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Chicago Fire
#413 : Alertes attentats

La caserne est en état d'alerte lorsque des menaces mystérieuses commencent à émerger à travers Chicago. La situation se complique quand le camion 1 et les secours 3 sont appelés sur une fusillade de masse et qu'ils se retrouvent au milieu d'une scène dangereuse et pénible. Le Lt. Casey enquête sur l'argent manquant de la collecte de fonds pour les victimes de la récente tornade. Pendant ce temps, Jimmy accepte de représenter la caserne des pompiers dans un match de boxe de la première "Bataille des Badges" annuelle contre le département de police du district 21. Le comportement étrange de Chili continue d'être un problème majeur pour sa partenaire Sylvie.


4.82 - 17 votes

Titre VO
The Sky Is Falling

Titre VF
Alertes attentats

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Promo CF 4x13

Promo CF 4x13



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France (inédit)
Dimanche 23.04.2017 à 21:40

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Mardi 02.02.2016 à 22:00
8.18m / 1.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit : Michael Brandt & Michael A. O'Shea

Réalisé : Joe Chappelle

Guests : Brian Tee (Ethan Choi), Liza Bennett (Agent Alex Ward), Barbara Eve Harris (Emma Crowley), Armand Schultz (Colin Becks), Randy Flagler (Capp), Amy Morton (Trudy Platt), Jon Seda (Antonio Dawson), Emily Berman (Jen Brenner), Anthony Ferraris (Tony), DuShon Monique Brown (Connie), Steve Chikerotis (Chef Steve Walker), Sam Porretta (Chef Hatcher)

Firehouse: kitchen

Cruz: This is why I like the fashion show. It's like every time...

Mouch: If I could have your attention. I would like to announce next week Antonio's Boxing Gym, Trudy and I are hosting an old-fashioned battle of the badges...

Otis: Yeah, yeah!

Mouch: Between the heroes of 51...

Cruz: Oh-oh!

Mouch: And those blockheads down at the 21st police district...

All: Boo!

Mouch: For beer and bragging rights.

Herrmann: I love it. That's the best news I heard all week.

Mouch: 50 bucks a head for a good cause.

Cruz: What's the cause?

Mouch: Ah, it's to be determined at this time.

Herrmann: All right, let's not get bogged down with the whys and what-fors, all right? All I care about is who's fighting for 51. Capp, are you in?

Capp: Can't. My mom says I have a deviated septum.

Borelli: Actually, I already volunteered. Antonio sorted it out.

Dawson: My brother set it up? Do you even know how to box?

Borelli: Kind of. Danny and I used to go to this MMA gym down on Diversity.

Dawson: Dude, MMA is not boxing.

Herrmann: Enough with the nay-saying. All this kid needs is the right trainer, and he's gonna be ready to bust that cop open like a donut-filled piñata. Fortunately... I'm the man for the job. All right, come on, Candidate! We are gonna start with some combos. I'm gonna go grab the steaks.

Borelli: Steak?

Herrmann: Yeah.

Main: Engine 15, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, structure fire, 1410 Museum Campus Drive.

Cruz: That's Soldier Field.

Truck 81

Otis: Hey, is that smoke purple?


Boden: Battalion 25 to Main, start a Level One Haz-Mat at this location.

Main: Copy that, Battalion 2.

Herrmann: You can get assistance and aid down there. Walk away from the smoke.

Severide: Capp, Tony, Level A suits!

Capp: Copy that!

Severide: Hey, Chief, it's gonna take them five minutes to get their gear on. Cruz and I can mask up. We'll get a jump on evacuations.

Casey: Truck will go with and take readings.

Boden: Okay, take one man each. No more. You get a bad reading, you pull out. Still don't know what we're dealing with yet.

Severide: Cruz, let's mask up.

Cruz: Right away.

Casey: All right, Herrmann, with me. Bring the gas meter. Let's go to work.

Herrmann: Let's go!

Casey: All right.

Severide: Come on.


Casey: Go with the medics.

Paramedic: All right, we got you. Come on.

Casey: A lot of smoke in there. No heat. No visible fire. Readings are all normal.

Herrmann: I need a paramedic!

Paramedic: Yeah, come on.


Chili: What's your name?

