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Un incendie sur un camp de sans-abris laisse Severide et Casey à la recherche de réponses. Cruz est secoué après y avoir échappé de peu. Ritter tend la main à une victime.
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Dead of Winter
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Les sans-abris
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Severide: We should get away... Just us.
Kidd: You got somewhere in mind that doesn't involve airports or crowds?
Severide: What about the cabin?
Kidd: So icy roads, snow-covered driveway, subzero temperatures, and the two of us? Sounds hot.
Severide: That's exactly what I was thinking.
Outside the firehouse
Kidd: Chief, you got a second?
Boden: Yeah. Of course.
Kidd: About the lieutenant's exam. I know I asked you to reschedule it, and...
Boden: I never took your name off the list.
Kidd: You didn't?
Boden: I just hope that you haven't fallen behind in your studies.
Kidd: No, sir... No, I did not.
Firehouse: Common room
Cruz: Gentlemen... Ritter... Hey. Incoming.
Kidd: What is the occasion? Wait, is this...
Cruz: Chloe's pregnant.
All: Aww!
Kidd: Papa Cruz!
Severide: Congrats, Joe.
Cruz: Thank you, Lieutenant.
Mouch: Oh. You did not skimp.
Gallo: Herrmann! Cruz is having a baby.
Herrmann: Aw, is that so? Well, do I get a cigar, or what?
Cruz: Oh, you, my friend?
Herrmann: Mm-hmm.
Cruz: You get two?
Herrmann: Hey.
Cruz: Thank you for keeping this secret.
Herrmann: It wasn't easy. You know how much I like to run my mouth.
Mackey: Hey. We should... Sneak out sometime. Give these a try.
Gallo: I'd sneak off with you anytime.
Mackey: Oh, I know.
Dispatch: Station 51, structure fire. West Armitage and North Leavitt.
Capp: Congratulations.
Gallo: Way to go, Cruz.
Casey: Kidd, Mouch, don't let anyone back into that alley. Herrmann, get a line in there!
Herrmann: You got it, Captain! 51, lead out!
Casey: Gallo, you're with me. Let's clear it out!
Severide: We'll take the left side! You take the right! Capp, Cruz's with me. Search every tent.
Cruz: Copy that, Lieutenant.
Casey: Come on, come on. Get up. I got you, come on... Get these people back.
Severide: Hey, come on, let's go.
Irene: No! I'm not going!
Severide: Come on, let's go.
Irene: I need to get my stuff!
Severide: Leave it! Let's go. Come on.
Herrmann: Hey, keep feeding this line, Ritter.
Ritter: On it!
Vanessa: Move! Move!
Ritter: Hey! Hey! Hey, stop! Stop!
Vanessa: Everything I own is in my tent!
Ritter: Yeah, you can't go in there...
Vanessa: But I gotta get my book!
Ritter: Yeah, it isn't safe, hey.
Kidd: I got her, Ritter. Hey, come on, come on. Come on.
Capp: Cruz! Cruz!
Severide: Everybody, report!
Capp: Cruz is down, Cruz is down! Are you okay?
Cruz: Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay... Aw, damn.
Capp: Whoa, you almost got Ned Stark-ed.
Severide: Hey, Capp, talk to me!
Capp: He's okay. I'm bringing him out now.
Severide: Copy that.
Breanne: This camp is a hazard. I've been saying it.
Al Wicker: Hey, can we help at all?
Kidd: You can stand back and let us work.
Vanessa: Irene, where's Big Jim? He's not out here!
Irene: Last I saw, he was going back to get Ricky's wheelchair.
Severide: Where was he headed?
Vanessa: Ricky's tent is the last one on the right.
Severide: Hey, Casey, we got one male victim unaccounted for! Check the last tent on the right!
Casey: Copy that! Almost there.
Big Jim: Help! Help... Help!
Severide: Casey... Hey, let's get him up.
Casey: One, two... Gotcha.
Cruz: How bad is it?
Mackey: Don't worry, Joe. I'm sure Chloe didn't marry you for your looks.
Cruz: Ha, ha.
Mackey: Hey. You scared me out there.
Cruz: Yeah, me too. I'd like to be around to see my child come into the world.
Casey: Mackey!
Mackey: Let's get him on the stretcher.
Brett: Pulse is weak. Let's start an IV.
Mackey: Yeah.
