be a tulpa. I mean, I'm not ruling out any of that other stuff yet, but until we see signs of impairment, we have to consider the possibility that she really could've created an alter ego that she believes cohabits her body.

Sarah Reese: But tulpas aren't in the DSM.

Daniel Charles: So what?

Sarah Reese: She's clearly disturbed. We need a diagnosis.

Daniel Charles: Well, it's challenging. And I look forward to seeing where you land.

Maggie Lockwood: Hey, I just got off the phone with P.D. They've got several eyewitness accounts of the accident, saying that your patient accelerated directly into traffic. They think it was a suicide attempt.

Daniel Charles: Hmm. Just got a little more complicated.

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm.

Mercy Hospital: OR

Connor Rhodes: Graft is in. Let's re-implant the coronaries. We'll do the left coronary first, due to its anterior location.

Surgeon 1: How far do you prefer to dissect for implantation?

Connor Rhodes: Five or six centimeters.

Surgeon 1: Even when it's a little shorter, there could some tension.

Connor Rhodes: That rarely becomes problematic.

Surgeon 2: Though Kessler et al did report pseudo-aneurysm formation in 20% of implants under tension.

Connor Rhodes: Which we can avoid with added dissection.

Surgeon 1: So you'd prefer to risk a branch injury and possibly force a double bypass?

Connor Rhodes: No.

Isidore Latham: I believe Dr. Rhodes means we can do a Cabrol. Attach an 8-millimeter woven graft to the left coronary in order to ease the tension. Am I correct, Dr. Rhodes?

Connor Rhodes: Yes. Yes, that is what we should do. Open an 8-millimeter woven graft.

Chicago Med: ER

Will Halstead: What's the verdict?

Daniel Charles: Definitely in the red on the old eccentricity meter, but not really any alarm bells to speak of.

Will Halstead: So we can't hold her?

Daniel Charles: Not if she wants to go. Totally her call.

Will Halstead: Figured. Thanks… You know, it used to be if a doctor told a patient to do something, they just did it.

Maggie Lockwood: You been binging on "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" again?

Will Halstead: I'm just saying, things were different. Like, guys didn't need to tell women every single thing they were feeling. My father never did.

Maggie Lockwood: Are we still talking about diabetes?

Treatment 5

Robin Charles: Brought the rest of that assessment for you to fill out.

Ms. Holloway: Can I ask you, that handsome doctor... Is he seeing anyone?

Robin Charles: Dr. Halstead? Actually, I believe he is.

Ms. Holloway: Not the one with the hair. The big one in the vest.

Robin Charles: Dr. Charles? Actually, I have no idea.

Treatment 2

Natalie Manning: Hey, buddy. Where's your dad?

Gabe Moore: He went to the bathroom. Can I go home?

Natalie Manning: Not yet. We're still working on your fever.

Gabe Moore: Okay.

Natalie Manning: You like video games?

Gabe Moore: Yeah, I do.

Natalie Manning: So you know when your character dies and a game ends, you can just start over and play again?

Gabe Moore: Uh-huh.

Natalie Manning: Okay, well, when people die, it's different. There are no do-overs. You can't just start a new game.

Gabe Moore: I know. You don't think or do anything, because you're not here anymore, like my mom.

Natalie Manning: Right. So if you only have one chance, wouldn't you want to fight like crazy to keep going for as long as you can?

Gabe Moore: I did, but... Nothing worked. It just hurt a lot.

Natalie Manning: I know. Gabe... We want to be able to give you a new medicine. And I'm afraid if you don't take it, you are gonna die. And I don't want that.

Gabe Moore: Thank you. But everybody has their time to live. I've had mine… I want to see what's next.

Trauma 2

Sarah Reese: Grace, I'm sorry, but we have to ask you... Did you try to kill yourself today?

Grace Snow: What? No.

Sarah Reese: You said before that you and Becca were having an argument. What was that about?

Grace Snow: Nothing. She just gets upset with me sometimes.