Remy: Remy.

Chili: Have you had asthma before, Remy? Got the nebulizer prepped?

Brett: Yep, right here. I think we need to give an epi.

Chili: No, just give it a minute. He's good… Brett, I said no epi.

Brett: Look, he really needs it.

Chili: Who's the PIC? Remy, relax, man. Take a deep breath.


Alex Ward: Anybody hurt?

Boden: Gas inhalation, asthma, a few people injured in rout.

Severide: Hey, Chief! Smoke grenade. Military-grade. There's a bunch of them in there.

Alex Ward: Can I see that? Take photos of everything. Bag and tag it all. Have it to the lab within the hour.

Severide: You mind telling us what we're looking at?

Alex Ward: I can't.

Boden: Look, if there's anything we need to be made aware of...

Alex Ward: We'll be in touch, Chief.


Brett: Long night last night? What happened to drying out?

Chili: Brett, why don't you just do me a favour and get the Albuterol replacement and meet me in the ambulance.

Jen Brenner: Ambo 61, right? House 51?

Brett: Yeah, Sylvie Brett.

Jen Brenner: Jen Brenner, Ambo 98.

Brett: Oh, right. My partner, Chili, used to be assigned there.

Jen Brenner: She was first shift. I'm second. But she was known. Burned through three partners before the chief finally scraped her off.

Brett: I... I'm sorry. Scraped her off? I thought the houses merged.

Jen Brenner: Yeah, the houses merged, but the ambo details didn't… Anyway, gotta run. It was nice meeting you. Good luck with that one.

Outside the firehouse

Herrmann: What's that all about?

Connie: Another bomb threat. This time in Logan Square.

Herrmann: Another one.

Boden: Two other hoaxes already today. Suitcases filled with phone books.


Dawson: Hey, what's going on out there today?

Casey: Nothing good, I'm sure.

Dawson: Thinking about donating?

Casey: How could Becks not know he was partnering with a charity-for-profit scheme?

Dawson: You said yourself, it's for the PR.

Casey: Or he was getting a cut. And you think Antonio would be willing to...

Dawson: Investigate a sitting alderman?

Casey: Who's skimming money off a charity?

Dawson: Matt... Let's say you poke this guy and come up empty-handed. How will you feel when Becks retaliates?

Casey: I can handle it.

Dawson: Against the house.

Casey: Chief.

Boden: Yeah?

Casey: I need to run an errand.

Boden: 30 minutes, tops. Feels like one of those days.

Casey: I hear you.


Brett: Chili, hey. We need to talk.

Chili: Brett, I really don't want to get into it again. It was a judgment call, okay? We disagreed. I forgive you.

Brett: I ran into somebody from your old house. Jen Brenner, second shift on 98. I saw her at the ER.

Chili: Okay.

Brett: Were you forced out of your last house because of a drinking problem?

Chili: Well, I wouldn't say I was forced out as much as I was asked to leave.

Brett: Why didn't you say anything?

Chili: Because it's embarrassing. Why do you think? Besides, it's in the past. Why are you even bringing this up?

Brett: Is it? Look, if drinking was an issue before, you really have to take it seriously now.

Chili: Okay. I can handle this myself.

Brett: Chili.

Boden’s office

Boden: Come on in.

Chili: Chief.

Boden: What's going on, Chili?

Chili: Oh, not much. Other than I need a new partner.

Boden: What exactly is the reason?

Chili: Personality clash.

Boden: A personality clash.

Chili: It bubbled over when we were on a call today. We were treating a patient, and Brett contradicted a direct order. Can't have that.

Boden: Doesn't sound like Sylvie Brett… Listen, if there is an issue, we can all sit down together and discuss it.

Chili: All due respect, Chief, I don't really care to hear how we're all a family… Brett is not my family. She's a subordinate. I would really appreciate your support… I'm just letting you know before I call Chief Hatcher.

Connie: Uh... Headquarters is on line one.

Boden: This discussion is not over.

Fund raiser

Colin Becks: And thank you for your donation too.  It's been really good to see you. Hey, and thanks for coming again. I really appreciate it.

Casey: Alderman Becks. You haven't returned my calls.

