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Chicago Med
#219 : Piratage

Un hacker exigeant un paiement de rançon arrête le système informatique de l'hôpital, ce qui oblige les médecins à diagnostiquer les patients sans l'aide de la technologie. Goodwin lutte pour garder l'hôpital à flot quand une visite inattendue de son ex-mari Bert et sa nouvelle petite amie empire encore les choses. Faisant usage de son ancienne expérience à la marine, le Dr Choi et Noah ont pu localiser une balle à l'intérieur d'un patient. 
Pendant ce temps, Sarah sent que le Dr Charles essaye de la pousser vers la sortie, et un comportement inhabituel de Robin inquiète le Dr Rhodes.


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Plus de détails

Réalisatrice : Valerie Weiss

Scénario : Stephen Hootstein et Jason Cho

Guests :Ato Essandoh (Isidore Latham), Mekia Cox (Robin Charles), Roland Buck III (Noah Sexton), Brennan Brown (Sam Abrams), Peter Mark Kendall (Joey Thomas), Patti Murin (Nina Shore), Marc Grapey (Peter Kalmick), Joseph Morales (Chad Rawls), Diane Howard (Ivie Rawls), Garcelle Beauvais (Lyla Dempsey), Gregory Alan Williams (Bert Goodwin), Lorena Diaz (Doris), Shay Rose Aljadeff (Leah Bardovi), Mia Park (Beth), Tonray Ho (Leah), Jamisson Webb (Bruce), Terrence Carey (Marius), Jonathan Butler-Duplessis (Jason), Nathaniel Buescher (Desmond Rawls)


Will Halstead: You did this skydiving?

Lyla Dempsey: Not exactly. I fall 9,000 feet and land, no problem, and then I trip walking to my car. Isn't that ridiculous?

Will Halstead: Well, sounds like you got off easy.

Lyla Dempsey: Oh, what can I say? It was on my bucket list.

Will Halstead: Okay. Let's take a look at your head.

Lyla Dempsey: Ow.

Will Halstead: Yeah, you got a decent sized laceration on your scalp, though.

Lyla Dempsey: Ah, figured. I used half a box of Kleenex trying to stop the bleeding on my way over here.

Will Halstead: You didn't drive yourself, did you?

Lyla Dempsey: No, no, no, my boyfriend actually. He's out parking the car.

Will Halstead: All right, let's get a picture of that wrist.

Doris: Okay.

Will Halstead: Thank you.


Maggie Lockwood: Hey, I got a request for schedule changes. They could use your signature.

Sharon Goodwin: All righty.

Maggie Lockwood: Right there.

Sharon Goodwin: Hm, this one's frozen.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, really? I just used it.

Sharon Goodwin: Well, I'll pull it up on the desktop.

Maggie Lockwood: Sharon?

Sharon Goodwin: It looks like this screen is locked as well.

Maggie Lockwood: Sharon, it's Bert.

Bert Goodwin: Maggie. Sharon.

Maggie Lockwood: I'll go check on that monitor.

Sharon Goodwin: What are you doing here? Is something wrong with one of the kids?

Bert Goodwin: No, no, no, everything's fine, as far as I know. That's, uh, not why I'm here.

Lyla Dempsey: Honey, Bert, over here.

Sharon Goodwin: "Honey"?

Bert Goodwin: Uh, that's my lady friend. She... I think she might've broken her wrist. Excuse me.


Connor Rhodes: Balloon catheter is at the lesion site. Inflating now. Stent deployed.

Isidore Latham: All right, let's have one last look. You can press the pedal… Dr. Bardovi?

Leah Bardovi: I don't know what's wrong with the floor pedal. I'm stepping on it.

Connor Rhodes: Guys...

Isidore Latham: Is that...

Leah Bardovi: What's happening?


Maggie Lockwood: Sharon?

Sharon Goodwin: Don't say anything, okay? I-I need a moment to process.

Maggie Lockwood: No, no, no, it's not that. Look.

April Sexton: What is all this about malware and decryption keys?

Sharon Goodwin: It's a ransom note. We've been hacked.


Sharon Goodwin: Our sever has been corrupted and shut down, and until we can restore the system, we'll be operating under downtime procedure. That means paper charts.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, and no tablets, people. Hand them over.

Sarah Reese: So we have no access to anyone's medical records? How... How do we do stuff?

Sharon Goodwin: Well, there was a time not so long ago when we actually treated patients without the aid of computers. Imagine that. Tell them, Dr. Charles.

Daniel Charles: Can I keep it if I promise not to use it?

Maggie Lockwood: Sorry, Dr. Charles, I.T. needs to check them all out.

Natalie Manning: Well, it's not just the electronic medical records that are disabled, right? I hear imaging's down as well?

Will Halstead: Yeah, so that means what? No X-rays?

Connor Rhodes: And no CT scans, no MRls.

Sharon Goodwin: We'll have to cancel elective surgeries for the time being, but the I.T. department is confident they can disable the malware and get us back online soon. Isn't that right, Bruce?

Bruce: We're doing our best.

Sharon Goodwin: And in the mean time, we'll make due. We'll use the transport monitors to read the vitals...

Connor Rhodes: Yeah, I'm sorry, but the note says that if we pay them 30 Bitcoins, they'll give us a decryption key, so...

Sharon Goodwin: It's hospital policy not to engage with extortionists.

Connor Rhodes: So we're going to fly blind with one arm tied behind our back? It seems a little shortsighted. I mean, it's, what, $30,000, $40,000? It seems like nothing.