Sarah Reese: Upset?

Grace Snow: Not upset, just... Like, she doesn't understand how I could love someone who wants to keep us apart.

Daniel Charles: I imagine that'd be hard for her.

Grace Snow: It is. Really is. I mean, she's my best friend. Why should I have to stop seeing her? I don't always... Connect with other people. So when there's one person you can talk to and be yourself with who isn't gonna judge you or hurt your feelings... Knowing I have a really good friend should make Mark happy. But it doesn't. I don't understand why.

Daniel Charles: Grace, are you sure that you weren't trying to end your life today?

Grace Snow: No… I don't know. Maybe. I just... I don't know.


Sarah Reese: Put her on a five-day hold?

Daniel Charles: Yeah. Poor woman.

Sarah Reese: Mm-hmm. At least we can narrow it down to something psychiatric. Maybe put her on a trial of antipsychotics?

Daniel Charles: I don't know.

Sarah Reese: Becca tried to kill Grace.

Daniel Charles: Yeah, but let's not forget, Becca is Grace. I mean, we might yet find that she's psychotic, but she could also just be... Cracking under the pressure of forcibly being cut off from a part of herself.

Sarah Reese: Wait, you don't think she is actually within the bounds of functionality?

Daniel Charles: I think we need more information, don't you? Grab me when her husband gets back. I think it might be time for us all to, um... To meet Becca.

Treatment 2

Will Halstead: ST elevations... She's having an MI! Give her an aspirin, nitro, and push 5 milligrams of morphine.

Robin Charles: What can I do?

Will Halstead: Get her on 10 liters of O2. Lydia, we're gonna get you through this. Stay with me.

Nurse Doris: Lydia, lift your tongue up. Morphine's in.

Will Halstead: Send another troponin and get a 12-lead. Ms. Holloway, you just had another heart attack. I need to get you up for angiography and probably a stent right now, do you understand?

Ms. Holloway: Yes.

Will Halstead: Good.

Ms. Holloway: But I'm not doing it. I told you, I'm going home to my cats.

Will Halstead: Maybe I have not been clear enough...

Robin Charles: How many cats?

Ms. Holloway: Twelve.

Robin Charles: Draw a red top tube as well. Give me a few minutes. I think we might've found a reason for her to stay.


Connor Rhodes: Hey, back in the OR, thanks for not letting me look like an idiot.

Isidore Latham: Oh, no need to thank me.

Connor Rhodes: Still, I appreciate it.

Isidore Latham: I always thought that needing to be rescued was a sign of weakness. I'm starting to see it's more complicated than that.

Jim Hendrix: Dr. Latham! So glad you could join us. Now, we may not be Chicago, but I bet you guys have never had a wicked sidecar inside a hundred-foot rock dome.

Isidore Latham: Um, no.

Jim Hendrix: Come on.

Mike Evans: Dr. Rhodes, Mike Evans, chamber of commerce.

Connor Rhodes: Hey. Pleasure to meet you.

Mike Evans: Let's get you a drink.

Connor Rhodes: Absolutely.

Jim Hendrix: Strap yourself in.

Chicago Med: ER

Robin Charles: Ms. Holloway's case has a psych component after all: toxoplasmosis.

Will Halstead: That's a parasite from cat feces.

Robin Charles: Which lives in the victim's brain forever, and in women, Toxo creates a compulsion to take care of cats.

Daniel Charles: Makes me wonder... Do cat lovers get Toxoplasmosis, or does Toxo make them cat lovers?

Will Halstead: Interesting, but not terribly relevant.

Robin Charles: What is relevant is its other effects on women. They become less concerned with their own welfare.

Will Halstead: Which might be fueling her refusal to let us take care of her. All right. Let's go tell her.

Daniel Charles: Sure you want to do that?

Will Halstead: There's a parasite in her brain.

Daniel Charles: Yeah, there's no cure for Toxo. You'd be giving her information she can't do anything with.

