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Chicago Police Department
#420 : En quête de rédemption


En enquêtant sur le meurtre d'un adolescent, Voight trouve une connexion avec l'arme du meurtre - en l'associant à un cas qu'il a travaillé il y a 17 ans. Alors que le père de la victime, un important avocat de la défense, tente d'obtenir la prise en charge de l'affaire par Homicide Central Area, Voight se replonge dans l'ancien cas sous l'œil vigilant de son ancien partenaire, le Lieutenant Denny Woods.


4.69 - 16 votes

Titre VO
Grasping for Salvation

Titre VF
En quête de rédemption

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Adam (Patrick John Flueger)

Adam (Patrick John Flueger)

Hank, Al et Adam sont sur les lieux du crime

Hank, Al et Adam sont sur les lieux du crime

Hank entre dans son bureau

Hank entre dans son bureau

Jay et Alvin

Jay et Alvin

Kevin et Adam ont vu quelque chose

Kevin et Adam ont vu quelque chose

Alvin regarde des parents en pleurs

Alvin regarde des parents en pleurs

Adam est à son bureau

Adam est à son bureau

Jay (Jesse Lee Soffer) a l'air bien triste

Jay (Jesse Lee Soffer) a l'air bien triste

Hank (Jason Beghe) est sur le canapé de son bureau

Hank (Jason Beghe) est sur le canapé de son bureau

Erin est au téléphone

Erin est au téléphone

Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Kevin Atwater (LaRoyce Hawkins)

Alvin Olinsky

Alvin Olinsky

Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) discute avec Hank en toute discrétion

Trudy Platt (Amy Morton) discute avec Hank en toute discrétion

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas)

Alvin Olinsky (Elias Koteas)

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) au volant de sa voiture

Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) au volant de sa voiture

L'équipe est près d'une victime

L'équipe est près d'une victime

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) est à son bureau

Erin Lindsay (Sophia Bush) est à son bureau

Alvin Olinsky dans les bureaux des Renseignements

Alvin Olinsky dans les bureaux des Renseignements


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Samedi 29.02.2020 à 20:50

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France (inédit)
Mercredi 09.05.2018 à 00:20

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 26.04.2017 à 22:00
6.27m / 1.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Réalisateur : Dave Rodriguez

Scénario : Tiller Russell

Guests : Esai Morales (Chef Lugo), Brian Keane (Raymond McKinnon), Lizzie Broadway (JoJo McKinnon), Dana Ashbrook (Mark Scalise), Bowman Wright (Terrance Valentine), Jasmine Carmichael (Sharice Valentine), Philip Casnoff (Mr. Dowd), Mykelti Williamson (Denny Woods), Jennifer Grace (Janine), Sean Cooper (Maury Kerr), Nickolas Loquercio (Eric Scalise), Annie Fitzpatrick (Gloria Dowd), Peyton Wilson (Carol Scalise)


Ruzek: Boss.

Voight: Hey.

Ruzek: Got a male, white, 17 years old, took a shot to the head. Victim's been ID'd as a Richard Dowd. Son of Frank Dowd? I don't know. Everyone here seems to know him.

Olinsky: Defense attorney. If you went to court on a major case, you'd know him. Handed me my ass on the stand on more than one occasion.

Voight: Well, tonight he lost his son.

Olinsky: Yeah.

Lindsay: We've got stippling on the forehead, but no star-shaped entry wound. This was close range, but not contact.

Voight: Okay.

Halstead: And a .22 Smith & Wesson was found over where Atwater is searching.

Voight: Well, let's bag his hands and clothes. Check for GSR. And get a round-robin on that pistol, Kev.

Gloria Dowd: No! Richie! Richie!

Frank Dowd: No, no, it's okay. You can't go there, okay? You can't go. Stay right here. Stay. Honey, I've got you.

Olinsky: I'm Detective Olinsky.

Frank Dowd: Not now. Just give us a minute. Not now. I got you.

Olinsky: Yeah, okay.

Frank Dowd: You can't go there.

Intelligence’s office

Lindsay: Intelligence.

Voight: Yo, what do we got on the victim?

Halstead: Richard Dowd, he went by Richie. He was a senior at Lakeside. Captain of the lacrosse team and winner of the dean's award for academic excellence.

Voight: Priors?

Halstead: Not unless getting early admission to Yale is a crime these days.

Lindsay: Okay, I'll tell him. That was Maury down in Ballistics. He says that when the techs turned Dowd over, a bullet fell out of his hoodie.

Voight: Run down, check it out.

Lindsay: Maury says he wants to speak to you in person.