Casey: How'd you know I needed help?
Severide: Heard the name "Big Jim" and took a wild guess.
Casey: Big Jim? I know him. Called in an OD once when no one else wanted to get involved. He saved the guy's life.
Severide: I'm not surprised. He was risking his neck trying to get that wheelchair for a friend.
Gallo: All clear, Cap.
Casey: Yeah... 51, wash it down!
Herrmann: All right. Let's go!
Firefighter: Let's go! Move in, move in!
Brett: Let's get him to Med.
Firehouse: garage
Kidd: Hey, Brett. Someone here to see you.
Grainger: Hey, Sylvie.
Brett: Grainger. What brings you by? I thought the donut wars were over.
Grainger: So they say. Yeah. I'm actually just looking for some bag valve masks. Our ambo's out. You have any extras?
Brett: Yeah, sure. Give me a sec.
Kidd: That is so sweet of you, running errands for your paramedics. There are not many engine officers that would do that.
Grainger: Yeah, well, I'm a team player.
Kidd: Mm-hmm.
Brett: Here you go.
Grainger: Great, uh... Uh, maybe I could thank you with a drink at Molly's sometime.
Brett: Yeah, actually I'm headed there after shift.
Grainger: Then, I will see you then.
Brett: Okay.
Kidd: That boy has got it bad!
Brett: What?
Kidd: Oh, come on. A lieutenant picking up bag valve masks? Uh-uh. He was here to see you.
Brett: You think so?
Firehouse: toilets
Gallo: Pretty close call, huh?
Cruz: Yeah, not my first.
Gallo: Yeah, but I mean... One inch lower would've hit your carotid artery and you probably would've bled out before we even got you to the medics.
Cruz: Yeah, thanks for the happy thought.
Gallo: I'm just saying, I'm glad you're okay. Capp said that hunk of shrapnel's big enough to take your head off.
Cruz: Yeah. Capp needs to keep his mouth shut.
Firehouse: hallway
Ritter: Hey.
Vanessa: Hey.
Ritter: I remember you.
Vanessa: Yeah. I'm the genius who thought it was a good idea to run straight into an inferno.
Ritter: Yeah.
Vanessa: Sorry I gave you a hard time.
Ritter: No, no. That's okay. I get it. I'm Darren, by the way.
Vanessa: Vanessa... I had a copy of "The Secret Garden" in my tent. My grandmother gave it to me.
Ritter: I'm sorry... You have anywhere to go?
Vanessa: I'll be fine. It's not the first time I'm starting over... I don't want to start any trouble or anything, but... Have you figured out how the fire started?
Ritter: Uh... Hey. The homeless encampment fire... Do we have a cause yet?
Casey: Well, in camps like that, it's pretty common. Temporary structures that aren't exactly built to code.
Severide: Add heaters and camp stoves into the mix...
Vanessa: No, but that's the thing. Big Jim had a lot of rules about what kind of stoves and things are allowed. He's really, really cautious.
Casey: Big Jim ran the place?
Vanessa: He's our camp dad... He looks after all of us.
Severide: It seems like someone didn't follow his rules because...
Vanessa: No, we all did. Otherwise, you're out... There was this guy, Dixon. He lit a fire in a trash can a couple weeks ago. Jim booted him, and Dixon did not take it well. Screaming, throwing stuff. I don't think it was any camp stove that started that fire.
Casey: You think Dixon came back?
Vanessa: All I know is Jim was trying to protect us, and now he's lying in the hospital.
Casey: I heard back from Med. Sh-yeah, and monkeys might They said Jim'sutt. Hanging in there.
Severide: Not surprised. The guy seems like a survivor.
Casey: Already? Hey. Hey! What are you doing?
Driver: My job.
Severide: This was the scene of a suspicious fire. There's gotta be an investigation.
Driver: It doesn't sound like it falls under the purview of Streets and Sanitation, fellas.
Casey: We're firefighters, and we're telling you to stop.
Driver: Yeah, and I don't care if you're the commissioner or the pope. My orders this morning were to clear this mess up.
Severide: There goes any chance of evidence.
Mekhi: Everything okay? I heard yelling.
Casey: Uh, yeah. We're with the CFD. Worked the alley fire yesterday.
Al Wicker: Oh. Hey. Well, you guys did a hell of a job. Hats off... Al Wicker... Yeah, I live right over there.