Will Halstead: Says the guy with the trust fund.

Sharon Goodwin: We're not paying the ransom, Dr. Rhodes. We don't need to. We aren't so fragile that we could be knocked off our game that easy.

Ethan Choi: Absolutely, Ms. Goodwin. We're up for the challenge.

Sharon Goodwin: Thank you, Dr. Choi.

Connor Rhodes: Okay, G.I. Joe.

Ethan Choi: G.I. Choi.

Maggie Lockwood: Back to your patients. Increase communication, people. No blood is drawn, no test is run, and no medication is dispensed without writing on this board.


Bert Goodwin: Sharon? Sharon, listen, I... I didn't want you to find out.

Sharon Goodwin: Then you could've taken her to County.

Bert Goodwin: But Med was the closest and the best, not in small part because of you.

Sharon Goodwin: Don't sweat it, Bert, I've got bigger problems to deal with right now.

Doctor lounge

Robin Charles: I can't access any of my files. What are we supposed to do?

Connor Rhodes: Cross our fingers and hope that some guy named Bruce can save the day. I can't say that I'm optimistic.

Robin Charles: Do you know how much research that I just have to put on hold now? This... This is unacceptable.

Connor Rhodes: Oh, easy there, babe. It's not the end of the world.

Robin Charles: Are you sure about that? Because things are seeming a little biblical around here. I mean, last night with the rats and then today with the hacks.

Connor Rhodes: Rats? What rats?

Robin Charles: In the vents of my apartment. It kept me up all night last night. Exterminator can't come in till tomorrow. I... I'm gonna have to check into a hotel.

Connor Rhodes: No, you won't. You stay with me until this is resolved.

Robin Charles: Oh, that is exactly what I wanted you to say… Give me that. I need this more than you do. Bye.

Connor Rhodes: Bye.


Ivie Rawls: He can't catch his breath. I mean, I tried getting him to... To lie back on the way over, but he just...

Natalie Manning: He's tripoding. Trying to clear his secretions. All right, it's okay, Desmond. Just try to take a deep breath for me, all right? Does this hurt?

Desmond Rawls: A little.

Natalie Manning: Okay. His lymph nodes are very swollen. Do you know when he started feeling like this?

Ivie Rawls: Um, maybe three weeks ago? Never as bad as this. I mean, it would come and go, so we just thought he had the flu.

Chad Rawls: It's been going around his school.

April Sexton: 102.7.

Ivie Rawls: He just started running that fever this morning. I mean, we got here as fast as we could. I had to find someone to cover my shift.

Chad Rawls: I was out working too. I drive for a couple of those ride-share apps.

Ivie Rawls: We're just scrambling.

Natalie Manning: I understand. Has he had all his vaccinations?

Ivie Rawls: Yes. I mean, I... I think so.

Natalie Manning: Okay, let's get him on an oxygen mask, and give him racemic epi. I'll be back to check on him soon, okay? April?


April Sexton: What do you think?

Natalie Manning: I don't know. Maybe epiglottitis, maybe mumps. I mean, who knows if he's really had all his vaccinations. Let's give him some steroids, see if we can't reduce the swelling, and let's do a CBC, CMP, blood cultures, and a DR-70.

April Sexton: Tumour marker?

Natalie Manning: Let's see if we can get a rush on that.


Natalie Manning: Sorry.

Will Halstead: This board's a mess.

Natalie Manning: Look around. The whole ED's a mess. We can't even send patients upstairs because we don't know if there's beds available.

Will Halstead: What a nightmare.


Will Halstead: Okay, so before we stitch up your head, I wanna reduce the fracture in your wrist. Here, we'll give you a little ketamine to sedate you. I promise you won't feel a thing.

Lyla Dempsey: Sure I can trust you, doc? Seems I'm an enemy combatant. Lover boy here failed to mention that his ex-wife is running the place.

Bert Goodwin: I told you Sharon was a hospital administrator.

Lyla Dempsey: You didn't say it was this hospital.

Will Halstead: Before we get started, you should know our EMR system's down, so I can't pull up your records.

Lyla Dempsey: Really?

Will Halstead: Yeah, so I just need to confirm the history you already gave. Any medical problems? Prior surgeries? Anything I should be aware of?

Lyla Dempsey: No.

Will Halstead: Okay.  You taking any medications? Any allergies to medications?

Lyla Dempsey: Nada. Got a clean bill of health.

Bert Goodwin: Lyla's the most active person I've ever met. Biking, tai chi. We just got back from whitewater rafting in Chile. It's all I can do to keep up with her.

Lyla Dempsey: Oh, look who's trying to get in on my good side. It's working.

Will Halstead: Let's do it.

Lyla Dempsey: Okay.


Sarah Reese: New history and physicals for everyone in the psych ward?

Daniel Charles: Not everyone. I mean, if they were admitted before today, we still have backups. Still leaves about six that we lost. So, you know, we just divvy them up.

Sarah Reese: Okay.

Daniel Charles: Here's the catch. Even for us so-called "normal" people...

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles?

Daniel Charles: Thank you. Getting hacked, it really creates... You know, it's a... It's a violation, you know, heightens your vulnerability, and that's obviously magnified for people who are dealing with, um...

Sarah Reese: Anxiety and paranoia. Of course.

Daniel Charles: Yeah, yeah. So I think it's just important to not let them know why their histories are being retaken. You know, we just gotta... We gotta finesse it a bit.

Sarah Reese: Understood.

Daniel Charles: Oh, I heard that they are having a hard time filling the vacancy left by Dr. Wheeler's death.