Voight: Right. Run point till I get back.

Ballistics lab

Voight: Hey, Maury.

Maury Kerr: Oh, Hank, uh, thanks for coming. I...

Voight: What's up?

Maury Kerr: Um, uh, first off, your DOA from this morning was killed with the 22 recovered on the scene.

Voight: Okay.

Maury Kerr: I ran it through IBID, the gun, the wound, the round, they all match up. But here's the thing, it also matches up perfectly to a case that you worked 17 years ago.

Voight: Right, what case?

Maury Kerr: The Ruffalo murder in Bridgeport.

Voight: No, that's impossible. We recovered that murder weapon from the shooter's home.

Maury Kerr: I went over the report six times before I called. Seventeen years ago, you recovered a gun that was the same caliber, make and model. But the bullet itself was too disfigured for a conclusive ID. Luckily, microscopy's gotten a little better since then. So I pulled the original slug and I tested it against the one in the killing today. The ballistic markings, they're identical. Six lands with a right hand twist.

Voight: The guy we put away for the Ruffalo murder is doing life at Stateville.

Maury Kerr: I'm sorry to hear that, but ballistics don't lie. You had the wrong gun.

Intelligence’s office

Lindsay: No abrasions, no contusions, no defensive wounds. The only injuries were consistent with a dead man fall and on top of that, his hoodie was zipped and his jewellery was intact.

Olinsky: Any other physical evidence at the scene?

Halstead: Richie's iPhone was found in his pocket, but it needs a thumbprint to unlock it.

Ruzek: Ah, we can subpoena the provider, but it's gonna take a while to get the call logs and the texts, the emails. No exigent circumstances, that's what the phone guy's gonna say. There's no imminent threat, no flight risk, that sort of thing.

Olinsky: Can I see that?

Atwater: Hey, where's Voight? He still at Ballistics?

Lindsay: Haven't heard from him.

Olinsky: That three digit code on his account number, that's a family plan. So if it's in his father's name...

Ruzek: Oh, yeah, he can give us access to it. Al, you still got it. Everyone, Al's still got it. Did you hear that? Erin, tweet that out. Al's still got it. The world should know.

Halstead: You think Frank Dowd's ready to talk?

Olinsky: Let's find out.

Dowd's house

Halstead: We're so very sorry.

Gloria Dowd: I still can't believe it.

Frank Dowd: Where are you at on this case? Any suspects you like?

Olinsky: Well, that's actually why we're here. Do you know if anyone would wanna hurt your son?

Frank Dowd: No!

Gloria Dowd: Everybody loved him.

Olinsky: When was the last time you saw Richie?

Gloria Dowd: Last night. We had dinner at Rosebud.

Olinsky: Okay. How did he seem?

Gloria Dowd: Good. Happy. He was talking about which dorm he wanted at New Haven, right?

Halstead: Did he say where he was going after dinner?

Frank Dowd: He didn't. Why isn't Area Central Homicide investigating this case?

Olinsky: You're in good hands, Mr. Dowd. Don't worry.

Halstead: If we could get access to your son's call logs, it would really help with the timeline. You pay the bills, Mr. Dowd. So you're in control of the account. All we need is your written consent.

Frank Dowd: Let me look at the language. I'll get back with you.

Halstead: It's your standard, boiler-plate consent to search form. You've seen a million of these.

Frank Dowd: I'll get back to you.

Olinsky: Again, we're very sorry. We'll let ourselves out.


Olinsky: Well, he's looking to get this settled on the street.


Voight: My man.

Denny Woods: There he is!

Voight: Hey. Denny, how are you?

Denny Woods: You look good.

Voight: You too, brother. Little bit older. Yeah. Maybe a little more than a little.

Denny Woods: You're buttering me up. Look at me. Looking to borrow money, my layabout brother-in-law beat you to it.

Voight: I'm good on that end.

Denny Woods: Thank God. So what you got?

Voight: I just wanna run something by you. Look, this gun we recovered at a homicide we were working last night. They ran ballistics. Apparently the same weapon was used in the Ruffalo murder.

Denny Woods: That's impossible.

Voight: Yeah, I know. That's what I said, but...

Denny Woods: Well, who ran it?

Voight: Maury Kerr.

Denny Woods: Maury. The only reason he hasn't been let go of, his old man was tight with the deputy chief.

Voight: He's certain about this, Denny.

Denny Woods: Ah… We got the right guy.

Voight: Look, the gun you recovered was in Valentine's closet. Right?

Denny Woods: In a cigar box, upper right hand side. Like it was yesterday.