Robin Charles: Her decision-making capability is compromised. Knowing the truth could help her change how she thinks.

Daniel Charles: Eh, a lot easier said than done.

Will Halstead: Still, it's our responsibility to let her decide.

Daniel Charles: Fair enough.

Will Halstead: All right.

Treatment 2

Ms. Holloway: So what you're saying is, I've been living alone for ten years, keeping to myself, all because of a parasite?

Robin Charles: It's certainly a factor. It alters your thoughts, but it doesn't dictate them.

Will Halstead: I mean, you must have noticed differences from when you were younger.

Ms. Holloway: I used to go out more. Had more friends. Always liked to travel. But as the years went on, I didn't really feel like doing those things anymore.

Robin Charles: But wouldn't it be great if you did?

Ms. Holloway: Maybe. Doesn't seem so interesting now.

Will Halstead: That's it... Why not? You're the same person you used to be.

Ms. Holloway: Am I? You just said there's a bug in my head pulling the strings.

Will Halstead: But now that you know, you can do something about it... Make better decisions.

Robin Charles: There's no reason you can't reach down inside and find the person you were.

Ms. Holloway: I don't know.

Will Halstead: Ms. Holloway, I think the chance to be yourself again is worth fighting for.


Will Halstead: See if we can get her in the cath lab today.

Maggie Lockwood: Sure… You okay?

Will Halstead: Nina asked if there was ever anything between Nat and me.

Maggie Lockwood: Really?

Will Halstead: Well, technically there wasn't. I mean, we never went out.

Maggie Lockwood: Mm-hmm.

Will Halstead: But okay, no, I wasn't completely honest. I should... I should tell her the truth, right? I mean, we're in a relationship. That should be built on honesty.

Maggie Lockwood: You asking my advice? Women don't usually appreciate hearing about their boyfriend's feelings for other women.

Will Halstead: But it's the right thing to do.

Maggie Lockwood: Ah?

Will Halstead: Isn't it?


Natalie Manning: Hi. Gabe's blood gases are getting worse. We're getting to a point where we may have to intubate.

Mr. Moore: And that'll get him through till you get the infection under control?

Natalie Manning: The antibiotics still aren't turning it around. And there's a very good chance that once we intubate, we may not be able to get the tube out again.

Mr. Moore: Wait, I won't be able to talk to him again?

Natalie Manning: It's possible. I'm sorry.

Mr. Moore: God.

April Sexton: Excuse me.

Natalie Manning: Yes?

April Sexton: Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: We're not there quite yet. I'll be back.


April Sexton: The radiologist hasn't read the MRI yet, but I don't care. We need to get Gabe that chemo.

Natalie Manning: But, April, bringing in family services...

April Sexton: Okay, you feel for the dad. I get it. But you are Gabe's doctor.

Natalie Manning: And that boy understands more about his situation than you think.

April Sexton: Natalie, if you don't call DCFS, I will.

Natalie Manning: Okay. I'll talk to Goodwin.


Mark Scott: You can see it on their website. Tulpas go on dates with other tulpas... Dates.

Sarah Reese: How does that work?

Mark Scott: Oh, you bring your tulpa, they bring theirs. It's nuts. I can't believe that you're taking it seriously.

Daniel Charles: Well, what we're doing is, we're taking Grace seriously, which is why it's important for us to get a sense of who this alternate personality is and how she presents herself. Okay?

Treatment 6

Daniel Charles: Hi, Grace. How you feeling?

Grace Snow: Okay.

Daniel Charles: So we were wondering, um, if it might be possible for us to say hello to Becca.

Grace Snow: You, too?

Mark Scott: Yeah.

Grace Snow: Okay. It'll just take a moment.

Daniel Charles: Take all the time you need.

Becca: What's up?

Daniel Charles: Hello, Becca. I'm Dr. Charles, and this is Dr. Reese. I think you know Mark.

Becca: Hey.