Sarah Reese: The... I'm sorry, the E.D. residency?

Daniel Charles: Yeah.

Sarah Reese: I mean, you just graduated from med school. I thought maybe you might know somebody who's interested? Oh, darn it.

Sharon Goodwin: Hey, Daniel, you got a minute?

Daniel Charles: Yeah. Anyway, um, just give me a shout if you're having any problems.

Daniel Charles’s office

Sharon Goodwin: So I hear they went zip-lining in Costa Rica.

Daniel Charles: I thought it was South America somewhere.

Sharon Goodwin: You knew about this? Daniel?

Daniel Charles: I went and had drinks with Bert about a month ago, and, you know, he let it slip.

Sharon Goodwin: A month ago? And you've just been sitting on this?

Daniel Charles: Well, I kinda thought it was more up to Bert to tell you, and I advised him to do exactly that.

Sharon Goodwin: Yeah, well, he didn't.

Daniel Charles: I'm sorry. You know, it's not so easy staying neutral throughout all this, you know. You want me to choose sides, I'll pledge my loyalty to you right now.

Sharon Goodwin: Not necessary. I gotta get back to work.


April Sexton: Swelling's not coming down, and his sats are dropping. Are we gonna need to intubate?

Natalie Manning: We can't. If it spasms down, we could lose his airway. Let's get an analog X-ray up here for a lateral neck, okay?

Chad Rawls: Analog? What's going on here?

Natalie Manning: Mr. Rawls, please...

Chad Rawls: I hear you guys were hacked. Do I need to take my son to another hospital?

Natalie Manning: I seriously recommend you not moving your son in his current condition, but I can assure you that Desmond's care will not be compromised in the slightest.

Ivie Rawls: Chad...

Chad Rawls: I hope you're right.


Natalie Manning: Work-up back yet on my seven-year-old?

Maggie Lockwood: The lab got them mixed up with another patient. They gotta run 'em again.

Natalie Manning: Are you kidding me?

Maggie Lockwood: It's a damn hack, okay?

Natalie Manning: Uh, Ms. Goodwin, when are we getting back online?

Sharon Goodwin: We're working on it.

Natalie Manning: You said that an hour ago. I've got a dad who wants to pull his kid out of here. You've got to stay on top of the lab.

Maggie Lockwood: Don't worry. We'll ride this whirlwind.


Marius: A little help here!

Leah: Incoming!

Marius: A little help! My friend's been shot!

Maggie Lockwood: Dr. Choi?

Sharon Goodwin: Get out of the way, move.

Ethan Choi: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Maggie Lockwood: I don't have a room right now.

Sharon Goodwin: Out of the way.

Ethan Choi: Mags, where are we taking him?

Maggie Lockwood: Whoa, whoa, wait, get back up. I don't have a room right now.

Ethan Choi: Coming through!

Maggie Lockwood: Put him there.

Marius: Keep this area clear!

Maggie Lockwood: Lift him up. Park him in the hallway over there.

Sharon Goodwin: "We're gonna ride this whirlwind"? Keep telling me that.


Doris: Sats 100, BP 102 over 69, heart rate 110.

Ethan Choi: A little hypotensive and tachycardic. Let's get a 16 in each arm and bolus a liter of LR on the rapid transfuser, and 50 of fentanyl for pain. How's the leg looking?

Noah Sexton: A likely entrance hole in the upper right thigh. Big hematoma. No apparent fracture.

Ethan Choi: All right, Noah, pop quiz. Let's see how much you recall. After we figure out where the bullet went in, what do we do?

Noah Sexton: Count the holes. If there's an even number, it came out.

Ethan Choi: Okay. Jason, I need you to grab the rail and roll on your side for me. Wanna tell me what happened?

Marius: I shot him, actually. Uh, by accident. I thought the safety was on. I'm so sorry, man. We cool?

Jason: Yeah, don't sweat it.

Ethan Choi: What kinda gun was it?

Marius: Uh, 9 mil.

Ethan Choi: And you carry it... Why?

Marius: You don't know my neighbourhood. They got guns, I got a gun.

Ethan Choi: Making the world a safer place?

Noah Sexton: I think I might see an exit hole.

Ethan Choi: It's tiny, but, uh... Yeah, too tiny. Probably shrapnel. Bullet's still in there somewhere. We gotta find it.

Doris: Systems are still down.

Ethan Choi: Then we'll use the tools we have.


Nina Shore: Hey, Natalie, can I ask you a favour?

Natalie Manning: Uh, one second. Uh, hey, April, can you try and track down Connor for me?

April Sexton: All right.

Natalie Manning: Thank you. Sorry, what's up?

Nina Shore: I was gonna give this to Will, but it looks like he's busy. Can I leave it with you?

Natalie Manning: Sure.

Nina Shore: He's going to watch the game with his brother tonight. I slept in it last night, and when he left this morning, I was still in bed. I'd leave it in his locker, but I wanna make sure he gets it.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

Nina Shore: Thanks. You're the best.


Bert Goodwin: She just said she had a out-of-body experience.

Will Halstead: Oh, that's ketamine. Lyla, do me a favour and follow my finger with your eyes.

Lyla Dempsey: That whole time you were pulling on my wrist, I was floating up to the ceiling, looking down at myself. It was wonderful, though you may wanna tell the cleaning staff there's a lot of dust in the light fixtures up there.

Will Halstead: I'll have them look into that immediately. Are you sure there's nothing you left out of your history?

Bert Goodwin: Is something the matter?