Casey: Oh. Captain Matt Casey.
Severide: Hey, I'm gonna have a look around, see if I can't find anything useful that hasn't been bulldozed.
Casey: Yeah.
Al Wicker: Cleanup crew not supposed to be here?
Casey: They usually give us a few days.
Al Wicker: Well, I'd put money on it. My neighbors called the city. Demanded a quick cleanup. They weren't too happy with... All this.
Severide: Hey, can I talk to you? It's okay. I'm not a cop. I just wanna ask a question about the fire. Any idea how it started?
Dixon: How the hell would I know?
Severide: I figured you lived here.
Dixon: Too many rules. Rules are for children. Do I look like a child?
Severide: Hey, are you... Dixon? Wait! Hey! Just wanna talk to you! Hey!
Cruz's apartment
Chloe: Joe, listen to this. Stefano said he can't fix the pipes until next week.
Cruz: Oh, uh... Yeah, okay.
Chloe: But that bathtub has to be working when the baby comes. I mean, we can't just not bathe the baby.
Cruz: We will clean our baby. I promise. And we have six months to make sure that we have the tub perfect.
Chloe: That's true. It seems obvious when you say it like that... Joe, what happened?
Cruz: Um, uh... Capp. He was securing a bungee cord, and, uh, I don't know. I guess he had, like, ranch dressing on his fingers, 'cause they just slipped out of his hands, and whap. I paid the price.
Chloe: Aw, my love.
Cruz: It's fine. It's no big deal.
Chloe: Mm, that's a relief... Can you maybe call Stefano, and apologize, and just tell him to disregard anything... Extreme I may have said?
Cruz: Yup, of course.
Chloe: Thank you. You're the best.
Molly's: patio
Boden: Why do you think Dixon went back to the alley?
Severide: He might have been looking for something he left behind when Jim kicked him out.
Casey: Or he was just admiring his work. Hey, Ritter.
Ritter: What's up, Captain?
Casey: It looks like your friend was right.
Ritter: Vanessa?
Casey: Do you have any way of getting in touch with her?
Ritter: I took her number. What do you need?
Casey: See if she can find out where this Dixon guy ended up, anything that could help us track him down.
Ritter: Yeah. Will do.
Boden: What happens if you locate him? Do you think you'll have enough to get PD involved?
Severide: Doubt it.
Casey: Jim's conscious... Let me see if I can talk to him.
Severide: I'll tag along.
Kidd: What do you want?
Brett: Um...
Kidd: We got a special on Smithereens. Two for one.
Grainger: Oh, Smithereens. I like the sound of that.
Kidd: You will not be disappointed. Coming right up.
Grainger: I guess we just ordered.
Brett: Oh, yeah. Stella gets very excited about her cocktails. You look very nice. Special event later?
Grainger: No. No, this is, um... Just me and my limited wardrobe trying to impress a certain paramedic.
Brett: Oh. That's so nice, but lately, my... My track record with men has been pretty abysmal.
Grainger: Oh, that can't be true.
Brett: Oh, it's true. I've decided I'm cursed on that front, which probably makes me sound crazy.
Grainger: No, I don't... I don't think you're crazy. I just... Think you haven't found the right guy yet.
Brett: Maybe... But for now, I need to play it safe and stay aggressively... Single.
Grainger: Oh... Yeah. Yeah, sure.
Kidd: There you go.
Grainger: Right on time.
Chicago Med: Big Jim's room
Casey: We met a while ago. I don't know if you remember.
Big Jim: Yeah, you were with the paramedics that helped save my friend, Carlos.
Casey: You're the one who saved him. Those other people he was with were ready to let him die. Back then, you said you were gonna go live with your sister some place nice.
Big Jim: Jackson Hole. It didn't work out.
Casey: Oh. I'm sorry.
Big Jim: Yeah, she just had her second kid. Her husband hates me for a lot of reasons, some of which are deserved... You know, this ain't my first time waking up in a hospital... Never had a visitor though.
Casey: I wanted to check on you. And I wanted to ask, do you have any idea how the fire started?
Big Jim: I found some contraband in the camp. I wanted to see who it belonged to, and all of a sudden, someone starts screaming, "Fire, fire!" So I start evacuating people, and then, next thing, I wake up here.
Casey: What kind of contraband did you find?