Voight: Okay, your CI who ID'd Valentine, I mean, how reliable was...

Denny Woods: We're not doing this. What, is Maury bucking for a promotion or some damn thing? I got no idea. Valentine killed Ruffalo. He's doing time for it and that's it.

Voight: The gun doesn't match.

Denny Woods: You look like a cop who's been on the hamster wheel too long. Come on, now, go park it on the beach in Florida for a couple weeks, man, and clear your head. I'm serious… It's good seeing you, Hank.


Voight: I need you to pull a file for me. It's a cleared, closed homicide from 2000. Victim's name is Ruffalo, offender is Valentine. Denny Woods, case officer.

Woman: 2000, huh? That could be an issue.

Voight: Why's that?

Woman: Couple years back, when we merged all the areas together, a number of boxes from 2000 and 2001 went missing. A lot of Detective Woods' files were in that group.

Voight: They were, huh?

Woman: Yep, you're out of luck. But if it's any consolation, you're not the only one asking for that file.

Voight: Who else?

Woman: There's a notation from nine months ago. A Sharice Valentine put in a public records request.

Voight: Offender's daughter?

Woman: Same last name, anyways.

Voight: Thanks.


Atwater: Hey, Jane.

Jane: Oh. What can I do for you, Kev?

Atwater: How you doing?

Jane: I'm good. How are you?

Atwater: Okay, so, you know, I'm going down for my detective badge and I've been taking these night classes. Just trying to get ready for the exam. Two of these are a suicide, one is a murder. The assignment is for me to identify which is which.

Jane: Uh, what, you're asking me to tell you?

Atwater: Yeah.

Jane: Isn't that cheating?

Atwater: No, I don't think so.

Ruzek: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt. I need a few more shots of our DOA. You mind if I...

Jane: I'm done processing him. He's bagged and tagged. Go ahead.

Atwater: Yeah, Jane, I wouldn't even consider that cheating. I think that's just me just knowing the right smart, beautiful person to ask to... To ask to help me out a little bit.

Jane: That one, there, is the murder victim.

Atwater: Mm, you're so smart. How'd you know that?

Jane: The name's Charlie Perkins. I cut his ass open three years ago. We found four 9mm slugs inside.

Atwater: Is that right?

Jane: Yeah.

Atwater: Well, I appreciate you. I don't think people give you enough credit.

Jane: You know what? They don't. They don't.

Intelligence office

Ruzek: Our DOA Richie Dowd's got quite the photo collection on his phone. Most of them are this girl, right here. In very few of the photos does she have any clothes on.

Olinsky: Her face is partially obscured in all these.

Ruzek: Yeah, that's about the only thing you can't see.

Atwater: Yeah, so me and Ruz haven't ID'd the girl yet, but we did a reverse Google Image search, found out that somebody's been posting the exact same pics on a revenge porn website.

Halstead: Looks like our golden boy's not so perfect after all.

Olinsky: Well, so now we have a motive. All we need to do is find out who she is, where she's at, who she runs with.

Ruzek: I'm wondering if we can take the partial shots of her face, put them together, make a composite image, and run it through facial recognition.

Atwater: Yeah, that's definitely worth a shot.

Halstead: I got a buddy at OCD Tech. I bet they'd help out.

Ruzek: All right.

Lindsay: Guys, I got something… Seventeen years ago, Voight worked a murder case in the neighbourhood he grew up in. The victim was a friend of his, owned a corner store in Bridgeport. Nick Ruffalo. At the time, they thought the shooter was this guy, Terrance Valentine. Ballistics just confirmed that they had the murder weapon wrong. The gun that shot Ruffalo is the same gun that we recovered from the Dowd crime scene last night.

Halstead: Where's Valentine now?

Olinsky: He's in prison. Voight helped put him there.

Lindsay: We gotta figure out who killed Richie Dowd so that Voight can figure out how that gun was used in the Ruffalo murder, which is starting to look like a real wobbly conviction right now.

Sharice Valentine’s door house

Sharice Valentine: Yes?

Voight: Hi. Sharice Valentine?

Sharice Valentine: Yes.

Voight: Sergeant Hank Voight.

Sharice Valentine: Okay, what's wrong?

Voight: Actually, I'm looking back into your father's case.

Sharice Valentine: Are you serious?

Voight: I am. May I come in?

Sharice Valentine: Yeah.

Sharice Valentine’s house

Sharice Valentine: My dad wasn't some angel before he was sent to prison but, you know, sometimes I think we got lucky. I mean, at least he's still alive.

Voight: Mm-hmm… Tyson's Discount Dresses.