Daniel Charles: Mark, would you like to... To get us started off?

Mark Scott: Becca. I heard that you and Grace had a fight.

Becca: So?

Mark Scott: I'd like to hear about it.

Becca: I'm sure you would.

Daniel Charles: Um, Becca, the more forthcoming you could be...

Becca: Fine. I was explaining how you don't love her.

Mark Scott: Of course I love her.

Becca: Then why don't you want her to have any friends?

Mark Scott: This is crazy. Grace, can I please just talk to you?

Becca: No. You deal with me.

Mark Scott: I want Grace to have friends, but she spends all day and night online.

Becca: That's where her friends are.

Mark Scott: Chatrooms for tulpamancers!

Sarah Reese: For what?

Mark Scott: Tulpamancers. That's... That's what they call it. Grace wasn't always like this. She used to be normal.

Becca: "Used to be"?

Mark Scott: Grace and I were married for two years before you showed up.

Becca: I didn't "show up." Grace just told you about me last year.

Mark Scott: What does that mean?

Becca: It means she created me in high school.

Mark Scott: High school?

Becca: Yeah. I'm the reason she was able to move out of her parents' house. I'm the reason she got up the courage to meet you at that party...

Mark Scott: Grace, can I just...

Becca: I'm the one who's been with her all these years, not you... Me.

Mark Scott: Whoever you are, you tell my wife that she has to choose. It's either Becca or me.


Sarah Reese: Obviously, she is profoundly disturbed, which we should've known when she first said "tulpa." Why are we treating her like she is sane when she isn't?

Daniel Charles: Wouldn't that be a little too easy, though? I mean, sure, we could, you know, slap a label on her, put her in some diagnostic box, pour some medicine on top... But sometimes it's a little more complicated than that.

Sarah Reese: She had an argument with her made-up friend while her subconscious crashed the car. It seems pretty simple to me.

Daniel Charles: Grace is definitely a fractured personality. But it's all the more reason that we have a responsibility to dig deeper and figure out why.

Sarah Reese: Right. I'm sorry, Dr. Charles, but I like boxes. None of this makes any sense. It is all so subjective. I hate it. I mean, where's the science?

Daniel Charles: Dr. Reese, every medical discipline, psychiatry included, is as much art as it is science.

Sarah Reese: Well, I don't see the science or the art. You know, everybody was so surprised when I went into this... Me, the lab geek. Well, they were right. I don't belong here.


Connor Rhodes: Ah, excuse me for a second, guys.

Jim Hendrix: Sure.


Connor Rhodes: Looks like you're having a good time.

Isidore Latham: Ah. Very nice young woman. We're going up to my room. She has an irregular mole she'd like me to take a look at.

Connor Rhodes: Was that her idea or yours?

Bartender: Here, Doc, let me freshen that up.

Connor Rhodes: Ah, why don't the three of us go over to the steakhouse? My treat.

Isidore Latham: Dr. Rhodes, are you trying to... What is the expression... Interrupt my flow?

Connor Rhodes: No. No, I'm not… Night.

Chicago Med: treatment 2

Gabe Moore: Are they putting in the tube now? Dad? I'm... Scared.

Mr. Moore: I know, buddy. But the doctors are gonna give you some medicine so you sleep, and it won't hurt. Right?

Natalie Manning: That's right.

Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: Yes? I'll be right back.


Sharon Goodwin: DCFS is on their way.

Natalie Manning: Okay, um, just tell 'em I need a minute.

Sharon Goodwin: Fine. But they won't wait long.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

Treatment 2

Mr. Moore: Just want you to know, you're the best son a dad could hope for. You are so brave, and I am so proud of you. And I love you. So, so much.


Will Halstead: Ms. Holloway. Where you going?

Ms. Holloway: Home. Andrew Jackson gets anxious when you don't change his water.

Will Halstead: But we decided that you'd stay and get a full workup.

Ms. Holloway: You decided that.