Big Jim: Propane bottles. I tell everyone to use a liquid-fuelled camping stove. They're a little safer.
Casey: Yeah... I heard you run a tight ship.
Big Jim: Yeah.
Casey: Kicked out a guy named Dixon recently.
Big Jim: Yeah.
Casey: You think he could've set the fire?
Big Jim: Dixon? Ah, I don't know.
Casey: Any idea how we might find him?
Big Jim: Maybe try Tent City in the South Loop?
Severide: Hey, Jim, where'd you find that propane you just mentioned?
Big Jim: It was right outside my tent. I nearly tripped over it.
Casey: All right... Get some rest. We'll check in on you soon.
Big Jim: Okay.
Chicago Med: entrance
Severide: Hey. If Dixon put that propane right next to his tent, he wasn't just trying to burn down the camp.
Casey: No. He wanted Jim dead.
Ritter: Vanessa... Hey, thanks for getting back to me.
Vanessa: Yeah, yeah, sure. Find Dixon yet?
Ritter: He was back at the encampment, picking through what was left behind.
Vanessa: What'd he say?
Ritter: He ran before our guys could get to him.
Vanessa: See? What's that tell you?
Ritter: Can you maybe ask around? See if anyone knows where he might have gone? Put out some feelers?
Vanessa: Riding the Red and Blue lines'd be my guess. They go all night. Yeah, I can put the word out.
Ritter: What about you? Where are you sleeping?
Vanessa: I find my spots.
Ritter: You tried a city shelter? No?
Vanessa: Not for women. I'll say that. And, look, I'm fine. You don't gotta worry about me.
Ritter: Hey. I got you something... I know it's not the one your grandmother gave you, but...
Vanessa: I love it.
Ritter: There's also food in here. A sleeping bag, a first aid kit...
Vanessa: Is this... Thank you... Hey, I'll, uh... I'll call you soon as I hear anything, okay?
Ritter: Vanessa...
Vanessa: Thanks for all of this. Seriously.
Ritter: Look, you come to the firehouse anytime.
CFD: Van Metter's office
Casey: He could've propped the bottle on a milk crate and set something smoldering underneath it.
Severide: Or just crack the valve a little, lit a small jet. Wait for it to ignite the surrounding materials.
Van Meter: I'm hearing a lot of spitballing here. What do we know for sure?
Severide: Nothing. That's why we need you to get into it.
Casey: The cops won't bother tracking down Dixon until OFI rules this arson.
Van Meter: Where was the fire?
Casey: Armitage and Leavitt, but you're not gonna find much there.
Van Meter: Why?
Severide: The city bulldozed what was left of the encampment.
Van Meter: You didn't flag it.
Severide: The fire didn't seem suspicious to us on the scene. The information about Dixon came later.
Casey: We thought we still had time given the usual pace of city services, but...
Severide: We wish we'd moved sooner.
Van Meter: So now, you expect me to try and prove arson with zero physical evidence, a scene that's been sanitized, and a suspect we can't locate?
Casey: It's more than arson. It's attempted murder.
Van Meter: I couldn't prove loitering with what you're giving me.
Severide: Look, can you just trust our instincts and open the case?
Van Meter: I'll open a case, of course. But it's going on the bottom of that pile, and it's not moving to the top until I have something to act on.
Severide: We've put our feelers out for Dixon. We can talk to Jim again when he feels better. We'll get you something.
Casey: We're not letting this go.
Outside the firehouse
Gallo: Ritter is missing out.
Mackey: For real.
Gallo: I mean, this is the life.
Mackey: You know it.
Gallo: You getting, um, nauseous at all?
Mackey: A little bit. And I think my face is frozen.
Gallo: Mine too.
Cruz: Stefano did say that your profanity was off the charts, honey.
Gallo: Uh-oh. I thought he was inside.
Cruz: Well, maybe I'll just call him from now on... I know, I'm sorry that I'm gonna miss the ultrasound too. I promise I'll make the next one.
Gallo: We're free.
Mackey: What?
Gallo: He's over us. His attention's on Chloe and the baby. He doesn't have time to worry about our, uh... Situationship.
Mackey: You think?
Firehouse: Common room
Cruz: You guys. You didn't have to do this. Okay, is it something for the baby, or something for the papa?
Tony: Papa, definitely.
Cruz: Okay.