Sharice Valentine: The same date and time that the murder happened. Almost to the minute. It's printed there, at the top.

Voight: What happened to the original?

Sharice Valentine: I gave it to the other detective, Woods. Never heard back. And then when I requested the file from the police last year, they said it was gone.

Voight: This... This doesn't prove your dad's the one who made the purchase. You understand that, right?

Sharice Valentine: My mom passed giving birth to me, Sergeant Voight. There wasn't anybody but my dad to buy a dress for my first communion.

Voight: Thank you for your time.

Sharice Valentine: Hey. Please don't open this up unless you're gonna follow through with it. I don't think I can deal with another false hope.

Intelligence’s office

Halstead: All right, my connect at OCD ID'd the girl from Richie Dowd's phone. This is Jo Jo McKinnon. She goes to Kennedy Park East. She's 18, no criminal history, parents are divorced. Her dad has primary custody. His name's Raymond McKinnon. He lives at 4044 North Saber.

Olinsky: All right, the sooner we move on this the better. A CI just texted me. Apparently Frank Dowd's put out a reward on the street for information on his son's killer.

Lindsay: How much?

Olinsky: 15 grand. Guys are coming out of the woodwork.

Lindsay: All right, Adam, Kev, you guys go see if Jo Jo's willing to talk.

Atwater: Yes, ma'am. 4044 North Saber.

Ruzek: Mm-hmm.

Raymond McKinnon’s door house

Ruzek: Hi, Raymond McKinnon?

Raymond McKinnon: Yeah.

Ruzek: I'm Officer Ruzek, this is Office Atwater. We're from CPD. Is Jo Jo in?

Raymond McKinnon: Why?

Ruzek: A young man by the name of Richie Dowd was murdered last night. We believe your daughter knows him.

Raymond McKinnon: She was home last night.

Ruzek: Okay, well, that's fine. We're just... We'd still like to talk to her.

Raymond McKinnon: Are you aware of the whole photo thing?

Atwater: Yeah, we are.

Raymond McKinnon: Well, when that bastard first started putting those photos of Jo Jo out there, no one gave a damn.

Atwater: Yeah, well, we are very sorry about that.

Raymond McKinnon: She had to drop out of high school because of the humiliation. She was contemplating suicide. And we're still dealing with it every day. And it could have been stopped. But because his dad's some big wig lawyer...

Atwater: Sir, this is a homicide investigation.

Raymond McKinnon: I heard you. And am I sorry Richie Dowd got killed? No. Far as I'm concerned, he's a bully who got what he deserved. She was home last night. Up in her room. You wanna know more? Get a warrant.


Platt: Hey. So I ran all of Woods' arrest history, including any case where he was listed as additional police personnel. This is every pinch he's ever been involved in. So a couple years before the murder, Woods locked up Valentine on an unrelated robbery. Valentine had a BB gun, so he gets off with probation. Did you know any of this?

Voight: No.

Platt: Hank. Do you really wanna lock horns with Denny Woods?

Intelligence’s office

Halstead: All right, I ran Jo Jo McKinnon's phone records. She made three calls to Richie Dowd the week of the murder, all ten seconds in duration.

Olinsky: Yeah, about the time it takes to tell someone to go to hell.

Halstead: Yeah, I also dumped her GPS data for the last month, just looking for any shared way-points with Richie. The only breadcrumb we got is that she met with Richie at 2200 hours the day before he was killed.

Lindsay: We still can't put her at the crime scene night of.

Halstead: Jo Jo doesn't leave the house much, except to go to a private tutoring center. She attended class as recently as yesterday. And I got the address and her schedule right here.

Lindsay: Let's get that to Adam and Kev.

Halstead: All right.

Lindsay: Chief.

Chief Lugo: Who's the case officer on the Richie Dowd murder?

Lindsay: I am.

Chief Lugo: Area Central Homicide's taking over the case.

Lindsay: What? This has been Intelligence from the jump off. We worked the crime scene.

Chief Lugo: Yeah, well, Frank Dowd doesn't want you working it anymore. Apparently, he's got enough juice with the brass above me to have it transferred out.

Olinsky: Oh, this case goes over to Area Central Homicide, it won't be a trial, it'll be a funeral.

Chief Lugo: You're saying what, Detective?

Olinsky: Well, plenty of Dowd's clients are into him so for some big cake. And more than one will be willing to settle it on the street. All they need is a name.

Halstead: We got word that Dowd's throwing money around.

Chief Lugo: Okay. I'll delay the paperwork until end of shift. But then Area Central's taking it. It's the best I can do.