Robin Charles: But, Ms. Holloway...

Ms. Holloway: I'm not sure I even believe all this toxic whatever business. And even if I did, would it be me believing you? Or the parasite. What is the point in even telling me all that stuff?


Will Halstead: She's just gonna be back with another coronary event.

Daniel Charles: But anything about the truth really set anyone free.

Robin Charles: I think she likes you.

Daniel Charles: Hope that's a compliment.


Robin Charles: Actually it's more of a diagnostic clue. Turns out men with Toxo are more attractive to infected woman. And it also makes them rumpled, introverted, dismissive of rules, and secretive.

Daniel Charles: Are you insinuating something?

Robin Charles: Not insinuating. Directly stating that you might have Toxo too.

Daniel Charles: Yeah. Thanks Nancy Drew, but it's not possible. You know I'm not a cat person.

Robin Charles: I actually had no idea. Maybe because you are so secretive.

Daniel Charles: Oh, I take it back Perry Mason. Did you ever consider the law?

Robin Charles: You are avoiding. Why don't we just do a blood test?

Daniel Charles: Okay, yeah, sure, blood test. Good idea. Great.

Robin Charles: Yeah? Great, I will find you after work.

Daniel Charles: See you then.

Treatment 6

Mark Scott: Hey! Somebody help?

Sarah Reese: She's tachychardic. Sat 84.

Ethan Choi:  Grace, does this hurt?

Mark Scott: What's happening?

Sarah Reese: Is she bleeding?

Ethan Choi: I don't think so, belly's benign, CT was negative.

Sarah Reese: Rhythm's gone.

Ethan Choi: EKG leads are comin' out. She's sweating like crazy. Let's get the crash cart!

Sarah Reese: Heart attack?

Ethan Choi: No cyanosis or pallor. Check the rhythm.

Sarah Reese: Uh, fast but regular. Wait… Grace, talk to Becca.

Ethan Choi: What?

Sarah Reese: Talk to her Grace.

Ethan Choi: Sarah...

Sarah Reese: Can you talk to Becca? Is she there? What is she telling you?

Grace Snow: To breathe.

Ethan Choi: This could be blunt cardiac trauma, let's get an EKG, labs and an echo.

Sarah Reese: No, no, no, wait. Anything else?

Grace Snow: Calm... Imagine us at a peaceful place.

Sarah Reese: Okay, then listen to her.

Ethan Choi: Reese, we need...

Sarah Reese: Listen to her.

Ethan Choi: Sats are back up to 96.

Daniel Charles: She was having a panick attack.

Sarah Reese: And Becca talked her down.


Connor Rhodes:  Hey. I got your call. Dr. Latham, are you... Something wrong?

Isidore Latham: That woman, she asked me to get ice for our drinks and when I returned she was gone, as was the $200 in my wallet and my watch! That my parents gave me for graduation. I...

Connor Rhodes:  Really?

Isidore Latham: Your skepticism was well-founded, I should have... Never allowed myself to get involved like that… My mother would be very upset.

Chicago Med: ER

April Sexton: Gabe's MRI results.

Natalie Manning: His tumours are shrinking?

April Sexton: Doesn't make sense, right?

Natalie Manning: I mean, chemo can suppress the immune system, and the immune system helps fight cancer.

April Sexton: So being off chemo might have allowed his immune system to recuperate.

Natalie Manning: It would explain his fever... Signs that his body's starting to fight again.

April Sexton: And it's fighting the cancer.

Natalie Manning: Yeah, I mean... Withholding chemo might actually have saved his life… Ms. Goodwin, we don't need to do this.

Sharon Goodwin: I'm sorry, it's in the hands of DCFS now.

Natalie Manning: No, no. I was wrong. He doesn't need the medication.

Mr. Moore: What's going on?

DCFS Agent: Mr. Moore, I'm placing you under arrest...

Natalie Manning: No, no, no, please!

DCFS Agent: For medical child neglect.