Colin Becks: Uh, Gary, it's fine. We're fine. Uh, would you excuse us for a minute, please? Lieutenant, I, uh, owe you an apology.

Casey: I called your charity partners this morning. Century Philanthropy International. Ring any bells?

Colin Becks: Let me guess, the line's disconnected.

Casey: You had no involvement in their actions?

Colin Becks: Why? What are you suggesting?

Casey: I'm suggesting you come up with a better answer while it's still me asking the questions and not the press.

Colin Becks: Let's be careful what we say here.

Casey: You made a promise to those victims. You make good on that, we're square. If not, well... One thing I learned from my speech last week, it's the power of a firefighter standing in front of the cameras… Just a little something to keep in mind.

Boden’s office

Brett: You needed me?

Boden: Sylvie, come on in. Shut the door. Um... Complaint has been made.

Brett: By Chili.

Boden: She's claiming insubordination. Said you contradicted a direct order this morning.

Brett: An order? No, we had a disagreement about a treatment.

Boden: Be that as it may, she wants you detailed out.

Brett: What? You know what this is really about, right? I just found out that her last house handed her a pink slip for the same sort of behaviour that she's exhibited here, the drinking, the arguing… I pushed her to get help, and now she wants me gone.


Alex Ward: Lieutenant. We need to convene all the officers in the house.

Severide: Sure. Follow me.

Briefing room

Alex Ward: This is Steven Grimes, Head of Intelligence and Analysis at Homeland Security.

Steven Grimes: Chief, we're tracking a situation and wanted to brief a few key firehouses.

Alex Ward: In the last 24 hours, we're seen a dramatic increase in terror threats, like the ones you witnessed this morning. All hoaxes. It's not a coincidence.

Casey: So what is it?

Alex Ward: We believe that someone is intentionally dividing the city's resources in preparation for an attack.

Severide: What are we talking about, a bomb? Chemical weapon?

Alex Ward: Well, we feel like we dented this group's resources when we found their lab, thanks to you, Lieutenant. Ultimately, it's impossible to know what their plan might be now. We've prepared a few tactical scenarios. Unfortunately, there are too many targets. So we're asking for local first responders to help us out. Eyes and ears kinda thing.


Herrmann: All right, come on. Feel that dead meat! Come on, hit it! Go! Oh! Jab, jab, right cross. There you go. Left cross. Hit it! Break those ribs, break those ribs.

Dawson: Uh, there's no ribs in sirloin, Herrmann.

Herrmann: Body shot, go. Uppercut.


Chili: You talk to Chief yet?

Herrmann: Speed bag. Come on, we're gonna lose. Come on, come on, hit that meat. Hit it, hit it, hit it!

Brett: Who the hell do you think you are? After everything I've done, all the times I've stood up for you.

Chili: Brett, relax. Just take a deep breath.

Brett: What, you have the balls to pretend you haven't just stabbed me in the back?

Chili: Stabbed you? Who's going around gossiping about who here?

Brett: It has nothing to do with talking about stuff! You bring it to work!

Casey: Hey! Hey!

Brett: It affects me!

Casey: Hey! What's going on?

Chili: She's the one you're protecting?


Dawson: What's up?

Casey: Message from the alderman's office. He wants to grab dinner to talk about options for the tornado victims.

Dawson: Higher ground worked.

Casey: We'll see.

Chief Hatcher’s office

Chief Hatcher: Wallace. I'm sure you're here about Jessica Chilton.

Boden: Yes, I am.

Chief Hatcher: That young woman's business has monopolized my afternoon on a day when no one has time.

Boden: Is it true? Was she removed from Ambo 98?

Chief Hatcher: There were accusations made on both sides, so we chose to resolve the matter quietly.

Boden: What made you think it was okay to use my house as a dumping ground?

Chief Hatcher: Hold on, Wallace. I made the move because 51 has a reputation of being a tight-knit house, and I figured that was exactly what Jessica needed.

Boden: That may well be, but I should have been made aware of this so I could get ahead of it before it got to this point.

Chief Hatcher: You gave her two strikes in a three-strike system of your own design. Am I correct? Did you report any of this to IAD? The union? Or did you give her a clear directive for staying on track?

Boden: How'd you know about all this?