Terrance Valentine: What the hell are you doing here?

Voight: I'm looking into your case.

Terrance Valentine: Yeah? So you can add some more charges for something else I didn't do.

Voight: Listen, new information has come up.

Terrance Valentine: Yeah? What?

Voight: Please. Please, sit down. Let me ask you something. Did you have a beef with Detective Woods before the Ruffalo murder?

Terrance Valentine: Look, it's more like he had one with me.

Voight: Okay.

Terrance Valentine: Look, I had the balls. I tried to make a beef against him for knocking me around in the district. But that went nowhere. Big surprise? But Woods, yeah, he found me after. And he told me to my face that he'd settle the score.

Voight: Is there anyone who can back that story up?

Terrance Valentine: Oh, no. Hell no. You bring somebody else in here. Look, I'll talk to them, but I ain't about to trust your lying ass.

Voight: My friend took a bullet in the forehead over $122. You're lucky they didn't pull you out of the...

Terrance Valentine: Lucky? Look, I've been rotting in here like meat for 17 years. You know what? I'm glad you came by. So I can finally tell you in person to kiss my ass… Now get me out of here.

Voight: Yeah.

Terrance Valentine: Yo...


Atwater: Hey, Jo Jo. How you doing?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Who are you?

Atwater: I'm Atwater. This is Ruzek. Chicago PD.

Ruzek: Hey.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: My dad told me not to talk to you guys.

Ruzek: Is that who you're calling right now?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: And if it is?

Ruzek: That would be a mistake.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Yeah? Why's that?

Ruzek: I mean, chances are, he's gonna give you bad advice.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Like telling me not to talk to you?

Ruzek: That would qualify, yeah.

Atwater: Yeah.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: And that's bad, how, exactly?

Atwater: 'Cause you'll get arrested. As opposed to us just giving you a ride to the station and letting you answer some questions voluntarily.

Ruzek: Listen, it's your call.

Interview room

Lindsay: And tell us about your relationship with Richie Dowd.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: To be honest with you, I'm not in any big hurry to revisit what happened, okay? It's upsetting to me and my family.

Lindsay: We understand that. Okay, we do. But the fact remains that Richie was murdered and you were one of the last people to talk to him.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: We started dating about six months ago. We met a couple weeks before that, I guess.

Lindsay: And what was your relationship like?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Normal.

Lindsay: How did it end?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: I told him it was Senior Spring and I wanted to be free.

Halstead: How'd he take that?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Freaked out.

Halstead: What did you do when he started posting the photos?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: I begged him to stop, but he didn't. Then he started posting them again the other day, which is why I called him.

Lindsay: Do you have any idea who might've killed Richie?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: No.

Halstead: You don't think it was anyone who was upset about what he did to you? Friend or a family member?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Look... In spite of everything he's done to me, when I found out what happened, I cried. He was my first boyfriend. I loved him. He loved me… Just too much.

Intelligence’s office

Voight: All right, where are we at connecting the two cases?

Ruzek: We're plugging away, but we still don't know how the same gun could've been used in both murders.

Voight: Well, find out.

Ruzek: Hey, boss...

Olinsky: Hey. Someone's here to see you, Hank.

Voight’s office

Denny Woods: Have a seat. You might wanna get that door. I've got a theory. You wanna hear it?

Voight: Sure.

Denny Woods: You fell in love with the tight-bodied school teacher 20 years younger than you. First woman you been with since Camille died. And she throws a hump into you. Makes your eyeballs roll back like a slot machine. Then she starts taking you to her church, you know, where they clap their hands and shake their butts. And now, you're grasping for salvation. Am I close?

Voight: No. I'm just making sure we put away the right guy.

Denny Woods: This has nothing to do with the Valentine case. This is about you. Standing on the ledge of your career, looking down at all the outlaw moves you pulled in the gang unit and being haunted by them. Which is not my problem. You would be well advised not to try and make it...

Voight: Denny, don't you want to kn...

Denny Woods: Ah, ah, ah, ah. Lieutenant.

Voight: Lieutenant... Don't you wanna know what happened?

Denny Woods: Already do. And I'm exceedingly comfortable with the case we presented, as is the deputy chief. And the Conviction Integrity Unit.

Voight: But the gun doesn't match.

Denny Woods: I trust my CI on that case more than a damn gun. In fact, he helped me put away a whole lot of bad guys. Hank, you go pulling a thread, there's no telling what all unravels… Quit digging into this. Or... What was the line you used to say all the time? Oh, yeah. We're going for a ride.

Intelligence’s office

Voight: So where we at with the Dowd case?

Halstead: There was a 911 call from Frank Dowd's house the day after the sexting pictures hit the Internet. But the day before Richie was killed. The housekeeper said she saw an adult white male trying the front door handle.

Voight: Mm.

Halstead: Patrolmen responded to the scene. They couldn't find anybody, but the housekeeper ID'd Raymond McKinnon from a photo array. That's Jo Jo's dad.

Lindsay: It's enough for a warrant… Where you going?

Voight: Just run the case. Keep me posted.

Lindsay: Hank...

Olinsky: Let him go.


Janine: Hank Voight?

Voight: Janine? How you been?

Janine: Good. Busy.

Voight: I'm sorry it's been so long.

Janine: A lot of Nick's friends sort of faded away after he got killed.

Voight: Yeah.

Janine: I guess they didn't want to be reminded he's not here anymore or whatever. What do you need?

Voight: I'm actually looking back into his case.

Janine: Why?

Voight: I think we may have put away the wrong guy… Listen, I remember catching the tail end of you talking to my partner when he told you that we caught the guy who did it. Okay? And you said it felt like you were seeing things. Remember that? I mean, do you remember what you meant by that?

Janine: Oh. I was walking back to the storage room and I saw this guy walk in, approach Nick at the counter. I barely got a look at him. But I could tell that he was white. And five seconds later, or... What felt like five seconds anyway... I heard the gunshot. I came running out. There was nobody here except Nick, bleeding… So when Detective Woods showed me Valentine's photo, I was surprised because he's black. Because how could he have gotten into the store that quickly? And what about the white guy? Detective Woods said that happens sometimes on the heels of a trauma. The mind plays tricks on you.

Voight: I'll see you soon.

Janine: Yeah.

Voight: Uh...

Interview room

Ruzek: Mr. McKinnon.

Raymond McKinnon: You better have a damn good reason for bringing me down here. I already told you everything I know.

Ruzek: You left out the part where you went to Richie Dowd's house the day after Jo Jo's pictures showed up online.

Raymond McKinnon: I wish you people would've worked this hard when I needed your help.

Ruzek: No, man. Now's the part where we move on to you telling us why you went to Richie Dowd's house the day before he was murdered.

Raymond McKinnon: I was looking to have a conversation with the young man.

Atwater: Wanted to hurt him a little bit?

Raymond McKinnon: Can't say I really had a plan.

Atwater: Hm. Was Richie home when you got there?

Raymond McKinnon: No. I got back home, my blood stopped boiling, and that was that.

Atwater: Mr. McKinnon, do you own a gun?

Raymond McKinnon: I don't. So Richie was shot? I'm asking.

Atwater: Don't play with me. You know Richie got shot.

Raymond McKinnon: I've had three surgeries on each hand for carpal tunnel. I can't squeeze a tube of toothpaste. Does it look like I could pull a trigger?

21 entrance

Jo Jo. McKinnon: My dad's here?

Lindsay: That's right.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Why?

Lindsay: Because he wasn't completely honest with us the first time we spoke.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Well, he didn't kill Richie.

Lindsay: How do you know that?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Because we were watching "The Voice" together at the time Richie was killed.

Lindsay: Hm.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Can you tell that to whoever he's talking to?

Lindsay: You can tell them yourself.

Interview room

Jo Jo. McKinnon: Dad!

Raymond McKinnon: Sweetie. Hi. It's okay, it's okay.

Lindsay: Have a seat. Guys, we know somebody's lying to us. And we're done being jerked around. So whoever wants to step up to the plate, I suggest you do so now.

Raymond McKinnon: It was me. I killed Richie.

Lindsay: Okay.

Atwater: Okay. We'll call down to the State's Attorney's office, have you do a videotaped confession.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: No, no, he didn't do it.

Raymond McKinnon: Sweetheart. Don't say another word.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: No, I didn't do it either. But I know who did.


Jo Jo. McKinnon: I didn't wanna say anything because we've been best friends since we were kids and this whole thing is because of me.

Lindsay: Okay. Slow down. Who's we?

Jo Jo. McKinnon: My friend Eric. He said he was gonna tell Richie to stop with the photos. Then he came back with this look. Like something went wrong.

Lindsay: So you're saying that Eric went and confronted Richie and killed him.

Jo Jo. McKinnon: I mean, I wasn't there. So I didn't ask Eric that question. But I mean... I have a feeling that's what happened.

Lindsay: Okay. Jo Jo, I need a last name.

Intelligence’s office

Halstead: Chief Lugo called twice.