Capp: Ha! It's your shrapnel. We thought we could hang it in the briefing room, or maybe put it by the squad table.
Cruz: Better idea... Why don't you throw that in the trash? The last thing I need is for Chloe to come in here and see that. She thought I got this from a bungee cord.
Mouch: Why would she think that?
Cruz: She was so worried about marrying a firefighter, and now, we got a baby coming? And I couldn't let her know that I almost got my head taken off.
Mouch: Bad call, Cruz. I tell Trudy everything. Ever since I tried to lie about losing 300 bucks in a poker tourney, she broke me like I was made of glass.
Cruz: Trudy's a professional interrogator! Chloe is a sweet, innocent civilian!
Severide: What is that?
Capp: It's Cruz's shrapnel.
Severide: From the encampment fire? You had it this whole time?
Capp: Yeah... Hey, we made that!
Severide: This is evidence.
Firehouse: Boden's office
Boden: What do we get from this?
Severide: Well, I doubt they can pull any useful prints off it, considering the explosion, but maybe we can ID the specific type of tank it came from, figure out how Dixon rigged it.
Boden: There's a piece of a label here. It says "Oak," and then, something illegible.
Casey: Oh. Oakmont Hardware.
Severide: How'd you get all that from "Oak"?
Casey: I know the logo. It's a little mom-and-pop chain I use for construction jobs. They have two or three stores, but one of them's just a couple blocks away from the alley. Chief?
Boden: Go check it out.
Firehouse: garage
Kidd: And he was cool with just being friends?
Brett: I think so. I hope so. He is a really nice guy.
Kidd: And not bad to look at.
Brett: I know, I know. But... Now is just not a good time for me to be dating. Hmm. I wonder how many times I've said that in my life.
Dispatch: Ambulance 61. Person injured. Woodlawn Memorial Park.
Mackey: Ooh! My bad.
Woodlawn Memorial Park
Felix: Help! Help! Hurry, please!
Brett: One, two, three...
Mackey: It's too heavy.
Felix: Oh, God!
Brett: Dispatch said a fire engine is on its way, so just hang on a few more minutes. In the meantime, I'll give you some fentanyl for the pain.
Mackey: Look! 40's pulling up! Hey! Over here!
Brett: Hey, we have to get this off of him as fast as we can.
Grainger: Chase, Wynn, bring up some cribbing.
Chase: Copy that!
Brett: There you are. Breathe, hey, breathe. Breathe. There you go.
Grainger: All right, Chase, grab that side. Wynn, get ready to brace this thing.
Brett: All right. I'll help. Mackey, get ready to slide him out.
Mackey: Got it.
Grainger: All right. You ready? All right. And lift.
Mackey: Hey, hey, you're out.
Brett: It looks like a closed radial fracture. Let's get him to Med.
Mackey: Okay, sit up for me, sweetheart. Hey, thanks for the assist.
Grainger: Yeah.
Mackey: There you go. There you go. You're doing great.
Brett: Okay. Let's stand you up... "Jinglesnaps"? What is happening?
Grainger: This is Showmen's Rest. The clown graveyard.
Brett: The what?
Grainger: Built after a circus train wreck 100 years ago. It's a Chicago legend. I thought everyone knew about this place.
Mackey: Oh, I thought something was up when we passed that elephant mausoleum.
Brett: I-I did not know.
Grainger: Are you gonna be okay?
Brett: I don't do clowns!
Grainger: Okay, just hold tight. I got this. Hey, folks, we got a medical emergency here. I need everybody to stay on that side of Blinkie's grave and away from the medics. Thank you. Okay? Yeah, thank you... Love the wig.
Brett: Thank you.
Grainger: You're welcome.
Oakmont Hardware
Chuck: Matt Casey. Where you been? You abandon us for one of those big box stores?
Casey: Never. I've just been easing up on the construction gigs lately. CFD's keeping me busy.
Chuck: What can I get you?
Casey: Well, actually, Chuck, I'm here about that fire the other day, over on Armitage.
Chuck: The fire?
Casey: Somebody used a propane tank as an explosive, and we think they might've bought it from you.
Chuck: Oh, no.
Casey: Yeah, I was hoping you got a shot of the guy on the camera. Please tell me that system isn't just for show.
Chuck: No, it's real. But do you know when he bought it?
Casey: I was hoping you could tell me.