Chief Hatcher: The union emailed me a list of grievances against you. They're garbage, of course, but the union's compelled to fight this and you, and it will be ugly. Want my advice? Give her what she wants. You need to decide whether this other paramedic is worth the ramifications here.

Box club

Herrmann: Let's go! Work off the jab! Set up with the jab! You see? We gotta work on your speed! Hey, Cruz, you know where we could get a live chicken this time of night?

Cruz: Why would you think I would know that?

Dawson: Did you know he couldn't box?

Antonio Dawson: Ha, it's all in good fun, Sis. How come you're not in his corner?

Dawson: Eh, I tried to volunteer, but apparently boxing's a man's sport. [Speaking Spanish]

Antonio Dawson: [Speaking Spanish]

Borelli: Did I hear that right? He say you were a Silver Gloves?

Dawson: Silver, yeah. High school. Undefeated, by the way.

Borelli: What do you say?

Dawson: All right, first thing is you gotta open up, man. You're too rigid.

Herrmann: No, no, no, no. Hey, if he stands like that, he's gonna open himself up to abuse. Come on, I'll show you. Stand over here, Jimmy. All right, come on, Powder Puff. All right, see, you stand like this, you're less exposed, right?

Dawson: Oh, jeez.

Otis: Oh!

Dawson: I'm sorry. Herrmann, you okay? You...

Herrmann: Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Cruz: You still want me to get that chicken?

Herrmann: Shut up.


Colin Becks: Lieutenant. Oh, thank you so much, Mateo. Have you ever had Dingles Bay Oysters? Tastes like the ocean.

Casey: I'm here to talk about the tornado victims.

Colin Becks: I know you are. Fortunately, I was able to pull some strings, and those friends of yours, Dawn and Lucas Hicks, we managed to get them a handsome FEMA settlement. They're set.

Casey: That's a good start. What about the rest of the victims?

Colin Becks: That's a work in progress. But here's what I'm thinking. Am I right that you have three weeks' furlough saved up?

Casey: How do you know that?

Colin Becks: My wife and I are members of the Saginaw Resort on Lake Geneva. It's a beautiful place. Take my car. Bring your girl. We'll hash it out.

Casey: Hash...

Colin Becks: Ah, damn.

Casey: Hash what out exactly?

Colin Becks: Sorry. Uh, they sprung this vote on me. Uh, please, continue. Dinner's on me.

Casey: We're not done.

Colin Becks: Absolutely not. My aid will handle all the details. Enjoy the lake.

Severide and Casey’s apartment

Severide: You okay to be seen with me? I'm not so sure. Maybe your boss is hiding out there in the bushes.

Alex Ward: I'm sorry for the cold shoulder. You can imagine the pressure we're all under.

Severide: Of course, I understand.

Alex Ward: We, uh, traced the smoke grenades and the suitcases back to a motel room in Bronzeville.

Severide: And?

Alex Ward: And all we found there were empty fast food containers and a rambling anarchist manifesto. They're one step ahead of us, and they're ready to act. It's just a matter of when.

Boden’s office

Chili: What the hell is this?

Chief Hatcher: A conversation.

Chili: Yeah? Well, I want my union rep here.

Mouch: Right here.

Chili: I don't know what kinda stories she's been telling you about me.

Boden: Let's get one thing straight, no one is telling any stories, and no one is being detailed out. Now, that's not you, and that is not Brett either.

Chief Hatcher: Chief Boden and I are unified on this.

Boden: This right here, this is where your road splits, Chili. Now you can either see me as the enemy or as an ally. One who's making every effort he can to offer you one last chance. I'm ready either way.


Cruz: Mouch! Just talked to Burgess over the 21st. What's this I hear about the boxing match being for yours and Platt's wedding?

Mouch: Technically, the reception's been paid for. It's more about recouping the costs.

Cruz: Uh-uh. No way. I am not gonna throw away 50 bucks so that you and Platt can have your dream wedding. I want a refund.

Herrmann: Hey, nothing doing, all right? We still need you in the corner. This is a team effort.

Otis: Hey, guys, there's something going down near The Loop.