Will Halstead: Probably not. You're having a little trouble focusing with your eyes. That could be just a reaction to the ketamine, but considering you suffered the head injury, though, I am thinking I wanna bring someone in from neurology, just to rule some things out.

Lyla Dempsey: You know what? I'm sorry, there is one thing that I left out of my history. Elavil. I take it for insomnia.

Bert Goodwin: You never said you had trouble sleeping.

Lyla Dempsey: It's not an every night thing. Is it possible that, um, the drug had a bad interaction with the ketamine?

Will Halstead: Yes, that might explain it.

Lyla Dempsey: Oh, good. Then mystery solved.


Maggie Lockwood: Hm. Tell you this. He could have come in here with Beyoncé, and it'd still be a step down from you.

Sharon Goodwin: You don't have to say that.

Maggie Lockwood: It's true.

Sharon Goodwin: He's lost weight.

Maggie Lockwood: Mm-hmm. Could've been worse. Could've been a blonde.

Sharon Goodwin: Mm.


Will Halstead: Ms. Goodwin.

Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Halstead.

Will Halstead: Any chance you got ahold of Lyla's records yet?

Maggie Lockwood: Are you kidding me? How? I've got no idea when things are gonna get here.

Will Halstead: Well, in that case, let's repeat her labs, but this time add coags and a d-dimer.

Maggie Lockwood: Whoa, whoa, I thought you were wrapping things up with her.

Will Halstead: Her head lac's not repaired yet, Maggie. She's not going anywhere anyway.

Maggie Lockwood: I hope this is not another one of your wild goose chases.

Will Halstead: What's that supposed to mean?

Maggie Lockwood: It means keeping Bert in the E.D. is the last opposite of what Goodwin needs right now.

Will Halstead: Well, this is a hospital, Maggie. I know I don't need to remind you whose needs come first.

Maggie Lockwood: You want new labs? Fine. We're doing paper today. How 'bout filling these out? Hey, what do we got?


Joey Thomas: You've really gotta retrace all your steps.

Sarah Reese: Uh-huh.

Joey Thomas: I don't understand why the network isn't constantly backing itself up. Hard drives are so cheap these days.

Sarah Reese: Hey, Dr. Charles says, um, they're looking to fill the open residency in the E.D.

Joey Thomas: That's great news, isn't it?

Sarah Reese: Why?

Joey Thomas: 'Cause now you can take it. Isn't that the position that you wanted before Dr. Charles pulled you into psychiatry?

Sarah Reese: You're missing the point, Joey.

Joey Thomas: What point?

Sarah Reese: Why would Dr. Ch... Why would Dr. Charles bring this up in the first place? I mean, he sounded innocent enough, and since I just graduated med school, maybe I knew someone who'd want the job, but I can't help thinking that he's got some kind of agenda. Is he dissatisfied with my performance? Is he trying to get rid of me?

Joey Thomas: Well, look at it this way. Everyone thought that you were really good in emergency medicine.

Sarah Reese: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

Joey Thomas: Yeah.

Sarah Reese: You know, Joey, you and I don't communicate very well.


Natalie Manning: You see there? Look how narrow this boy's trachea is.

Connor Rhodes: It's no wider than a cocktail straw. I assume you've started a work-up?

Natalie Manning: Still gummed up in the lab. I started treating him for epiglottitis, but that's clearly not the problem.

Connor Rhodes: Lymphs? It's hard to exclude cancer from the differential.

Natalie Manning: We need to address his airway issue. Can we remove the lymph nodes? Get a biopsy?

Connor Rhodes: Surgically, we're never gonna get an ET tube down him in this condition, and Marty's gonna be hesitant to put him under general.

Natalie Manning: So what can we do?

Connor Rhodes: How still do you think this kid can be?


Chad Rawls: What's that you're spraying on him?

Natalie Manning: Ethyl chloride.

Chad Rawls: And you're positive he won't feel anything?

Connor Rhodes: Maybe a slight pinch, but that's it. Now the most important thing is for you to stay extremely still while we're doing this, Desmond. You think you can do that?

Desmond Rawls: Yeah.

Natalie Manning: You know what I find works sometimes? Is if you close your eyes and you squeeze my hand as hard as you can until it's over. How does that sound? Good?

Desmond Rawls: Okay.

Natalie Manning: So... Okay. Okay.

Ivie Rawls: Oh, God.

Desmond Rawls: Mommy?

Chad Rawls: It's okay, D.

Desmond Rawls: Mommy?

Natalie Manning: Just a little bit longer.

Desmond Rawls: No!

Connor Rhodes: Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Ivie Rawls: Okay… I'm sorry.

Connor Rhodes: No, it's fine. I think we got enough tissue to send to pathology.


Marius: You should see this, Jason. It's cool. The bullet's, like, in your heart.

Jason: Cool for you. He shot me in the leg. What the hell is it doing up here?

Ethan Choi: Bullets travel in unexpected ways.

Jason: Well, we need to get that out, right?

Ethan Choi: One step at a time. I can't tell yet whether it's actually in the heart or just behind it.

Jason: Well, what about those X-rays we took earlier?

Noah Sexton: Well, they're not that precise.

Jason: Well, find something that is.

Marius: What about that MIR machine?

Noah Sexton: MRI? And it's not, um, usable right now.

Jason: What do you mean?

Ethan Choi: Look, if we can figure out the path the bullet took to get to your chest, we should be able to determine exactly where it is. There are only two options, right?

Noah Sexton: Right, well, either it caromed to your midsection, or it hitched a ride up through your venous system.