Voight: What do we got?

Lindsay: Nothing iron clad yet, but Jo Jo gave us the name of a boy we want to talk to. Eric Scalise. Turned 18 two weeks ago. No priors.

Voight: His father Mark Scalise?

Halstead: Right.

Lindsay: Yeah.

Voight: Mark Scalise was Woods' CI who helped put away Valentine.

Halstead: Scalise killed Ruffalo. And then he kept the murder weapon. Seventeen years later, his son uses it to kill Richie Dowd. Eric Scalise either knew where his dad kept the gun or it was given to him. He panics after he pulls the trigger and he tosses it.

Olinsky: We need to get this kid off the street before he winds up dead. That bounty's still out.

Voight: All right, notify the ASA. Get a search warrant. Hey, and keep it under wraps.


Atwater: Okay. Where does Eric hang his hat?

Ruzek: 4032 South Lafayette Street. Same place he grew up. Hey, boss, his father still lives there.

Scalises door house

Carol Scalise: Yes?

Voight: Chicago PD, I'm looking for Eric.

Carol Scalise: He's not here. What's this about?

Mark Scalise: Carol, what's going on?

Voight: Hey, Mark, it's been a while.

Mark Scalise: Do I know you?

Carol Scalise: Well, he's looking for Eric.

Voight: Actually, I'm looking for you, too.

Mark Scalise: For what?

Carol Scalise: Hey, look, you can't do this!

Voight: Yeah, you wanna get locked up, too?

Atwater: It's clear. No Eric, Sarge.

Voight: Okay, come on.

Interview room

Voight: Mark Scalise. Man, it is odd seeing you. I mean, this is how I remember you. Seventeen years ago. A spineless, drug addicted snitch. Still, there was a kinship there. I mean, we both worked for Woods. He'd snap, we jumped.

Mark Scalise: I turned my life around.

Voight: Hm. Yeah, so did I. You know who else looks different these days? Terrance Valentine. The man you put in prison for a crime you did.

Mark Scalise: Wrong.

Voight: The gun... The one you kept all these years... Your son used it to murder somebody last night… So here's what we're gonna do, Mark. We're gonna make things right. You tell me why you killed Nick Ruffalo, and I'll pull back charges on your son when we find him.

Mark Scalise: Where's Woods? I'd like to talk to him.

Voight: See, there's no more hiding behind Woods. No more pinning it on other people… No more lies.

Mark Scalise: I don't know what you're talking...

Voight: Yes, you do! And you're gonna tell me.

Ruzek: Sarge, we need you to...

Voight: Not now!

Ruzek: It's gotta be now.

Voight: Not now!

Ruzek: Boss, damn it, I need to talk to you.


Voight: This better be good.

Ruzek: Sarge, hold up for a sec.

Intelligence’s office

Voight: Chief.

Denny Woods: Let's go, Sergeant. We're headed to the Review Board.

Voight: Regarding what?

Denny Woods: Insubordination. And failure to respond to a direct order of a superior officer.

Voight: Chief, I'm just working the Richie Dowd murder, wherever that takes me.

Denny Woods: Whoa, whoa, you're talking to me, Sergeant. And there's no more tap dancing. Move. Now.

Chief Lugo: Pull everything you have on the Dowd case, get it over to Area Central Homicide. Intelligence is done here.


Ruzek: Hey, so kick Scalise. Yeah?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Atwater: Wait, wait. This text message just came through Scalise's phone. There's no name attached.

Olinsky: Saying what?

Atwater: "What's going on? What's the plan?"

Halstead: That's gotta be Eric. His dad probably bought him a burner phone.

Olinsky: Well, we can triangulate the signal. See if you can pinpoint his location.

Lindsay: Do it.


Olinsky: No.

Halstead: No.

Olinsky: It's that one, down there.

Halstead: Second floor, apartment 25, end of the hall… Eric Scalise, Chicago PD.

Eric Scalise: Who are you?

Halstead: I already told you. Son of a...

Interview room

Olinsky: Look, Eric, as far as we know, you were just defending Jo Jo's honour. I mean, you don't have a record. You probably didn't mean for anything to happen.

Halstead: I mean, we're thinking you went home, you dug up one of your dad's guns and you went to see Richie. And that's when things fell apart.

Olinsky: Okay, so, now here's the problem. This is your dad's gun, right? All right, so see, him and your mom they're responsible for providing a weapon that was used in the commission of a crime. Just because it was in the house, where you could have access to it.

Halstead: Unless they drove you to see Richie and they put the gun in your hands and they said, "Go kill him." Is that what happened?