Journalist 1: We're looking at a lot of law enforcement on the western edge of The Loop right now, in response to reports of at least four abandoned vans parked around the Willis Tower that police are calling suspicious. There's a massive evacuation effort underway as the bomb squad begins its work on those vehicles, which we can only assume means that police suspect those vans are loaded with some sort of explosive agents.

Journalist 2: And both CPD and the Fire Department have sent a massive amount of manpower to the area to help with the evacuation of the over 10,000 workers and tourists who are in the tower.

Cruz: My God.

Main: Station 51, Box Alarm, 2050 Kinzie Avenue.

Borelli: Wait, that's not Willis Tower.

Casey: Got a whole city to serve. Let's move it, Candidate.

Boden’s car

Casey: Chief, 81 is in the building, and we're not seeing anything. No smoke. Let's go.

Boden: Take no chances today, 81. Ambo's on the way in.

Casey: Copy, Chief. Otis, Dawson, now. Fan out.


Boden: Casey, report.

Casey: Chief, still no sign of smoke in the building. Checking to see if it was a faulty sensor.

Boden: Have the paramedics look for a wall-mounted defibrillator. That could have set it off. Rescue Squad, hang tight, stand by.

Herrmann: Chief, there's a security guard here. Gonna see if I can get an occupancy count. He says there's about 15 people in the building.

Boden: Let's go ahead, start moving those people toward the exit.

Casey: 81, continue your sweep. I'm heading down into the basement to check the alarm.

Herrmann: You got it, Lieutenant.

Severide: Hey, Chief, we got a guy on the roof.


Herrmann: Mayday, mayday! We have an active shooter. Need rescue!


Severide: Hey, stop! Hey, go back! No! Stop!

Boden: Go right! Right!

Severide: Get down! Take cover!

Boden: Go! Go!

Severide: Grab his arm!

Boden: I got you. Truck 81, confirm! Don't let anyone leave the building. We have an outside shooter. Hold your positions until further notice.


Casey: 81, do you copy? Brett, Chili, do you copy?

Chili: Yeah, we're here.

Casey: Find a safe position and stay there.

Brett: Copy that.

Chili: This room isn't secure. We need to go somewhere better.


Woman: Help! Somebody! Help!


Otis: We had to kill our radios. We found a secure spot. Come on.


Alex Ward: Cover me.

Boden: There are at least two shooters, plus one on the roof. I have a truck company stuck in there and two paramedics. Where's SWAT?

Alex Ward: They're still extricating themselves from that mess downtown. It was a hoax, engineered to draw manpower away.

Severide: This was the target all along.

Cruz: Lieutenant, Chief!

Boden: Go, go.

Alex Ward: When I go, you go. Now.

Cruz: Second floor, second window from the left.

Alex Ward: I see it.

Severide: Chief, we can get up there.

Boden: No, SWAT's on its way.

Severide: Chief, the shooter can't see the sign from where he is. We approach from the east side. He won't see us.

Alex Ward: I can go and cover 'em.

Boden: Okay. Anyone that goes wears a vest.

Severide: Yes, sir. Cruz, you good?

Cruz: Let's do this.

Severide: Grab a ladder.

Classroom / street

Otis: It's me.

Casey: Chief, this is Casey. I'm back with Truck and some civilians. Everyone's okay.

Boden: Casey, thank God.

Casey: We're on the third floor, B, C corner, but have to stay radio silent.

Boden: Okay, hang tight. SWAT is on its way We're gonna get you out.

Casey: Copy.

Break room

Victim 1: No, please! Please stop! Don't do it!

Victim 2: No, no! Please don't! Please don't!


Boden: Son of a bitch. I've lost sight of the shooter. I repeat, I have lost sight of the shooter.

Severide: Take a breath, take a breath. Take it easy.

Alex Ward: Kelly!

Boden: Go, Severide, go!

Severide: Come on. Here you go, come on. Cruz.

Cruz: Yeah, got him. I got you.

Severide: Hang in there, okay? I got you, I got you, come on. Come on. I need a medic!


Mouch: Anyone else smell smoke?

Casey: They disabled the sprinklers to start a fire. We gotta move.

Security guard: The man said sit tight. Those shooters are still out there.

Casey: We'll stand a better chance against them than we will against a fire. Okay. Everyone, listen up. I know everyone here is scared.That's okay. But I promise, you will not be alone. We'll surround you every single step of the way, and we'll survive together.