Ethan Choi: Good. Grab a DPL.

Jason: Uh, DPL?

Ethan Choi: A Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage. We're gonna insert a needle in your abdomen, fill it with fluid, then drain it to see if there's any internal bleeding. Don't worry, we'll drape off this area before we insert the Foley.

Jason: What do you mean, "insert the Foley"?

Noah Sexton: Oh, this goes up your urethra.

Jason: First you shoot me, then you bring me to a place from the Dark Ages. You really suck, Marius.

Marius: My fault.


Bert Goodwin: Oh... Excuse me.

Sharon Goodwin: Uh... Hey, Bert, um, can I ask you... Have you talked to the children about this?

Bert Goodwin: Not yet. I was waiting to see if it was serious or not.

Sharon Goodwin: And is it?

Bert Goodwin: Sharon...

Sharon Goodwin: You know, maybe, you should speak to your children.


Bert Goodwin: Oh, man, she's a trip wire.

Maggie Lockwood: How'd you expect her to react? This city is filthy with hospitals, but you decided to come here. To do what? To rub it in Sharon's face?

Bert Goodwin: Oh, come on.

Maggie Lockwood: How old is she anyway?

Bert Goodwin: What does that have to do with anything?

Maggie Lockwood: Okay. When did you meet her?

Bert Goodwin: I know what you're implying. Lyla wasn't even in the picture till way after Sharon and I split up.

Maggie Lockwood: Split up? Uh-uh. You walked out on her.

Doctor lounge

Peter Kalmick: Okay, so Bruce is no closer to fixing this malware.

Sharon Goodwin: And the FBI?

Peter Kalmick: Oh, come on, let's not hold our breath there.

Sharon Goodwin: You know, I... I think it's time to consider putting the hospital on bypass.

Peter Kalmick: What is that? Sending patients to other hospitals? Do you know how much revenue that is gonna cost?

Sharon Goodwin: A few hundred thousand.

Peter Kalmick: That's just today. You can double it tomorrow. I mean, the board is gonna plotz.

Sharon Goodwin: What do you suggest then? We're full up. My doctors are treating gunshot wounds in the hallway.

Peter Kalmick: Listen... We keep a little cash on-hand for a rainy day, okay? So we could pay this ransom, and no one would ever know.

Sharon Goodwin: No.

Peter Kalmick: Why not? And do not say, "Because it's bad precedent."

Sharon Goodwin: It's a horrendous precedent. These hackers are putting people's lives at risk. They're compromising their care. You can't reward behaviour like that. Besides, you pay them now, what stops them from doing it again or holding the hospital next-door hostage?

Peter Kalmick: I don't care about the hospital next-door.

Sharon Goodwin: We cannot let them win, Peter.


Peter Kalmick: You wanna stick to your guns, that's fine, but you are the one who's gonna tell the board.

Sharon Goodwin: Spread the word and notify IDPH the hospital's now on full diversion.

Maggie Lockwood: Yes, ma'am. Give me IDPH.

ER entrance

Maggie Lockwood: Yeah, I need a home for a chest pain, a dog bite, and a flu. Thank you. You got any room? Ah, thank you. I owe you. Leah, tell any walk-ins who can fend themselves that we'll be arranging for transport to Rush and Mercy. Okay?


Natalie Manning: Hey, have you heard from pathology yet?

April Sexton: Let me give them another call.

Natalie Manning: Please.

April Sexton: It's busy. I'll check back in a minute.

Natalie Manning: Okay.

April Sexton: You look worried.

Natalie Manning: I do? That's not good. I just... I lost so many kids to cancer this year that every time one comes in now, with the same symptoms, I just... I can't help but feel the fear rising in me, and it's all I can do to control it, so that I don't scare the family.

Robin Charles: Dr. Manning, I've got your biopsy results. Pathology called me in.

Natalie Manning: Why is an epidemiologist getting called in on this? Coccidioidomycosis?

Robin Charles: Otherwise known as Valley Fever, and it's highly infectious.

Natalie Manning: Thank God.

Robin Charles: You realize this is a serious illness?

Natalie Manning: Yes. No, yes, absolutely. Um, but at least it isn't cancer.

Meeting room

Chad Rawls: That's what was causing the fever and the swelling? A fungal infection?

Natalie Manning: Spores are typically found in soil, predominantly in desert locales.

Robin Charles: Valley Fever is an endemic of the Great Lakes region. Have you spent anytime in the Southwest recently? California? Nevada? Arizona?

Ivie Rawls: No, Desmond's never been further away from home than Grand Rapids.

Chad Rawls: None of us has.

Natalie Manning: Okay, well, we'd like to start your son on a round of IV antifungals right away. But I do have to warn you, it's strong medicine with the potential of side effects, but it is what he needs.

Ivie Rawls: Thank you, doctors.

Natalie Manning: I'll get started on Desmond.

Robin Charles: Uh, I'm sorry, uh, but your son is the second person I've seen with this disease. I'm gonna need a detailed history from the both of you. It could help me find the source of the infection.

Ivie Rawls: I mean, can we do this later? We just wanna be with our child right now.

Robin Charles: It's important that we find this before someone else's child gets infected. I can sit with you one at a time if that's better.

Chad Rawls: You go. Be with Desmond.

Robin Charles: Oh, thank you.


Will Halstead: At first, I thought it was just the sedation. You know, but her eyes... She's just not able to focus. I had her fix on my finger from about this distance. They dart back and forth to a random space over here. Almost mechanical.