Chuck: Well, unlike the fancy camera, our inventory system is still in the dark ages. I can't pinpoint an individual transaction.
Casey: You gotta give me something, Chuck. That fire put a good man in the hospital.
Chuck: I'll tell you what. Here's the website and password for the security cameras. It goes back 30 days, so that's something like, uh, 300 hours of footage you'll have to comb through.
Casey: I'll throw some manpower at the problem. Thanks, Chuck.
Chuck: You bet... Come back soon.
Casey: Yeah.
Chuck: And spend some money, would you?
Casey: Will do.
Mekhi: Darren? I had no idea this was for you. Get over here, man! Okay, I see you. That firefighting done filled you out. You look like you could almost beat me in a 100-meter dash now.
Ritter: Oh, no, wasn't I the one always beating you?
Mekhi: Lies! Thanks, man.
Ritter: Here.
Mekhi: And I appreciate the order. I'm doing all I can to keep the restaurant alive.
Ritter: I can't imagine. So... I met someone who kind of reminds me of you back in the day.
Mekhi: Yeah?
Ritter: Yeah... And I have a favor to ask.
Firehouse: Common room
Mouch: We need to order from here more often. Or possibly, every day.
Ritter: Yeah. A friend of mine owns the place. I'll let him know he has some new fans.
Gallo: What are you doing tomorrow night? You wanna come over and watch Blackhawks?
Mackey: Actually, I have plans. Next time.
Gallo: Did you see what just happened?
Ritter: She went to get some water?
Gallo: She blew me off.
Ritter: It sounds like she's just busy.
Gallo: No, Cruz is over us, so now, she's over us. Before I was forbidden fruit, and now, I'm just... Regular fruit.
Ritter: Again, maybe, just maybe, she's actually just busy.
Gallo: No, I need to make myself dangerous again.
Ritter: No, you should not do that.
Brett: You should've seen it. He just took charge and directed those clowns right out of the way. I'm telling you, it was... Awesome... What?
Kidd: You really gonna make me do this?
Brett: Do what?
Kidd: So... Okay. You've had some bumps with the guys lately, right? Maybe had your heart stomped a little. Who hasn't? But you are no wilting wallflower. Bozophobia aside, you are an ass-kicking member of the CFD. And, my friend, it is time for you to put on your big girl gear and face the beast again.
Brett: You think? Just to clarify, "the beast" is men? Or is it specifically Grainger?
Kidd: Sylvie Brett, I just pep talked the hell out of you. No more waffling.
Severide: This guy we're looking for...
Cruz: Mm-hmm?
Severide: I'm glad he didn't end up taking your head off.
Cruz: Yeah, me too.
Severide: But I heard you talking, and my two cents? I think you should be straight with Chloe about what happened.
Cruz: Wait, Kelly Severide is dispensing relationship advice?
Severide: Yeah, well... A little while back, I decided to keep the truth from Kidd. I thought I was protecting her. Instead, I almost lost her... Like I said, just my two cents.
Casey: Ritter.
Ritter: Vanessa? What's wrong?
Vanessa: Jim is... Jim is... He's dead.
Ritter: What? Hey, hey. Oh, oh... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.
Firehouse: Briefing room
Vanessa: The doctors wouldn't tell me much 'cause I'm not family. But I don't understand. He was getting better.
Boden: With high-level burns and smoke inhalation, patients look like they're recovering... Then they take a turn for the worse.
Vanessa: I should've been with him... He was alone.
Casey: I hope someone can get word to his sister. I'm sorry about your loss, Vanessa. I really am... He was a good man.
Gallo: Guys, I think I found our arsonist. That's the propane, right?
Severide: Yeah... But that's not Dixon.
Vanessa: Mm-mm.
Gallo: Aw, damn.
Casey: Wait, wait, wait. Wait... Severide... We know this guy.
Severide: He's the one who lives right near the alley.
Severide: According to the assessor's office, this guy owns the better part of this block. He's got a lot riding on the property values around here.
Al Wicker's porch
Al Wicker: Hey, it's my firefighter friends.
Casey: You can drop the act.
Al Wicker: I'm not sure what you mean.
Severide: We know you've been complaining about the encampment for months, and we know that it was your phone calls to the ward office that got the cleanup crew here so fast.
Casey: And I want you to know, his name was James Benevides, Big Jim to those who knew him. He wasn't just some faceless nobody in a tent. He had a sister. He had nephews. He had friends...
Al Wicker: I don't know what this is about. You're obviously upset. And I'm busy right now, so...
Severide: No, you're gonna listen.
Casey: He helped people... First as a teacher, then a soldier. He survived Iraq, and he survived ten years on the streets. But what he couldn't survive was the fire you set.
Al Wicker: Whoa, I didn't start...
Casey: We got you on camera, buying the propane! And some of the camp residents place you at the scene on the morning of the fire. I just wanted to dissuade you of the notion that somehow Jim's life was worth less than yours. It wasn't.
Al Wicker: Hey...
Casey: He's waiting for you.
Cop: Alan Wicker, you're under arrest for arson, planting an incendiary device, and the murder of James Benevides.
Vanessa: Thanks... Thanks for dinner. You didn't have to do that, you know?
Ritter: I know.
Vanessa: I gotta ask, why are you being so nice to me? I mean, is it out of pity? Or something else?
Ritter: I had a friend... My best friend... Who just dropped out of my life one day. No explanation... I mean, at first, I was annoyed... But after a while, I got worried, so... I went to his house and found out... He and his mom had been evicted... Neighbor told me his mom bailed on him, and the last thing she'd heard, he was on the street, alone.
Vanessa: That sucks.
Ritter: I mean, I was so mad he hadn't said anything, you know, let me try and help... It didn't occur to him that, with a couple bad breaks, most of us could end up in that exact situation.
Vanessa: Well, is he okay now?
Ritter: Yeah. And he still volunteers at the youth center that got him off the street.
Vanessa: Yeah, well, I'll be 60 by the time they pull my name off one of those wait lists.
Ritter: Well... He made some phone calls.
Vanessa: What? Wait, what do you mean?
Ritter: There's a spot open for you to live there. Or... Here.
Mekhi: Vanessa? I'm Mekhi. This place saved me when I was your age. Bet it could do the same for you.
Vanessa: This is for real?
Ritter: It is. But you gotta promise me you'll keep in touch... No disappearing, okay?
Vanessa: I promise.
Ritter: Okay.
Firehouse 40
Grainger: Hey. Well, what brings you to 40?
Brett: I could really use your help. So it turns out our house is... Low on tools. You got any extra Halligans?
Grainger: 51 is short on Halligan bars? Wow.
Brett: Yep, so I'm just... Here trying to help my fellow firefighters.
Grainger: I've seen this kind of suspect behavior before.
Brett: You have?
Grainger: Yeah. Yeah, in my experience, it usually indicates a... Very strong desire to ask someone out.
Brett: Hmm.
Grainger: But I have to warn you, there's no proof it actually works.
Brett: Well, I'm willing to give it a try.
Grainger: Yeah?
Brett: Would you like to maybe go out with me sometime? Possibly this weekend?
Grainger: I would... And I hear the circus is in town.
Brett: Okay, on second thought, maybe I'll stay home.
Molly's patio
Gallo: Hey. Heads up. I heard from a few people we're not supposed to date in-house.
Mackey: A few people? Like who?
Gallo: Not important. But obviously, it means that we should keep what's happening between us on the down low. Since it's kind of... Taboo.
Mackey: How taboo is it, really? Kidd and Severide are together. And Casey was married to a firefighter at 51, right?
Gallo: Yeah I hear that... Still... Just you know, I'm thinking about buying a motocycle... Or a wingsuit. Haven't really decided yet.
Casey: I'm glad you were there. Otherwise, I might've broken that guy's jaw.
Severide: What makes you think I would've stopped you? Sorry about Big Jim.
Casey: Yeah, me too.
Cruz's apartment
Chloe: I'm so glad you're home! Listen to this!
Cruz: I have to tell you something.
Chloe: No, no, no, I have to tell...
Cruz: No, please, please. Let me just get this out... Um... This isn't from some bungee cord. I, um, had a close call at an incident, and I didn't want to worry you, so...
Chloe: Joe... We're having a boy.
Cruz: We're having a boy?
Chloe: Yeah.
Cruz: Oh, we're having a boy! We're having a boy.
Chloe: Yeah.
Au total, 51 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...
04.11.2023 vers 03h
01.09.2023 vers 23h
23.07.2023 vers 16h
03.07.2023 vers 14h
10.10.2022 vers 06h
01.08.2022 vers 03h
Avant de poster un commentaire, clique ici pour t'identifier.
Ritter a vraiment un grand coeur, j'aime beaucoup son personnage et j'ai beaucoup aimé comment il a réagit avec Vanessa, la sans-abris. On comprend mieux aussi pour il tient à apporter son aide avec ce qu'a vécu son ami.
J'aime bien aussi Sylvie avec le pompier de la caserne 40. Finalement je pense que le Casey/Brett, c'est totalement fini, fin c'était qu'une passade j'imagine. A voir par la suite, ou alors c'est avec celui de la caserne 40 que ce sera une passade... Bref, à voir. C'était d'ailleurs marrant avec sa peur des clowns ahah ^^
Super Episode !
Ritter et Vanessa très touchant.
l'enquête bien !
Sylvie et le lieutenenant de l'équipe 40 ça me plait ! Mais c'est dommage si c'est qu'une transition...
En plus c'est sympa de voir une autres caserne. D'ailleurs Quand Stella sera lieutenant faudra qu'elle se trouve une caserne (et non pas faire comme Hermann). Donc pourquoi pas s'habituer à voir d'autres casernes !
Merci aux 3 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode
Chicago Fire : la série
S12E02 Appelez-moi McHolland
Comment ça finit ?
S11E19 Quand la magie opère
S12E13 Adieux impossibles
S09E09 De surprise en surprise
S09E08 Issue de secours
S12E03 L'enlèvement
S13E07 Untouchable
Chicago Med, S10E06 (inédit)
Mercredi 6 novembre à 20:00
Chicago Fire, S13E06 (inédit)
Mercredi 6 novembre à 21:00
Chicago Med, S10E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 13 novembre à 20:00
Chicago Fire, S13E07 (inédit)
Mercredi 13 novembre à 21:00
Chicago Med, S10E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 novembre à 20:00
Chicago Fire, S13E08 (inédit)
Mercredi 20 novembre à 21:00
Chicago Fire, S13E05 (inédit)
Mercredi 23 octobre à 21:00
5.90m / 0.4% (18-49)
Chicago Med, S10E05 (inédit)
Mercredi 23 octobre à 20:00
6.05m / 0.4% (18-49)
Chicago Fire, S13E04 (inédit)
Mercredi 16 octobre à 21:00
5.64m / 0.4% (18-49)
Chicago Med, S10E04 (inédit)
Mercredi 16 octobre à 20:00
5.44m / 0.4% (18-49)
Chicago Fire, S13E03 (inédit)
Mercredi 9 octobre à 21:00
5.43m / 0.4% (18-49)
Chicago Med, S10E03 (inédit)
Mercredi 9 octobre à 20:00
5.33m / 0.4% (18-49)
On connait la date de retour du OneChicago !
NBC a annoncé il y a quelques jours la date de retour de la franchise OneChicago sur les ondes !
Nouveau design !
Changement de couleur sur le quartier !
Ce nouveau design a été réalisé par serieserie avec les...
OneChicago | Début des nouvelles saisons ce soir sur NBC !
Après des mois d'attentes et une rentrée des séries décallée en janvier liée à la grève des...
Chicago Fire | Un nouveau départ dans la prochaine saison !
Un nouvel acteur a annoncé quitté la série dés le première épisode de la douzième saison.
Chicago Fire | Un départ pour la prochaine saison !
Alors que la grève est terminée, les nouvelles concernant les séries arrivent peu à peu.
Les nouveautés des séries et de notre site une fois par mois dans ta boîte mail ?
Evangeline, 03.11.2024 à 17:34
Bonsoir! Nouveau sondage, nouvelle PDM, nouveau trailer sur Outer Banks! bonne soirée
langedu74, Avant-hier à 18:50
Hello à tous ! Venez deviner le film qui se cache derrière les émojis dans le Ciné-Emojis d'HypnoClap
Luna25, Hier à 21:39
Nouveau mois chez Legends of Tomorrow, Reign et Supernatural : calendrier, sondage, pdm, duel. Tout le monde peut participer.
chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 09:48
Fans de Torchwood venez nous aider au SI/PDM élire le meilleur second rôle, le vrai Captain Jack ou Angelo? Merci on est bloquées :-(
sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:31
Hello, nouveaux sondages et calendriers sur Le Caméléon, La roue du temps et The X-Files :=)