Severide: You're gonna be fine, okay?

Alex Ward: Thank you, Kelly.


Swat officer 1: What do we got?

Boden: At least two shooters in the building. One dead up on the roof. No firm head count on civilians.

Swat officer 1: Let's move.

Swat officer 2: Let's go.


Casey: Here. Son of a bitch. Go.

Otis: Go, go.

Herrmann: Come on. Come on.


Swat officer 1: We've got one shooter in the first level, northwest corner at the exit doors.

Swat officer 2: Copy that. We're moving into position. We're clear.

Swat officer 1: Target's down. Anyone else in there?

Casey: Our paramedics.

Building: break room

Chili: Do you hear that?

Brett: She's alive. We have to help her.

Chili: You ready?


Brett: Hold still. You're gonna be okay.

Swat officer 2: Suspect is down.


Boden: Thanks.

Swat officer 1: Thanks, Chief.

Casey: Is it over?

Boden: Yeah, it's over. Four dead. Seven wounded. It would have been much worse without you inside, so... Good job, Lieutenant.

Casey: By everyone.

Firehouse: locker room

Brett: I love you too, Mom… Mm-hmm… Talk soon.

Chili: I don't expect for you to forgive me. I just wanted to tell you that you were right. Do you know what it's like to be doing and saying things and not really know where it's coming from? I thought it was my family. 'Cause they were the ones that were messed up. I was just there… But none of them are here anymore… It's just me. I'm the one that's messed up… And I need help… I'm so glad that you're okay. And I'm really sorry.

Chicago Med

Severide: Pew.

Alex Ward: Lieutenant. Deputy Director, you remember Lieutenant Kelly Severide of the Chicago Fire Department. He was on the scene.

Steven Grimes: Hell of a job, Lieutenant. Agent Ward was telling me all about it.

Severide: Yeah, well, uh... Just doing my job. This here's from everyone at 51.

Alex Ward: Thanks. Can't tell you what it means.

Steven Grimes: Pleasure meeting you, Lieutenant, but we still have work to do.

Severide: Yeah, same.

Steven Grimes: Okay then, as soon as you have medical clearance, we need to set you up in Miami.


Alex Ward: Kelly. I'll never forget you.


Herrmann: These are well-deserved after today.

Dawson: Four dead and seven wounded. Families torn apart. For what?

Boden: Hate, ignorance. No explanation for it.


Trudy Platt: Sweetheart. Oh, God, I was so worried.

Mouch: Ah, it really wasn't... Yeah, me too.

Trudy Platt: All those families today. I saw all the reports. They... They didn't have much to begin with, and, honey, it got me thinking...

Mouch: Yeah, I agree… Just a quick announcement. Trudy and I want to donate the funds from the battle of the badges to the families that lost something today. If that's okay with everyone.

Ethan Choi: Hear, hear.

All: Yeah.

Boden: See that? There's always hope. As long as there's good people in this world willing to step up and lend a hand… Here's to the victims. Here's to hope.

Kikavu ?

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schumi  (04.06.2017 à 10:51)

Bon alors j'avoue que j'ai hésité pour la note car cet épisode est si réaliste qu'il en est presque dérangeant! J'en ai presque oublié qu'il s'agissait d'une série et je stressais vraiment pour les "otages"... mais du coup ça veut dire que c'est vraiment bien fait donc: 5 étoiles!


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Chicago Fire | Un nouveau départ dans la prochaine saison !

Chicago Fire | Un nouveau départ dans la prochaine saison !
Un nouvel acteur a annoncé quitté la série dés le première épisode de la douzième saison.  Alberto...

Chicago Fire | Un départ pour la prochaine saison !

Chicago Fire | Un départ pour la prochaine saison !
Alors que la grève est terminée, les nouvelles concernant les séries arrivent peu à peu. Comme...

Chicago Fire - Severide de retour pour la saison 12

Chicago Fire - Severide de retour pour la saison 12
Taylor Kinney, qui a quitté Chicago Fire au milieu de la saison 11 pour raison personnelle, sera de...


Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?

Inscris-toi maintenant


choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Avant-hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !