Firehouse: locker room
Herrmann: All right. So try to get along without me, boys.
Cruz: We'll do our best.
Herrmann: All right. So an Airbnb in Saugatuck. Six nights, seven days. Just me and the missus.
Mouch: When do you leave?
Herrmann: Heading out at noon. Just thought I'd show that floater, you know, the ins and outs on the engine rig before...
Grainger: That's me.
Herrmann: Hey, all right.
Mouch: Hey. You're the lieutenant over at...
Grainger: Rutledge's House of Donuts.
Mouch: Yeah. How's my old pal, Rutledge?
Grainger: I give him a wide berth.
Mouch: Well, tell him I'm coming for him.
Grainger: Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.
Herrmann: All right. Hey, the locker on the end there without tape on it, that one's open, so stow your bag and, uh, I'll give you the rundown.
Grainger: Great.
Brett: Oh, I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but this locker room is for 51 firefighters only.
Grainger: Well, I picked up a double, and as luck would have it...
Firehouse: lounge room
Casey: Psst.
Herrmann: Hey.
Casey: Is that... What's his name... Grainger covering for you?
Herrmann: Yeah.
Dispatch: Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61. Structure fire, 7725...
Herrmann: Lucky you guys, huh? The, uh, the middle pressure nozzle is a little stripped!
Grainger: Looks like we're rolling on the first floor. You, Ritter, grab a cross lay. We'll lead out from the front...
Casey: Hey! Hey, hey! Wait for my orders, Lieutenant.
Grainger: Oh, right. Sorry, Captain. I'm used to...
Casey: Squad, hit the second floor.
Severide: There's a short hallway and two bedrooms up there.
Casey: Yeah?
Severide: Yeah, I've been here before.
Casey: Okay, Kidd, with me.
Kidd: Yeah.
Casey: Gallo, Mouch, get the main raised and vent the roof. Engine?
Grainger: Yeah?
Casey: Attack the B-side.
Grainger: On it, Captain.
Casey: Severide, radio if you need more cover.
Severide: Yeah. Will do. Tony, Capp, you guys take the rear. Cruz, you're on me. Let's go!
Kidd: Ready, Captain.
Casey: All right.
Severide: Fire Department! Call out!
Kidd: Fire Department! Call out!
Severide: Fire Department! Call out! Hey, Cruz! This floor's about to catch. You clear that room. I'll check the back bedroom.
Cruz: Copy that.
Kidd: Cap! She's alive, Captain!
Casey:61, get ready for a severe burn victim! Let's go!
Severide: Hey! Here, take a breath... Let's get you out of here... Hey. I need an aerial to the upstairs window. Northwest corner.
Mouch: Copy. Venting the roof. Give me a minute to move the aerial.
Severide: What's your name?
Dylan: Dylan.
Severide: Dylan? Hop up. We're going out the window.
Dylan: Okay.
Severide: Hey, look at me. Look at me. We don't have time to wait for the aerial, okay? If you put your foot over about two feet, you're gonna find a drain pipe.
Dylan: How do you know that?
Severide: I used to live here. When I was your age, I snuck out this way a thousand times. Let's go... You got it... Easy... Go slow.
Mackey: Well, there's no way we're getting a IV in there.
Brett: Yeah. IO Drill. Hand me a flush and spike a bag.
Mackey: Copy.
Dylan: Oh, my God, Mom. Mom!
Mackey: Hey, whoa. Just wait, just wait.
Kidd: You gotta let them work. Come on.
Brett: All right, let's get her to Med. Hey, you can come with us... Stand back. Come on.
Casey: Secondary search is clear. Grainger, mop up those hot spots.
Grainger: Copy that, Captain.
Firehouse: garage
Boden: So the woman was trying to get to her refrigerator?
Casey: Yeah.
Boden: Drugs?
Casey: Seems likely. Remember that meth house we hit, where the freezer nearly took Severide's head off a few years back?
Boden: Okay, I'm gonna need an expedited incident report so I can get it over to CPD. My desk, inside the hour.
Severide: You got it, Chief.
Firehouse: common room
Mouch: Whose is this?
Cruz: Ooh! That is mine, actually.
Mouch: Makes sense.
Capp: Could've been mine.
Mouch: No.
Cruz: Anyway, um, I was reading an article in here about McDonald's, and how when they first got started, the only thing that you could buy was a burger and fries, but when they grew their menu, they built an empire.
Tony: Hmm, I prefer Portillo's.
Cruz: Yeah... So I was thinking, Slamigan. We only got the one product, the Slamigan.
Gallo: A damn good one product.
Cruz: Agreed. But what if we offered a few more menu items? You know, things that fit the brand of tough gear for tough firefighters?
Mouch: I am on board this train wherever it's headed.
Cruz: My proposal, we have a murderer's row of kickass firefighters in this house. You pitch me ideas, equipment that would elevate the Slamigan brand, and I will cut you in on a share of the profits when we go to market.
Ritter: Wait, say that last part again.
Cruz: Mm-hmm.
Firehouse: hallway
Grainger: Captain.
Casey: Yeah?
Grainger: Hey, I just wanted to let you know, I didn't mean to step on your authority at the fire scene. 40 doesn't have a captain. Makes me the one barking out orders till the chief gets there. I guess I just did it without thinking.
Casey: You're only here a couple of shifts. Defer to me on calls. We won't have any more problems.
Firehouse: garage
Kidd: Was that crazy? Working a call in your childhood home?
Severide: Rooms seemed smaller.
Kidd: Mm-hmm. It was a good thing you knew where that kid might go.
Severide: It was my escape route. Back bedroom, out the window, down the spout... You know April over at Med?
Kidd: Mm-hmm.
Severide: She used to live up the street, and she'd let me crash up at her place when... When I didn't wanna be home.
Kidd: This is in Benny's hey-day?
Severide: Yeah.
Kidd: And my mom, well, she was falling apart... Anyway... Long time ago.
Boden: Severide. This is Detective Corwin with Narcotics. He wants to get a closer look at that fridge. Will you take him up there? Make sure the ceiling don't come down on his head. I'll cover Squad.
Severide: Then let's go.
Corwin: Yeah, let's see, address is...
Severide: 6325 South Campbell Avenue.
Corwin: That's it.
Corwin: Busted a stash house a couple blocks over. Eight dudes with enough bricks to raise Pablo Escobar from the dead. My cousin, Danny, used to live over here. You know, got in early when the neighbourhood was on the upswing. Then got right back out. I told him, "This is nowhere you wanna be."
Severide: Woman went down here. Trying to get to that.
Corwin: Can you?
Severide: Yep.
Corwin: And there's our treasure box... A dealer. Back for his stash... Show me your hands!
Mr. Heglund: What?
Corwin: CPD! Do it now!
Mr. Heglund: This is my house.
Severide: Yeah, they live here.
Corwin: Okay. Sir, I need you to explain...
Mr. Heglund: Oh, no, oh, no. No, no, no, no!
Corwin: Sir, I'm gonna need you to calm down!
Mr. Heglund: It's all gone. It was for Dylan. It was his insulin supply. All of it. Oh, no. All of it, gone.
Corwin: Insulin?
Mr. Heglund: My son is diabetic. And this is... Oh, this... This was...
Dylan: I'm gonna wait in the car.
Mr. Heglund: Dylan... My wife, she... We got a lead on a bulk supply of insulin. Could get it at a discount, you know? We don't have two nickels, but it would've cost us twice... We thought we were being smart.
Severide: It's okay. You were taking care of him.
Mr. Heglund: The book says the Lord won't give you any more than you can handle. This is about as much as a man can take... Oh, man. Do you think maybe I could check out the bedroom? See if anything's left? Maybe find a change of clothes? My wife, she's... It looks like she's gonna be in the hospital for a while. They... They've got her in a coma.
Corwin: Yeah. Um, sure.
Severide: I'll go with you. Make sure it's safe.
Firehouse: hallway
Herrmann: Hey, is Engine all right?
Kidd: As far as I know.
Herrmann: Okay. Well, if you can hand me off to Ritter, I wanna look in the compartment.
Kidd: You are on vacation.
Herrmann: I didn't get a chance to go over everything before you guys barreled out of there.
Kidd: Okay, you're gonna have to call Ritter back. He's got some "Shark Tank" action going on right now.
Herrmann: What? "Shark Tank"? You gotta get me in the room!
Firehouse: briefing room
Cruz: Okay, fellas. What do you have?
Capp: What's the biggest problem Engine guys have fighting a fire? Their hands aren't free to do anything but hold the hoses. Not anymore.
Tony: We call it "Hose Hands."
Cruz: Pass. Next!
Gallo: Arms tired. Hands full. Still need to chop down that door!
Ritter: Then it's time for the Kick-Axe.
Cruz: That's one helluva name. Well, as long as it's not an axe strapped to your boots.
Gallo: We're gonna keep noodling on this.
Cruz: Mm-hmm, yeah, okay. Go ahead, Mouch.
Mouch: Nothing's more dangerous than losing track of your buddy in a fire, am I right? You got your radio, you got your helmet light, you got reflector strips, but it's not enough. It's never enough. And so, I give you the ultimate, fully luminescent bunker coat LED hybrid system. Flashgear! Wait for it. Oh!
Cruz: Okay, uh... Okay, guys. Look, no offense, but these are singles and doubles at best. If I'm gonna expand the Slamigan brand, I need a homerun. If you can't give me better ideas than this, I may be forced to look outside of 51.
Tony: What?
Capp: Wow!
Cruz: Good luck with that.
Gallo: We got tons of ideas.
Ritter: Right here.
Gallo: The one about the...
Ritter: I actually kind of feel like...
Firehouse: garage
Mackey: I'm a supervise some lunch. You want anything?
Brett: I'm good.
Outside the firehouse
Grainger: You know a lot about a lieutenant by the way he organizes his rig.
Brett: Oh, yeah?
Grainger: Your guy, Herrmann, he's got all of his foam equipment in one compartment so he can reach it easy. He's got his ropes and his forcible entry tools in the first compartment in case the truck's not there yet. And everything is perfectly lined up. He gave me some ideas about how to rearrange 40 when I get back.
Brett: How are you liking the rest of 51?
Grainger: The guys? Engine crew are total pros. Uh, and Chief, he seems like a straight shooter.
Brett: Yeah, Boden's the best.
Grainger: Your captain, being honest, he's... Wound a little tight.
Brett: What? Casey? No, he's... He's actually a great officer, and even greater guy. You just... Well, ask around. Everyone here loves him.
Grainger: Okay.
Dispatch: Ambulance 61. Man down from unknown causes. 2181 South Hamlin.
Building: hallway
Mort: It's my buddy, Pete. We were moving some furniture. He dropped his end. I think he's having a heart attack.
Brett: Pete?
Mort: It won't budge.
Mackey: I can call in Squad. They can bring in the saws.
Brett: No time.
Mort: What are you doing? That's my grandmother's!
Brett: Jump bag.
Mackey: You got it?
Brett: Yeah.
Mackey: And this.
Brett: Yeah. Okay. Get us enough room to get out of here.
Mackey: I'm on it.
Mort: Do you have to?
Mackey: Back it up!
Brett: He's in V-fib... Shocking... Got a pulse. Sats are good. Okay. Yep, there we go.
Firehouse: Boden's office
Boden: Hey. Is it quitting time already?
Casey: It is indeed, Chief.
Boden: Where did the morning go?
Casey: So I was going through the rolls, and thought we could bring in a different floater for next shift.
Boden: What's wrong with Grainger?
Casey: Oh, nothing. I just thought we could mix it up while Herrmann's gone. Get some fresh blood in...
Boden: It's less paperwork if we stick with Grainger. Unless, of course, you have a reason to... Hold that thought... Wallace Boden. Yes, sir. You sent me the wrong file. I need the FT1 report, not... I am looking right at what you sent me. Yes?
Casey: Never mind, Chief. It's all good.
Boden: Yeah, okay. Yes.
Gallo: So what about this? Firefighting robot.
Ritter: You know, to get in places too dangerous for firefighters to go.
Gallo: Remote control it. Use tank treads.
Cruz: You mean Kyujo... It's been done. Next.
Mouch: Have you ever needed a bathroom on a call, but had nowhere to go?
Casey: Herrmann letting you run the place?
Kidd: I am more like the designated survivor.
Casey: And Mouch?
Kidd: Uh, he prefers that side of the bar. Huh?
Casey: What's this?
Kidd: Well, your first beer's been paid for... I heard you blow him up at the call, and I think this is his shot at a peace offering.
Brett: You don't have to try so hard with Casey. He'll come around.
Grainger: You two had something, didn't you?
Brett: Uh... I don't know. It's a long story. It was somewhere between something and nothing, but it never got any further than...
Grainger: You don't have to confess anything to me. I could tell there's more going on.
Brett: Do you wanna get out of here? Okay.
Chicago Med: ER
Severide: Hey.
April Sexton: Hi. I was wondering when you were gonna stop by. I saw the address on that burn victim's intake form.
Severide: Crazy I got that call.
April Sexton: How's the house?
Severide: Not good. How's the victim?
April Sexton: Coma. Doctors are hopeful, though.
Severide: It was so... Strange being in there. I guess most of the time, I was busy sneaking out of that place.
April Sexton: Yeah. Or sneaking me in. I will never forget, 2:00 in the morning. You thought you locked the door.
Severide: I did! Benny rigged the bolt so it wouldn't latch.
April Sexton: I've never been out of a window so fast in my life.
Severide: I remember.
April Sexton: Your mom soured on me after that.
Severide: Nah, she was just going through it then.
April Sexton: Yeah.
Severide: You were there for me when I was at my lowest, you know that?
April Sexton: That year made me realize I should do this for a living. 'Cause if I could help Kelly Severide, I could help anybody.
Severide: That's actually why I'm here. The woman... The victim, she stayed inside the fire because she was going back for her son's insulin supply.
April Sexton: Oh.
Severide: And it's my understanding that the family's tapped out. I mean, there's programs, right? For situations like this? I mean, if you can just point me in the right direction...
April Sexton: Let me talk to one of our case management workers. There are all kinds of patient assistance programs for prescription aid. Goodwin has connections there. I just need to do some digging.
Severide: You sure?
April Sexton: That's why I'm here. Just give me till the end of shift. I'll call you as soon as I know anything.
Severide: Thanks, April.
April Sexton: You got it, Kelly.
Severide: And tell your folks hello?
April Sexton: I will.
Chicago Med: Mrs. Heglund's room
Doctor: We're hoping to bring her out of the coma soon, and then we're gonna start her on a regimen of medications. Skin grafts need to be taken...
Mr. Heglund: Dylan!
Chicago Med: elevator
Severide: I was the firefighter at your house the other day... You all right?
Dylan: It's my fault she's in here.
Severide: No, that's not true. Your mom was just trying to help. She was...
Firehouse: locker room
Kidd: Hmm. Morning.
Brett: Hey. Have you ever filled out one of these uniform request forms?
Kidd: Oh, yeah... What are you ordering?
Brett: My jacket got ripped on a call last shift. Thing never fit worth a damn. I'm gonna order some new pants too. I'm always hiking these up.
Kidd: Hmm. Crotch too long, hips too narrow?
Brett: Exactly.
Kidd: Mm-hmm, yeah. Try squeezing through burning debris with a turnout tailored for a linebacker. Or hauling around an airpack with straps too loose, 'cause, you know, that's what you want when you're trying not to asphyxiate... No one considers a woman's body, do they? This is a job designed by men, for men. And the equipment is no different. And so, what? I got these girls looking up to me every week at Girls on Fire. And I gotta explain to them that the gear is designed for men only? How is that supposed to inspire them?
Outside the firehouse
Casey: Third shift reported a double female coupling was missing. You do your inventory before you headed out last shift?
Grainger: Yeah. Of course.
Casey: Well, they put it on you. Check all your nozzles and hose bed before the bells go off.
Grainger: On it, Captain.
Ritter: He's not usually like that.
Grainger: That's what people keep saying... Come on, drop your bag and let's get to work.
Firehouse: Casey's quarters
Grainger: You got a minute? We found the missing coupling. Right where it was supposed to be, where we left it. Either third shift missed it, or they ticked the wrong box on their inventory.
Casey: Noted.
Grainger: I'm a good officer. I care about this job... I just hope me being here at 51 isn't a problem for you 'cause of whatever you had going on with Sylvie.
Casey: You're way out of line, Lieutenant.
Grainger: And you're unprofessional, Captain.
Dispatch: Truck 81, Engine 51. Car accident. 31st and Pulaski.
Jackie: Help me!
Mouch: This doesn't look so good.
Jackie: Help me! Help me!
Casey: 81, get some cribbing! We need to stabilize this vehicle.
Grainger: It could shift before you get the cribbing built up that high.
Casey: What's your idea?
Jackie: Help me!
Grainger: We loop a four-inch line and thread it between the car and the wall. Once it's charged, it should stabilize the vehicle long enough to clear the driver.
Casey: You've done this before?
Grainger: Nope.
Casey: Okay, we'll brace the other side with cribbing. Keep it from shifting.
Grainger: Great. Grab one length of four-inch and cap one end.
Jackie: Help me!
Casey: Ma'am, we're gonna get you out of there, okay?
Jackie: I can't feel my...
Casey: Hey, where's that cribbing?
Kidd: Right here, Captain.
Jackie: I can't feel my... Can't feel my body! It hurts!
Casey: Yeah. Try not to move, okay?
Jackie: All right.
Grainger: Watch your hand. There we go, yeah. Ritter, give me a little pressure.
Casey: We got pressure coming.
Grainger: Charge it all the way.
Casey: Charging all the way.
Ritter: Ready.
Grainger: Okay, Captain. We're good.
Casey: Gallo, get in there.
Gallo: Copy.
Casey: Collar.
Kidd: Yep. Collar.
Gallo: Yeah.
Casey: On three. One, two, three.
Grainger: Nice work.
Mouch: That was a hell of an idea.
Casey: Yeah.
Firehouse: louge room
Brett: What is wrong with you?
Casey: What?
Brett: I heard the way you were talking to Grainger before that last call.
Casey: Then you heard him out of line.
Brett: No, Matt, he wasn't. You were. You've been riding him for two straight shifts.
Casey: I have not...
Brett: You have! And what you're not getting, Matt, this doesn't have anything to do with Greg Grainger. It doesn't even have to do with me. It has to do with the fact that you're still in love with Dawson... I called you out, and you haven't done anything about it. Maybe you should reach out and resolve that so you can go back to being the Matt Casey everyone looks up to around here, and not this.
Firehouse: briefing room
Ritter: What'd I miss?
Mouch: Cruz is announcing the newest product in the Slamigan catalog.
Ritter: Ooh! Who won?
Mouch: No idea.
Cruz: Okay. First, I wanna thank you all for your entries. They were some... Truly creative ideas... Still, there can only be one winner, and in this case... It is me.
Capp: That seems questionable.
Cruz: Imagine. For women in the fire service, it's hard enough being in a job built by men, for men. And when the gear is made for men only, it's high time for a change.
Kidd: That's what I said to Brett.
Cruz: I know. It was very inspiring.
Capp: Boo!
Cruz: Okay, that's unnecessary.
Mackey: Okay, can we just get to the reveal already?
Cruz: Okay. Gear designed with the female body in mind. No more sagging pants. No more dangerously oversized turnout gear. I call it... "Lady Bunker Gear"!
Capp: Nice!
Mackey: Um...
Kidd: Uh...
Cruz: What?
Kidd: These designs... Did you make them?
Cruz: Uh, well, yeah. I mean, they're just mockups.
Mackey: Okay. You're gonna need a woman's input before these, uh, go to the market.
Kidd: Yeah, okay. Bingo. Um... We're gonna do a pass, and, uh, we are gonna need some profit participation.
Mackey: Yes, definitely.
Cruz: Uh, yeah, okay. Yeah, that sounds good. Um...
Kidd: Uh-huh.
Cruz: Yeah, but maybe...
Firehouse: Severide's quarters
Severide: Hey.
April Sexton: Hey. So on my way home from shift, I got a call from our head of research.
Severide: Yeah?
April Sexton: There's a program for Insulin Degludec. It's new to the market. The manufacturer's in a phase II open label study, and they need subjects of all ages. They're aggressively enrolling teenagers, 11 to 18. All meds would be covered.
Severide: Amazing.
April Sexton: Yeah, there's no guarantee that there's a spot for Dylan, but Dr. Kaplan said to get his application in as soon as possible, and he'll expedite it.
Severide: That's great. Above and beyond.
April Sexton: Happy to help.
Severide: I was supposed to stop by the Academy now anyway. They want me to teach a class again. But I will stop by Med, and I'll let the dad know.
April Sexton: Okay, I will text you Dr. Kaplan's number.
Severide: Okay. And... Thanks again. For everything.
April Sexton: Anytime, Kelly.
Chicago Med
Mr. Heglund: Okay. Okay. Thank you.
Severide: Hey, Mr. Heglund? I was just coming to see you... You all right?
Mr. Heglund: My son, he never came back to the hospital last night. They're about to bring Evangeline out of her coma. I can't leave.
Severide: All right. Do you know where he might be?
Mr. Heglund: My neighbor called. She saw him breaking into our house.
Severide: You be here for your wife. I'll go get your son.
Mr. Heglund: Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Severide: Dylan? Dylan?
Dylan's room
Severide: Dylan... You heading somewhere?
Dylan: Anywhere but here.
Severide: You're gonna walk out on your parents like this? With your mom in the hospital?
Dylan: You don't understand... I-I heard them talking. They try to keep their voices down, but I sat on the stairs, and I heard them... All the money went to medicine... For me... They have nothing for themselves... They're better off without me.
Severide: That where you hid your stuff?
Dylan: It was here before I moved in.
Severide: I made it... I used to steal cigars from my dad, hide them in there.
Dylan: There was a note in here when we first moved in. I don't remember what it said.
Severide: "I'm here anytime you need me." It was written by a girl who used to live up the street... I was going through some rough times back then. Same age as you... You know what I learned? You gotta lean on the people who love you... I met your dad. And he loves you, kid. It's all over his face. And your mom? She's gonna need you... Now more than ever.
Dylan: I've caused enough problems.
Severide: The girl, the one who wrote that note, she saved me back then. And she's still helping people, and she's really good at it. And I think she could help you too.
Dylan: How?
Severide: Come on. Let's go see your old man. Let him know you're okay. I'll tell you about it on the way.