Sam Abrams: A square wave jerk.

Will Halstead: Exactly. So any time I get a... An eye thing after a fall on the head, I'm thinking, you know, possible stroke, but...

Sam Abrams: Did your work-up come back negative?

Will Halstead: Yeah. Any idea what else this might be?

Sam Abrams: It could be anything from a basal ganglia disorder to normal aging. It's impossible to tell without a head CT or an MRI.


Will Halstead: You know, maybe if you just examine her yourself...

Sam Abrams: Do I need to explain the definition of impossible to you? I'm a neurosurgeon, not a magician. Just find someone who can get the scans back up and running, and then maybe we can all do our jobs.


Daniel Charles: Any word on when we might be getting our network back?

Maggie Lockwood: Sorry.

Daniel Charles: You think they still need my tablet?

Maggie Lockwood: I'm afraid so, Dr. Charles.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles, hey, about those H and Ps, Mrs. Kornbluth in Room 17... She was admitted experiencing hallucinations.

Daniel Charles: Okay, and?

Sarah Reese: At intake, it was determined that she was having a psychotic episode, but after speaking with her, I think she simply might've had an adverse reaction to Ambien.

Daniel Charles: You know, this has all proven to be an incredible inconvenience, I just wanna say. I cannot believe that our patients' psychiatric histories aren't hosted on a separate secure network, and that HIPPA hadn't mandated that.

Sarah Reese: Moving forward, you know, maybe... But in the mean time, uh, it might've been beneficial for us to retrace our steps. I am running some tests now, but I think we might be able to discharge Mrs. Kornbluth later today.

Daniel Charles: Oh, there's the I.T. guy. Bruce...


Ethan Choi: Old rule of thumb, if you can read through the bag, the test is negative.

Noah Sexton: So there's no bleeding in the abdomen?

Ethan Choi: No.

Jason: Well, that's good news, right?


Connor Rhodes: So you want me to crack this guys' chest open and put him on bypass on a hunch?

Ethan Choi: Not a hunch. The diagnosis of exclusion.

Connor Rhodes: And what if you're wrong?

Noah Sexton: He's not wrong. I mean, the DPL ruled out the bullet travelling through the peritoneum, and if it went through the retroperitoneum, then he would have reported back pain, so it had to have embolized. Dr. Choi... He knows his stuff. It's how he does it on the battlefield.

Connor Rhodes: So we can't just transfer this guy to another trauma center with a working CT?

Ethan Choi: Too risky. He could decompensate at any moment, and every second we wait just ups the risk of a massive pulmonary embolism.

Connor Rhodes: All right, I'll call the O.R.

Ethan Choi: Thanks.

Connor Rhodes: Mm-hmm.

Robin Charles: I don't understand what is taking so long.

Connor Rhodes: Get him going. I'll meet you up there.

Ethan Choi: Yeah.

Robin Charles: If I could just access my files, I'm sure I could find a link between these cases.

Sharon Goodwin: I'm sorry, but I was told by I.T. that the malware is quite sophisticated.

Robin Charles: Then why don't you just pay the ransom?

Sharon Goodwin: It's not that simple, Robin.

Robin Charles: But it is that simple. It's... It's right there on every screen. Easy instructions to pay the ransom and obtain a decryption key. A three-year-old could figure it out.

Connor Rhodes: Hey, Robin, what's, uh... What's going on?

Robin Charles: What's going on is there might be an epidemic of Valley Fever breaking out, and no one seems to care.

Sharon Goodwin: Let me remind you, Ms. Charles, in case the air is too thin to breathe atop that soap box, that you are an epidemiologist, and I am the one responsible for running this hospital.

Connor Rhodes: Why don't we just take a second to cool down?

Sharon Goodwin: Why don't we?

Robin Charles: Don't handle me.

Doctor lounge

Maggie Lockwood: Hey, Barry Lindheim again. Thinks you're dodging his calls.

Sharon Goodwin: Smart man. Tell him you can't find me.

Maggie Lockwood: Okay.


Maggie Lockwood: Back online? I guess this means that we are off of bypass?

Sharon Goodwin: Yes, we are off of bypass.

Maggie Lockwood: Hallelujah. Thank you, Sharon.

Sharon Goodwin: No, no, thank him. He's the real hero. Bruce, great job.

Bruce: I'm sorry, I-I didn't do anything.

Sharon Goodwin: What?

Bruce: The system came back up on its own. Someone must've paid the ransom.

Maggie Lockwood: You didn't authorize this? Then who did?


Sharon Goodwin: Peter... I thought we agreed we weren't gonna pay the ransom.

Peter Kalmick: We didn't pay the ransom.

Sharon Goodwin: Then what happened?

Peter Kalmick: Who knows.,Look, maybe the hackers felt the feds were getting close, and they bailed. In any case, the problem's been resolved, and we can get back to business, saving lives, making money.

Sharon Goodwin: Someone countermanded my orders, Peter.

Peter Kalmick: Sharon, whoever that person was, they did us a huge favour, so let's not look a gift horse in the mouth, okay?


Leah Bardovi: Preliminary visual inspection shows no pericardial effusion.

Connor Rhodes: Thank you, Dr. Bardovi.

Beth: I was just informed that we're back online, in case that's pertinent.

Connor Rhodes: Well, we're not gonna close him back up and send him to radiology just to wind up where we are now, so let's ultrasound the heart directly and see if we can't find the bullet.

Leah Bardovi: There, in the right ventricle.

Connor Rhodes Yeah, that could be our culprit. Scalpel? Forceps?


Connor Rhodes: Hey.

Ethan Choi: Hey.

Connor Rhodes: Nice work. I guess that Navy training wasn't a waste after all.

Ethan Choi: That's how we do it on the battlefield.

Connor Rhodes: Well, if it hadn't worked, I would've blamed you anyway.

Ethan Choi: I know.


Sharon Goodwin: Hey, Dr. Rhodes, I don't know if you heard, but somebody paid the ransom, an open violation of hospital policy.

Connor Rhodes: What, you think it was me? I'm sorry, Ms. Goodwin, but as much as I would like to take credit, I didn't do it.

Sharon Goodwin: Well, somebody paid. Was it you, Sam?

Sam Abrams: My kid starts Sarah Lawrence in the fall. Not a chance in hell I'm cutting a check that size to solve your problem.

Sharon Goodwin: Okay, so you're telling me nobody here knows anything about this?


Daniel Charles: You got a second?

Sharon Goodwin: What? You... You think I need a timeout?

Daniel Charles: No. I'm not endorsing any kind of palace coup, but I just... I understand any number of motivations why somebody would wanna get that thing paid. I've completely freaked myself out how much I miss this thing, you know, which has clearly become a powerful tool that I use to maintain distance between myself and the world, you know... Control my environment. And that's a slippery slope, man... Control, you know... For all of us. I mean, one second you're steady in command. Next second, it's like... Ahh, rogue wave, you know, hackers, relationships we can't control.

Sharon Goodwin: Come on, Daniel. Are you trying to bait and switch me? I'm not in denial. I know my husband is gone. I may never get a good answer for why he left, but I sure as hell can find out who paid that ransom.


Natalie Manning: Your son is taking well to the medication. Hopefully in a couple days, he'll be able to take this orally and we can send him home.

Ivie Rawls: Thank you, Dr. Manning.

Chad Rawls: I'm glad we brought him here.

Natalie Manning: We did, however, get your test results back as well. Ivie, yours came back negative. Chad, however, you tested positive.

Chad Rawls: Positive? But I feel fine.

Natalie Manning: It just means you've come in contact with a spore. A lot of people never become symptomatic, but moving forward, it is something to monitor.

Robin Charles: Mr. Rawls, I think I found a connection between Desmond and my other patient. You told me earlier you use your car to ride-share.

Chad Rawls: Yeah. Why?

Robin Charles: My patient last week... She rode in your car 18 days ago.

Chad Rawls: I mean, if you say so. No way I can remember everyone I drove.

Robin Charles: Did you park it here? I'd like to take a look at it.

Chad Rawls: I don't understand. Why would my car be making people sick?


Will Halstead: I apologize, Lyla, for the delay. I know you must be eager to get out of here.

Lyla Dempsey: Yeah, are you gonna stitch me up or what?

Will Halstead: I am, uh, but now that our imaging system's come back online, I'd... I'd like to get you down for a CT scan of your head first.

Lyla Dempsey: I just grazed my head. It's really not a big deal.

Will Halstead: I hear ya. Still, standard of care requires me to get a head CT, so blame it on insurance companies, if you must.

Bert Goodwin: Hey, I couldn't, uh, decide what to get, so I bought the whole rack. Did I miss something?

Lyla Dempsey: Uh, Dr. Halstead just said that it might be a couple more hours until he can stitch me up. You mind running to my place and walking the dog?

Bert Goodwin: No, of course. I'll hurry back.

Lyla Dempsey: Okay, thanks, babe.

Will Halstead: Why do I get the impression there's something going on you don't want either of us to know?

Lyla Dempsey: You don't have to send me down for the CT scan. I can tell you what it's gonna show.


Sharon Goodwin: Dr. Halstead, I got a message you wanted to see me.

Will Halstead: Yes and no. Actually, Ms. Dempsey would like to speak with you.

Sharon Goodwin: Why?

Will Halstead: Mm-mm.


Sharon Goodwin: I was told you wanted to speak with me.

Lyla Dempsey: Yes, thank you. Yeah, this is pretty much as awkward as I imagined, but now that I told Dr. Halstead, I assumed it was a matter of time before the head of the hospital found out as well. Last year, I was diagnosed with a disease called progressive supranuclear palsy, PSP, which is a poor relation to Parkinson's.

Sharon Goodwin: I'm familiar with PSP. I'm sorry. What's your prognosis?

Lyla Dempsey: Five more years, maybe ten. What are you gonna do? Seize the day, right? I'm still able to hide the symptoms for the most part, at least from lay people, which is why I wanted to talk to you.

Sharon Goodwin: You haven't told Bert, have you?

Lyla Dempsey: Wanna scare off a potential guy lickety-split? Tell him in three years you won't be able to swallow or chew... Or breathe without their help… I didn't get a lot of calls for a second date, so when I met Bert...

Sharon Goodwin: Look... Bert and I may have run our course, but keeping this from him is a mistake.

Lyla Dempsey: I'm selfish, I know... I'm scared to spend the last few years of my life alone, you know.

Sharon Goodwin: Yes, I do.


Robin Charles: How long have you owned this car?

Chad Rawls: About two months. Bought it used from some place out in Hillside. Only had 40,000 miles on it.

Natalie Manning: Do you know anything about the previous owner?

Chad Rawls: No.

Natalie Manning: So what exactly are we looking for here?

Robin Charles: That's the ride-share app.

Chad Rawls: Yeah.

Robin Charles: What's this?

Chad Rawls: Uh, I don't know. It was on there when we bought it.

Ivie Rawls: Uh "FAT"... it's not something you really wanna advertise, but we couldn't get the sticker off the car.

Robin Charles: That's actually an IATA code. It's an airport abbreviation. That's Fresno International.

Natalie Manning: California, Central Valley?

Robin Charles: I suspect your car might have spores in the air filters.

Chad Rawls: They could stay active that long?

Robin Charles: Yeah, I'm sorry, but the CDC's gonna have to impound your car. And we're gonna need to check and notify every passenger you have had.

Ivie Rawls: Okay, it's... I know...


Ethan Choi: Hey, Mags, I need to leave early. I gotta let the plumber in my apartment.

Maggie Lockwood: Why can't your girlfriend, Vicki, do that for you?

Ethan Choi: She got deployed. Germany.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh, that must be hard on the two of you.

Ethan Choi: Well, it's not the two of us anymore.

Maggie Lockwood: Oh.


April Sexton: Hi.

Ethan Choi: Hey.

April Sexton: Hey, we dodged a bullet with that GSW earlier...

Ethan Choi: Ah.

April Sexton: So to speak.

Ethan Choi: So to speak.

April Sexton: Noah thinks you're some sort of a miracle worker.

Ethan Choi: Nah, just a guy who's seen way too many shootings.


Sarah Reese: Oh, Dr. Charles, hey, I just finished the last history. It was fascinating, really. The patient thought I was an...

Daniel Charles: An FBI agent. I saw. The system's back up. But thank you.

Sarah Reese: Dr. Charles? If you wanna fire me, why don't you just do it already?

Daniel Charles: Fire you? Wait, why would I wanna fire you?

Sarah Reese: Okay, I might not be the greatest psych intern of all time, but I know a little bit about subtext and the cognitive unconscious, and so when you tell me that there's an opening in the E.D., I'm left to wonder... Does that mean you want me to quit psych and take that job?

Daniel Charles: No. No, it does not mean that at all.

Sarah Reese: Because I am not quitting. I am sticking with this all the way, and so if you wanna get rid of me, you're gonna have to do more than just try to get in my head.

Waiting room

Sharon Goodwin: Leah, thank you. That was a good job today.

Leah: Thank you, Ms. Goodwin.


Sharon Goodwin: I forgot you were a pacer.

Bert Goodwin: Wore out the rug every time you were in the delivery room. I don't know why I'm doing it now. Lyla's just getting stitches. Nobody ever died of that, right?

Sharon Goodwin: Well, I'm sure it'll all work out.

Bert Goodwin: Sharon, um, I know it was incredibly insensitive of me to bring Lyla into your E.D. You don't deserve to be treated like this.

Sharon Goodwin: Bert...

Bert Goodwin: I owe you an apology, Sharon. I-I-I've... I've crafted a few in my head. I've even written some down. I-I'm just so...

Sharon Goodwin: Bert, please, it's fine.

Doris: Mr. Goodwin? You wanted to know when Lyla was all sewn up?

Bert Goodwin: Yeah, yeah, thanks. You know what, maybe someday, I can introduce the two of you formally.

Sharon Goodwin: Yeah, sure.

Doctor lounge

Natalie Manning: Hey, Nina left this for you earlier.

Will Halstead: Oh. Thanks.

Natalie Manning: Mm-hmm. So I heard Goodwin's ex brought his new girlfriend in.

Will Halstead: Yeah, Lyla.

Natalie Manning: Oh, that's gotta be tough, seeing someone you care about so much with a new lover.

Will Halstead: Yeah, tell me about it.

Natalie Manning: Hm.

Will Halstead: I mean, I was the one treating Lyla.

Natalie Manning: Right.

Will Halstead: Good night.

Natalie Manning: Good night.


Will Halstead: Good night, Ms. Goodwin.

Sharon Goodwin: Night.

Daniel Charles: I was gonna get a little drink.

Sharon Goodwin: Yes.

Daniel Charles: You find out who paid the ransom yet?

Sharon Goodwin: You know what? I don't care.


Isidore Latham: Who do we have next?

Leah Bardovi: Two CABGS, back to back.

Beth: At least the hybrid suite's back online. Everyone's wondering who paid the ransom.

Isidore Latham: I did. 30 Bitcoin versus the continued integrity of our services? Pretty simple math, don't you think?

Connor Rhodes’s appartment

Connor Rhodes: Uh, honey, what's going on? Why are you up?

Robin Charles: Seriously, who can sleep through that?

Connor Rhodes: Through what?

Robin Charles: The rats. My God, it's like nails on a chalkboard. This... This whole city must be infested. Can't you hear them?

Kikavu ?

Au total, 90 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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schumi  (21.09.2019 à 10:30)

Ca fait un peu flipper de voir Robin dans cet état... Et de penser qu'on peut hacker un hôpital comme ça encore plus. Jouer avec l'avis des gens pour de l'argent ... Il est beau ce monde dans lequel on vit!

Dur pour Sharon de voir son mari avec une nouvelle compagne mais c'est moi ou il manque de tact et de jugeote lui?

arween  (10.04.2017 à 13:35)

Ouah, elle a craqué complet la Robin !

Dr Charles ne veut pas se débarasser de Reese, hein ?!!

Quand au payeur de la rançon, je m'attendais à tout sauf à lui ! 

Ah et pour finir, j'aime de plus en plus Choi. J'aimerais avoir un épisode qui le mette en avant !


Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Mercredi 3 avril à 20:00
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Chicago Fire, S12E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 27 mars à 21:00
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