Mr. Moore: Dr. Manning?

Natalie Manning: No, just stop. Everything's okay.

DCFS Agent: Excuse me, ma'am.

Mr. Moore: I'm not leaving my son.

Natalie Manning: No, you need to listen to me. Okay? Gabe's tumors are shrinking because he didn't get the chemo. Gabe is gonna get better!

Mr. Moore: He's gonna live?

Natalie Manning: He's got a long ways to go, but yes.

DCFS Agent: Sir, I need your hands.

Natalie Manning: Adam, we'll fix this.

Mr. Moore: Whatever happens, it was worth it.


Connor Rhodes: Hey, man.

Bartender: Hey, there.

Connor Rhodes: So, here's the deal. I'm gonna need everything that she took from my friend, and I'm gonna give you one hour.

Bartender: I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham came all the way out here to save the life of the mayor's daughter, so how do you think the mayor's gonna react when he hears that you ripped that doctor off? The watch and the $300.

Bartender: It... It was only $200.

Connor Rhodes: Call it punitive damages for pain and suffering.

Bartender: Come on, man.

Connor Rhodes: One... Hour.

Chicago Med: Treatment 2

April Sexton: Much better.

Woman: Thank you.


April Sexton: His temp's coming down. Antibiotics are finally working.

Natalie Manning: Goodwin said his aunt will stay with him until she can get the charges dropped.

April Sexton: Sorry I got so worked up earlier. I...

Natalie Manning: You had a point.

April Sexton: I get these thoughts and urges now. Maybe it's this little tyrant in my uterus.

Natalie Manning: You think?

April Sexton: I'll be really glad when this part is over.

Natalie Manning: The part where every decision you make is because of your child? I hate to break it to you, but that one's forever.

April Sexton: Ugh.

Doctor lounge

Will Halstead: Hey, ready to go?

Nina Shore: Yeah. Hey, by the way, um, when I asked you about Natalie before, I... I really appreciate your being honest with me.

Will Halstead: Yeah. Look, Nina, about that...

Nina Shore: Yeah?

Will Halstead: Well, just... Of course. Relationships are built on trust, right?

Nina Shore: Yes. Which is why I feel like I need to tell you something. You know Dr. Rauch in cardiology? I... Dated him.

Will Halstead: Yeah? Okay. I like Rauch.

Nina Shore: I also dated Jay Flint in GI.

Will Halstead: Flint? Heavyset guy?

Nina Shore: It was just a summer thing. Dr. Sherman was a little more serious, but I don't know.


Connor Rhodes: Your friend wanted to make sure that you got these back. She had an emergency phone call. She had to leave. It turns out that the whole thing was just a big, old mistake.

Isidore Latham: This is too much. I only had $200.

Connor Rhodes: Yeah, she just felt terrible about the whole thing. She wanted to buy you dinner.

Isidore Latham: Oh. Is that really what happened?

Connor Rhodes: Dr. Latham, I'm sorry that I brought you out here. My ambition to do the surgery got the best of me. It was selfish.

Isidore Latham: Mm. Well, don't apologize. All in all, I had a really good time.

Chicago Med: ER

Sarah Reese: How's she doing?

Mark Scott: Which one? Grace, Becca? Who knows?

Daniel Charles: Mr. Scott, if there's a part of Grace that she didn't feel comfortable sharing with you before, is it not at all possible to see anything that's happened here as a sign of progress?

Mark Scott: Progress? Yeah, I just learned how unbalanced my wife really is and that she doesn't need me. She needs... Becca. I'm done.

Sarah Reese: This was a total disaster.

Daniel Charles: I'm not so sure that's true. I mean, from Grace's perspective, this could be as close to a win as we can get.

Sarah Reese: She just chose her tulpa over her husband... Her tulpa that almost killed her.

Daniel Charles: I just saw her tulpa talk her off a ledge.

Sarah Reese: I have no idea what to think.