Eric Scalise: Jo Jo's a good girl. And... And she just made a mistake. She didn't deserve to have those photos posted online. I mean, she was talking about suicide. I went to Richie and I told him to quit doing that. And... And he laughed. And turned to walk away. And so, uh, I pulled the gun out. Just to, uh, show him I was serious. And, uh, and he said, "Bitch, you gonna bring a gun? You better be ready to use it." And I don't even remember pulling the trigger. But after it went off, I dropped it and ran.

Interview room

Mark Scalise: This is what?

Lindsay: Your son's confession. For the murder of Richie Dowd. Voight's offer still stands, but only for about two more minutes. What decides this is whether or not you're willing to clear up what happened 17 years ago.

Mark Scalise: And Eric will get charged with what then?

Atwater: Involuntary manslaughter. Not murder.

Mark Scalise: Meaning he still gets jail time.

Atwater: Yeah. He'll do three to five. But that's not life. Your son says that Richie came at him. He brought the gun to protect himself.

Lindsay: So?

Mark Scalise: Nick Ruffalo. If he'd just given up the money, nothing would have happened. But I was high, and... He just... Didn't move fast enough. I called Woods after to clean it up. I was so wigged out, I couldn't find the pistol, I...

Lindsay: The gun that you and Woods put on Valentine, where'd you get it?

Mark Scalise: He's a cop. You're a cop. You can get anything you want.

Atwater: And why'd you ID Valentine?

Mark Scalise: Woods fat fingered him in the photo array. I worked a lot of cases with the guy. He had no problem cutting corners.

Atwater: Why'd you keep the gun?

Mark Scalise: I didn't know it was the same gun. Otherwise, I would've thrown it in the river.

Atwater: How do you not know that?

Mark Scalise: You ever been addicted to heroin?

Meeting room

Chief: Lieutenant Woods?

Denny Woods: As you can see, the historical record shows 56 complaints of excessive force against Sergeant Voight. That's the kind of officer he is, has been, and always will be until someone finally does something. And now, Sergeant Voight is chasing ghosts on a 17-year-old case, disobeying direct orders and neglecting his duties as head of the Intelligence Unit.

Lindsay: You're gonna wanna see this.


Chief: Lieutenant Woods, you are stripped of your police powers immediately. And you are placed on a no-pay status until a full investigation is conducted into every case you have ever worked… You are dismissed.


Terrance Valentine: I would like to express my gratitude to my family.

Journalist: In a stunning development, Terrance Valentine was released from Stateville Prison today after being wrongly convicted for the murder of Nick Ruffalo 17 years ago. With the Chicago Police Department citing new evidence that showed that Mr. Valentine could not have been the killer. The family has refused comment at this time.

Sharice Valentine’s door house

Voight: Sharice?

Sharice Valentine: Sharice Hello.

Voight: I was just hoping to talk to your dad for a minute.

Terrance Valentine: Hey, who is that, baby?

Kikavu ?

Au total, 109 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

30.10.2023 vers 23h

21.05.2023 vers 23h

16.04.2023 vers 12h

30.04.2022 vers 12h

13.02.2022 vers 14h

12.02.2022 vers 00h

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cobrate  (09.05.2018 à 02:18)
Message édité : 07.06.2018 à 16:41

A part quand il s'agit de sa famille, je crois que c'est la première fois que je vois Voight aussi ébranlé... au point de devoir faire une pause avant de remonter en voiture... [Forum Saison 4]

natas  (01.05.2017 à 08:16)

Très bon épisode et très prenant.

J'ai quand même eu peur pour Voight !

Aelis  (06.04.2017 à 10:11)

26 avril ????!!!! Ils veulent nous rendre malade en fait, le temps d'attente est super long ! cry


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Chicago Police Department, S11E01 (inédit)
Vendredi 5 juillet à 22:50

S11E02 (inédit) à 23:35

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S11E03 (inédit)
Samedi 6 juillet à 00:20

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S11E04 (inédit)
Vendredi 12 juillet à 22:50

S11E05 (inédit) à 23:35

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Chicago P.D., S11E13 (inédit)
Mercredi 22 mai à 22:00
4.89m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E12 (inédit)
Mercredi 15 mai à 22:00
4.99m / 0.5% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E11 (inédit)
Mercredi 8 mai à 22:00
4.73m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E10 (inédit)
Mercredi 1 mai à 22:00
5.01m / 0.4% (18-49)

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Chicago P.D., S11E09 (inédit)
Mercredi 3 avril à 22:00
4.75m / 0.4% (18-49)

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