Daniel Charles: Like it or not, the line between a psychological illness and a coping mechanism is a blurry one. I mean, just 'cause we don't give them names and voices doesn't mean we don't all have different sides. I mean, our personalities change based on how much sleep we get, how hungry we are. Hell, intestinal bacteria could be the determining factor in our emotions… Look... I know you think of yourself as an analytical thinker and a scientist and that you're wondering if you have a place in psychiatry right now. But I also see this other Sarah in there, and she's filled with intuition and compassion, humanity... And when you put 'em both together, like during Grace's panic attack today... Then I see a sensational psychiatrist.


Robin Charles: Toxo screen. You a fainter? Or can we do this sitting up?

Daniel Charles: You mind if we hold off on that right now? Come on. I got a better idea.


Daniel Charles: Believe it or not, studies show that cat videos are actually good for people.

Robin Charles: Huh.

Daniel Charles: They increase energy and positive emotions. It's crazy, right?

Robin Charles: Yeah.

Daniel Charles: But you know, in the interest of full disclosure and to repudiate this bizarre accusation of secretiveness, I never had a problem with cats.

Robin Charles: Really?

Daniel Charles: Really.

Robin Charles: Yeah.

Daniel Charles: Matter of fact, I actually had a cat once.

Robin Charles: Huh.

Daniel Charles: Yeah. Name of Pete. Abyssinian/Siamese mix. Used to jump on my chest in the morning to wake me up. Had these claws that could tear a tin can… But he never hurt a living soul, that Pete, which was especially good news for all those mice that lived in my walls...

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (09.09.2019 à 20:10)

C'est vrai que le Dr Rhodes est très généreux et gentil avec le Dr Latham... d'autant que leurs relations n'étaient pas faciles au début!

Will et nina? je n'y crois pas un instant désolée! C'esté vident qu'il aime encore Nathalie!

Et le cas du père du gamin cancéreux et bouleversant... le mettre en prison alors qu'il ne fait que suivre la volonté de son fils et que même Nathalie ne veut plus? Dur dur! Heureusement on sent qu'une issue positive va être trouvée!

arween  (23.02.2017 à 18:08)

Je savais bien que ça sentait pas bon pour Sarah. Elle se pose des questions sur son métier et est à deux doigts de tout lâcher. Heureusement, Dr Charles est là ! Il sait comment regonfler les gens !

Connor est vraiment un mec bien. Ce qu'il fait pour Latham, c'est hyper touchant. Je trouve dommage que les scénaristes ne travaillent pas plus ce personnage car il fait partie des plus intéressant.

Le tulpa... Quelle drôle d'idée quand même ^^ On dirait vraiment un dédoublement de la personnalité sauf que le patient est conscient d'être plusieurs dans son corps. Extrémement dérangeant pour moi comme idée mais je comprends que ça puisse aider certaines personnes.


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Chicago Med, S09E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Med, S09E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 20:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 21:00

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Chicago Fire, S12E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 21:00
6.07m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
6.36m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
6.26m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 20:00
6.03m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago Fire, S12E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 21:00
6.33m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago Med, S09E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 mars à 20:00
6.32m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Sonmi451, Hier à 12:03

Merci par avance à tout ceux qui voteront dans préférence, j'aimerais changer le design de Gilmore Girls mais ça dépend que de vous.

choup37, Hier à 12:56

Effectivement, beaucoup de designs vous attendent dans préférences, on a besoin de vos votes

sabby, Hier à 16:31

C'est voté pour moi Et en parlant de design, le SWAT a refait sa déco. N'hésitez pas à venir voir

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 10:23

J'ai voté pour tous mais il est vrai que les scores ne montent pas, où sont les gens? Un petit click de rien du tout pliz ^^Bon dimanche pluvieux ^^

Locksley, Aujourd'hui à 10:29

Choisissez votre poster préféré du prochain film MARVEL Deadpool & Wolverine via notre nouveau sondage ! Bon dimanche !

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